
VirtualDesktop is a module that provides commandlets to manage virtual desktops of Windows 10 and 11.
Version: 1.5.10
Date: 2025-03-03
Author: Markus Scholtes

# check for integrity of the source files
if (!(Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot/"))
    Write-Error "Cannot load module because files are missing"
if (Get-Command Test-FileCatalog -EA SilentlyContinue)
{ # available only from Powershell 5.1 on
    if ((Test-FileCatalog -Path "$PSScriptRoot/VirtualDesktop.ps1" -Detailed -CatalogFilePath "$PSScriptRoot/").Status -ne "Valid")
    { # cancel because files have been changed
        Write-Error "Cannot load module because files have been modified"

# Load modules manually for security reasons
. "$PSScriptRoot/VirtualDesktop.ps1"

# Export functions
Export-ModuleMember -Function @(