function GetOperationValidation { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve the operational tests from modules .DESCRIPTION Modules which include a Diagnostics directory are inspected for Pester tests in either the "Simple" or "Comprehensive" directories. If files are found in those directories, they will be inspected to determine whether they are Pester tests. If Pester tests are found, the test names in those files will be returned. The module structure required is as follows: ModuleBase\ Diagnostics\ Simple # simple tests are held in this location (e.g., ping, serviceendpoint checks) Comprehensive # comprehensive scenario tests should be placed here .PARAMETER ModuleName By default this is * which will retrieve all modules in $env:psmodulepath Additional module directories may be added. If you wish to check both $env:psmodulepath and your own specific locations, use *,<yourmodulepath> .PARAMETER Type The type of tests to retrieve, this may be either "Simple", "Comprehensive" or Both ("Simple,Comprehensive"). "Simple,Comprehensive" is the default. .EXAMPLE PS> Get-OperationValidation -ModuleName C:\temp\modules\AddNumbers Type: Simple File: addnum.tests.ps1 FilePath: C:\temp\modules\AddNumbers\Diagnostics\Simple\addnum.tests.ps1 Name: Add-Em Subtract em Add-Numbers Type: Comprehensive File: Comp.Adding.Tests.ps1 FilePath: C:\temp\modules\AddNumbers\Diagnostics\Comprehensive\Comp.Adding.Tests.ps1 Name: Comprehensive Adding Tests Comprehensive Subtracting Tests Comprehensive Examples .LINK Invoke-OperationValidation #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0)] [string[]]$ModuleName = "*", [ValidateSet("Simple","Comprehensive")] [string[]]$TestType = @("Simple","Comprehensive"), [version]$Version ) BEGIN { #$testTypes = $type.Tostring().Replace(" ","").split(",") function Get-TestName ( $ast ) { for($i = 1; $i -lt $ast.Parent.CommandElements.Count; $i++) { if ( $ast.Parent.CommandElements[$i] -is "System.Management.Automation.Language.CommandParameterAst") { $i++; continue } if ( $ast.Parent.CommandElements[$i] -is "System.Management.Automation.Language.ScriptBlockExpressionAst" ) { continue } if ( $ast.Parent.CommandElements[$i] -is "System.Management.Automation.Language.StringConstantExpressionAst" ) { return $ast.Parent.CommandElements[$i].Value } } throw "Could not determine test name" } function Get-TestFromAst ( $ast ) { $eb = $ast.EndBlock foreach($statement in $eb.Statements) { if ( $statement -isnot "System.Management.Automation.Language.PipelineAst" ) { continue } $CommandAst = $statement.PipelineElements[0].CommandElements[0] if ( $CommandAst.Value -eq "Describe" ) { Get-TestName $CommandAst } } } function Get-TestCaseNamesFromAst ( $ast ) { $eb = $ast.EndBlock foreach($statement in $eb.Statements) { if ( $statement -isnot "System.Management.Automation.Language.PipelineAst" ) { continue } $CommandAst = $statement.PipelineElements[0].CommandElements[0] if ( $CommandAst.Value -eq "It" ) { Get-TestName $CommandAst } } } function Get-ModuleList { param ( [string[]]$Name, [version]$Version ) foreach($p in $env:psmodulepath.split(";")) { if ( test-path -path $p ) { foreach($modDir in get-childitem -path $p -directory) { foreach ($n in $name ) { if ( $modDir.Name -like $n ) { # now determine if there's a diagnostics directory, or a version if ( test-path -path ($modDir.FullName + "\Diagnostics")) { # Did we specify a specific version to find? if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Version')) { $manifestFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $modDir.FullName -Filter "$modDir.psd1" | Select-Object -First 1 $manifest = Test-ModuleManifest -Path $manifestFile.FullName if ($manifest.Version -eq $Version) { $modDir.FullName break } } else { $modDir.FullName break } } # Get latest version of no specific version specified if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Version')) { $versionDirectories = Get-Childitem -path $modDir.FullName -dir | where-object { $ -as [version] -and $_.Name -eq $Version } } else { $versionDirectories = Get-Childitem -path $modDir.FullName -dir | where-object { $ -as [version] } } $potentialDiagnostics = $versionDirectories | where-object { test-path ($_.fullname + "\Diagnostics") } # now select the most recent module path which has diagnostics $DiagnosticDir = $potentialDiagnostics | sort-object {$ -as [version]} | Select-Object -Last 1 if ( $DiagnosticDir ) { $DiagnosticDir.FullName break } } } } } } } } PROCESS { Write-Progress -Activity "Inspecting Modules" -Status " " if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Version')) { $moduleCollection = Get-ModuleList -Name $ModuleName -Version $Version } else { $moduleCollection = Get-ModuleList -Name $ModuleName } $count = 1; $moduleCount = @($moduleCollection).Count foreach($module in $moduleCollection) { Write-Progress -Activity ("Searching for Diagnostics in " + $module) -PercentComplete ($count++/$moduleCount*100) -status " " $diagnosticsDir=$module + "\Diagnostics" if ( test-path -path $diagnosticsDir ) { foreach($dir in $TestType) { $testDir = "$diagnosticsDir\$dir" Write-Verbose -Message "TEST DIR: $testDir" if ( ! (test-path -path $testDir) ) { continue } foreach($file in get-childitem -path $testDir -filter *.tests.ps1) { Write-Verbose -Message "TEST SCRIPT: $($file.fullname)" $script = Get-Command -Name $file.fullname $parameters = $script.Parameters if ($parameters.Keys.Count -gt 0) { Write-Debug -Message 'Test script has overrideable parameters' Write-Debug -Message "`n$($parameters.Keys | Out-String)" } $testNames = @(Get-TestFromScript -scriptPath $file.FullName) foreach ($testName in $testNames) { New-OperationValidationInfo -FilePath $file.Fullname -File $file.Name -Type $dir -Name $testName -ModuleName $Module -Parameters $parameters } } } } } } } |