# Author: Markus Scholtes, 2017/05/08 # Version 2.18 - changes for Win 11 3085 and up, 2024/02/15 # prefer $PSVersionTable.BuildVersion to [Environment]::OSVersion.Version # since a wrong Windows version might be returned in RunSpaces if ($PSEdition -eq "Desktop") { # Windows Powershell $OSVer = $PSVersionTable.BuildVersion.Major $OSBuild = $PSVersionTable.BuildVersion.Build } else { # Powershell Core $OSVer = [Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major $OSBuild = [Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Build } if ($OSVer -lt 10) { Write-Error "Windows 10 or above is required to run this script" exit -1 } if ($OSBuild -lt 14393) { Write-Error "Windows 10 1607 or above is required to run this script" exit -1 } Add-Type -Language CSharp -TypeDefinition @" using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Text; namespace VirtualDesktop { #region Type definitions // define HString on .Net 5 / overwrite HString on .Net 4 - [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct HString : IDisposable { private readonly IntPtr handle; public static HString FromString(string s) { var h = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(IntPtr.Size); Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(WindowsCreateString(s, s.Length, h)); return Marshal.PtrToStructure<HString>(h); } public void Delete() { WindowsDeleteString(handle); } [DllImport("api-ms-win-core-winrt-string-l1-1-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)] private static extern int WindowsCreateString([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string sourceString, int length, [Out] IntPtr hstring); [DllImport("api-ms-win-core-winrt-string-l1-1-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, ExactSpelling = true)] private static extern int WindowsDeleteString(IntPtr hstring); [DllImport("api-ms-win-core-winrt-string-l1-1-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, ExactSpelling = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] private static extern IntPtr WindowsGetStringRawBuffer(HString hString, IntPtr length); public void Dispose() { Delete(); } public static implicit operator string(HString hString) { var str = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(WindowsGetStringRawBuffer(hString, IntPtr.Zero)); hString.Delete(); if (null != str) return str; else return string.Empty; } } #endregion #region COM API internal static class Guids { public static readonly Guid CLSID_ImmersiveShell = new Guid("C2F03A33-21F5-47FA-B4BB-156362A2F239"); public static readonly Guid CLSID_VirtualDesktopManagerInternal = new Guid("C5E0CDCA-7B6E-41B2-9FC4-D93975CC467B"); public static readonly Guid CLSID_VirtualDesktopManager = new Guid("AA509086-5CA9-4C25-8F95-589D3C07B48A"); public static readonly Guid CLSID_VirtualDesktopPinnedApps = new Guid("B5A399E7-1C87-46B8-88E9-FC5747B171BD"); } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] internal struct Size { public int X; public int Y; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] internal struct Rect { public int Left; public int Top; public int Right; public int Bottom; } internal enum APPLICATION_VIEW_CLOAK_TYPE : int { AVCT_NONE = 0, AVCT_DEFAULT = 1, AVCT_VIRTUAL_DESKTOP = 2 } internal enum APPLICATION_VIEW_COMPATIBILITY_POLICY : int { AVCP_NONE = 0, AVCP_SMALL_SCREEN = 1, AVCP_TABLET_SMALL_SCREEN = 2, AVCP_VERY_SMALL_SCREEN = 3, AVCP_HIGH_SCALE_FACTOR = 4 } [ComImport] $(if (($PSEdition -eq "Core") -Or ($OSBuild -lt 17134)) {@" // Windows 10 1607 and Server 2016 or Powershell Core: [InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] "@ } else {@" // Windows 10 1803, up and Windows Powershell: [InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIInspectable)] "@ }) $(if ($OSBuild -lt 17134) {@" // Windows 10 1607 and Server 2016: [Guid("9AC0B5C8-1484-4C5B-9533-4134A0F97CEA")] "@ }) $(if (($OSBuild -ge 17134) -And ($OSBuild -lt 17661)) {@" // Windows 10 1803: [Guid("871F602A-2B58-42B4-8C4B-6C43D642C06F")] "@ }) $(if ($OSBuild -ge 17661) {@" // Windows 10 1809 or up and Windows 11: [Guid("372E1D3B-38D3-42E4-A15B-8AB2B178F513")] "@ }) internal interface IApplicationView { int SetFocus(); int SwitchTo(); int TryInvokeBack(IntPtr /* IAsyncCallback* */ callback); int GetThumbnailWindow(out IntPtr hwnd); int GetMonitor(out IntPtr /* IImmersiveMonitor */ immersiveMonitor); int GetVisibility(out int visibility); int SetCloak(APPLICATION_VIEW_CLOAK_TYPE cloakType, int unknown); int GetPosition(ref Guid guid /* GUID for IApplicationViewPosition */, out IntPtr /* IApplicationViewPosition** */ position); int SetPosition(ref IntPtr /* IApplicationViewPosition* */ position); int InsertAfterWindow(IntPtr hwnd); int GetExtendedFramePosition(out Rect rect); int GetAppUserModelId([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] out string id); int SetAppUserModelId(string id); int IsEqualByAppUserModelId(string id, out int result); int GetViewState(out uint state); int SetViewState(uint state); int GetNeediness(out int neediness); int GetLastActivationTimestamp(out ulong timestamp); int SetLastActivationTimestamp(ulong timestamp); int GetVirtualDesktopId(out Guid guid); int SetVirtualDesktopId(ref Guid guid); int GetShowInSwitchers(out int flag); int SetShowInSwitchers(int flag); int GetScaleFactor(out int factor); int CanReceiveInput(out bool canReceiveInput); int GetCompatibilityPolicyType(out APPLICATION_VIEW_COMPATIBILITY_POLICY flags); int SetCompatibilityPolicyType(APPLICATION_VIEW_COMPATIBILITY_POLICY flags); $(if ($OSBuild -lt 17134) {@" int GetPositionPriority(out IntPtr /* IShellPositionerPriority** */ priority); int SetPositionPriority(IntPtr /* IShellPositionerPriority* */ priority); "@ }) int GetSizeConstraints(IntPtr /* IImmersiveMonitor* */ monitor, out Size size1, out Size size2); int GetSizeConstraintsForDpi(uint uint1, out Size size1, out Size size2); int SetSizeConstraintsForDpi(ref uint uint1, ref Size size1, ref Size size2); $(if ($OSBuild -lt 17134) {@" int QuerySizeConstraintsFromApp(); "@ }) int OnMinSizePreferencesUpdated(IntPtr hwnd); int ApplyOperation(IntPtr /* IApplicationViewOperation* */ operation); int IsTray(out bool isTray); int IsInHighZOrderBand(out bool isInHighZOrderBand); int IsSplashScreenPresented(out bool isSplashScreenPresented); int Flash(); int GetRootSwitchableOwner(out IApplicationView rootSwitchableOwner); int EnumerateOwnershipTree(out IObjectArray ownershipTree); int GetEnterpriseId([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] out string enterpriseId); int IsMirrored(out bool isMirrored); $(if (($OSBuild -ge 17134) -And ($OSBuild -lt 17661)) {@" int Unknown1(out int unknown); int Unknown2(out int unknown); int Unknown3(out int unknown); int Unknown4(out int unknown); "@ }) $(if ($OSBuild -ge 17661) {@" int Unknown1(out int unknown); int Unknown2(out int unknown); int Unknown3(out int unknown); int Unknown4(out int unknown); int Unknown5(out int unknown); int Unknown6(int unknown); int Unknown7(); int Unknown8(out int unknown); int Unknown9(int unknown); int Unknown10(int unknownX, int unknownY); int Unknown11(int unknown); int Unknown12(out Size size1); "@ }) } [ComImport] [InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] $(if ($OSBuild -lt 17134) {@" // Windows 10 1607 and Server 2016: [Guid("2C08ADF0-A386-4B35-9250-0FE183476FCC")] "@ }) $(if (($OSBuild -ge 17134) -And ($OSBuild -lt 17661)) {@" // Windows 10 1803: [Guid("2C08ADF0-A386-4B35-9250-0FE183476FCC")] "@ }) $(if ($OSBuild -ge 17661) {@" // Windows 10 1809 or up and Windows 11: [Guid("1841C6D7-4F9D-42C0-AF41-8747538F10E5")] "@ }) internal interface IApplicationViewCollection { int GetViews(out IObjectArray array); int GetViewsByZOrder(out IObjectArray array); int GetViewsByAppUserModelId(string id, out IObjectArray array); int GetViewForHwnd(IntPtr hwnd, out IApplicationView view); int GetViewForApplication(object application, out IApplicationView view); int GetViewForAppUserModelId(string id, out IApplicationView view); int GetViewInFocus(out IntPtr view); $(if ($OSBuild -ge 17134) {@" // Windows 10 1803 or up and Windows 11: int Unknown1(out IntPtr view); "@ }) void RefreshCollection(); int RegisterForApplicationViewChanges(object listener, out int cookie); $(if ($OSBuild -lt 17661) {@" // Windows 10 1607 and Server 2016 and Windows 10 1803: int RegisterForApplicationViewPositionChanges(object listener, out int cookie); "@ }) int UnregisterForApplicationViewChanges(int cookie); } [ComImport] [InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] $(if ($OSBuild -ge 22621) {@" // Windows 11 22H2 and up: [Guid("3F07F4BE-B107-441A-AF0F-39D82529072C")] "@ }) $(if (($OSBuild -ge 22000) -And ($OSBuild -lt 22621)) {@" // Windows 11 up to 21H2: [Guid("536D3495-B208-4CC9-AE26-DE8111275BF8")] "@ }) $(if ($OSBuild -eq 20348) {@" // Windows Server 2022: [Guid("62fdf88b-11ca-4afb-8bd8-2296dfae49e2")] "@ }) $(if ($OSBuild -lt 20348) {@" // Windows 10: [Guid("FF72FFDD-BE7E-43FC-9C03-AD81681E88E4")] "@ }) internal interface IVirtualDesktop { bool IsViewVisible(IApplicationView view); Guid GetId(); $(if (($OSBuild -ge 20348) -And ($OSBuild -lt 22621)) {@" // Windows Server 2022 and Windows 11 up to 21H2 IntPtr Unknown1(); "@ }) $(if ($OSBuild -ge 20348) {@" // Windows Server 2022 and Windows 11 HString GetName(); "@ }) $(if ($OSBuild -ge 22000) {@" // Windows 11: HString GetWallpaperPath(); "@ }) $(if ($OSBuild -ge 22621) {@" // Windows 11 22H2 and up: bool IsRemote(); "@ }) } [ComImport] [InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] $(if ($OSBuild -ge 22621) {@" // Windows 11 22H2 and up: [Guid("53F5CA0B-158F-4124-900C-057158060B27")] internal interface IVirtualDesktopManagerInternal { int GetCount(); void MoveViewToDesktop(IApplicationView view, IVirtualDesktop desktop); bool CanViewMoveDesktops(IApplicationView view); IVirtualDesktop GetCurrentDesktop(); void GetDesktops(out IObjectArray desktops); [PreserveSig] int GetAdjacentDesktop(IVirtualDesktop from, int direction, out IVirtualDesktop desktop); void SwitchDesktop(IVirtualDesktop desktop); IVirtualDesktop CreateDesktop(); void MoveDesktop(IVirtualDesktop desktop, int nIndex); void RemoveDesktop(IVirtualDesktop desktop, IVirtualDesktop fallback); IVirtualDesktop FindDesktop(ref Guid desktopid); void GetDesktopSwitchIncludeExcludeViews(IVirtualDesktop desktop, out IObjectArray unknown1, out IObjectArray unknown2); void SetDesktopName(IVirtualDesktop desktop, HString name); void SetDesktopWallpaper(IVirtualDesktop desktop, HString path); void UpdateWallpaperPathForAllDesktops(HString path); void CopyDesktopState(IApplicationView pView0, IApplicationView pView1); void CreateRemoteDesktop(HString path, out IVirtualDesktop desktop); void SwitchRemoteDesktop(IVirtualDesktop desktop, IntPtr switchtype); void SwitchDesktopWithAnimation(IVirtualDesktop desktop); void GetLastActiveDesktop(out IVirtualDesktop desktop); void WaitForAnimationToComplete(); } "@ }) $(if (($OSBuild -ge 22000) -And ($OSBuild -lt 22621)) {@" // Windows 11 up to 21H2: [Guid("B2F925B9-5A0F-4D2E-9F4D-2B1507593C10")] internal interface IVirtualDesktopManagerInternal { int GetCount(IntPtr hWndOrMon); void MoveViewToDesktop(IApplicationView view, IVirtualDesktop desktop); bool CanViewMoveDesktops(IApplicationView view); IVirtualDesktop GetCurrentDesktop(IntPtr hWndOrMon); "@ }) $(if (($OSBuild -ge 22449) -And ($OSBuild -lt 22621)) {@" // Windows 11 up to 21H2: IObjectArray GetAllCurrentDesktops(); void GetDesktops(IntPtr hWndOrMon, out IObjectArray desktops); [PreserveSig] int GetAdjacentDesktop(IVirtualDesktop from, int direction, out IVirtualDesktop desktop); void SwitchDesktop(IntPtr hWndOrMon, IVirtualDesktop desktop); IVirtualDesktop CreateDesktop(IntPtr hWndOrMon); void MoveDesktop(IVirtualDesktop desktop, IntPtr hWndOrMon, int nIndex); void RemoveDesktop(IVirtualDesktop desktop, IVirtualDesktop fallback); IVirtualDesktop FindDesktop(ref Guid desktopid); void GetDesktopSwitchIncludeExcludeViews(IVirtualDesktop desktop, out IObjectArray unknown1, out IObjectArray unknown2); void SetDesktopName(IVirtualDesktop desktop, HString name); void SetDesktopWallpaper(IVirtualDesktop desktop, HString path); void UpdateWallpaperPathForAllDesktops(HString path); void CopyDesktopState(IApplicationView pView0, IApplicationView pView1); int GetDesktopIsPerMonitor(); void SetDesktopIsPerMonitor(bool state); } "@ }) $(if ($OSBuild -eq 20348) {@" // Windows Server 2022: [Guid("094afe11-44f2-4ba0-976f-29a97e263ee0")] internal interface IVirtualDesktopManagerInternal { int GetCount(IntPtr hWndOrMon); void MoveViewToDesktop(IApplicationView view, IVirtualDesktop desktop); bool CanViewMoveDesktops(IApplicationView view); IVirtualDesktop GetCurrentDesktop(IntPtr hWndOrMon); void GetDesktops(IntPtr hWndOrMon, out IObjectArray desktops); [PreserveSig] int GetAdjacentDesktop(IVirtualDesktop from, int direction, out IVirtualDesktop desktop); void SwitchDesktop(IntPtr hWndOrMon, IVirtualDesktop desktop); IVirtualDesktop CreateDesktop(IntPtr hWndOrMon); void RemoveDesktop(IVirtualDesktop desktop, IVirtualDesktop fallback); IVirtualDesktop FindDesktop(ref Guid desktopid); void GetDesktopSwitchIncludeExcludeViews(IVirtualDesktop desktop, out IObjectArray unknown1, out IObjectArray unknown2); void SetDesktopName(IVirtualDesktop desktop, HString name); void CopyDesktopState(IApplicationView pView0, IApplicationView pView1); int GetDesktopIsPerMonitor(); } "@ }) $(if ($OSBuild -lt 20348) {@" // Windows 10: [Guid("F31574D6-B682-4CDC-BD56-1827860ABEC6")] internal interface IVirtualDesktopManagerInternal { int GetCount(); void MoveViewToDesktop(IApplicationView view, IVirtualDesktop desktop); bool CanViewMoveDesktops(IApplicationView view); IVirtualDesktop GetCurrentDesktop(); void GetDesktops(out IObjectArray desktops); [PreserveSig] int GetAdjacentDesktop(IVirtualDesktop from, int direction, out IVirtualDesktop desktop); void SwitchDesktop(IVirtualDesktop desktop); IVirtualDesktop CreateDesktop(); void RemoveDesktop(IVirtualDesktop desktop, IVirtualDesktop fallback); IVirtualDesktop FindDesktop(ref Guid desktopid); } [ComImport] [InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] [Guid("0F3A72B0-4566-487E-9A33-4ED302F6D6CE")] internal interface IVirtualDesktopManagerInternal2 { int GetCount(); void MoveViewToDesktop(IApplicationView view, IVirtualDesktop desktop); bool CanViewMoveDesktops(IApplicationView view); IVirtualDesktop GetCurrentDesktop(); void GetDesktops(out IObjectArray desktops); [PreserveSig] int GetAdjacentDesktop(IVirtualDesktop from, int direction, out IVirtualDesktop desktop); void SwitchDesktop(IVirtualDesktop desktop); IVirtualDesktop CreateDesktop(); void RemoveDesktop(IVirtualDesktop desktop, IVirtualDesktop fallback); IVirtualDesktop FindDesktop(ref Guid desktopid); void Unknown1(IVirtualDesktop desktop, out IntPtr unknown1, out IntPtr unknown2); void SetName(IVirtualDesktop desktop, HString name); } "@ }) [ComImport] [InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] [Guid("A5CD92FF-29BE-454C-8D04-D82879FB3F1B")] internal interface IVirtualDesktopManager { bool IsWindowOnCurrentVirtualDesktop(IntPtr topLevelWindow); Guid GetWindowDesktopId(IntPtr topLevelWindow); void MoveWindowToDesktop(IntPtr topLevelWindow, ref Guid desktopId); } [ComImport] [InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] [Guid("4CE81583-1E4C-4632-A621-07A53543148F")] internal interface IVirtualDesktopPinnedApps { bool IsAppIdPinned(string appId); void PinAppID(string appId); void UnpinAppID(string appId); bool IsViewPinned(IApplicationView applicationView); void PinView(IApplicationView applicationView); void UnpinView(IApplicationView applicationView); } [ComImport] [InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] [Guid("92CA9DCD-5622-4BBA-A805-5E9F541BD8C9")] internal interface IObjectArray { void GetCount(out int count); void GetAt(int index, ref Guid iid, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)]out object obj); } [ComImport] [InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] [Guid("6D5140C1-7436-11CE-8034-00AA006009FA")] internal interface IServiceProvider10 { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] object QueryService(ref Guid service, ref Guid riid); } #endregion #region COM wrapper internal static class DesktopManager { static DesktopManager() { var shell = (IServiceProvider10)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(Guids.CLSID_ImmersiveShell)); VirtualDesktopManagerInternal = (IVirtualDesktopManagerInternal)shell.QueryService(Guids.CLSID_VirtualDesktopManagerInternal, typeof(IVirtualDesktopManagerInternal).GUID); $(if ($OSBuild -lt 20348) {@" // Windows 10: try { VirtualDesktopManagerInternal2 = (IVirtualDesktopManagerInternal2)shell.QueryService(Guids.CLSID_VirtualDesktopManagerInternal, typeof(IVirtualDesktopManagerInternal2).GUID); } catch { VirtualDesktopManagerInternal2 = null; } "@ }) VirtualDesktopManager = (IVirtualDesktopManager)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(Guids.CLSID_VirtualDesktopManager)); ApplicationViewCollection = (IApplicationViewCollection)shell.QueryService(typeof(IApplicationViewCollection).GUID, typeof(IApplicationViewCollection).GUID); VirtualDesktopPinnedApps = (IVirtualDesktopPinnedApps)shell.QueryService(Guids.CLSID_VirtualDesktopPinnedApps, typeof(IVirtualDesktopPinnedApps).GUID); } internal static IVirtualDesktopManagerInternal VirtualDesktopManagerInternal; $(if ($OSBuild -lt 20348) {@" // Windows 10: internal static IVirtualDesktopManagerInternal2 VirtualDesktopManagerInternal2; "@ }) internal static IVirtualDesktopManager VirtualDesktopManager; internal static IApplicationViewCollection ApplicationViewCollection; internal static IVirtualDesktopPinnedApps VirtualDesktopPinnedApps; internal static IVirtualDesktop GetDesktop(int index) { // get desktop with index $(if (($OSBuild -lt 20348) -Or ($OSBuild -ge 22621)) {@" int count = VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetCount(); "@ } else {@" int count = VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetCount(IntPtr.Zero); "@ }) if (index < 0 || index >= count) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index"); IObjectArray desktops; $(if (($OSBuild -lt 20348) -Or ($OSBuild -ge 22621)) {@" VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetDesktops(out desktops); "@ } else {@" VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetDesktops(IntPtr.Zero, out desktops); "@ }) object objdesktop; desktops.GetAt(index, typeof(IVirtualDesktop).GUID, out objdesktop); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(desktops); return (IVirtualDesktop)objdesktop; } internal static int GetDesktopIndex(IVirtualDesktop desktop) { // get index of desktop int index = -1; Guid IdSearch = desktop.GetId(); IObjectArray desktops; $(if (($OSBuild -lt 20348) -Or ($OSBuild -ge 22621)) {@" VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetDesktops(out desktops); "@ } else {@" VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetDesktops(IntPtr.Zero, out desktops); "@ }) object objdesktop; $(if (($OSBuild -lt 20348) -Or ($OSBuild -ge 22621)) {@" for (int i = 0; i < VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetCount(); i++) "@ } else {@" for (int i = 0; i < VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetCount(IntPtr.Zero); i++) "@ }) { desktops.GetAt(i, typeof(IVirtualDesktop).GUID, out objdesktop); if (IdSearch.CompareTo(((IVirtualDesktop)objdesktop).GetId()) == 0) { index = i; break; } } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(desktops); return index; } internal static IApplicationView GetApplicationView(this IntPtr hWnd) { // get application view to window handle IApplicationView view; ApplicationViewCollection.GetViewForHwnd(hWnd, out view); return view; } internal static string GetAppId(IntPtr hWnd) { // get Application ID to window handle string appId; hWnd.GetApplicationView().GetAppUserModelId(out appId); return appId; } } #endregion #region public interface public class WindowInformation { // stores window informations public string Title { get; set; } public int Handle { get; set; } } public class Desktop { // open registry key [DllImport("advapi32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)] private static extern int RegOpenKeyEx(UIntPtr hKey, string subKey, int ulOptions, int samDesired, out UIntPtr hkResult); // read registry value [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError=true)] private static extern uint RegQueryValueEx(UIntPtr hKey, string lpValueName, int lpReserved, ref int lpType, IntPtr lpData, ref int lpcbData); // close registry key [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError=true)] private static extern int RegCloseKey(UIntPtr hKey); // get window handle of current console window (even if powershell started in cmd) [DllImport("Kernel32.dll")] public static extern IntPtr GetConsoleWindow(); // get process id of window handle [DllImport("user32.dll")] private static extern uint GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr hWnd, out int lpdwProcessId); // get thread id of current process [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] static extern uint GetCurrentThreadId(); // attach input to thread [DllImport("user32.dll")] static extern bool AttachThreadInput(uint idAttach, uint idAttachTo, bool fAttach); // get handle of active window [DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow(); // try to set foreground window [DllImport("user32.dll")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd); // send message to window [DllImport("user32.dll")] static extern bool ShowWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow); private const int SW_MINIMIZE = 6; private static UIntPtr HKEY_CURRENT_USER = new UIntPtr(0x80000001u); private const int KEY_READ = 0x20019; private static string GetRegistryString(string registryPath, string valName) { // reads string value out of user registry UIntPtr hKey = UIntPtr.Zero; IntPtr pResult = IntPtr.Zero; string Result = null; try { if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, registryPath, 0, KEY_READ, out hKey) == 0) { int size = 0; int type = 1; // REG_SZ uint retVal = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, valName, 0, ref type, IntPtr.Zero, ref size); if (size != 0) { pResult = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size); retVal = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, valName, 0, ref type, pResult, ref size); if (retVal == 0) { Result = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(pResult); } } } } catch { } finally { if (hKey != UIntPtr.Zero) { RegCloseKey(hKey); } if (pResult != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pResult); } } return Result; } private static readonly Guid AppOnAllDesktops = new Guid("BB64D5B7-4DE3-4AB2-A87C-DB7601AEA7DC"); private static readonly Guid WindowOnAllDesktops = new Guid("C2DDEA68-66F2-4CF9-8264-1BFD00FBBBAC"); private IVirtualDesktop ivd; private Desktop(IVirtualDesktop desktop) { this.ivd = desktop; } public override int GetHashCode() { // get hash return ivd.GetHashCode(); } public override bool Equals(object obj) { // compare with object var desk = obj as Desktop; return desk != null && object.ReferenceEquals(this.ivd, desk.ivd); } public static int Count { // return the number of desktops $(if (($OSBuild -lt 20348) -Or ($OSBuild -ge 22621)) {@" get { return DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetCount(); } "@ } else {@" get { return DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetCount(IntPtr.Zero); } "@ }) } public static Desktop Current { // returns current desktop $(if (($OSBuild -lt 20348) -Or ($OSBuild -ge 22621)) {@" get { return new Desktop(DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetCurrentDesktop()); } "@ } else {@" get { return new Desktop(DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetCurrentDesktop(IntPtr.Zero)); } "@ }) } public static Desktop FromIndex(int index) { // return desktop object from index (-> index = 0..Count-1) return new Desktop(DesktopManager.GetDesktop(index)); } public static Desktop FromWindow(IntPtr hWnd) { // return desktop object to desktop on which window <hWnd> is displayed if (hWnd == IntPtr.Zero) throw new ArgumentNullException(); Guid id = DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManager.GetWindowDesktopId(hWnd); if ((id.CompareTo(AppOnAllDesktops) == 0) || (id.CompareTo(WindowOnAllDesktops) == 0)) $(if (($OSBuild -lt 20348) -Or ($OSBuild -ge 22621)) {@" return new Desktop(DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetCurrentDesktop()); "@ } else {@" return new Desktop(DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetCurrentDesktop(IntPtr.Zero)); "@ }) else return new Desktop(DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.FindDesktop(ref id)); } public static int FromDesktop(Desktop desktop) { // return index of desktop object or -1 if not found return DesktopManager.GetDesktopIndex(desktop.ivd); } public static string DesktopNameFromDesktop(Desktop desktop) { // return name of desktop or "Desktop n" if it has no name Guid guid = desktop.ivd.GetId(); // read desktop name in registry string desktopName = null; try { desktopName = GetRegistryString("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\VirtualDesktops\\Desktops\\{" + guid.ToString() + "}", "Name"); } catch { } // no name found, generate generic name if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(desktopName)) { // create name "Desktop n" (n = number starting with 1) desktopName = "Desktop " + (DesktopManager.GetDesktopIndex(desktop.ivd) + 1).ToString(); } return desktopName; } public static string DesktopNameFromIndex(int index) { // return name of desktop from index (-> index = 0..Count-1) or "Desktop n" if it has no name Guid guid = DesktopManager.GetDesktop(index).GetId(); // read desktop name in registry string desktopName = null; try { desktopName = GetRegistryString("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\VirtualDesktops\\Desktops\\{" + guid.ToString() + "}", "Name"); } catch { } // no name found, generate generic name if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(desktopName)) { // create name "Desktop n" (n = number starting with 1) desktopName = "Desktop " + (index + 1).ToString(); } return desktopName; } public static bool HasDesktopNameFromIndex(int index) { // return true is desktop is named or false if it has no name Guid guid = DesktopManager.GetDesktop(index).GetId(); // read desktop name in registry string desktopName = null; try { desktopName = GetRegistryString("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\VirtualDesktops\\Desktops\\{" + guid.ToString() + "}", "Name"); } catch { } // name found? if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(desktopName)) return false; else return true; } $(if ($OSBuild -ge 22000) {@" public static string DesktopWallpaperFromIndex(int index) { // return name of desktop wallpaper from index (-> index = 0..Count-1) // get desktop name string desktopwppath = ""; try { desktopwppath = DesktopManager.GetDesktop(index).GetWallpaperPath(); } catch { } return desktopwppath; } "@ }) public static int SearchDesktop(string partialName) { // get index of desktop with partial name, return -1 if no desktop found int index = -1; $(if (($OSBuild -lt 20348) -Or ($OSBuild -ge 22621)) {@" for (int i = 0; i < DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetCount(); i++) "@ } else {@" for (int i = 0; i < DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetCount(IntPtr.Zero); i++) "@ }) { // loop through all virtual desktops and compare partial name to desktop name if (DesktopNameFromIndex(i).ToUpper().IndexOf(partialName.ToUpper()) >= 0) { index = i; break; } } return index; } public static Desktop Create() { // create a new desktop $(if (($OSBuild -lt 20348) -Or ($OSBuild -ge 22621)) {@" return new Desktop(DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.CreateDesktop()); "@ } else {@" return new Desktop(DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.CreateDesktop(IntPtr.Zero)); "@ }) } public void Remove(Desktop fallback = null) { // destroy desktop and switch to <fallback> IVirtualDesktop fallbackdesktop; if (fallback == null) { // if no fallback is given use desktop to the left except for desktop 0. Desktop dtToCheck = new Desktop(DesktopManager.GetDesktop(0)); if (this.Equals(dtToCheck)) { // desktop 0: set fallback to second desktop (= "right" desktop) DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetAdjacentDesktop(ivd, 4, out fallbackdesktop); // 4 = RightDirection } else { // set fallback to "left" desktop DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetAdjacentDesktop(ivd, 3, out fallbackdesktop); // 3 = LeftDirection } } else // set fallback desktop fallbackdesktop = fallback.ivd; DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.RemoveDesktop(ivd, fallbackdesktop); } $(if ($OSBuild -lt 20348) {@" // Windows 10: public static void RemoveAll() { // remove all desktops but visible int desktopcount = DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetCount(); int desktopcurrent = DesktopManager.GetDesktopIndex(DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetCurrentDesktop()); if (desktopcurrent < desktopcount-1) { // remove all desktops "right" from current for (int i = desktopcount-1; i > desktopcurrent; i--) DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.RemoveDesktop(DesktopManager.GetDesktop(i), DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetCurrentDesktop()); } if (desktopcurrent > 0) { // remove all desktops "left" from current for (int i = 0; i < desktopcurrent; i++) DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.RemoveDesktop(DesktopManager.GetDesktop(0), DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetCurrentDesktop()); } } "@ }) $(if ($OSBuild -eq 20348) {@" // Windows Server 2022: public static void RemoveAll() { // remove all desktops but visible int desktopcount = DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetCount(IntPtr.Zero); int desktopcurrent = DesktopManager.GetDesktopIndex(DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetCurrentDesktop(IntPtr.Zero)); if (desktopcurrent < desktopcount-1) { // remove all desktops "right" from current for (int i = desktopcount-1; i > desktopcurrent; i--) DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.RemoveDesktop(DesktopManager.GetDesktop(i), DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetCurrentDesktop(IntPtr.Zero)); } if (desktopcurrent > 0) { // remove all desktops "left" from current for (int i = 0; i < desktopcurrent; i++) DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.RemoveDesktop(DesktopManager.GetDesktop(0), DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetCurrentDesktop(IntPtr.Zero)); } } "@ }) $(if (($OSBuild -ge 22000) -And ($OSBuild -lt 22621)) {@" public static void RemoveAll() { // remove all desktops but visible DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.SetDesktopIsPerMonitor(true); } public void Move(int index) { // move current desktop to desktop in index (-> index = 0..Count-1) DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.MoveDesktop(ivd, IntPtr.Zero, index); } "@ }) $(if ($OSBuild -ge 22621) {@" public static void RemoveAll() { // remove all desktops but visible int desktopcount = DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetCount(); int desktopcurrent = DesktopManager.GetDesktopIndex(DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetCurrentDesktop()); if (desktopcurrent < desktopcount-1) { // remove all desktops "right" from current for (int i = desktopcount-1; i > desktopcurrent; i--) DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.RemoveDesktop(DesktopManager.GetDesktop(i), DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetCurrentDesktop()); } if (desktopcurrent > 0) { // remove all desktops "left" from current for (int i = 0; i < desktopcurrent; i++) DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.RemoveDesktop(DesktopManager.GetDesktop(0), DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetCurrentDesktop()); } } public void Move(int index) { // move current desktop to desktop in index (-> index = 0..Count-1) DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.MoveDesktop(ivd, index); } "@ }) $(if ($OSBuild -lt 20348) {@" public void SetName(string Name) { // set name for desktop, empty string removes name if (DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal2 != null) { // only if interface to set name is present HString hstring = HString.FromString(Name); DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal2.SetName(this.ivd, hstring); hstring.Delete(); } } "@ }) $(if ($OSBuild -ge 20348) {@" public void SetName(string Name) { // set name for desktop, empty string removes name HString hstring = HString.FromString(Name); DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.SetDesktopName(this.ivd, hstring); hstring.Delete(); } "@ }) $(if ($OSBuild -ge 22000) {@" public void SetWallpaperPath(string Path) { // set path for wallpaper, empty string removes path if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path)) throw new ArgumentNullException(); HString hstring = HString.FromString(Path); DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.SetDesktopWallpaper(this.ivd, hstring); hstring.Delete(); } public static void SetAllWallpaperPaths(string Path) { // set wallpaper path for all desktops if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path)) throw new ArgumentNullException(); HString hstring = HString.FromString(Path); DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.UpdateWallpaperPathForAllDesktops(hstring); hstring.Delete(); } "@ }) public bool IsVisible { // return true if this desktop is the current displayed one $(if (($OSBuild -lt 20348) -Or ($OSBuild -ge 22621)) {@" get { return object.ReferenceEquals(ivd, DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetCurrentDesktop()); } "@ } else {@" get { return object.ReferenceEquals(ivd, DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetCurrentDesktop(IntPtr.Zero)); } "@ }) } public void MakeVisible() { // make this desktop visible WindowInformation wi = FindWindow("Program Manager"); // activate desktop to prevent flashing icons in taskbar int dummy; uint DesktopThreadId = GetWindowThreadProcessId(new IntPtr(wi.Handle), out dummy); uint ForegroundThreadId = GetWindowThreadProcessId(GetForegroundWindow(), out dummy); uint CurrentThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); if ((DesktopThreadId != 0) && (ForegroundThreadId != 0) && (ForegroundThreadId != CurrentThreadId)) { AttachThreadInput(DesktopThreadId, CurrentThreadId, true); AttachThreadInput(ForegroundThreadId, CurrentThreadId, true); SetForegroundWindow(new IntPtr(wi.Handle)); AttachThreadInput(ForegroundThreadId, CurrentThreadId, false); AttachThreadInput(DesktopThreadId, CurrentThreadId, false); } $(if (($OSBuild -lt 20348) -Or ($OSBuild -ge 22621)) {@" DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.SwitchDesktop(ivd); "@ } else {@" DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.SwitchDesktop(IntPtr.Zero, ivd); "@ }) // direct desktop to give away focus ShowWindow(new IntPtr(wi.Handle), SW_MINIMIZE); } public Desktop Left { // return desktop at the left of this one, null if none get { IVirtualDesktop desktop; int hr = DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetAdjacentDesktop(ivd, 3, out desktop); // 3 = LeftDirection if (hr == 0) return new Desktop(desktop); else return null; } } public Desktop Right { // return desktop at the right of this one, null if none get { IVirtualDesktop desktop; int hr = DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.GetAdjacentDesktop(ivd, 4, out desktop); // 4 = RightDirection if (hr == 0) return new Desktop(desktop); else return null; } } public void MoveWindow(IntPtr hWnd) { // move window to this desktop int processId; if (hWnd == IntPtr.Zero) throw new ArgumentNullException(); GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, out processId); if (hWnd == GetConsoleWindow()) { // own window try // the easy way (powershell's own console) { DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManager.MoveWindowToDesktop(hWnd, ivd.GetId()); } catch // powershell in cmd console { IApplicationView view; DesktopManager.ApplicationViewCollection.GetViewForHwnd(hWnd, out view); DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.MoveViewToDesktop(view, ivd); } } else { // window of other process IApplicationView view; DesktopManager.ApplicationViewCollection.GetViewForHwnd(hWnd, out view); try { DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.MoveViewToDesktop(view, ivd); } catch { // could not move active window, try main window (or whatever windows thinks is the main window) DesktopManager.ApplicationViewCollection.GetViewForHwnd(System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(processId).MainWindowHandle, out view); DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManagerInternal.MoveViewToDesktop(view, ivd); } } } public void MoveActiveWindow() { // move active window to this desktop MoveWindow(GetForegroundWindow()); } public bool HasWindow(IntPtr hWnd) { // return true if window is on this desktop if (hWnd == IntPtr.Zero) throw new ArgumentNullException(); Guid id = DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopManager.GetWindowDesktopId(hWnd); if ((id.CompareTo(AppOnAllDesktops) == 0) || (id.CompareTo(WindowOnAllDesktops) == 0)) return true; else return ivd.GetId() == id; } public static bool IsWindowPinned(IntPtr hWnd) { // return true if window is pinned to all desktops if (hWnd == IntPtr.Zero) throw new ArgumentNullException(); return DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopPinnedApps.IsViewPinned(hWnd.GetApplicationView()); } public static void PinWindow(IntPtr hWnd) { // pin window to all desktops if (hWnd == IntPtr.Zero) throw new ArgumentNullException(); var view = hWnd.GetApplicationView(); if (!DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopPinnedApps.IsViewPinned(view)) { // pin only if not already pinned DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopPinnedApps.PinView(view); } } public static void UnpinWindow(IntPtr hWnd) { // unpin window from all desktops if (hWnd == IntPtr.Zero) throw new ArgumentNullException(); var view = hWnd.GetApplicationView(); if (DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopPinnedApps.IsViewPinned(view)) { // unpin only if not already unpinned DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopPinnedApps.UnpinView(view); } } public static bool IsApplicationPinned(IntPtr hWnd) { // return true if application for window is pinned to all desktops if (hWnd == IntPtr.Zero) throw new ArgumentNullException(); return DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopPinnedApps.IsAppIdPinned(DesktopManager.GetAppId(hWnd)); } public static void PinApplication(IntPtr hWnd) { // pin application for window to all desktops if (hWnd == IntPtr.Zero) throw new ArgumentNullException(); string appId = DesktopManager.GetAppId(hWnd); if (!DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopPinnedApps.IsAppIdPinned(appId)) { // pin only if not already pinned DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopPinnedApps.PinAppID(appId); } } public static void UnpinApplication(IntPtr hWnd) { // unpin application for window from all desktops if (hWnd == IntPtr.Zero) throw new ArgumentNullException(); var view = hWnd.GetApplicationView(); string appId = DesktopManager.GetAppId(hWnd); if (DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopPinnedApps.IsAppIdPinned(appId)) { // unpin only if pinned DesktopManager.VirtualDesktopPinnedApps.UnpinAppID(appId); } } // prepare callback function for window enumeration private delegate bool CallBackPtr(int hwnd, int lParam); private static CallBackPtr callBackPtr = Callback; // list of window informations private static List<WindowInformation> WindowInformationList = new List<WindowInformation>(); // enumerate windows [DllImport("User32.dll", SetLastError = true)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] private static extern bool EnumWindows(CallBackPtr lpEnumFunc, IntPtr lParam); // get window title length [DllImport("User32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)] private static extern int GetWindowTextLength(IntPtr hWnd); // get window title [DllImport("User32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)] private static extern int GetWindowText(IntPtr hWnd, StringBuilder lpString, int nMaxCount); // callback function for window enumeration private static bool Callback(int hWnd, int lparam) { int length = GetWindowTextLength((IntPtr)hWnd); if (length > 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(length + 1); if (GetWindowText((IntPtr)hWnd, sb, sb.Capacity) > 0) { WindowInformationList.Add(new WindowInformation {Handle = hWnd, Title = sb.ToString()}); } } return true; } // get list of all windows with title public static List<WindowInformation> GetWindows() { WindowInformationList = new List<WindowInformation>(); EnumWindows(callBackPtr, IntPtr.Zero); return WindowInformationList; } // find first window with string in title public static WindowInformation FindWindow(string WindowTitle) { WindowInformationList = new List<WindowInformation>(); EnumWindows(callBackPtr, IntPtr.Zero); WindowInformation result = WindowInformationList.Find(x => x.Title.IndexOf(WindowTitle, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0); return result; } } #endregion } "@ function Get-DesktopCount { <# .SYNOPSIS Get count of virtual desktops .DESCRIPTION Get count of virtual desktops .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Int32 .EXAMPLE Get-DesktopCount Get count of virtual desktops .LINK .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2017/05/08 Updated: 2020/06/27 #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param() Write-Verbose "Count of virtual desktops: $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Count)" return [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Count } if ($OSBuild -ge 22000) { function Get-DesktopList { <# .SYNOPSIS Get list of virtual desktops .DESCRIPTION Get list of virtual desktops .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Object .EXAMPLE Get-DesktopList Get list of virtual desktops .LINK .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2020/06/27 Updated: 2021/10/17 #> $DesktopList = @() for ($I = 0; $I -lt [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Count; $I++) { $DesktopList += [PSCustomObject]@{ Number = $I Name = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromIndex($I) Wallpaper = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopWallpaperFromIndex($I) Visible = if ([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Current) -eq $I) { $TRUE } else { $FALSE } } } return $DesktopList } } else { function Get-DesktopList { <# .SYNOPSIS Get list of virtual desktops .DESCRIPTION Get list of virtual desktops .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Object .EXAMPLE Get-DesktopList Get list of virtual desktops .LINK .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2020/06/27 #> $DesktopList = @() for ($I = 0; $I -lt [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Count; $I++) { $DesktopList += [PSCustomObject]@{ Number = $I Name = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromIndex($I) Visible = if ([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Current) -eq $I) { $TRUE } else { $FALSE } } } return $DesktopList } } function New-Desktop { <# .SYNOPSIS Create virtual desktop .DESCRIPTION Create virtual desktop .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Desktop object .EXAMPLE New-Desktop | Switch-Desktop Create virtual desktop and switch to it .LINK .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2017/05/08 Updated: 2020/06/27 #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param() $Desktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Create() Write-Verbose "Created desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($Desktop))" return $Desktop } function Switch-Desktop { <# .SYNOPSIS Switch to virtual desktop .DESCRIPTION Switch to virtual desktop .PARAMETER Desktop Number of desktop (starting with 0 to count-1), desktop object or string (part of desktop name) .INPUTS Number of desktop (starting with 0 to count-1), desktop object or string (part of desktop name) .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE Switch-Desktop 0 Switch to first virtual desktop .EXAMPLE Switch-Desktop $Desktop Switch to virtual desktop $Desktop .EXAMPLE "Desktop 1" | Switch-Desktop Switch to second virtual desktop .EXAMPLE New-Desktop | Switch-Desktop Create virtual desktop and switch to it .LINK .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2017/05/08 Updated: 2020/06/27 #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE)] $Desktop) if ($Desktop -is [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]) { $Desktop.MakeVisible() Write-Verbose "Switched to desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($Desktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($Desktop))')" } else { if ($Desktop -is [ValueType]) { $TempDesktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($Desktop) if ($TempDesktop) { $TempDesktop.MakeVisible() Write-Verbose "Switched to desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($TempDesktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($TempDesktop))')" } } else { if ($Desktop -is [STRING]) { $TempIndex = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::SearchDesktop($Desktop) if ($TempIndex -ge 0) { ([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($TempIndex)).MakeVisible() Write-Verbose "Switched to desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop(([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($TempIndex)))) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($TempIndex)))')" } else { Write-Error "No desktop with name part '$Desktop' found" } } else { Write-Error "Parameter -Desktop has to be a desktop object, an integer or a string" } } } } function Remove-Desktop { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove virtual desktop .DESCRIPTION Remove virtual desktop. Windows on the desktop to be removed are moved to the virtual desktop to the left except for desktop 0 where the second desktop is used instead. If the current desktop is removed, this fallback desktop is activated too. If no desktop is supplied, the last desktop is removed. .PARAMETER Desktop Number of desktop (starting with 0 to count-1), desktop object or string (part of desktop name) .INPUTS Number of desktop (starting with 0 to count-1), desktop object or string (part of desktop name) .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE Remove-Desktop 0 Remove first virtual desktop .EXAMPLE Remove-Desktop $Desktop Remove virtual desktop $Desktop .EXAMPLE "Desktop 1" | Remove-Desktop Remove second virtual desktop .EXAMPLE New-Desktop | Remove-Desktop Create virtual desktop and remove it immediately .LINK .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2017/05/08 Updated: 2020/06/27 #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE)] $Desktop) if ($NULL -eq $Desktop) { $Desktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex(([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Count) -1) } if ($Desktop -is [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]) { Write-Verbose "Removing desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($Desktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($Desktop))')" $Desktop.Remove() } else { if ($Desktop -is [ValueType]) { $TempDesktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($Desktop) if ($TempDesktop) { Write-Verbose "Removing desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($TempDesktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($TempDesktop))')" $TempDesktop.Remove() } } else { if ($Desktop -is [STRING]) { $TempIndex = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::SearchDesktop($Desktop) if ($TempIndex -ge 0) { Write-Verbose "Removing desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop(([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($TempIndex)))) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($TempIndex)))')" ([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($TempIndex)).Remove() } else { Write-Error "No desktop with name part '$Desktop' found" } } else { Write-Error "Parameter -Desktop has to be a desktop object, an integer or a string" } } } } function Remove-AllDesktops { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove all virtual desktops but visible .DESCRIPTION Remove all virtual desktops but visible .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE Remove-AllDesktops Remove all virtual desktops but visible .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2021/10/17 #> [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::RemoveAll() } function Get-CurrentDesktop { <# .SYNOPSIS Get current virtual desktop .DESCRIPTION Get current virtual desktop as Desktop object .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Desktop object .EXAMPLE Get-CurrentDesktop | Remove-Desktop Remove current virtual desktop .LINK .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2017/05/08 Updated: 2020/06/27 #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param() $Desktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Current Write-Verbose "Current desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($Desktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($Desktop))')" return $Desktop } function Get-Desktop { <# .SYNOPSIS Get virtual desktop with index number (0 to count-1) or string (part of desktop name) .DESCRIPTION Get virtual desktop with index number (0 to count-1) or string (part of desktop name) Returns $NULL if index number is out of range. Returns current desktop is index is omitted. .PARAMETER Index Number of desktop (starting with 0 to count-1) or string (part of desktop name) .INPUTS Int32 or STRING .OUTPUTS Desktop object .EXAMPLE Get-Desktop 1 | Switch-Desktop Get object of second virtual desktop and switch to it .EXAMPLE "Desktop 1" | Get-Desktop | Switch-Desktop Get object of second virtual desktop and switch to it .LINK .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2017/05/08 Updated: 2020/06/27 #> [OutputType([VirtualDesktop.Desktop])] [Cmdletbinding()] Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE)] $Index) if ($NULL -eq $Index) { $Desktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Current Write-Verbose "Current desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($Desktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($Desktop))')" return $Desktop } if ($Index -is [ValueType]) { $TempDesktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($Index) if ($NULL -ne $TempDesktop) { Write-Verbose "Desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($TempDesktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($TempDesktop))')" } return $TempDesktop } else { if ($Index -is [STRING]) { $TempIndex = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::SearchDesktop($Index) if ($TempIndex -ge 0) { $TempDesktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($TempIndex) Write-Verbose "Desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($TempDesktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($TempDesktop))')" return $TempDesktop } else { Write-Error "No desktop with name part '$Index' found" return $NULL } } else { Write-Error "Parameter -Index has to be an integer or string" return $NULL } } } function Get-DesktopIndex { <# .SYNOPSIS Get index number (0 to count-1) of virtual desktop .DESCRIPTION Get index number (0 to count-1) of virtual desktop Returns -1 if desktop cannot be found. Returns index of current desktop is parameter desktop is omitted. .PARAMETER Desktop Desktop object or string (part of desktop name) .INPUTS Desktop object or string (part of desktop name) .OUTPUTS Int32 .EXAMPLE New-Desktop | Get-DesktopIndex Get index number of new virtual desktop .EXAMPLE Get-DesktopIndex "desktop 1" Get index number of desktop with name containing "desktop 1" .LINK .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2017/05/08 Updated: 2021/02/28 #> [OutputType([INT32])] [Cmdletbinding()] Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE)] $Desktop) if ($NULL -eq $Desktop) { $Desktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Current } if ($Desktop -is [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]) { Write-Verbose "Desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($Desktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($Desktop))')" return [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($Desktop) } else { if ($Desktop -is [STRING]) { $TempIndex = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::SearchDesktop($Desktop) if ($TempIndex -ge 0) { Write-Verbose "Desktop number $TempIndex ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($TempIndex)))')" return $TempIndex } else { Write-Error "No desktop with name part '$Desktop' found" return -1 } } else { Write-Error "Parameter -Desktop has to be a desktop object or string" return -1 } } } function Get-DesktopName { <# .SYNOPSIS Get name of virtual desktop .DESCRIPTION Get name of virtual desktop .PARAMETER Desktop Number of desktop (starting with 0 to count-1), desktop object or string (part of desktop name) .INPUTS Number of desktop (starting with 0 to count-1), desktop object or string (part of desktop name) .OUTPUTS String (name of desktop) .EXAMPLE Get-DesktopName 0 Get name of first desktop .EXAMPLE Get-DesktopName $Desktop Get name of virtual desktop $Desktop .EXAMPLE "desktop" | Get-DesktopName Get name of first virtual desktop whose name contains "desktop" .EXAMPLE New-Desktop | Get-DesktopName Create virtual desktop and show its name .LINK .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2020/06/27 Updated: 2021/02/28 #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE)] $Desktop) if ($NULL -eq $Desktop) { $Desktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Current } if ($Desktop -is [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]) { Write-Verbose "Get name of desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($Desktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($Desktop))')" return ([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($Desktop)) } else { if ($Desktop -is [ValueType]) { $TempDesktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($Desktop) if ($TempDesktop) { Write-Verbose "Get name of desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($TempDesktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($TempDesktop))')" return ([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($TempDesktop)) } } else { if ($Desktop -is [STRING]) { $TempIndex = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::SearchDesktop($Desktop) if ($TempIndex -ge 0) { Write-Verbose "Get name of desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop(([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($TempIndex)))) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($TempIndex)))')" return ([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($TempIndex))) } else { Write-Error "No desktop with name part '$Desktop' found" } } else { Write-Error "Parameter -Desktop has to be a desktop object, an integer or a string" } } } } function Set-DesktopName { <# .SYNOPSIS Set name of virtual desktop .DESCRIPTION Set name of virtual desktop. If parameter Desktop is not set, the name of the current desktop is used. .PARAMETER Desktop Number of desktop (starting with 0 to count-1), desktop object or string (part of desktop name) .PARAMETER Name Name of desktop. If omitted or empty or $NULL, a name will be removed from the desktop. .PARAMETER PassThru Return virtual desktop .INPUTS Number of desktop (starting with 0 to count-1), desktop object or string (part of desktop name) .OUTPUTS None or [VirtualDesktop.Desktop] .EXAMPLE Set-DesktopName 0 "The first desktop" Set name of first desktop .EXAMPLE Set-DesktopName $Desktop Remove name of virtual desktop $Desktop .EXAMPLE "desktop" | Set-DesktopName -Name "First found" Set name of first virtual desktop whose name contains "desktop" .EXAMPLE Set-DesktopName -Name "This is the current desktop" Set name of the current virtual desktop .EXAMPLE New-Desktop | Set-DesktopName -Name "The new one" -PassThru | Get-DesktopName Create virtual desktop, set its name and return the new name .LINK .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2020/06/27 Updated: 2021/10/18 #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE)] $Desktop, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $FALSE)] $Name, [SWITCH]$PassThru) if ($NULL -eq $Name) { $Name = "" } if ($NULL -eq $Desktop) { $Desktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Current } if ($Desktop -is [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]) { if ($Name -ne "") { Write-Verbose "Set name of desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($Desktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($Desktop))') to '$Name'" } else { Write-Verbose "Remove name of desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($Desktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($Desktop))')" } $Desktop.SetName($Name) $ActiveDesktop = $Desktop } else { if ($Desktop -is [ValueType]) { $ActiveDesktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($Desktop) if ($ActiveDesktop) { if ($Name -ne "") { Write-Verbose "Set name of desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($ActiveDesktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($ActiveDesktop))') to '$Name'" } else { Write-Verbose "Remove name of desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($ActiveDesktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($ActiveDesktop))')" } $ActiveDesktop.SetName($Name) } } else { if ($Desktop -is [STRING]) { $TempIndex = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::SearchDesktop($Desktop) if ($TempIndex -ge 0) { $ActiveDesktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($TempIndex) if ($Name -ne "") { Write-Verbose "Set name of desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($ActiveDesktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($ActiveDesktop))') to '$Name'" } else { Write-Verbose "Remove name of desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($ActiveDesktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($ActiveDesktop))')" } $ActiveDesktop.SetName($Name) } else { Write-Error "No desktop with name part '$Desktop' found" } } else { Write-Error "Parameter -Desktop has to be a desktop object, an integer or a string" } } } if ($PassThru) { return $ActiveDesktop } } if ($OSBuild -ge 22000) { function Set-DesktopWallpaper { <# .SYNOPSIS Set wallpaper of virtual desktop .DESCRIPTION Set wallpaper of virtual desktop .PARAMETER Desktop Number of desktop (starting with 0 to count-1), desktop object or string (part of desktop name) If parameter Desktop is not set, the name of the current desktop is used. .PARAMETER Path Path to wallpaper .PARAMETER PassThru Return virtual desktop .INPUTS Number of desktop (starting with 0 to count-1), desktop object or string (part of desktop name) .OUTPUTS None or [VirtualDesktop.Desktop] .EXAMPLE Set-DesktopWallpaper 0 "C:\Users\VD\Pictures\NicePic.jpg" Set wallpaper of first desktop .EXAMPLE Set-DesktopWallpaper -Path "C:\Users\VD\Pictures\CurrentDesktopPic.jpg" Set wallpaper of current desktop .EXAMPLE "First found" | Set-DesktopWallpaper -Path "C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper\Windows\img0.jpg" Set wallpaper of first virtual desktop whose name contains "First found" .EXAMPLE New-Desktop | Set-DesktopWallpaper -Path "Background.jpg" -PassThru | Get-DesktopName Create virtual desktop, set its wallpaper and return the name .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2021/10/18 #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE)] $Desktop, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $FALSE)] $Path, [SWITCH]$PassThru) if ($NULL -eq $Desktop) { $Desktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Current } if ($Desktop -is [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]) { if ([STRING]::IsNullOrEmpty($Path)) { Write-Error "Wallpaper path is missing" } else { Write-Verbose "Set wallpaper of desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($Desktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($Desktop))') to '$Path'" $Desktop.SetWallpaperPath($Path) } $ActiveDesktop = $Desktop } else { if ($Desktop -is [ValueType]) { $ActiveDesktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($Desktop) if ($ActiveDesktop) { if ([STRING]::IsNullOrEmpty($Path)) { Write-Error "Wallpaper path is missing" } else { Write-Verbose "Set name of desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($ActiveDesktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($ActiveDesktop))') to '$Path'" $ActiveDesktop.SetWallpaperPath($Path) } } } else { if ($Desktop -is [STRING]) { $TempIndex = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::SearchDesktop($Desktop) if ($TempIndex -ge 0) { $ActiveDesktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($TempIndex) if ([STRING]::IsNullOrEmpty($Path)) { Write-Error "Wallpaper path is missing" } else { Write-Verbose "Set name of desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($ActiveDesktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($ActiveDesktop))') to '$Path'" $ActiveDesktop.SetWallpaperPath($Path) } } else { Write-Error "No desktop with name part '$Desktop' found" } } else { Write-Error "Parameter -Desktop has to be a desktop object, an integer or a string" } } } if ($PassThru) { return $ActiveDesktop } } function Set-AllDesktopWallpapers { <# .SYNOPSIS Set wallpaper of all virtual desktops .DESCRIPTION Set wallpaper of all virtual desktops .PARAMETER Path Path to wallpaper .INPUTS String .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE Set-AllDesktopWallpapers -Path "C:\Users\VD\Pictures\NicePic.jpg" Set wallpaper of all desktops .EXAMPLE "C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper\Windows\img0.jpg" | Set-AllDesktopWallpapers Set wallpaper of all desktops .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2021/10/17 #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE)] $Path) if ([STRING]::IsNullOrEmpty($Path)) { Write-Error "Wallpaper path is missing" } else { Write-Verbose "Set wallpaper of all desktops to '$Path'" [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::SetAllWallpaperPaths($Path) } } } function Get-DesktopFromWindow { <# .SYNOPSIS Get virtual desktop of window .DESCRIPTION Get virtual desktop of window whose window handle is given. Returns $NULL if window handle is unknown. .PARAMETER Hwnd Window handle .INPUTS IntPtr .OUTPUTS Desktop object .EXAMPLE Get-DesktopFromWindow ((Get-Process "notepad")[0].MainWindowHandle) | Switch-Desktop Switch to virtual desktop with notepad window .EXAMPLE Find-WindowHandle "notepad" | Get-DesktopFromWindow | Switch-Desktop Switch to virtual desktop with notepad window .LINK .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2017/05/08 Updated: 2020/06/27 #> [OutputType([VirtualDesktop.Desktop])] [Cmdletbinding()] Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE)] $Hwnd) if ($Hwnd -is [IntPtr]) { $Desktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromWindow($Hwnd) if ($NULL -ne $Desktop) { Write-Verbose "Window is on desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($Desktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($Desktop))')" } return $Desktop } else { if ($Hwnd -is [ValueType]) { $Desktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromWindow([IntPtr]$Hwnd) if ($NULL -ne $Desktop) { Write-Verbose "Window is on desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($Desktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($Desktop))')" } return $Desktop } else { Write-Error "Parameter -Hwnd has to be an IntPtr or an integer" return $NULL } } } function Test-CurrentDesktop { <# .SYNOPSIS Checks whether a desktop is the displayed virtual desktop .DESCRIPTION Checks whether a desktop is the displayed virtual desktop .PARAMETER Desktop Number of desktop (starting with 0 to count-1), desktop object or string (part of desktop name) .INPUTS Number of desktop (starting with 0 to count-1), desktop object or string (part of desktop name) .OUTPUTS Boolean .EXAMPLE Get-DesktopIndex 1 | Test-CurrentDesktop Checks whether the desktop with count number 1 is the displayed virtual desktop .EXAMPLE Test-CurrentDesktop "desktop 2" Checks whether the desktop with string "desktop 2" in name is the displayed virtual desktop .LINK .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2017/05/08 Updated: 2020/06/27 #> [OutputType([BOOLEAN])] [Cmdletbinding()] Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE)] $Desktop) if ($Desktop -is [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]) { Write-Verbose "Check visibility of desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($Desktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($Desktop))')" return $Desktop.IsVisible } else { if ($Desktop -is [ValueType]) { $TempDesktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($Desktop) if ($TempDesktop) { Write-Verbose "Check visibility of desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($TempDesktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($TempDesktop))')" return $TempDesktop.IsVisible } } else { if ($Desktop -is [STRING]) { $TempIndex = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::SearchDesktop($Desktop) if ($TempIndex -ge 0) { Write-Verbose "Check visibility of desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop(([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($TempIndex)))) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($TempIndex)))')" return ([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($TempIndex)).IsVisible } else { Write-Error "No desktop with name part '$Desktop' found" } } else { Write-Error "Parameter -Desktop has to be a desktop object, an integer or a string" } } return $FALSE } } function Get-LeftDesktop { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the desktop object on the "left" side .DESCRIPTION Get the desktop object on the "left" side If there is no desktop on the "left" side $NULL is returned. Returns desktop "left" to current desktop if parameter desktop is omitted. .PARAMETER Desktop Number of desktop (starting with 0 to count-1), desktop object or string (part of desktop name) .INPUTS Number of desktop (starting with 0 to count-1), desktop object or string (part of desktop name) .OUTPUTS Desktop object .EXAMPLE Get-CurrentDesktop | Get-LeftDesktop | Switch-Desktop Switch to the desktop left of the displayed virtual desktop .EXAMPLE Get-LeftDesktop 1 Get desktop left to second desktop .LINK .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2017/05/08 Updated: 2020/06/27 #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE)] $Desktop) if ($NULL -eq $Desktop) { $Desktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Current } if ($Desktop -is [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]) { Write-Verbose "Returning desktop left of desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($Desktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($Desktop))')" return $Desktop.Left } else { if ($Desktop -is [ValueType]) { $TempDesktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($Desktop) if ($TempDesktop) { Write-Verbose "Returning desktop left of desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($TempDesktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($TempDesktop))')" return $TempDesktop.Left } } else { if ($Desktop -is [STRING]) { $TempIndex = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::SearchDesktop($Desktop) if ($TempIndex -ge 0) { Write-Verbose "Returning desktop left of desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop(([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($TempIndex)))) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($TempIndex)))')" return ([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($TempIndex)).Left } else { Write-Error "No desktop with name part '$Desktop' found" } } else { Write-Error "Parameter -Desktop has to be a desktop object, an integer or a string" } } return $NULL } } function Get-RightDesktop { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the desktop object on the "right" side .DESCRIPTION Get the desktop object on the "right" side If there is no desktop on the "right" side $NULL is returned. Returns desktop "right" to current desktop if parameter desktop is omitted. .PARAMETER Desktop Number of desktop (starting with 0 to count-1), desktop object or string (part of desktop name) .INPUTS Number of desktop (starting with 0 to count-1), desktop object or string (part of desktop name) .OUTPUTS Desktop object .EXAMPLE Get-CurrentDesktop | Get-RightDesktop | Switch-Desktop Switch to the desktop right of the displayed virtual desktop .EXAMPLE Get-RightDesktop 1 Get desktop right to second desktop .LINK .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2017/05/08 Updated: 2020/06/27 #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE)] $Desktop) if ($NULL -eq $Desktop) { $Desktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Current } if ($Desktop -is [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]) { Write-Verbose "Returning desktop right of desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($Desktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($Desktop))')" return $Desktop.Right } else { if ($Desktop -is [ValueType]) { $TempDesktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($Desktop) if ($TempDesktop) { Write-Verbose "Returning desktop right of desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($TempDesktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($TempDesktop))')" return $TempDesktop.Right } } else { if ($Desktop -is [STRING]) { $TempIndex = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::SearchDesktop($Desktop) if ($TempIndex -ge 0) { Write-Verbose "Returning desktop right of desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop(([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($TempIndex)))) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($TempIndex)))')" return ([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($TempIndex)).Right } else { Write-Error "No desktop with name part '$Desktop' found" } } else { Write-Error "Parameter -Desktop has to be a desktop object, an integer or a string" } } return $NULL } } if ($OSBuild -ge 22000) { function Move-Desktop { <# .SYNOPSIS Move current desktop to other virtual desktop .DESCRIPTION Move current desktop to other virtual desktop. .PARAMETER Desktop Desktop object to move current desktop to .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Desktop object .EXAMPLE Move-Window -Desktop (Get-Desktop "Other Desktop") Move current virtual desktop to desktop "Other Desktop" .EXAMPLE Move-Window -Desktop (Get-RightDesktop) Move current virtual desktop to the "right" .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2021/10/17 #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE)] $Desktop) if ($NULL -eq $Desktop) { Write-Error "Parameter -Desktop missing" return $NULL } if ($Desktop -is [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]) { Write-Verbose "Moving current desktop to desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($Desktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($Desktop))')" ([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Current).Move([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($Desktop)) return ([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Current) } Write-Error "Parameter -Desktop has to be a desktop object" return $NULL } } function Move-Window { <# .SYNOPSIS Move window to virtual desktop .DESCRIPTION Move window whose window handle is given to virtual desktop. The parameter values are auto detected and can change places. The desktop object is handed to the output pipeline for further use. If parameter desktop is omitted, the current desktop is used. .PARAMETER Desktop Desktop object .PARAMETER Hwnd Window handle .INPUTS Desktop object .OUTPUTS Desktop object .EXAMPLE Move-Window -Desktop (Get-CurrentDesktop) -Hwnd ((Get-Process "notepad")[0].MainWindowHandle) Move notepad window to current virtual desktop .EXAMPLE New-Desktop | Move-Window (Get-ConsoleHandle) | Switch-Desktop Create virtual desktop and move powershell console window to it, then activate new desktop. .LINK .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2017/05/08 Updated: 2020/06/27 #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $FALSE)] $Desktop, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE)] $Hwnd) if ($NULL -eq $Desktop) { $Desktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Current } else { if ($NULL -eq $Hwnd) { $Hwnd = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Current } } if (($Hwnd -is [IntPtr]) -And ($Desktop -is [VirtualDesktop.Desktop])) { Write-Verbose "Moving window to desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($Desktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($Desktop))')" $Desktop.MoveWindow($Hwnd) return $Desktop } if (($Hwnd -is [ValueType]) -And ($Desktop -is [VirtualDesktop.Desktop])) { Write-Verbose "Moving window to desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($Desktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($Desktop))')" $Desktop.MoveWindow([IntPtr]$Hwnd) return $Desktop } if (($Desktop -is [IntPtr]) -And ($Hwnd -is [VirtualDesktop.Desktop])) { Write-Verbose "Moving window to desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($Hwnd)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($Hwnd))')" $Hwnd.MoveWindow($Desktop) return $Hwnd } if (($Desktop -is [ValueType]) -And ($Hwnd -is [VirtualDesktop.Desktop])) { Write-Verbose "Moving window to desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($Hwnd)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($Hwnd))')" $Hwnd.MoveWindow([IntPtr]$Desktop) return $Hwnd } Write-Error "Parameters -Desktop and -Hwnd have to be a desktop object and an IntPtr/integer pair" return $NULL } function Move-ActiveWindow { <# .SYNOPSIS Move active window to virtual desktop .DESCRIPTION Move active window to virtual desktop. The desktop object is handed to the output pipeline for further use. If parameter desktop is omitted, the current desktop is used. .PARAMETER Desktop Number of desktop (starting with 0 to count-1), desktop object or string (part of desktop name) .INPUTS Number of desktop (starting with 0 to count-1), desktop object or string (part of desktop name) .OUTPUTS Desktop object .EXAMPLE Move-ActiveWindow -Desktop (Get-CurrentDesktop) Move active window to current virtual desktop .EXAMPLE New-Desktop | Move-ActiveWindow | Switch-Desktop Create virtual desktop and move activate window to it, then activate new desktop. .EXAMPLE Move-ActiveWindow "Desktop 2" Move activate window to second desktop .LINK .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2019/02/13 Updated: 2020/06/27 #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE)] $Desktop) if ($NULL -eq $Desktop) { $Desktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Current } if ($Desktop -is [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]) { Write-Verbose "Moving active window to desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($Desktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($Desktop))')" $Desktop.MoveWindow((Get-ActiveWindowHandle)) return $Desktop } else { if ($Desktop -is [ValueType]) { $TempDesktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($Desktop) if ($TempDesktop) { Write-Verbose "Moving active window to desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($TempDesktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($TempDesktop))')" $TempDesktop.MoveWindow((Get-ActiveWindowHandle)) return $TempDesktop } } else { if ($Desktop -is [STRING]) { $TempIndex = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::SearchDesktop($Desktop) if ($TempIndex -ge 0) { $TempDesktop = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromIndex($TempIndex) Write-Verbose "Moving active window to desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($TempDesktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($TempDesktop))')" $TempDesktop.MoveWindow((Get-ActiveWindowHandle)) return $TempDesktop } else { Write-Error "No desktop with name part '$Desktop' found" } } else { Write-Error "Parameter -Desktop has to be a desktop object, an integer or a string" } } return $NULL } } function Test-Window { <# .SYNOPSIS Check if window is displayed on virtual desktop .DESCRIPTION Check if window whose window handle is given is displayed on virtual desktop. The parameter values are auto detected and can change places. If parameter desktop is not supplied, the current desktop is used. .PARAMETER Desktop Desktop object. If omitted the current desktop is used. .PARAMETER Hwnd Window handle .INPUTS Desktop object .OUTPUTS Boolean .EXAMPLE Test-Window -Hwnd ((Get-Process "notepad")[0].MainWindowHandle) Check if notepad window is displayed on current virtual desktop .EXAMPLE Get-Desktop 1 | Test-Window (Get-ConsoleHandle) Check if powershell console window is displayed on virtual desktop with number 1 (second desktop) .LINK .LINK .LINK .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2017/05/08 Updated: 2020/06/27 #> [OutputType([BOOLEAN])] [Cmdletbinding()] Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $FALSE)] $Desktop, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE)] $Hwnd) if ($Hwnd -is [IntPtr]) { if ($Desktop -is [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]) { Write-Verbose "Checking window on desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($Desktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($Desktop))')" return $Desktop.HasWindow($Hwnd) } else { Write-Verbose "Checking window on desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Current)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Current))')" return ([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Current).HasWindow($Hwnd) } } if ($Hwnd -is [ValueType]) { if ($Desktop -is [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]) { Write-Verbose "Checking window on desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($Desktop)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($Desktop))')" return $Desktop.HasWindow([IntPtr]$Hwnd) } else { Write-Verbose "Checking window on desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Current)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Current))')" return ([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Current).HasWindow([IntPtr]$Hwnd) } } if ($Desktop -is [IntPtr]) { if ($Hwnd -is [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]) { Write-Verbose "Checking window on desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($Hwnd)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($Hwnd))')" return $Hwnd.HasWindow($Desktop) } else { Write-Verbose "Checking window on desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Current)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Current))')" return ([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Current).HasWindow($Desktop) } } if ($Desktop -is [ValueType]) { if ($Hwnd -is [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]) { Write-Verbose "Checking window on desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop($Hwnd)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop($Hwnd))')" return $Hwnd.HasWindow([IntPtr]$Desktop) } else { Write-Verbose "Checking window on desktop number $([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FromDesktop([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Current)) ('$([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::DesktopNameFromDesktop([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Current))')" return ([VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::Current).HasWindow([IntPtr]$Desktop) } } Write-Error "Parameters -Desktop and -Hwnd have to be a desktop object and an IntPtr/integer pair" return $FALSE } function Pin-Window { <# .SYNOPSIS Pin window to all desktops .DESCRIPTION Pin window whose window handle is given to all desktops. .PARAMETER Hwnd Window handle .INPUTS IntPtr .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE Pin-Window ((Get-Process "notepad")[0].MainWindowHandle) Pin notepad window to all desktops .LINK .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2017/05/08 Updated: 2020/06/27 #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE)] $Hwnd) if ($Hwnd -is [IntPtr]) { [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::PinWindow($Hwnd) Write-Verbose "Pinned window with handle $Hwnd to all desktops" } else { if ($Hwnd -is [ValueType]) { [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::PinWindow([IntPtr]$Hwnd) Write-Verbose "Pinned window with handle $Hwnd to all desktops" } else { Write-Error "Parameter -Hwnd has to be an IntPtr or an integer" } } } function Unpin-Window { <# .SYNOPSIS Unpin window from all desktops .DESCRIPTION Unpin window whose window handle is given from all desktops. .PARAMETER Hwnd Window handle .INPUTS IntPtr .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE Unpin-Window ((Get-Process "notepad")[0].MainWindowHandle) Unpin notepad window from all desktops .LINK .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2017/05/08 Updated: 2020/06/27 #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE)] $Hwnd) if ($Hwnd -is [IntPtr]) { [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::UnpinWindow($Hwnd) Write-Verbose "Unpinned window with handle $Hwnd from all desktops" } else { if ($Hwnd -is [ValueType]) { [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::UnpinWindow([IntPtr]$Hwnd) Write-Verbose "Unpinned window with handle $Hwnd from all desktops" } else { Write-Error "Parameter -Hwnd has to be an IntPtr or an integer" } } } function Test-WindowPinned { <# .SYNOPSIS Checks whether a window is pinned to all desktops .DESCRIPTION Checks whether a window whose window handle is given is pinned to all desktops. .PARAMETER Hwnd Window handle .INPUTS IntPtr .OUTPUTS Boolean .EXAMPLE Test-WindowPinned ((Get-Process "notepad")[0].MainWindowHandle) Checks whether notepad window is pinned to all virtual desktops .LINK .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2017/05/08 Updated: 2020/06/27 #> [OutputType([BOOLEAN])] [Cmdletbinding()] Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE)] $Hwnd) if ($Hwnd -is [IntPtr]) { Write-Verbose "Check if window with handle $Hwnd is pinned to all desktops" return [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::IsWindowPinned($Hwnd) } else { if ($Hwnd -is [ValueType]) { Write-Verbose "Check if window with handle $Hwnd is pinned to all desktops" return [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::IsWindowPinned([IntPtr]$Hwnd) } else { Write-Error "Parameter -Hwnd has to be an IntPtr or an integer" return $FALSE } } } function Pin-Application { <# .SYNOPSIS Pin application to all desktops .DESCRIPTION Pin application whose window handle is given to all desktops. .PARAMETER Hwnd Window handle .INPUTS IntPtr .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE Pin-Application ((Get-Process "notepad")[0].MainWindowHandle) Pin all notepad windows to all desktops .LINK .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2017/05/08 Updated: 2020/06/27 #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE)] $Hwnd) if ($Hwnd -is [IntPtr]) { [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::PinApplication($Hwnd) Write-Verbose "Pinned application with window handle $Hwnd to all desktops" } else { if ($Hwnd -is [ValueType]) { [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::PinApplication([IntPtr]$Hwnd) Write-Verbose "Pinned application with window handle $Hwnd to all desktops" } else { Write-Error "Parameter -Hwnd has to be an IntPtr or an integer" } } } function Unpin-Application { <# .SYNOPSIS Unpin application from all desktops .DESCRIPTION Unpin application whose window handle is given from all desktops. .PARAMETER Hwnd Window handle .INPUTS IntPtr .OUTPUTS None .EXAMPLE Unpin-Application ((Get-Process "notepad")[0].MainWindowHandle) Unpin all notepad windows from all desktops .LINK .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2017/05/08 Updated: 2020/06/27 #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE)] $Hwnd) if ($Hwnd -is [IntPtr]) { [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::UnpinApplication($Hwnd) Write-Verbose "Unpinned application with window handle $Hwnd from all desktops" } else { if ($Hwnd -is [ValueType]) { [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::UnpinApplication([IntPtr]$Hwnd) Write-Verbose "Unpinned application with window handle $Hwnd from all desktops" } else { Write-Error "Parameter -Hwnd has to be an IntPtr or an integer" } } } function Test-ApplicationPinned { <# .SYNOPSIS Checks whether an application is pinned to all desktops .DESCRIPTION Checks whether an application whose window handle is given is pinned to all desktops. .PARAMETER Hwnd Window handle .INPUTS IntPtr .OUTPUTS Boolean .EXAMPLE Test-ApplicationPinned ((Get-Process "notepad")[0].MainWindowHandle) Checks whether notepad windows are pinned to all virtual desktops .LINK .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2017/05/08 Updated: 2020/06/27 #> [OutputType([BOOLEAN])] [Cmdletbinding()] Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE)] $Hwnd) if ($Hwnd -is [IntPtr]) { Write-Verbose "Check if application with window handle $Hwnd is pinned to all desktops" return [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::IsApplicationPinned($Hwnd) } else { if ($Hwnd -is [ValueType]) { Write-Verbose "Check if application with window handle $Hwnd is pinned to all desktops" return [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::IsApplicationPinned([IntPtr]$Hwnd) } else { Write-Error "Parameter -Hwnd has to be an IntPtr or an integer" return $FALSE } } } function Get-ConsoleHandle { <# .SYNOPSIS Get window handle of powershell console .DESCRIPTION Get window handle of powershell console in a safe way (means: if powershell is started in a cmd window, the cmd window handled is returned). .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS IntPtr .EXAMPLE Get-ConsoleHandle Get window handle of powershell console .LINK .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2018/10/22 Updated: 2022/02/25 #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param() Write-Verbose "Retrieving console window handle" if ($NULL -ne $ENV:wt_session) { # seems to be running in Windows Terminal $HANDLE = (Get-Process -PID ((Get-WmiObject -Class win32_process -Filter "processid='$PID'").ParentProcessId)).MainWindowHandle } else { # Powershell in own console $HANDLE = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::GetConsoleWindow() if ($HANDLE -eq 0) { # maybe script is started in ISE $HANDLE = (Get-Process -PID $PID).MainWindowHandle } } return $HANDLE } function Get-ActiveWindowHandle { <# .SYNOPSIS Get window handle of foreground window .DESCRIPTION Get window handle of foreground window (the foreground window is always on the current virtual desktop). .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS IntPtr .EXAMPLE Get-ActiveWindowHandle Get window handle of foreground window .LINK .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2019/02/13 Updated: 2020/06/27 #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param() Write-Verbose "Retrieving handle of active window" return [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::GetForegroundWindow() } function Find-WindowHandle { <# .SYNOPSIS Find window handle to title text or retrieve list of windows with title .DESCRIPTION Find first window handle to partial title text (not case sensitive) or retrieve list of windows with title if * is supplied as title .PARAMETER Title Partial window title or *. The search is not case sensitive. .INPUTS STRING .OUTPUTS Int or Array of WindowInformation .EXAMPLE Find-WindowHandle powershell Get window handle of first powershell window .EXAMPLE Find-WindowHandle * Get a list of all windows with title .EXAMPLE Find-WindowHandle * | ? { $_.Title -match "firefox" } Find all windows that contain the text "firefox" in their title .LINK .LINK .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Scholtes Created: 2019/09/04 Updated: 2020/06/27 #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE)] $Title) if ($Title -eq "*") { Write-Verbose "Retrieving window titles and handles of all windows with titles" return [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::GetWindows() } else { Write-Verbose "Retrieving window handles of first window with '$Title' in title" $RESULT = [VirtualDesktop.Desktop]::FindWindow($Title) if ($RESULT) { Write-Verbose "Window '$($RESULT.Title)' found" return $RESULT.Handle } else { Write-Verbose "No window found" return 0 } } } # Clean up variables Remove-Variable -Name OSVer,OSBuild |