
    Build body for various vaas api calls

    Build body for various api calls, typically for searching, eg. certificates, logs.

    Array or multidimensional array of fields and values to filter on.
    Each array should be of the format @('operator', @(field, comparison operator, value), @(field2, comparison operator2, value2)).
    Nested filters are supported.
    For a complete list of comparison operators, see

    Array or multidimensional array of fields to Order on.
    Each array should be of the format @(field, asc/desc).
    If just the field name is provided, ascending will be used.

Read-VaasLog -Filter @('and', @('authenticationType', 'eq', 'NONE'))
Filter log results

Read-VaasLog -Filter @('and', @('authenticationType', 'eq', 'NONE')) -First 5
Get first 5 entries of filtered log results

Read-VaasLog -Filter @('and', @('activityDate', 'gt', (get-date).AddMonths(-1)), @('or', @('userId', 'eq', 'ab0feb46-8df7-47e7-8da9-f47ab314f26a'), @('userId', 'eq', '933c28de-6352-46f3-bc12-bd96077e8eae')))
Advanced filtering of results. This filter will find log entries by 1 of 2 people within the last month.

Read-VaasLog -Filter @('and', @('authenticationType', 'eq', 'NONE')) -Order 'activityDate'
Filter log results and order them

Read-VaasLog -Filter @('and', @('authenticationType', 'eq', 'NONE')) -Order @{'activityDate'='desc'}
Filter log results and order them descending


function New-VaasSearchQuery {

    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '', Justification = 'No state is actually changing')]



        [System.Collections.ArrayList] $Filter,

        [psobject[]] $Order


    begin {

        $operators = 'EQ', 'FIND', 'GT', 'GTE', 'IN', 'LT', 'LTE', 'MATCH'

        $query = @{
            'expression' = @{}
            'ordering'   = @{}
            'paging'     = @{}

        if ($PSCmdlet.PagingParameters.First -ne [uint64]::MaxValue) {
            $query.paging.Add('pageSize', $PSCmdlet.PagingParameters.First)
            $query.paging.Add('pageNumber', 0)

        function New-VaasExpression {
            param (
                [psobject] $Filter

            $loopFilter = $Filter
            $operator = $null

            # first item may be the operator or a filter
            # if so, pull it off the list and process the rest
            if ($Filter[0].GetType().Name -eq 'String' -and $Filter[0] -in 'AND', 'OR') {
                $operator = $Filter[0].ToUpper()
                $loopFilter = $Filter | Select-Object -Skip 1
                $loopFilter = @(, $loopFilter)

            $operands = $loopFilter | ForEach-Object {
                $thisItem = $_
                if ( $thisItem.count -eq 3 -and -not ($thisItem | ForEach-Object { if ($_.GetType().Name -eq 'Object[]') { 'array' } })) {
                    $newOperand = @{
                        'field'    = $thisItem[0]
                        'operator' = $thisItem[1].ToUpper()

                    # handle different value types
                    # note the use of property 'values' for an array, eg. when the operator is find, in, match
                    switch ($thisItem[2].GetType().Name) {
                        'DateTime' {
                            $newOperand.Add('value', ($thisItem[2] | ConvertTo-UtcIso8601))

                        'String' {
                            $newOperand.Add('value', $thisItem[2])

                        Default {
                            # we have a list
                            $newOperand.Add('values', $thisItem[2])

                else {
                    New-VaasExpression -Filter $thisItem

            if ( $operator ) {
                    'operator' = $operator
                    'operands' = @($operands)
            else {

    process {

        if ( $Filter ) {
            $thisFilter = @(, $Filter)
            $query.expression = New-VaasExpression -Filter $thisFilter

        if ( $Order ) {
            $query.ordering.Add('orders', @())

            @($Order) | ForEach-Object {
                $thisOrder = $_
                switch ($thisOrder.GetType().Name) {
                    'String' {
                        $query.ordering.orders += @{
                            'field'     = $thisOrder
                            'direction' = 'ASC'

                    'HashTable' {
                        $thisOrder.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {

                            if ( $_.Value -notin 'asc', 'desc' ) {
                                throw ('Invalid order direction, {0}. Provide either ''asc'' or ''desc''' -f $_.Value)

                            $query.ordering.orders += @{
                                'field'     = $_.Key
                                'direction' = $_.Value.ToUpper()

                    Default {
                        throw 'Invalid format for Order'