{ "Synopsis": "WhereFor: Where-Object + Foreach-Object", "Description": "WhereFor is a small command that allows you to filter and process objects in a single pipeline.\n\nThis allows a single object pipeline to be split into multiple conditions and actions.\n\nWhereFor takes a list of dictionaries where each key is a condition and each value is an action.\n\nAny input object that matches a condition will run the action.\n\nThis will all happen within a\n[steppable pipeline](,\nso you can use it in a pipeline.\n\nIt has a few aliases:\n\n* `?%`\n* `WhereFor`\n* `WhereFore`\n* `Get-WhereFore`", "Parameters": [ { "Name": null, "Type": null, "Description": "", "Required": false, "Position": 0, "Aliases": null, "DefaultValue": null, "Globbing": false, "PipelineInput": null, "variableLength": false } ], "Notes": [ null ], "CommandType": "Function", "Component": [ null ], "Inputs": [ null ], "Outputs": [ null ], "Links": [], "Examples": [ { "Title": "EXAMPLE 1", "Markdown": "", "Code": "1..3 | ?% @{\n {$_ % 2} = {\"$_ is odd\"}\n {-not ($_ %2)}={\"$_ is even\"}\n}" }, { "Title": "EXAMPLE 2", "Markdown": "", "Code": "Get-Process | \n WhereFor @{\n { $_.Handles -gt 1kb } = { \"$($_.Name) [ $($_.Id) ] has $($_.handles) open handles \" }\n { $_.WorkingSet -gt 1gb } = { \"$($_.Name) [ $($_.Id) ] is using $($_.WorkingSet) of memory\" }\n }" }, { "Title": "EXAMPLE 3", "Markdown": "", "Code": "\"the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog\" -split '\\s' | \n Get-WhereFor ([Ordered]@{\n { $_ } =\n { \"Word: $_\"; \"Length: $($_.Length)\" }\n { $_ -match '[aeiou]' } =\n { \"Vowels: $($_.ToCharArray() -match '[aeiou]')\" }\n { $_ -match '[^aeiou]' } =\n { \"Consonant: $($_.ToCharArray() -match '[^aeiou]')\" }\n })" } ] } |