
Function New-KernelModeWDACConfig {
        PositionalBinding = $false
        [ValidateSet('Prep', 'AuditAndEnforce')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch]$Deploy,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch]$EVSigners,

        [ValidateSet('Default', 'NoFlightRoots')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [System.String]$Base = 'Default'
    Begin {
        [WDACConfig.LoggerInitializer]::Initialize($VerbosePreference, $DebugPreference, $Host)

        [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Importing the required sub-modules')
        Import-Module -Force -FullyQualifiedName @("$([WDACConfig.GlobalVars]::ModuleRootPath)\Shared\Get-KernelModeDriversAudit.psm1")

        Update-WDACConfigPSModule -InvocationStatement $MyInvocation.Statement

        [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$StagingArea = [WDACConfig.StagingArea]::NewStagingArea('New-KernelModeWDACConfig')

        # Create a directory to store the kernel mode drivers symbolic links for both modes
        [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$KernelModeDriversDirectory = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path (Join-Path -Path $StagingArea -ChildPath 'KernelModeDriversDirectory') -Force

        # Defining the path to the driver files scan results policy for both modes
        [System.IO.FileInfo]$DriverFilesScanPolicyPath = Join-Path -Path $StagingArea -ChildPath 'DriverFilesScanPolicy.xml'

        # Defining the path to the final Enforced mode policy for both modes
        [System.IO.FileInfo]$FinalEnforcedPolicyPath = Join-Path -Path $StagingArea -ChildPath 'DefaultWindows_Enforced_Kernel.xml'

        # Defining the paths to the kernel-mode template policies for each mode
        [System.IO.FileInfo]$TemplatePolicyPath = $Base -eq 'Default' ? "$([WDACConfig.GlobalVars]::ModuleRootPath)\Resources\WDAC Policies\DefaultWindows_Enforced_Kernel.xml" : "$([WDACConfig.GlobalVars]::ModuleRootPath)\Resources\WDAC Policies\DefaultWindows_Enforced_Kernel_NoFlights.xml"

        # A flag that will be set to true if errors occur
        [System.Boolean]$NoCopy = $false

        Function Build-PrepModeStrictKernelPolicy {
                A helper function to build Audit mode policy only and returns a PSCustomObject with the policy path and policy ID

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch]$Normal,
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch]$NoFlights
            begin {
                [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Executing the Build-PrepModeStrictKernelPolicy helper function')

                [System.IO.FileInfo]$OutputPolicyPath = Join-Path -Path $StagingArea -ChildPath ($Normal ? 'DefaultWindows_Audit_Kernel.xml' : 'DefaultWindows_Audit_Kernel_NoFlights.xml')
                [System.String]$PolicyName = $Normal ? 'Strict Kernel mode policy Audit' : 'Strict Kernel No Flights mode policy Audit'

                if ($Normal) {
                    # Check if there is a pending Audit mode Kernel mode WDAC policy already available in User Config file
                    [System.String]$CurrentStrictKernelPolicyGUID = [WDACConfig.UserConfiguration]::Get().StrictKernelPolicyGUID

                    If ($null -ne $CurrentStrictKernelPolicyGUID) {
                        # Check if the pending Audit mode Kernel mode WDAC policy is deployed on the system
                        [System.String]$CurrentStrictKernelPolicyGUIDConfirmation = ([WDACConfig.CiToolHelper]::GetPolicies($false, $true, $true) | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.PolicyID -eq $CurrentStrictKernelPolicyGUID }).policyID

                if ($NoFlights) {
                    # Check if there is a pending Audit mode Kernel mode WDAC NoFlightRoots policy already available in User Config file
                    [System.String]$CurrentStrictKernelNoFlightRootsPolicyGUID = [WDACConfig.UserConfiguration]::Get().StrictKernelNoFlightRootsPolicyGUID

                    If ($null -ne $CurrentStrictKernelNoFlightRootsPolicyGUID) {
                        # Check if the pending Audit mode Kernel mode WDAC NoFlightRoots policy is deployed on the system
                        [System.String]$CurrentStrictKernelPolicyGUIDConfirmation = ([WDACConfig.CiToolHelper]::GetPolicies($false, $true, $true) | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.PolicyID -eq $CurrentStrictKernelNoFlightRootsPolicyGUID }).policyID

            process {
                [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Copying the base policy to the Staging Area')
                Copy-Item -Path $TemplatePolicyPath -Destination $OutputPolicyPath -Force

                [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Resetting the policy ID and assigning a name for the policy')
                [System.String]$PolicyID = [WDACConfig.SetCiPolicyInfo]::Set($OutputPolicyPath, $true, $PolicyName, $null, $null)

                [WDACConfig.SetCiPolicyInfo]::Set($OutputPolicyPath, ([version]''))

                [WDACConfig.CiRuleOptions]::Set($OutputPolicyPath, [WDACConfig.CiRuleOptions+PolicyTemplate]::BaseKernel, @([WDACConfig.CiRuleOptions+PolicyRuleOptions]::EnabledAuditMode), $null, $null, $null, $NoFlights, $EVSigners, $null, $null, $null)

                # Set the already available and deployed GUID as the new PolicyID to prevent deploying duplicate Audit mode policies
                if ($CurrentStrictKernelPolicyGUIDConfirmation) {
                    [WDACConfig.PolicyEditor]::EditGUIDs($CurrentStrictKernelPolicyGUIDConfirmation, $OutputPolicyPath)
                    $PolicyID = $CurrentStrictKernelPolicyGUIDConfirmation
            End {
                Return [PSCustomObject]@{
                    PolicyPath = $OutputPolicyPath
                    PolicyID   = $PolicyID

    process {

        Try {

            :MainSwitch Switch ($Base) {

                'Default' {

                    Switch ($Mode) {

                        'Prep' {

                            # The total number of the main steps for the progress bar to render
                            [System.UInt16]$TotalSteps = $Deploy ? 2 : 1
                            [System.UInt16]$CurrentStep = 0

                            Write-Progress -Id 25 -Activity 'Creating the prep mode policy' -Status "Step $CurrentStep/$TotalSteps" -PercentComplete ($CurrentStep / $TotalSteps * 100)

                            [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Building the Audit mode policy')
                            [PSCustomObject]$AuditPolicy = Build-PrepModeStrictKernelPolicy -Normal
                            [System.String]$PolicyID = $AuditPolicy.PolicyID
                            [System.IO.FileInfo]$AuditPolicyPath = $AuditPolicy.PolicyPath

                            [System.IO.FileInfo]$FinalAuditCIPPath = Join-Path -Path $StagingArea -ChildPath "$PolicyID.cip"

                            [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Converting the XML policy file to CIP binary')
                            $null = ConvertFrom-CIPolicy -XmlFilePath $AuditPolicyPath -BinaryFilePath $FinalAuditCIPPath

                            # Deploy the policy if Deploy parameter is used and perform additional tasks on the system
                            if ($Deploy) {

                                Write-Progress -Id 25 -Activity 'Deploying the prep mode policy' -Status "Step $CurrentStep/$TotalSteps" -PercentComplete ($CurrentStep / $TotalSteps * 100)

                                [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Setting the GUID and time of deployment of the Audit mode policy in the User Configuration file')
                                $null = [WDACConfig.UserConfiguration]::Set($null, $null, $null, $null, $null, $PolicyID, $null, $null , (Get-Date))

                                Write-ColorfulTextWDACConfig -Color HotPink -InputText 'Strict Kernel mode policy has been deployed in Audit mode, please restart your system.'
                            else {
                                Write-ColorfulTextWDACConfig -Color HotPink -InputText 'Strict Kernel mode Audit policy has been created in the Staging Area.'
                            Write-Progress -Id 25 -Activity 'Done' -Completed

                            break MainSwitch

                        'AuditAndEnforce' {

                            # The total number of the main steps for the progress bar to render
                            [System.UInt16]$TotalSteps = $Deploy ? 3 : 2
                            [System.UInt16]$CurrentStep = 0

                            # Get the Strict Kernel Audit mode policy's GUID to use for the Enforced mode policy
                            # This will eliminate the need for an extra reboot
                            [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Trying to get the GUID of Strict Kernel Audit mode policy to use for the Enforced mode policy, from the user configurations')
                            [System.String]$PolicyID = [WDACConfig.UserConfiguration]::Get().StrictKernelPolicyGUID

                            [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Verifying the Policy ID in the User Config exists and is valid')
                            $ObjectGuid = [System.Guid]::Empty
                            if ([System.Guid]::TryParse($PolicyID, [ref]$ObjectGuid)) {
                                [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Valid GUID found in User Configs for Audit mode policy')
                            else {
                                Throw 'Invalid or nonexistent GUID in User Configs for Audit mode policy, Use the -PrepMode parameter first.'

                            Write-Progress -Id 26 -Activity 'Scanning the Event logs' -Status "Step $CurrentStep/$TotalSteps" -PercentComplete ($CurrentStep / $TotalSteps * 100)

                            # Get the kernel mode drivers directory path containing symlinks
                            Get-KernelModeDriversAudit -SavePath $KernelModeDriversDirectory

                            powershell.exe -NoProfile -Command {
                                # Prep the environment as a workaround for the ConfigCI bug
                                if ([System.IO.Directory]::Exists('C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\Offline')) {
                                    [System.String]$RandomGUID = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
                                    New-CIPolicy -UserPEs -ScanPath 'C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\Offline' -Level hash -FilePath ".\$RandomGUID.xml" -NoShadowCopy -PathToCatroot 'C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\Offline' -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
                                    Remove-Item -LiteralPath ".\$RandomGUID.xml" -Force

                                [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Scanning the kernel-mode drivers detected in Event viewer logs')
                                [System.Collections.ArrayList]$DriverFilesObj = Get-SystemDriver -ScanPath $args[0]

                                [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Creating a policy xml file from the driver files')
                                New-CIPolicy -MultiplePolicyFormat -Level WHQLFilePublisher -Fallback None -AllowFileNameFallbacks -FilePath $args[1] -DriverFiles $DriverFilesObj
                            } -args $KernelModeDriversDirectory, $DriverFilesScanPolicyPath

                            Write-Progress -Id 26 -Activity 'Creating the final policy' -Status "Step $CurrentStep/$TotalSteps" -PercentComplete ($CurrentStep / $TotalSteps * 100)

                            [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Not trusting the policy xml file made before restart, so building the same policy again after restart, this time in Enforced mode instead of Audit mode')
                            Copy-Item -Path $TemplatePolicyPath -Destination (Join-Path -Path $StagingArea -ChildPath 'Raw_Normal.xml') -Force

                            [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Merging the base policy with the policy made from driver files, to deploy them as one policy')
                            $null = Merge-CIPolicy -PolicyPaths (Join-Path -Path $StagingArea -ChildPath 'Raw_Normal.xml'), $DriverFilesScanPolicyPath -OutputFilePath $FinalEnforcedPolicyPath

                            [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Moving all AllowedSigners from Usermode to Kernel mode signing scenario')

                            [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Setting the GUIDs for the XML policy file')
                            [WDACConfig.PolicyEditor]::EditGUIDs($PolicyID, $FinalEnforcedPolicyPath)

                            [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Setting a new policy name with the current date attached to it')
                            $null = [WDACConfig.SetCiPolicyInfo]::Set($FinalEnforcedPolicyPath, $null, "Strict Kernel mode policy Enforced - $(Get-Date -Format 'MM-dd-yyyy')", $null, $null)

                            [WDACConfig.SetCiPolicyInfo]::Set($FinalEnforcedPolicyPath, ([version]''))

                            [WDACConfig.CiRuleOptions]::Set($FinalEnforcedPolicyPath, [WDACConfig.CiRuleOptions+PolicyTemplate]::BaseKernel, $null, $null, $null, $null, $null, $EVSigners, $null, $null, $null)

                            [System.IO.FileInfo]$FinalEnforcedCIPPath = Join-Path -Path $StagingArea -ChildPath "$PolicyID.cip"

                            [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Converting the policy XML file to CIP binary')
                            $null = ConvertFrom-CIPolicy -XmlFilePath $FinalEnforcedPolicyPath -BinaryFilePath $FinalEnforcedCIPPath

                            # Deploy the policy if Deploy parameter is used
                            if ($Deploy) {

                                Write-Progress -Id 26 -Activity 'Deploying the final policy' -Status "Step $CurrentStep/$TotalSteps" -PercentComplete ($CurrentStep / $TotalSteps * 100)

                                Write-ColorfulTextWDACConfig -Color HotPink -InputText 'Strict Kernel mode policy has been deployed in Enforced mode, no restart required.'

                                [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Removing the GUID and time of deployment of the StrictKernelPolicy from user configuration')
                                [WDACConfig.UserConfiguration]::Remove($false, $false, $false, $false, $false, $true, $false, $false, $true)
                            else {
                                # Remove the Audit mode policy from the system
                                # This step is necessary if user didn't use the -Deploy parameter
                                # And instead wants to first Sign and then deploy it using the Deploy-SignedWDACConfig cmdlet
                                [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Removing the deployed Audit mode policy from the system since -Deploy parameter was not used to overwrite it with the enforced mode policy.')
                                Write-ColorfulTextWDACConfig -Color HotPink -InputText "Strict Kernel mode Enforced policy has been created`n$FinalEnforcedPolicyPath"
                            Write-Progress -Id 26 -Activity 'Complete.' -Completed

                            break MainSwitch

                'NoFlightRoots' {

                    Switch ($Mode) {

                        'Prep' {

                            # The total number of the main steps for the progress bar to render
                            [System.UInt16]$TotalSteps = $Deploy ? 2 : 1
                            [System.UInt16]$CurrentStep = 0

                            Write-Progress -Id 27 -Activity 'Creating the prep mode policy' -Status "Step $CurrentStep/$TotalSteps" -PercentComplete ($CurrentStep / $TotalSteps * 100)

                            [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Building the Audit mode policy')
                            [PSCustomObject]$AuditPolicy = Build-PrepModeStrictKernelPolicy -NoFlights
                            [System.String]$PolicyID = $AuditPolicy.PolicyID
                            [System.IO.FileInfo]$AuditPolicyPath = $AuditPolicy.PolicyPath

                            [System.IO.FileInfo]$FinalAuditCIPPath = Join-Path -Path $StagingArea -ChildPath "$PolicyID.cip"

                            [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Converting the XML policy file to CIP binary')
                            $null = ConvertFrom-CIPolicy -XmlFilePath $AuditPolicyPath -BinaryFilePath $FinalAuditCIPPath

                            # Deploy the policy if Deploy parameter is used and perform additional tasks on the system
                            if ($Deploy) {

                                Write-Progress -Id 27 -Activity 'Deploying the prep mode policy' -Status "Step $CurrentStep/$TotalSteps" -PercentComplete ($CurrentStep / $TotalSteps * 100)

                                [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Setting the GUID and time of deployment of the Audit mode policy in the User Configuration file')
                                $null = [WDACConfig.UserConfiguration]::Set($null, $null, $null, $null, $null, $null, $PolicyID, $null , (Get-Date))

                                Write-ColorfulTextWDACConfig -Color HotPink -InputText 'Strict Kernel mode policy with no flighting root certs has been deployed in Audit mode, please restart your system.'
                            else {
                                Write-ColorfulTextWDACConfig -Color HotPink -InputText 'Strict Kernel mode Audit policy with no flighting root certs has been created in the Staging Area.'
                            Write-Progress -Id 27 -Activity 'Complete.' -Completed

                            break MainSwitch

                        'AuditAndEnforce' {

                            # The total number of the main steps for the progress bar to render
                            [System.UInt16]$TotalSteps = $Deploy ? 3 : 2
                            [System.UInt16]$CurrentStep = 0

                            # Get the Strict Kernel Audit mode policy's GUID to use for the Enforced mode policy
                            # This will eliminate the need for an extra reboot
                            [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Trying to get the GUID of Strict Kernel Audit mode policy to use for the Enforced mode policy, from the user configurations')
                            [System.String]$PolicyID = [WDACConfig.UserConfiguration]::Get().StrictKernelNoFlightRootsPolicyGUID

                            [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Verifying the Policy ID in the User Config exists and is valid')
                            $ObjectGuid = [System.Guid]::Empty
                            if ([System.Guid]::TryParse($PolicyID, [ref]$ObjectGuid)) {
                                [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Valid GUID found in User Configs for Audit mode policy')
                            else {
                                Throw 'Invalid or nonexistent GUID in User Configs for Audit mode policy, Use the -PrepMode parameter first.'

                            Write-Progress -Id 28 -Activity 'Scanning the Event logs' -Status "Step $CurrentStep/$TotalSteps" -PercentComplete ($CurrentStep / $TotalSteps * 100)

                            # Get the kernel mode drivers directory path containing symlinks
                            Get-KernelModeDriversAudit -SavePath $KernelModeDriversDirectory

                            powershell.exe -NoProfile -Command {
                                # Prep the environment as a workaround for the ConfigCI bug
                                if ([System.IO.Directory]::Exists('C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\Offline')) {
                                    [System.String]$RandomGUID = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
                                    New-CIPolicy -UserPEs -ScanPath 'C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\Offline' -Level hash -FilePath ".\$RandomGUID.xml" -NoShadowCopy -PathToCatroot 'C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\Offline' -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
                                    Remove-Item -LiteralPath ".\$RandomGUID.xml" -Force

                                [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Scanning the kernel-mode drivers detected in Event viewer logs')
                                [System.Collections.ArrayList]$DriverFilesObj = Get-SystemDriver -ScanPath $args[0]

                                [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Creating a policy xml file from the driver files')
                                New-CIPolicy -MultiplePolicyFormat -Level WHQLFilePublisher -Fallback None -AllowFileNameFallbacks -FilePath $args[1] -DriverFiles $DriverFilesObj
                            } -args $KernelModeDriversDirectory, $DriverFilesScanPolicyPath

                            Write-Progress -Id 28 -Activity 'Creating the final policy' -Status "Step $CurrentStep/$TotalSteps" -PercentComplete ($CurrentStep / $TotalSteps * 100)

                            [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Not trusting the policy xml file made before restart, so building the same policy again after restart, this time in Enforced mode instead of Audit mode')
                            Copy-Item -Path $TemplatePolicyPath -Destination (Join-Path -Path $StagingArea -ChildPath 'Raw_NoFlights.xml') -Force

                            [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Merging the base policy with the policy made from driver files, to deploy them as one policy')
                            $null = Merge-CIPolicy -PolicyPaths (Join-Path -Path $StagingArea -ChildPath 'Raw_NoFlights.xml'), $DriverFilesScanPolicyPath -OutputFilePath $FinalEnforcedPolicyPath

                            [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Moving all AllowedSigners from Usermode to Kernel mode signing scenario')

                            [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Setting the GUIDs for the XML policy file')
                            [WDACConfig.PolicyEditor]::EditGUIDs($PolicyID, $FinalEnforcedPolicyPath)

                            [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Setting a new policy name with the current date attached to it')
                            $null = [WDACConfig.SetCiPolicyInfo]::Set($FinalEnforcedPolicyPath, $null, "Strict Kernel No Flights mode policy Enforced - $(Get-Date -Format 'MM-dd-yyyy')", $null, $null)

                            [WDACConfig.SetCiPolicyInfo]::Set($FinalEnforcedPolicyPath, ([version]''))

                            [WDACConfig.CiRuleOptions]::Set($FinalEnforcedPolicyPath, [WDACConfig.CiRuleOptions+PolicyTemplate]::BaseKernel, @([WDACConfig.CiRuleOptions+PolicyRuleOptions]::DisabledFlightSigning), $null, $null, $null, $null, $EVSigners, $null, $null, $null)

                            [System.IO.FileInfo]$FinalEnforcedCIPPath = Join-Path -Path $StagingArea -ChildPath "$PolicyID.cip"

                            [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Converting the policy XML file to CIP binary')
                            $null = ConvertFrom-CIPolicy -XmlFilePath $FinalEnforcedPolicyPath -BinaryFilePath $FinalEnforcedCIPPath

                            # Deploy the policy if Deploy parameter is used
                            if ($Deploy) {
                                [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Making sure the current Windows build can work with the NoFlightRoots Strict WDAC Policy')

                                if (!([WDACConfig.InvokeWDACSimulation]::Invoke('C:\Windows\System32\ntoskrnl.exe', $FinalEnforcedPolicyPath, $true))) {
                                    Throw 'The current Windows build cannot work with the NoFlightRoots Strict Kernel-mode Policy, please change the base to Default instead.'

                                Write-Progress -Id 28 -Activity 'Deploying the final policy' -Status "Step $CurrentStep/$TotalSteps" -PercentComplete ($CurrentStep / $TotalSteps * 100)

                                Write-ColorfulTextWDACConfig -Color HotPink -InputText 'Strict Kernel mode policy with no flighting root certs has been deployed in Enforced mode, no restart required.'

                                [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Removing the GUID and time of deployment of the StrictKernelNoFlightRootsPolicy from user configuration')
                                [WDACConfig.UserConfiguration]::Remove($false, $false, $false, $false, $false, $false, $true, $false, $true)
                            else {
                                # Remove the Audit mode policy from the system
                                # This step is necessary if user didn't use the -Deploy parameter
                                # And instead wants to first Sign and then deploy it using the Deploy-SignedWDACConfig cmdlet
                                [WDACConfig.Logger]::Write('Removing the deployed Audit mode policy from the system since -Deploy parameter was not used to overwrite it with the enforced mode policy.')
                                Write-ColorfulTextWDACConfig -Color HotPink -InputText "Strict Kernel mode Enforced policy with no flighting root certs has been created`n$FinalEnforcedPolicyPath"
                            Write-Progress -Id 28 -Activity 'Complete.' -Completed

                            break MainSwitch
        catch {
            $NoCopy = $true
            Throw $_
        finally {
            # Copy the final policy files to the User Config directory
            if (!$NoCopy) {
                Copy-Item -Path ($Mode -eq 'Prep' ? ($Deploy ? $AuditPolicyPath : $AuditPolicyPath, $FinalAuditCIPPath) : ($Deploy ? $FinalEnforcedPolicyPath : $FinalEnforcedPolicyPath, $FinalEnforcedCIPPath)) -Destination ([WDACConfig.GlobalVars]::UserConfigDir) -Force
            if (![WDACConfig.GlobalVars]::DebugPreference) {
                Remove-Item -Path $StagingArea -Recurse -Force

    Creates Kernel only mode AppControl policy capable of protecting against BYOVD attacks category
    Using official Microsoft methods, configure and use App Control for Business
    The base policy to use for creating the strict Kernel mode AppControl policy, offers 2 options:
    Default: meaning flight root certs will be allowed, suitable for most users.
    NoFlightRoots: is for users who don't want to allow flighting/insider builds from Dev/Canary channels.
    If not specified, Default will be used.
    The mode to use for creating the strict Kernel mode AppControl policy, offers 2 options:
    Prep: Deploys the Kernel mode AppControl policy in Audit mode so that you can restart your system and start capturing any blocked drivers to be automatically allowed.
    AuditAndEnforce: Deploys the final Kernel mode AppControl policy in Enforced mode
    Adds EVSigners policy rule option to the deployed policy. Applicable for both Audit and Enforced modes. Drivers not EV (Extended Validation) signed cannot run nor can they be allowed in a Supplemental policy.
    Deploys the selected policy type instead of just creating it
    New-KernelModeWDACConfig -Default -PrepMode -Deploy
    This example creates the strict Kernel mode AppControl policy based off of the default Windows WDAC example policy, deploys it in Audit mode. System restart will be required after this.
    New-KernelModeWDACConfig -Default -AuditAndEnforce -Deploy
    This example creates the strict Kernel mode AppControl policy based off of the default Windows WDAC example policy, deploys it in Enforced mode. It will also contain the drivers that were blocked during the Audit mode.
