function Set-WJPrivateData { <# .SYNOPSIS This just makes it easier to get/set Module PrivateData .DESCRIPTION Describe the function in more detail .EXAMPLE Set-WJPrivateData -key SomeKey -value SomeValue .PARAMETER Key The name of the variable you want to set the value for .PARAMETER Value The value you want to set. #> #requires -version 3 [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True,ConfirmImpact='Low')] param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Key, [Parameter()] $Value = $null ) #/param begin { #do pre script checks, etc } #/begin process { $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.PrivateData[$key] = $Value } #/process end { } #/end } #/function |