
# Define the base URL and the item name
$baseUrl = "https://api.warframe.market/v1/items"
$itemName = "nova_prime_neuroptics_blueprint" # Replace with the URL-friendly name of the item

# Construct the full URL
$url = "$baseUrl/$itemName"

# Make the GET request
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method GET -Headers @{
    "Accept-Language" = "en"  # Optional: Specify the language for the response

# Convert the JSON response to a PowerShell object
$itemData = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json 

# Output the item's details
$itemData | Format-List

# Access the items in the set
$itemSet = $itemData.payload.item.items_in_set
foreach ($part in $itemSet) {
    Write-Output "Part: $($part.url_name), Ducats: $($part.ducats)"