
Query the audit data for matching records.
Mandatory: WS1 Access Tenant URL
Mandatory: oAuth2 AccessToken
.PARAMETER actorUserName
filter events generated by this user
.PARAMETER objectType
filter specific types of audit events or affected objects
.PARAMETER objectAction
filter specific actions
.PARAMETER linkedObjectType
filter specific types of linked to object types, only applicable for LINK and UNLINK actions
.PARAMETER objectName
filter events that affect a specific object instance
.PARAMETER fromMillis
filter events no older than this time, milliseconds since epoch, defaults to 3 days ago (now-96 hours)
filter events no newer than this time, milliseconds since epoch. Defaults to now
.PARAMETER startIndex
Use offset to page through the results
Max page size of the results, max allowed value is 5000

function Get-WS1AuditData{


        $URI = "https://$($Tenant)/SAAS/jersey/manager/api/reporting/reports/audit"
        $Header = @{
            Host = $Tenant
            Authorization = "HZN $($Token)"
            Accept = '*/*'
        $Body = @{
            objectAction = "CREATE"
        $IRMParams = @{
            Method = 'Get'
            Headers = $Header
            URI = $URI
            Body = $Body
        $report =  Invoke-RestMethod @IRMParams
            Return $report
        Return $false