
    $Script:argCompFunction = {
        param($wordToComplete, $commandAst, $cursorPosition)

        [int]$cursorPosition = $cursorPosition - $commandAst.Extent.StartOffset
        [String]$commandString = $commandAst.Extent.ToString()
        [String[]]$compTokens = $commandAst.CommandElements.ForEach({$_.Extent.Text})
        [String]$compPattern = Get-CompletionPattern -Tokens $compTokens -WordToComplete $wordToComplete

        <#$astDump = ($commandAst | Out-String) -split "`r`n" | Where-Object { $_ -ne "" }
        $indentedAstString = ($astDump | ForEach-Object { " ${_}"}) -join "`r`n"
            "wordToComplete: '${wordToComplete}'",
            "cursorPosition: ${cursorPosition}",
            "Extent.StartOffset: $($commandAst.Extent.StartOffset)",
            "commandString: '${commandString}'",
        ) -join "`r`n" | Out-File -Append -FilePath $completionLogFile#>

        if ($cursorPosition -lt $commandString.Length) {
            # Don't offer completions if the cursor isn't at the end of the line
            # (for now)
        switch -Regex ($compPattern) {
            # WSL-only, no arguments or values yet
            # Then offer any matching flags or commands for completion
            '^e $' { return Get-WSLArgumentName }

            # Any command in the first position
            # Then only offer the completion function for
            # that command or the default completer
            '^ec.*$' {
                [String]$commandFlag = $compTokens[1]
                if ($flags[$commandFlag].completionFunction) {
                    return (& $flags[$commandFlag].completionFunction $wordToComplete)
                } else {
            '^ep$' {
                # If the first token is the beginning of a flag or command
                # Then offer any matching flags or commands for completion
                return (& Get-WSLArgumentName $wordToComplete)
            '^e.*fv$' {
                # If we're completing a partial value for a flag
                [String]$flag = $compTokens[-2]
                return (& Get-WSLArgumentValue $flag $wordToComplete)
            '^e.*f $' {
                # If the last token is a flag followed by a space,
                # then we need to check whether it has a value. If
                # so, complete the value.
                [String]$flag = $compTokens[-1]
                if ($flags[$flag].hasValue) {
                    if ($flags[$flag].completionFunction) {
                        return (& $flags[$flag].completionFunction $wordToComplete)
                else {
                    # Otherwise, offer possible flag completions.
                    # Do not offer commands nor flags that have
                    # already been used.
                    return Get-WSLArgumentName -OnlyFlags -Tokens $compTokens -ArgumentNamePartial $wordToComplete
            '^e.*fv $' {
                # If we're ending in a value, then the next token
                # should be a flag. Note that we've already
                # processed commands at this point.
                return Get-WSLArgumentName -OnlyFlags -Tokens $compTokens
            '^e.*p$' {
                return Get-WSLArgumentName `
                  -OnlyFlags `
                  -Tokens $compTokens `
                  -ArgumentNamePartial $wordToComplete