.SYNOPSIS Convert code sign certificate environment to something powershell friendly .DESCRIPTION Convert code sign certificate environment to something powershell friendly .PARAMETER InputObject Code sign certificate environment object .INPUTS InputObject .OUTPUTS PSCustomObject .EXAMPLE $envObj | ConvertTo-TppCodeSignEnvironment #> function ConvertTo-TppCodeSignEnvironment { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSCustomObject] $InputObject ) begin { } process { $InputObject | Select-Object -Property ` @{ n = 'Name' e = { Split-Path $_.DN -Leaf } }, @{ n = 'Path' e = { $_.Dn } }, @{ n = 'TypeName' e = { $_.Type } }, @{ n = 'Guid' e = { [guid] $_.Guid } }, @{ n = 'OrganizationalUnit' e = { $_.OrganizationalUnit.Value } }, @{ n = 'IPAddressRestriction' e = { $_.IPAddressRestriction.Items } }, @{ n = 'KeyUseFlowPath' e = { $_.KeyUseFlowDN } }, @{ n = 'TemplatePath' e = { $_.TemplateDN } }, @{ n = 'CertificateAuthorityPath' e = { $_.CertificateAuthorityDN.Value } }, @{ n = 'CertificatePath' e = { $_.CertificateDN } }, @{ n = 'CertificateSubject' e = { $_.CertificateSubject.Value } }, @{ n = 'City' e = { $_.City.Value } }, @{ n = 'KeyAlgorithm' e = { $_.KeyAlgorithm.Value } }, @{ n = 'KeyStorageLocation' e = { $_.KeyStorageLocation.Value } }, @{ n = 'Organization' e = { $_.Organization.Value } }, @{ n = 'OrganizationUnit' e = { $_.OrganizationUnit.Value } }, @{ n = 'SANEmail' e = { $_.SANEmail.Value } }, @{ n = 'State' e = { $_.State.Value } }, @{ n = 'Country' e = { $_.Country.Value } }, AllowUserKeyImport, Disabled, Id, CertificateStatus, CertificateStatusText, CertificateTemplate, SynchronizeChain } } |