<# .SYNOPSIS Convert code sign project to something powershell friendly .DESCRIPTION Convert code sign project to something powershell friendly .PARAMETER InputObject Code sign project object .INPUTS InputObject .OUTPUTS PSCustomObject .EXAMPLE $envObj | ConvertTo-TppCodeSignProject #> function ConvertTo-TppCodeSignProject { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject] $InputObject ) begin { } process { $InputObject | Select-Object -Property ` @{ n = 'Name' e = { Split-Path $_.DN -Leaf } }, @{ n = 'Path' e = { $_.DN } }, @{ n = 'TypeName' e = { 'Code Signing Project' } }, @{ n = 'Guid' e = { [guid] $_.Guid } }, @{ n = 'Status' e = { [enum]::GetName([TppCodeSignProjectStatus], $_.Status) } }, @{ n = 'ApplicationPath' e = { @($_.ApplicationDNs.Items) } }, @{ n = 'Application' e = { @($_.Applications) } }, @{ n = 'Auditor' e = { @($_.Auditors.Items) } }, @{ n = 'Collection' e = { @($_.Collections) } }, @{ n = 'KeyUseApprover' e = { @($_.KeyUseApprovers.Items) } }, @{ n = 'KeyUser' e = { @($_.KeyUsers.Items) } }, @{ n = 'Owner' e = { @($_.Owners.Items) } }, @{ n = 'CertificateEnvironment' e = { $_.CertificateEnvironments | ConvertTo-TppCodeSignEnvironment } }, CreatedOn, Description, Id } } |