function New-BMPipeline { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new pipeline in BuildMaster. .DESCRIPTION The `New-BMPipeline` function creates a new pipeline in BuildMaster and retuns an object representing the new pipeline. In order to deploy an application, you must create a release for that application. Each release gets assigned a pipeline, which are the set of steps to do when releasing and deploying. Pipelines can belong to a specific application or shared between applications. The pipeline is created with no stages. The following settings are enabled: * Enforce pipeline stage order for deployments The following settings are disabled: * Cancel earlier (lower-sequenced) releases that are still active and have not yet been deployed. * Create a new release by incrementing the final part after a release has been deployed. * Mark the release and package as deployed once it reaches the final stage. This function uses [BuildMaster's native API]( .EXAMPLE New-BMPipeline -Session $session -Name 'Powershell Module' Demonstrates how to create a new pipeline that is not used by any applications. In this example a pipeline named `PowerShell Module` will be created. .EXAMPLE New-BMPipeline -Session $session -Name 'PowerShell Module' -Application $app Demonstrates how to create a new pipeline and assign it to a specific application. In this example, the pipeline will be called `PowerShell Module` and it will be assigned to the `$app` application. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [object] # An object that represents the instance of BuildMaster to connect to. Use the `New-BMSession` function to creates a session object. $Session, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] # The name of the pipeline. $Name, [object] # The application to assign the pipeline to. Can be: # # * An application object with `Application_Id`, `id`, `Application_Name`, or `name` properties. # * An application ID (must be an integer) # * An applicatoin name (must be a string) $Application, [string] # The background color BuildMaster should use when displaying the pipeline's name in the UI. Should be a CSS hexadecimal color, e.g. `#ffffff` $Color, [string[]] # Stage configuration for the pipeline. Should be an array of `<Inedo.BuildMaster.Pipelines.PipelineStage>` XML elements. $Stage ) Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' $pipelineParams = @{ 'Pipeline_Name' = $Name; 'Pipeline_Configuration' = @" <Inedo.BuildMaster.Pipelines.Pipeline Assembly="BuildMaster"> <Properties Name="Standard" Description="" EnforceStageSequence="True"> <Stages> $( $Stage -join [Environment]::NewLine ) </Stages> <PostDeploymentOptions> <Inedo.BuildMaster.Pipelines.PipelinePostDeploymentOptions Assembly="BuildMaster"> <Properties CreateRelease="False" CancelReleases="False" DeployRelease="False" /> </Inedo.BuildMaster.Pipelines.PipelinePostDeploymentOptions> </PostDeploymentOptions> </Properties> </Inedo.BuildMaster.Pipelines.Pipeline> "@; 'Active_Indicator' = $true; } if( $Application ) { $pipelineParams | Add-BMObjectParameter -Name 'application' -Value $Application } if( $Color ) { $pipelineParams['Pipeline_Color'] = $Color } $pipelineId = Invoke-BMNativeApiMethod -Session $session -Name 'Pipelines_CreatePipeline' -Parameter $pipelineParams if( $pipelineId ) { Invoke-BMNativeApiMethod -Session $session -Name 'Pipelines_GetPipeline' -Parameter @{ 'Pipeline_Id' = $pipelineId } } } |