.Synopsis A PowerShell tool for extracting process information .Description Provides a variety of filtering options for examining running processes. Parameters marked with [Filter] must not be empty. Multiple filters can be used together. See Get-Help Vynae -Examples for more information. .Parameter Default Run a default scan that lists process ID, Name, Parent Process Name, Parent Process ID, Parent Process Path, Creation Date, Active Time, CSName, Executable Path, and Command Line options. .Parameter ID [Filter] The ID of a process. .Parameter Name [Filter] The name of a process. .Parameter ParentID [Filter] The parent ID of a process. .Parameter Service Show services instead of processes. .Parameter ServiceState [Filter] Sort services by status [Running or Stopped] .Parameter Trace Display process tree for given process. Must use with ID or Name parameters. .Parameter LocalAddress [Filter] The local address of a connection. .Parameter RemoteAddress [Filter] The remote address of a connection. .Parameter LocalPort [Filter] The local port of a connection. .Parameter RemotePort [Filter] The remote port of a connection. .Parameter NetOnly Only show processes with network connections. .Parameter NetSupress Do not show network information. .Parameter NetStatus [Filter] Show only processes with network connections matching the given status. .Parameter Time [Filter] Show processes that started at a given time [0-24]. .Parameter Date [Filter] Show only process started on a given day ["00/00/0000"]. .Parameter TimeActive [Filter] Show only processes that have been active for a given period of time [0-24]. .Parameter MatchHash [Filter] Show only processes that match a given hash. If Algorithm is not specified, it defaults to SHA-256. .Parameter Algorithm [Filter] Specify an algorithm to use with MatchHash. Also, displays hashes for processes when run with Default. .Parameter Hash Compare all process hashes to a specified hash list. Alerts on matches. Must be in a .txt file. .Parameter NoPath Hide "no path" alerts when using Hash parameter. .Parameter AlertOnly Only display alerts when using Hash parameter. .Parameter Output Create a PowerShell transcript for all ouput. Must specify a file to write to. .Parameter Help Display help. .Parameter Colorblind Change coloring from Green/Red to Cyan/Magenta. .Example # Run a default scan. Vynae -Default .Example # List all processes with a parent ID of 4. Vynae -ParentID 4 .Example # List all processes that have been active for 6 hours on June 2nd, while hiding connection information. Vynae -NetSupress -TimeActive 6 -Date '6/2' .Example # List all processes with a connection to Vynae -RemoteAddress .Example # List all processes that match the MD5 Hash B7F884C1B74A263F746EE12A5F7C9F6A and have network connections. Vynae -Default -NetOnly -MatchHash B7F884C1B74A263F746EE12A5F7C9F6A -Algorithm md5 .Example # List all running services, while hiding connection information. Vynae -Service -ServiceState Running -NetSupress .Example # Show all processes matching the name "chrome" that have an established connection. Vynae -name chrome -NetStatus Established .Link https://github.com/lpowell/Vynae #> function Vynae{ param($ID, $Name, $Hash, [switch]$Trace, [switch]$NetOnly, [switch]$help, [switch]$AlertOnly, [switch]$NoPath, [switch]$Service, [switch]$NetSupress, [switch]$Colorblind, $Time, $Date, $TimeActive, $ServiceState, $ParentID, $NetStatus, $Output, [switch]$Default, $Algorithm, $MatchHash, $RemoteAddress, $LocalAddress, $LocalPort, $RemotePort) GlobalOptions if($Output){ start-transcript -path $output -append } if($Service){ ServiceInformation } if($Trace){ ParentProcessTracing } if($Hash){ ProcessHashing } if($Help){ VynaeHelp break } if($Default){ ProcessInformation } if($Output){ stop-transcript } if($PSBoundParameters.Values.Count -eq 0){ Write-Host Write-Host "Vynae" Write-Host Write-Host " A PowerShell tool for extracting process information" Write-Host Write-Host "Created By Liam Powell for use in NCCDC 2022-23" Write-Host Write-Host "For usage details, see Vynae -help" Write-Host "For examples, see https://www.github.com/lpowell/vynae" Write-Host "For more information, please visit https://blog.bajiri.com" break } if(-Not $Trace -and -Not $Hash -And -Not $Help -And -Not $Service){ ProcessInformation } } function ProcessInformation(){ if($Name){ if($NetOnly -or $NetStatus){ foreach($x in (get-ciminstance CIM_Process | ? Name -match $Name)){ try{ $TestNetConnection = get-nettcpconnection -OwningProcess $x.ProcessID -State $NetStatus if($NetStatus -eq $null){ throw } }catch{ $TestNetConnection = get-nettcpconnection -OwningProcess $x.ProcessID } if($TestNetConnection){ ProcessPrint($x) } } }else{ foreach($x in (get-ciminstance CIM_Process | ? Name -match $Name)){ ProcessPrint($x) } } }elseif($ID){ foreach($x in (get-ciminstance CIM_Process | ? ProcessID -eq $ID)){ ProcessPrint($x) } }elseif($ParentID){ if($NetOnly -or $NetStatus){ foreach($x in (get-ciminstance CIM_Process | ? ParentProcessID -eq $ParentID)){ try{ $TestNetConnection = get-nettcpconnection -OwningProcess $x.ProcessID -State $NetStatus if($NetStatus -eq $null){ throw } }catch{ $TestNetConnection = get-nettcpconnection -OwningProcess $x.ProcessID } if($TestNetConnection){ ProcessPrint($x) } } }else{ foreach($x in (get-ciminstance CIM_Process | ? ParentProcessID -eq $ParentID)){ ProcessPrint($x) } } }elseif($LocalAddress){ foreach($x in (get-ciminstance CIM_Process)){ $TestNetConnection = get-nettcpconnection -OwningProcess $x.ProcessID -LocalAddress $LocalAddress if($TestNetConnection){ ProcessPrint($x) } } }elseif($RemoteAddress){ foreach($x in (get-ciminstance CIM_Process)){ $TestNetConnection = get-nettcpconnection -OwningProcess $x.ProcessID -RemoteAddress $RemoteAddress if($TestNetConnection){ ProcessPrint($x) } } }elseif($LocalPort){ foreach($x in (get-ciminstance CIM_Process)){ $TestNetConnection = get-nettcpconnection -OwningProcess $x.ProcessID -LocalPort $LocalPort if($TestNetConnection){ ProcessPrint($x) } } }elseif($RemotePort){ foreach($x in (get-ciminstance CIM_Process)){ $TestNetConnection = get-nettcpconnection -OwningProcess $x.ProcessID -RemotePort $RemotePort if($TestNetConnection){ ProcessPrint($x) } } }else{ if($NetOnly -or $NetStatus){ foreach($x in (get-ciminstance CIM_Process)){ try{ $TestNetConnection = get-nettcpconnection -OwningProcess $x.ProcessID -State $NetStatus if($NetStatus -eq $null){ throw } }catch{ $TestNetConnection = get-nettcpconnection -OwningProcess $x.ProcessID } if($TestNetConnection){ ProcessPrint($x) } } }else{ foreach($x in (get-ciminstance CIM_Process)){ ProcessPrint($x) } } } } function GlobalOptions(){ $global:DateTime = get-date $global:Path =Get-location $global:ErrorActionPreference="SilentlyContinue" # $host.UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor = "Black" if($Colorblind){ $global:GoodColor = 'cyan' $global:BadColor = 'magenta' }else{ $global:GoodColor = 'green' $global:BadColor = 'red' } } #Print Filters and Information print functions function ProcessPrint($Process){ $ActiveTime = New-TimeSpan -Start $Process.CreationDate -End $DateTime if($Date -And $Process.CreationDate.Date -notcontains $Date){ return } if($Time -in 0..24 -And $Process.CreationDate.Hour -ne [int]$Time){ return } if($TimeActive -in 0..24 -And $ActiveTime.Hours -ne [int]$TimeActive){ return } if($MatchHash){ try{ if((Get-FileHash $Process.ExecutablePath -algorithm $algorithm).Hash -ne $MatchHash){ throw } write-host $Process.ExecutablePath }catch{ return } } $ParentPath = get-ciminstance CIM_Process | ? ProcessID -eq $Process.ParentProcessID Write-Host "<-----Process Information----->" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor Write-Host "Process Name: " -NoNewLine Write-Host $Process.ProcessName -ForegroundColor $GoodColor Write-Host "Process ID: " -NoNewLine Write-Host $Process.ProcessId -ForegroundColor $GoodColor Write-Host "PPID Name: " -NoNewLine Write-Host $ParentPath.Name -ForegroundColor $GoodColor Write-Host "Process PPID: " -NoNewLine Write-Host $Process.ParentProcessID -ForegroundColor $GoodColor if($ParentPath.ExecutablePath){ Write-Host "PPID Path:" $ParentPath.ExecutablePath } if($Process.CreationDate){ Write-Host "Creation Date:" $Process.CreationDate Write-Host "Active for: " $ActiveTime.Hours 'Hours' $ActiveTime.Minutes 'Minutes' } Write-Host "CSName:" $Process.CSName if($Process.ExecutablePath){ $ProcessHashOut = (Get-FileHash $Process.ExecutablePath -algorithm $algorithm) Write-Host "Executable Path:" $Process.ExecutablePath if($Algorithm){ Write-Host "Executable $Algorithm Hash:" $ProcessHashOut.Hash } } if($Process.CommandLine){ Write-Host "Command Line:" $Process.CommandLine } Write-Host NetworkInformation($Process.ProcessID) } function NetworkInformation($ProcessID){ if($NetSupress){ return } if(get-nettcpconnection | ? OwningProcess -eq $ProcessID | ? State -eq $NetStatus){ Write-Host "<-----Net Information----->" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor foreach($x in (get-nettcpconnection | ? OwningProcess -eq $ProcessID | ? State -eq $NetStatus)){ NetworkPrint($x) } }elseif(get-nettcpconnection | ? OwningProcess -eq $ProcessID){ Write-Host "<-----Net Information----->" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor foreach($x in (get-nettcpconnection | ? OwningProcess -eq $ProcessID)){ NetworkPrint($x) } } } function NetworkPrint($Conn){ Write-Host "State: " -NoNewLine Write-Host $Conn.State -ForegroundColor $GoodColor if($Conn.LocalAddress | Select-String -Pattern "::"){ if($Conn.LocalAddress -eq '::'){ Write-Host "Local IPv6 Address/Port:" -NoNewLine Write-Host " ALL ADDRESSES " -ForegroundColor $BadColor -NoNewLine Write-Host ":" $Conn.LocalPort }elseif($Conn.LocalAddress -eq '::1'){ Write-Host "Local IPv6 Address/Port:" -NoNewLine Write-Host " LOCALHOST " -ForegroundColor $BadColor -NoNewLine Write-Host ":" $Conn.LocalPort }else{ Write-Host "Local IPv6 Address/Port: " $Conn.LocalAddress ":" $Conn.LocalPort } if($Conn.RemoteAddress -eq '::'){ Write-Host "Remote IPv6 Address/Port:" -NoNewLine Write-Host " ALL ADDRESSES " -ForegroundColor $BadColor -NoNewLine Write-Host ":" $Conn.RemotePort }else{ Write-Host "Remote IPv6 Address/Port:" $Conn.RemoteAddress ":" $Conn.RemotePort } }else{ if($Conn.LocalAddress -eq ''){ Write-Host "Local IPv4 Address/Port:" -NoNewLine Write-Host " ALL ADDRESSES " -ForegroundColor $BadColor -NoNewLine Write-Host ":" $Conn.LocalPort }elseif($Conn.LocalAddress -eq ''){ Write-Host "Local IPv4 Address/Port:" -NoNewLine Write-Host " LOCALHOST " -ForegroundColor $BadColor -NoNewLine Write-Host ":" $Conn.LocalPort }else{ Write-Host "Local IPv4 Address/Port:" $Conn.LocalAddress ":" $Conn.LocalPort } if($Conn.RemoteAddress -eq ''){ Write-Host "Remote IPv4 Address/Port:" -NoNewLine Write-Host " ALL ADDRESSES " -ForegroundColor $BadColor -NoNewLine Write-Host ":" $Conn.RemotePort }elseif($Conn.RemoteAddress -eq ''){ Write-Host "Local IPv4 Address/Port:" -NoNewLine Write-Host " LOCALHOST " -ForegroundColor $BadColor -NoNewLine Write-Host ":" $Conn.RemotePort }else{ Write-Host "Remote IPv4 Address/Port:" $Conn.RemoteAddress ":" $Conn.RemotePort } } Write-Host } function ParentProcessTracing(){ if($ID){ foreach($x in get-ciminstance CIM_Process | ? ProcessID -eq $ID){ ProcessPrint($x) ProcessTrace($x) } }elseif($Name){ foreach($x in get-ciminstance CIM_Process | ? ProcessName -match $Name){ ProcessPrint($x) ProcessTrace($x) } } } function ProcessTrace($Process){ if((get-ciminstance CIM_Process | ? ProcessId -eq $Process.ParentProcessID) -And [int]$Process.ProcessId -ne 0){ $ID = $Process.ParentProcessID ParentProcessTracing }else{ Write-Host "<--Process cannot Be traced further-->" -ForegroundColor $BadColor } } function ProcessHashing(){ $HashedArray=@() Write-Host "<----- Loading Hashes ----->" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor Try{ $HashList = Get-Content $Hash if($HashList -eq $null){ throw } Write-Host Write-Host "<----- Hashes Successfully Loaded ----->" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor }Catch{ Write-Host "<----- Hashes not loaded! ----->" -ForegroundColor $BadColor exit } if($ID){ $Process = get-ciminstance CIM_Process | ? ProcessID -eq $ID }elseif($Name){ $Process = get-ciminstance CIM_Process | ? Name -match $Name }else{ $Process = get-ciminstance CIM_Process } foreach($x in $Process){ $ProcessHash = Get-FileHash $x.ExecutablePath $FoundHash = $False if(-Not $HashedArray.contains($ProcessHash.hash)){ if($x.ExecutablePath){ foreach($h in $HashList){ if($ProcessHash.Hash -eq $h){ $FoundHash = $True } } $HashedArray += $ProcessHash.hash if($FoundHash -eq $false -And -Not $AlertOnly){ Write-Host "No matches found!" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor Write-Host "<-----Process Information----->" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor Write-Host "Process Name: " -NoNewLine Write-Host $x.ProcessName -ForegroundColor $GoodColor Write-Host "Process ID: " -NoNewLine Write-Host $x.ProcessId -ForegroundColor $GoodColor Write-Host "Process PPID: " -NoNewLine Write-Host $x.ParentProcessID -ForegroundColor $GoodColor Write-Host "Creation Date:" $x.CreationDate Write-Host "CSName:" $x.CSName if($x.ExecutablePath){ Write-Host "Executable Path:" $x.ExecutablePath } if($x.CommandLine){ Write-Host "Command Line:" $x.CommandLine } Write-Host "Hash: " $ProcessHash.Hash Write-Host }elseif($FoundHash -eq $True){ Write-Host "<-----Hash Comparison----->" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor Write-Host Write-Host "Alert -- Found match!" -ForegroundColor $BadColor Write-Host "Hash of " $x.ProcessName "with ID " $x.ProcessId "and ExecutablePath of " $x.ExecutablePath "matches hash " $h Write-Host Write-Host "<-----Process Information----->" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor Write-Host "Process Name: " -NoNewLine Write-Host $x.ProcessName -ForegroundColor $GoodColor Write-Host "Process ID: " -NoNewLine Write-Host $x.ProcessId -ForegroundColor $GoodColor Write-Host "Process PPID: " -NoNewLine Write-Host $x.ParentProcessID -ForegroundColor $GoodColor Write-Host "Creation Date:" $x.CreationDate Write-Host "CSName:" $x.CSName if($x.ExecutablePath){ Write-Host "Executable Path:" $x.ExecutablePath } if($x.CommandLine){ Write-Host "Command Line:" $x.CommandLine } Write-Host "Hash: " $ProcessHash.Hash Write-Host } }elseif(-Not $NoPath){ Write-Host "Alert -- Could not find Path!" -ForegroundColor $BadColor Write-Host "Could not find Executable Path for " $x.ProcessName " with ID " $x.ProcessID Write-Host Write-Host "<-----Process Information----->" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor Write-Host "Process Name: " -NoNewLine Write-Host $x.ProcessName -ForegroundColor $GoodColor Write-Host "Process ID: " -NoNewLine Write-Host $x.ProcessId -ForegroundColor $GoodColor Write-Host "Process PPID: " -NoNewLine Write-Host $x.ParentProcessID -ForegroundColor $GoodColor Write-Host "Creation Date:" $x.CreationDate Write-Host "CSName:" $x.CSName if($x.ExecutablePath){ Write-Host "Executable Path:" $x.ExecutablePath } if($x.CommandLine){ Write-Host "Command Line:" $x.CommandLine } Write-Host } } } } function ServiceInformation(){ if($Name){ if($NetOnly -or $NetStatus){ try{ $Services = get-ciminstance Win32_Service | ? Name -match $Name | ? State -eq $ServiceState if($ServiceState -eq $null){ throw } }catch{ $Services = get-ciminstance Win32_Service | ? Name -match $Name } foreach($x in $Services){ try{ $TestNetConnection = get-nettcpconnection | ? OwningProcess -eq $Services.ProcessID | ? State -eq $NetStatus if($NetStatus -eq $null){ throw } }catch{ $TestNetConnection = get-nettcpconnection | ? OwningProcess -eq $Services.ProcessID } if($TestNetConnection){ foreach($y in $x){ ServicePrint($x) NetworkInformation($x.ProcessID) } } } }else{ try{ $Services = get-ciminstance Win32_Service | ? Name -match $Name | ? State -eq $ServiceState if($ServiceState -eq $null){ throw } }catch{ $Services = get-ciminstance Win32_Service | ? Name -match $Name } foreach($x in $Services){ ServicePrint($x) NetworkInformation($x.ProcessID) } } }else{ if($NetOnly -or $NetStatus){ try{ $Services = get-ciminstance Win32_Service | ? State -eq $ServiceState if($ServiceState -eq $null){ throw } }catch{ $Services = get-ciminstance Win32_Service } foreach($x in $Services){ try{ $TestNetConnection = get-nettcpconnection | ? OwningProcess -eq $x.ProcessID | ? State -eq $NetStatus if($NetStatus -eq $null){ throw } }catch{ $TestNetConnection = get-nettcpconnection | ? OwningProcess -eq $x.ProcessID } if($TestNetConnection){ foreach($y in $x){ ServicePrint($x) NetworkInformation($x.ProcessID) } } } }else{ try{ $Services = get-ciminstance Win32_Service | ? State -eq $ServiceState if($ServiceState -eq $null){ throw } }catch{ $Services = get-ciminstance Win32_Service } foreach($x in $Services){ ServicePrint($x) NetworkInformation($x.ProcessID) } } } } function ServicePrint($Service){ $Process = get-ciminstance Win32_Process | ? ProcessID -eq $Service.ProcessID Write-Host "<-----Service Information----->" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor Write-Host "Service Name: " -NoNewLine Write-Host $Service.Name -ForegroundColor $GoodColor Write-Host "Service Status: " -NoNewLine Write-Host $Service.Status -ForegroundColor $GoodColor Write-Host "Service State: " -NoNewLine Write-Host $Service.State -ForegroundColor $GoodColor Write-Host "Process ID: " -NoNewLine Write-Host $Service.ProcessId -ForegroundColor $GoodColor Write-Host "Process PPID: " -NoNewLine Write-Host $Process.ParentProcessID -ForegroundColor $GoodColor Write-Host "Creation Class:" $Service.CreationClassName Write-Host "System Name:" $Service.SystemName if($Service.PathName){ Write-Host "Executable Path:" $Service.PathName } if($Service.InstallDate){ Write-Host "Install Date:" $Service.InstallDate } Write-Host "Description: " $Service.Description Write-Host } function VynaeHelp(){ Write-Host Write-Host "Vynae" Write-Host "A PowerShell tool for extracting process Information" Write-Host Write-Host "Usage" Write-Host Write-Host " -Default" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor -NoNewLine Write-Host " Runs Vynae's process information gatherer" Write-Host " Gathers Name, ID, PPID Name, PPID, PPID Path, Creation Date, Active Time" Write-Host " CSName, Executable Path, and Command Line options" Write-Host Write-Host " Filter with ID, Name, ParentID, Time options, or Net options" Write-Host Write-Host " -ID" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor -NoNewLine Write-Host " Used to pull information on a specific ProcessID" Write-Host Write-Host " -ParentID" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor -NoNewLine Write-Host " Used to list all processes spawned by the given ParentID" Write-Host Write-Host " -Name" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor -NoNewLine Write-Host " Used to pull information on ALL processes whose names match the value" Write-Host Write-Host " -Trace" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor -NoNewLine Write-Host " Used to trace a process ParentProcessID back to the originating process" Write-Host " Must specify a -Name or -ID" Write-Host Write-Host " -LocalAddress/RemoteAddress" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor -NoNewLine Write-Host " Used to search processes by remote or local address. Supports IPv4 and IPv6 addresses" Write-Host Write-Host " -Time -Date -TimeActive" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor -NoNewLine Write-Host " Used to filter by date [str], time [int 0-23], and time active(hours) [int 0-23]" Write-Host Write-Host " -MatchHash" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor -NoNewLine Write-Host " Specify a hash value to search for" Write-Host Write-Host " -Algorithm" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor -NoNewLine Write-Host " Specify algorith to use with -MatchHash" Write-Host Write-Host " -Colorblind" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor -NoNewLine Write-Host " Uses magenta and cyan colors to help alleviate colorblind issues" Write-Host Write-Host " -NetOnly" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor -NoNewLine Write-Host " Used to only pull processes with network connections" Write-Host Write-Host " -NetStatus" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor -NoNewLine Write-Host " Used to only pull processes with matching network connection states" Write-Host Write-Host " -NetSupress" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor -NoNewLine Write-Host " Used to hide network information." Write-Host Write-Host " -Service" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor -NoNewLine Write-Host " Used to scan services instead of processes" Write-Host " Use -ServiceState to filter by Running/Stopped" Write-Host Write-Host " -Output" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor -NoNewLine Write-Host " Specifies the output path for the PowerShell transcript of the session" Write-Host Write-Host " -Hash" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor -NoNewLine Write-Host " Hashes each process executable and compares it to the list Hashes.txt" Write-Host " Alerts on matched hashes and processes without executable paths" Write-Host " Hide No Path alerts with -NoPath, and hide No match found messages with -AlertOnly." Write-Host Write-Host " -Help" -ForegroundColor $GoodColor -NoNewLine Write-Host " Displays this menu" Write-Host Write-Host "Running with no parameters will scan all processes and list process information and network information" Write-Host } Export-ModuleMember -Function Vynae |