
# culture="en-US"
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
        ErrorWebApplicationTestAutoStartProviderFailure = Desired AutoStartProvider is not valid due to a conflicting Global Property. Ensure that the serviceAutoStartProvider is a unique key.
        VerboseGetTargetResource = Get-TargetResource has been run.
        VerboseSetTargetAbsent = Removing existing Web Application "{0}".
        VerboseSetTargetPresent = Creating new Web application "{0}".
        VerboseSetTargetPhysicalPath = Updating physical path for Web application "{0}".
        VerboseSetTargetWebAppPool = Updating application pool for Web application "{0}".
        VerboseSetTargetSslFlags = Updating SslFlags for Web application "{0}".
        VerboseSetTargetAuthenticationInfo = Updating AuthenticationInfo for Web application "{0}".
        VerboseSetTargetPreload = Updating Preload for Web application "{0}".
        VerboseSetTargetAutostart = Updating AutoStart for Web application "{0}".
        VerboseSetTargetIISAutoStartProviders = Updating AutoStartProviders for IIS.
        VerboseSetTargetWebApplicationAutoStartProviders = Updating AutoStartProviders for Web application "{0}".
        VerboseSetTargetEnabledProtocols = Updating EnabledProtocols for Web application "{0}".
        VerboseTestTargetFalseAbsent = Web application "{0}" is absent and should not absent.
        VerboseTestTargetFalsePresent = Web application $Name should be absent and is not absent.
        VerboseTestTargetFalsePhysicalPath = Physical path for web application "{0}" does not match desired state.
        VerboseTestTargetFalseWebAppPool = Web application pool for web application "{0}" does not match desired state.
        VerboseTestTargetFalseSslFlags = SslFlags for web application "{0}" are not in the desired state.
        VerboseTestTargetFalseAuthenticationInfo = AuthenticationInfo for web application "{0}" is not in the desired state.
        VerboseTestTargetFalsePreload = Preload for web application "{0}" is not in the desired state.
        VerboseTestTargetFalseAutostart = Autostart for web application "{0}" is not in the desired state.
        VerboseTestTargetFalseIISAutoStartProviders = AutoStartProviders for IIS are not in the desired state.
        VerboseTestTargetFalseWebApplicationAutoStartProviders = AutoStartProviders for web application "{0}" are not in the desired state.
        VerboseTestTargetFalseEnabledProtocols = EnabledProtocols for web application "{0}" are not in the desired state.