.SYNOPSIS The localized resource strings in English (en-US). This file should only contain localized strings for private functions, public command, and classes (that are not a DSC resource). #> ConvertFrom-StringData @' ## New-SamplerGitHubReleaseTag New_SamplerGitHubReleaseTag_RemoteMissing = The remote '{0}' does not exist in the local git repository. Please add the remote before proceeding. New_SamplerGitHubReleaseTag_FailedFetchBranchFromRemote = Failed to fetch branch '{0}' from the remote '{1}'. Make sure the branch exists in the remote git repository and the remote is accessible. New_SamplerGitHubReleaseTag_FailedGetLocalBranchName = Failed to get the name of the local branch. Make sure the local branch exists and is accessible. New_SamplerGitHubReleaseTag_FailedCheckoutLocalBranch = Failed to checkout the local branch '{0}'. Make sure the branch exists and is accessible. New_SamplerGitHubReleaseTag_FailedRebaseLocalDefaultBranch = Failed to rebase the local default branch '{0}' using '{1}/{0}'. Make sure the branch exists and is accessible. New_SamplerGitHubReleaseTag_FailedGetLastCommitId = Failed to get the last commit id of the local branch '{0}'. Make sure the branch exists and is accessible. New_SamplerGitHubReleaseTag_FailedFetchTagsFromUpstreamRemote = Failed to fetch tags from the upstream remote '{0}'. Make sure the remote exists and is accessible. New_SamplerGitHubReleaseTag_FailedGetTagsOrMissingTagsInLocalRepository = Failed to get tags from the local repository or the tags are missing. Make sure that at least one preview tag exist in the local repository, or specify a release tag. New_SamplerGitHubReleaseTag_FailedDescribeTags = Failed to describe the tags. Make sure the tags exist in the local repository. New_SamplerGitHubReleaseTag_LatestTagIsNotPreview = The latest tag '{0}' is not a preview tag or not a correctly formatted preview tag. Make sure the latest tag is a preview tag, or specify a release tag. New_SamplerGitHubReleaseTag_FailedCheckoutPreviousBranch = Failed to checkout the previous branch '{0}'. New_SamplerGitHubReleaseTag_FetchUpstream_ShouldProcessVerboseDescription = Fetching branch '{0}' from the upstream remote '{1}'. New_SamplerGitHubReleaseTag_FetchUpstream_ShouldProcessVerboseWarning = Are you sure you want to fetch branch '{0}' from the upstream remote '{1}'? # This string shall not end with full stop (.) since it is used as a title of ShouldProcess messages. New_SamplerGitHubReleaseTag_FetchUpstream_ShouldProcessCaption = Fetch upstream branch New_SamplerGitHubReleaseTag_Rebase_ShouldProcessVerboseDescription = Switching to and rebasing the local default branch '{0}' using the upstream branch '{1}/{0}'. New_SamplerGitHubReleaseTag_Rebase_ShouldProcessVerboseWarning = Are you sure you want switch to and rebase the local branch '{0}'? # This string shall not end with full stop (.) since it is used as a title of ShouldProcess messages. New_SamplerGitHubReleaseTag_Rebase_ShouldProcessCaption = Rebase the local default branch New_SamplerGitHubReleaseTag_UpstreamTags_ShouldProcessVerboseDescription = Fetching the tags from (upstream) remote '{0}'. New_SamplerGitHubReleaseTag_UpstreamTags_ShouldProcessVerboseWarning = Are you sure you want to fetch tags from remote '{0}'? # This string shall not end with full stop (.) since it is used as a title of ShouldProcess messages. New_SamplerGitHubReleaseTag_UpstreamTags_ShouldProcessCaption = Fetch tags from remote New_SamplerGitHubReleaseTag_NewTag_ShouldProcessVerboseDescription = Creating tag '{0}' for commit '{2}' in the local branch '{1}'. New_SamplerGitHubReleaseTag_NewTagWhatIf_ShouldProcessVerboseDescription = Creating tag for commit in the local branch '{1}'. Note: Actual tag name and commit id cannot be determine during -WhatIf. New_SamplerGitHubReleaseTag_NewTag_ShouldProcessVerboseWarning = Are you sure you want to create tag '{0}'? # This string shall not end with full stop (.) since it is used as a title of ShouldProcess messages. New_SamplerGitHubReleaseTag_NewTag_ShouldProcessCaption = Create tag New_SamplerGitHubReleaseTag_SwitchBack_ShouldProcessVerboseDescription = Switching back to previous local branch '{0}'. New_SamplerGitHubReleaseTag_SwitchBack_ShouldProcessVerboseWarning = Are you sure you want to switch back to previous local branch '{0}'? # This string shall not end with full stop (.) since it is used as a title of ShouldProcess messages. New_SamplerGitHubReleaseTag_SwitchBack_ShouldProcessCaption = Switch to previous branch ## Install-ModulePatch Install_ModulePatch_ShouldProcessVerboseDescription = Apply module patch file at location '{0}'. Install_ModulePatch_ShouldProcessVerboseWarning = Are you sure you want to apply the module patch at the location '{0}'? # This string shall not end with full stop (.) since it is used as a title of ShouldProcess messages. Install_ModulePatch_ShouldProcessCaption = Apply module patch Install_ModulePatch_PatchFilePathNotFound = The module patch file at location '{0}' does not exist. Install_ModulePatch_Debug_Path = Patch file path: '{0}'. Install_ModulePatch_Debug_URI = Patch file URI: '{0}'. Install_ModulePatch_Debug_PatchFileContent = Patch file content: '{0}'. Install_ModulePatch_Debug_PatchEntry = Processing patch entry: '{0}'. Install_ModulePatch_Progress_Activity = Applying Module Patches Install_ModulePatch_Progress_Status = Starting patch process... Install_ModulePatch_Progress_CurrentOperation = Processing patch entry: {0} {1} {2} Install_ModulePatch_MissingModule = Module '{0}' version '{1}' not found. Install_ModulePatch_Error_HashMismatch = Hash validation failed for script file '{0}' after patching. Install_ModulePatch_Patch_Success = Successfully patched script file '{0}'. Install_ModulePatch_Patch_SuccessHashValidationSkipped = Successfully patched script file '{0}', but hash validation was skipped. ## Merge-Patch Merge_Patch_InvalidStartOrEndOffset = Start or end offset ({0}-{1}) in patch entry does not exist in the script file '{2}'. Merge_Patch_SuccessfullyPatched = Successfully patched file '{0}' at start offset {1}. ## Assert-ScriptFileValidity Assert_ScriptFileValidity_ScriptFileNotFound = Script file not found: {0} Assert_ScriptFileValidity_HashValidationFailed = Hash validation failed for script file: {0}. Expected: {1} ## Assert-PatchFile Assert_PatchFile_MissingModuleName = Patch entry is missing 'ModuleName'. Assert_PatchFile_MissingModuleVersion = Patch entry is missing 'ModuleVersion'. Assert_PatchFile_MissingModuleFiles = Patch entry is missing 'ModuleFiles'. Assert_PatchFile_MissingScriptFileName = Patch entry is missing 'ScriptFileName'. Assert_PatchFile_MissingOriginalHashSHA = Patch entry is missing 'OriginalHashSHA'. Assert_PatchFile_MissingValidationHashSHA = Patch entry is missing 'ValidationHashSHA'. Assert_PatchFile_MissingFilePatches = Patch entry is missing 'FilePatches'. Assert_PatchFile_MissingOffset = Patch entry is missing 'StartOffset' or 'EndOffset'. Assert_PatchFile_MissingPatchContent = Patch entry is missing 'PatchContent'. ## Get-ModuleFileSha Get_ModuleFileSha_MissingModule = Module not found: {0} Get_ModuleFileSha_MissingModuleVersion = Module with specified version not found: {0} {1} Get_ModuleFileSha_PathMustBeDirectory = The specified path must be a directory, the root of a module including its version folder, e.g. './Viscalyx.Common/1.0.0'. ## Test-FileHash TestFileHash_CalculatingHash = Calculating hash for file: {0} using algorithm: {1} TestFileHash_ComparingHash = Comparing file hash: {0} with expected hash: {1} ## Get-TextOffset TextNotFoundWarning = Text '{0}' not found in the file '{1}'. '@ |