
        This function outputs a Vault Authentication Token granted to the Domain User specified
        in the -DomainCredentialsWithAdminAccessToVault parameter.
        See .SYNOPSIS
    .PARAMETER VaultServerBaseUri
        This parameter is MANDATORY.
        This parameter takes a string that represents a Uri referencing the location of the Vault Server
        on your network. Example: ""
    .PARAMETER DomainCredentialsWithAccessToVault
        This parameter is MANDATORY.
        This parameter takes a PSCredential. Example:
        $Creds = [pscredential]::new("zero\zeroadmin",$(Read-Host "Please enter the password for 'zero\zeroadmin'" -AsSecureString))
        # Open an elevated PowerShell Session, import the module, and -
        PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> Get-VaultLogin -VaultServerBaseUri "" -DomainCredentialsWithAccessToVault $Creds

function Get-VaultLogin {
    Param (


    if (!$PSVersionTable.Platform -or $PSVersionTable.Platform -eq "Win32NT") {
        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11, tls"

    # Make sure we can reach the Vault Server and that is in a state where we can actually use it.
    try {
        $VaultServerUpAndUnsealedCheck = Invoke-RestMethod "$VaultServerBaseUri/sys/health"
        if (!$VaultServerUpAndUnsealedCheck -or $VaultServerUpAndUnsealedCheck.initialized -ne $True -or
        $VaultServerUpAndUnsealedCheck.sealed -ne $False -or $VaultServerUpAndUnsealedCheck.standby -ne $False) {
            throw "The Vault Server is either not reachable or in a state where it cannot be used! Halting!"
    catch {
        Write-Error $_
        Write-Host "Use 'Invoke-RestMethod '$VaultServerBaseUri/sys/health' to investigate" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        $global:FunctionResult = "1"

    # Get the Domain User's Vault Token so that we can interact with Vault
    $UserName = $($DomainCredentialsWithAccessToVault.UserName -split "\\")[1]
    $PlainTextPwd = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($DomainCredentialsWithAccessToVault.Password))

    $jsonRequest = @"
    "password": "$PlainTextPwd"

    try {
        $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString = $jsonRequest | ConvertFrom-Json -EA Stop | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -EA Stop
    catch {
        Write-Error "There was a problem with the JSON for Turning on the Audit Log! Halting!"
        $global:FunctionResult = "1"
    $IWRSplatParams = @{
        Uri         = "$VaultServerBaseUri/auth/ldap/login/$UserName"
        Body        = $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString
        Method      = "Post"
    $LDAPLoginResult = Invoke-RestMethod @IWRSplatParams
    $VaultAuthToken = $LDAPLoginResult.auth.client_token

    # Get rid of PlainText Password from Memory as best we can (this really doesn't do enough...)
    $jsonRequest = $null
    $PlainTextPwd = $null

    if (!$VaultAuthToken) {
        Write-Error "There was a problem getting the Vault Token for Domain User $UserName! Halting!"
        $global:FunctionResult = "1"
    else {