
Sets a value on an attribute
Set a value on an attribute. The attribute can either be built-in or custom.
Path to the object to modify
.PARAMETER Attribute
Hashtable with names and values to be set. If setting a custom field, you can use either the name or guid as the key.
.PARAMETER BypassValidation
Bypass data validation. Only appicable to custom fields.
.PARAMETER VenafiSession
Session object created from New-VenafiSession method. The value defaults to the script session object $VenafiSession.
Set-TppAttribute -Path '\VED\Policy\My Folder\ -Attribute @{'My custom field Label'='new custom value'}
Set value on custom field
Set-TppAttribute -Path '\VED\Policy\My Folder\ -Attribute @{'DateField'='hi'} -BypassValidation
Set value on custom field bypassing field validation
Set-TppAttribute -Path '\VED\Policy\My Folder\ -Attribute @{'Consumers'='\VED\Policy\'}
Set value on a certificate by overwriting any existing values

function Set-TppAttribute {

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', '', Justification = 'Being flagged incorrectly')]

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        [ValidateScript( {
                if ( $_ | Test-TppDnPath ) {
                else {
                    throw "'$_' is not a valid DN path"
        [String[]] $Path,

        [hashtable] $Attribute,

        [switch] $BypassValidation,

        [VenafiSession] $VenafiSession = $script:VenafiSession

    begin {
        $VenafiSession.Validate() | Out-Null

        $params = @{
            VenafiSession = $VenafiSession
            Method        = 'Post'

        $baseFields = @()
        $customFields = @()

        $Attribute.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {

            $thisKey = $_.Key
            $thisValue = $_.Value
            $customFieldError = $null

            $customField = $VenafiSession.CustomField | Where-Object { $_.Label -eq $thisKey -or $_.Guid -eq $thisKey }
            if ( $customField ) {
                switch ( $customField.Type.ToString() ) {
                    '1' {
                        # string
                        if ( $customField.RegularExpression -and $thisValue -notmatch $customField.RegularExpression ) {
                            $customFieldError = 'regular expression ''{0}'' validation failed' -f $customField.RegularExpression

                    '2' {
                        # list
                        if ( $thisValue -notin $customField.AllowedValues ) {
                            $customFieldError = 'value is not in the list of allowed values ''{0}''' -f $customField.AllowedValues

                    '5' {
                        # identity
                        if ( -not ($thisValue | Test-TppIdentity -ExistOnly -VenafiSession $VenafiSession) ) {
                            $customFieldError = 'value is not a valid identity'

                    '4' {
                        # date/time
                        try {
                            [datetime] $thisValue
                        catch {
                            $customFieldError = 'value is not a valid date'

                    Default {
                        $customFieldError = 'unknown custom field type'

                if ( $customFieldError -and -not $BypassValidation.IsPresent ) {
                    Write-Error ('The value ''{0}'' for field ''{1}'' encountered an error, {2}' -f $thisValue, $thisKey, $customFieldError)
                else {
                    $customFields += @{
                        ItemGuid = $customField.Guid
                        List     = @($thisValue)
            else {
                $baseFields += @{
                    Name  = $thisKey
                    Value = $thisValue

    process {

        foreach ($thisDn in $Path) {

            if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($thisDn) ) {

                # built-in fields and custom fields have different APIs and payloads

                if ( $baseFields.Count -gt 0 ) {

                    $params.UriLeaf = 'config/Write'
                    $params.Body = @{
                        ObjectDN      = $thisDn
                        AttributeData = $baseFields

                    $response = Invoke-TppRestMethod @params

                    if ( $response.Result -ne [TppConfigResult]::Success ) {
                        Write-Error $response.Error

                if ( $customFields.Count -gt 0 ) {

                    $params.UriLeaf = 'Metadata/Set'
                    $params.Body = @{
                        DN           = $thisDn
                        GuidData     = $customFields
                        KeepExisting = $true

                    $response = Invoke-TppRestMethod @params

                    if ( $response.Result -ne 0 ) {
                        Write-Error $response.Error