
Revoke a certificate
Requests that an existing certificate be revoked.
.PARAMETER InputObject
TppObject which represents a certificate
Full path to a certificate
The reason for revocation of the certificate:
    0: None
    1: User key compromised
    2: CA key compromised
    3: User changed affiliation
    4: Certificate superseded
    5: Original use no longer valid
Optional details as to why the certificate is being revoked
The setting to manage the Certificate object upon revocation.
Default is to allow a new certificate to be enrolled to replace the revoked one.
Provide this switch to mark the certificate as disabled and no new certificate will be enrolled to replace the revoked one.
Wait for the requested revocation to be complete
Bypass the confirmation prompt
.PARAMETER VenafiSession
Session object created from New-VenafiSession method. The value defaults to the script session object $VenafiSession.
TppObject or Path
PSCustomObject with the following properties:
    Path - Path to the Certificate
    Status - InProgress, Revoked, or Error
    Warning/Error - additional info
$cert | Revoke-TppCertificate -Reason 2
Revoke the certificate with a reason of the CA being compromised
$cert | Revoke-TppCertificate -Force
Revoke the certificate bypassing the confirmation prompt
Revoke-TppCertificate -Path '\VED\Policy\My folder\' -Reason 2 -Wait
Revoke the certificate with a reason of the CA being compromised and wait for it to complete

function Revoke-TppCertificate {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
    param (

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        [ValidateScript( {
                if ( $_ | Test-TppDnPath ) {
                } else {
                    throw "'$_' is not a valid DN path"
        [alias('DN', 'CertificateDN')]
        [String] $Path,

        [ValidateRange(0, 5)]
        [Int] $Reason,

        [String] $Comments,

        [Switch] $Disable,

        [Switch] $Wait,

        [switch] $Force,

        [VenafiSession] $VenafiSession = $script:VenafiSession

    begin {
        $VenafiSession.Validate() | Out-Null

        $params = @{
            VenafiSession = $VenafiSession
            Method     = 'Post'
            UriLeaf    = 'Certificates/Revoke'
            Body       = ''

    process {

        Write-Verbose "Revoking $Path..."

        $params.Body = @{
            CertificateDN = $Path

        if ( $Reason ) {
            $params.Body.Reason = $Reason

        if ( $Comments ) {
            $params.Body.Comments = $Comments

        if ( $Disable ) {
            $params.Body.Disable = $true

        if ( $Force ) {
            $ConfirmPreference = 'None'

        if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Path, 'Revoke certificate') ) {
            $response = Invoke-TppRestMethod @params

            if ( $Wait ) {
                while (-not $response.Revoked) {
                    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
                    $response = Invoke-TppRestMethod @params

            # determine status that makes sense since API returns Success in addition to Revoked/Requested
            if ( $response.Error ) {
                $status = "Error"
            } else {
                if ( $response.Revoked ) {
                    $status = 'Revoked'
                } else {
                    $status = 'InProgress'

            $updatedResponse = $response |
            Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty 'Revoked', 'Requested', 'Success' |
            Where-Object { $ -ne "*" }

            if ( $updatedResponse ) {
                $updatedResponse | Add-Member @{'Path' = $Path; 'Status' = $status } -PassThru
            } else {
                [PSCustomObject] @{
                    'Path'   = $Path
                    'Status' = $status