[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11, tls" # Get public and private function definition files. [array]$Public = Get-ChildItem -Path "$PSScriptRoot\Public\*.ps1" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue [array]$Private = Get-ChildItem -Path "$PSScriptRoot\Private\*.ps1" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $ThisModule = $(Get-Item $PSCommandPath).BaseName # Dot source the Private functions foreach ($import in $Private) { try { . $import.FullName } catch { Write-Error -Message "Failed to import function $($import.FullName): $_" } } [System.Collections.Arraylist]$ModulesToInstallAndImport = @() if (Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot\module.requirements.psd1") { $ModuleManifestData = Import-PowerShellDataFile "$PSScriptRoot\module.requirements.psd1" $ModuleManifestData.Keys | Where-Object {$_ -ne "PSDependOptions"} | foreach {$null = $ModulesToinstallAndImport.Add($_)} } if ($ModulesToInstallAndImport.Count -gt 0) { # NOTE: If you're not sure if the Required Module is Locally Available or Externally Available, # add it the the -RequiredModules string array just to be certain $InvModDepSplatParams = @{ RequiredModules = $ModulesToInstallAndImport InstallModulesNotAvailableLocally = $True ErrorAction = "SilentlyContinue" WarningAction = "SilentlyContinue" } $ModuleDependenciesMap = InvokeModuleDependencies @InvModDepSplatParams } # Public Functions <# .SYNOPSIS This function is meant to make it easy to configure both the SSH Client and SSHD Server for Public Certificate Authentication. It can (and should) be run on BOTH the SSH Client and the SSHD Server. This function does the following: - Uses the Vault Server's SSH Host Signing Certificate Authority (CA) to sign the local host's ssh host key (i.e. 'C:\ProgramData\ssh\', resulting in C:\ProgramData\ssh\ - Gets the Public Key of the CA used to sign User/Client SSH Keys from the Vault Server and adds it to: 1) The file C:\ProgramData\ssh\authorized_keys as a string; 2) The file C:\ProgramData\ssh\ssh_known_hosts as a string; and 3) The dedicated file C:\ProgramData\ssh\ - Gets the Public Key of the CA used to sign Host/Machine SSH Keys from the Vault Server and adds it to: 1) The file C:\ProgramData\ssh\authorized_keys as a string; 2) The file C:\ProgramData\ssh\ssh_known_hosts as a string; and 3) The dedicated file C:\ProgramData\ssh\ - Adds references to user accounts that you would like to grant ssh access to the local machine to C:\ProgramData\ssh\authorized_principals (includes both Local and Domain users) - Ensures NTFS filesystem permissions are set appropriately for the aforementioned files - Adds references to 'TrustedUserCAKeys' and 'AuthorizedPrincipalsFile' to C:\ProgramData\ssh\sshd_config IMPORTANT NOTE: Just in case any breaking/undesireable changes are made to the host's ssh configuration, all files that could potentially be changed are backed up to C:\ProgramData\ssh\Archive before any changes are actually made. .DESCRIPTION See .SYNOPSIS .NOTES .PARAMETER PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysFilePath This parameter is OPTIONAL, however, either -PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysFilePath, -PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysAsString, or -PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysVaultUrl is REQUIRED. This parameter takes a string that represents a path to a file that is the Public Key of the CA used to sign SSH User/Client Keys. .PARAMETER PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysAsString This parameter is OPTIONAL, however, either -PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysFilePath, -PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysAsString, or -PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysVaultUrl is REQUIRED. This parameter takes a string that represents the Public Key of the CA used to sign SSH User/Client Keys. The string must start with "ssh-rsa". .PARAMETER PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysVaultUrl This parameter is OPTIONAL, however, either -PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysFilePath, -PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysAsString, or -PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysVaultUrl is REQUIRED. This parameter takes a string that represents the URL of the Vault Server Rest API Endpoint that advertises the Public Key of the CA used to sign SSH User/Client Keys. The URL should be something like: https://<FQDNOfVaultServer>:8200/v1/ssh-client-signer/public_key .PARAMETER PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysFilePath This parameter is OPTIONAL, however, either -PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysFilePath, -PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignhostKeysAsString, or -PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysVaultUrl is REQUIRED. This parameter takes a string that represents a path to a file that is the Public Key of the CA used to sign SSH Host/Machine Keys. .PARAMETER PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysAsString This parameter is OPTIONAL, however, either -PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysFilePath, -PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignhostKeysAsString, or -PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysVaultUrl is REQUIRED. This parameter takes a string that represents the Public Key of the CA used to sign SSH Host/Machine Keys. The string must start with "ssh-rsa". .PARAMETER PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysVaultUrl This parameter is OPTIONAL, however, either -PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysFilePath, -PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignhostKeysAsString, or -PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysVaultUrl is REQUIRED. This parameter takes a string that represents the URL of the Vault Server REST API Endpoint that advertises the Public Key of the CA used to sign SSH User/Client Keys. The URL should be something like: https://<FQDNOfVaultServer>:8200/v1/ssh-host-signer/public_key .PARAMETER AuthorizedUserPrincipals This parameter is OPTIONAL, but highly recommended. This parameter takes an array of strings, each of which represents either a Local User Account or a Domain User Account. Local User Accounts MUST be in the format <UserName>@<LocalHostComputerName> and Domain User Accounts MUST be in the format <UserName>@<DomainPrefix>. (To clarify DomainPrefix: if your domain is, for example, 'zero.lab', your DomainPrefix would be 'zero'). These strings will be added to the file C:\ProgramData\ssh\authorized_principals, and these User Accounts will be permitted to SSH into the machine that this function is run on. You CAN use this parameter in conjunction with the -AuthorizedPrincipalsUserGroup parameter, and this function DOES check for repeats, so don't worry about overlap. .PARAMETER AuthorizedPrincipalsUserGroup This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter takes an array of strings that can be any combination of the following values: - AllUsers - LocalAdmins - LocalUsers - DomainAdmins - DomainUsers The value 'AllUsers' is the equivalent of specifying 'LocalAdmins','LocalUsers','DomainAdmins', and 'DomainUsers'. Each User Account that is a member of the specified groups will be added to the file C:\ProgramData\ssh\authorized_principals, and these User Accounts will be permitted to SSH into the machine that this function is run on. You CAN use this parameter in conjunction with the -AuthorizedUserPrincipals parameter, and this function DOES check for repeats, so don't worry about overlap. .PARAMETER VaultSSHHostSigningUrl This parameter is OPTIONAL, but highly recommended. This parameter takes a string that represents the URL of the Vault Server REST API endpoint that is responsible for signing the Local Host's Host/Machine SSH Key. The URL should be something like: http://<FQDNOfVaultServer>:8200/v1/ssh-host-signer/sign/hostrole Using this parameter outputs the signed SSH Host/Machine Key file C:\ProgramData\ssh\ .PARAMETER VaultAuthToken This parameter is OPTIONAL, but becomes MANDATORY if you use the -VaultSSHHostSigningUrl parameter. It should only be used if you use the -VaultSSHHostSigningUrl parameter. This parameter takes a string that represents a Vault Authentiction token with permission to request that the Vault Server sign the Local Host's SSH Host/Machine Key. .EXAMPLE # Open an elevated PowerShell Session, import the module, and - PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> $AddCAPubKeyToSSHAndSSHDConfigSplatParams = @{ PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysVaultUrl = "$VaultServerBaseUri/ssh-client-signer/public_key" PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysVaultUrl = "$VaultServerBaseUri/ssh-host-signer/public_key" AuthorizedPrincipalsUserGroup = @("LocalAdmins","DomainAdmins") VaultSSHHostSigningUrl = "$VaultServerBaseUri/ssh-host-signer/sign/hostrole" VaultAuthToken = $ZeroAdminToken } PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> $AddCAPubKeysResult = Add-CAPubKeyToSSHAndSSHDConfig @AddCAPubKeyToSSHAndSSHDConfigSplatParams #> function Add-CAPubKeyToSSHAndSSHDConfig { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='VaultUrl')] Param( # NOTE: When reading 'PathToPublicKeyOfCAUsedToSign', please note that it is actually the CA's # **private key** that is used to do the signing. We just require the CA's public key to verify # that presented user keys signed by the CA's private key were, in fact, signed by the CA's private key [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysFilePath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysAsString, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysVaultUrl, # Should be something like: [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysFilePath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysAsString, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysVaultUrl, # Should be something like: [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidatePattern("[\w]+@[\w]+")] [string[]]$AuthorizedUserPrincipals, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("AllUsers","LocalAdmins","LocalUsers","DomainAdmins","DomainUsers")] [string[]]$AuthorizedPrincipalsUserGroup, # Use the below $VaultSSHHostSigningUrl and $VaultAuthToken parameters if you want # C:\ProgramData\ssh\ signed by the Vault Host Signing CA. This is highly recommended. [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$VaultSSHHostSigningUrl, # Should be something like" [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$VaultAuthToken ) if ($($PSBoundParameters.Keys -match "UserKeys").Count -gt 1) { $ErrMsg = "The $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) only takes one of the following parameters: " + "-PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysFilePath, -PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysAsString, -PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysVaultUrl" Write-Error $ErrMsg } if ($($PSBoundParameters.Keys -match "UserKeys").Count -eq 0) { $ErrMsg = "The $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) MUST use one of the following parameters: " + "-PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysFilePath, -PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysAsString, -PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysVaultUrl" Write-Error $ErrMsg } if ($($PSBoundParameters.Keys -match "HostKeys").Count -gt 1) { $ErrMsg = "The $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) only takes one of the following parameters: " + "-PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysFilePath, -PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysAsString, -PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysVaultUrl" Write-Error $ErrMsg } if ($($PSBoundParameters.Keys -match "HostKeys").Count -eq 0) { $ErrMsg = "The $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) MUST use one of the following parameters: " + "-PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysFilePath, -PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysAsString, -PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysVaultUrl" Write-Error $ErrMsg } if (!$AuthorizedUserPrincipals -and !$AuthorizedPrincipalsUserGroup) { $AuthPrincErrMsg = "The $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) function requires one of the following parameters: " + "-AuthorizedUserPrincipals, -AuthorizedPrincipalsUserGroup" Write-Error $AuthPrincErrMsg $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if ($($VaultSSHHostSigningUrl -and !$VaultAuthToken) -or $(!$VaultSSHHostSigningUrl -and $VaultAuthToken)) { $ErrMsg = "If you would like this function to facilitate signing $env:ComputerName's, " + "both -VaultSSHHostSigningUrl and -VaultAuthToken parameters are required! Halting!" Write-Error $ErrMsg $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } # Setup our $Output Hashtable which we will add to as necessary as we go [System.Collections.ArrayList]$FilesUpdated = @() $Output = @{ FilesUpdated = $FilesUpdated } # Make sure sshd service is installed and running. If it is, we shouldn't need to use # the New-SSHD server function if (![bool]$(Get-Service sshd -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { if (![bool]$(Get-Service ssh-agent -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { $InstallWinSSHSplatParams = @{ GiveWinSSHBinariesPathPriority = $True ConfigureSSHDOnLocalHost = $True DefaultShell = "powershell" GitHubInstall = $True ErrorAction = "SilentlyContinue" ErrorVariable = "IWSErr" } try { $InstallWinSSHResults = Install-WinSSH @InstallWinSSHSplatParams -ErrorAction Stop if (!$InstallWinSSHResults) {throw "There was a problem with the Install-WinSSH function! Halting!"} $Output.Add("InstallWinSSHResults",$InstallWinSSHResults) } catch { Write-Error $_ Write-Host "Errors for the Install-WinSSH function are as follows:" Write-Error $($IWSErr | Out-String) $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } } else { $NewSSHDServerSplatParams = @{ ErrorAction = "SilentlyContinue" ErrorVariable = "SSHDErr" DefaultShell = "powershell" } try { $NewSSHDServerResult = New-SSHDServer @NewSSHDServerSplatParams if (!$NewSSHDServerResult) {throw "There was a problem with the New-SSHDServer function! Halting!"} } catch { Write-Error $_ Write-Host "Errors for the New-SSHDServer function are as follows:" Write-Error $($SSHDErr | Out-String) $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } } } if (Test-Path "$env:ProgramData\ssh\sshd_config") { $sshdir = "$env:ProgramData\ssh" $sshdConfigPath = "$sshdir\sshd_config" } elseif (Test-Path "$env:ProgramFiles\OpenSSH-Win64\sshd_config") { $sshdir = "$env:ProgramFiles\OpenSSH-Win64" $sshdConfigPath = "$env:ProgramFiles\OpenSSH-Win64\sshd_config" } if (!$sshdConfigPath) { Write-Error "Unable to find file 'sshd_config'! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} return } if ($VaultSSHHostSigningUrl) { # Make sure $VaultSSHHostSigningUrl is a valid Url try { $UriObject = [uri]$VaultSSHHostSigningUrl } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} return } if (![bool]$($UriObject.Scheme -match "http")) { Write-Error "'$PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysVaultUrl' does not appear to be a URL! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} return } # Try to sign this machine's host key (i.e. C:\ProgramData\ssh\ try { # The below 'Sign-SSHHostPublicKey' function outputs a PSCustomObject detailing what was done # to the sshd config (if anything). It also writes out C:\ProgramData\ssh\ $SignSSHHostKeySplatParams = @{ VaultSSHHostSigningUrl = $VaultSSHHostSigningUrl VaultAuthToken = $VaultAuthToken ErrorAction = "Stop" } $SignSSHHostKeyResult = Sign-SSHHostPublicKey @SignSSHHostKeySplatParams if (!$SignSSHHostKeyResult) {throw "There was a problem with the Sign-SSHHostPublicKey function!"} $Output.Add("SignSSHHostKeyResult",$SignSSHHostKeyResult) } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} return } } # We need to get $PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysAsString and $PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysAsString if ($PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysVaultUrl) { # Make sure $SiteUrl is a valid Url try { $UriObject = [uri]$PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysVaultUrl } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} return } if (![bool]$($UriObject.Scheme -match "http")) { Write-Error "'$PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysVaultUrl' does not appear to be a URL! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} return } try { $PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysAsString = $(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysVaultUrl).Content.Trim() if (!$PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysAsString) {throw "Invoke-WebRequest failed to get the CA's Public Key from Vault! Halting!"} } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} return } } if ($PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysVaultUrl) { # Make sure $SiteUrl is a valid Url try { $UriObject = [uri]$PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysVaultUrl } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} return } if (![bool]$($UriObject.Scheme -match "http")) { Write-Error "'$PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysVaultUrl' does not appear to be a URL! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} return } try { $PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysAsString = $(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysVaultUrl).Content.Trim() if (!$PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysAsString) {throw "Invoke-WebRequest failed to get the CA's Public Key from Vault! Halting!"} } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} return } } if ($PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysFilePath) { if (! $(Test-Path $PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysFilePath)) { Write-Error "The path '$PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysFilePath' was not found! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} return } $PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysAsString = Get-Content $PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysFilePath } if ($PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysFilePath) { if (! $(Test-Path $PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysFilePath)) { Write-Error "The path '$PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysFilePath' was not found! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} return } $PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysAsString = Get-Content $PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysFilePath } # Now we have $PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysAsString and $PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysAsString # Need to make sure these strings exist in dedicated files under $sshdir as well as in # $sshdir/authorized_keys and $sshdir/ssh_known_hosts # Before adding these CA Public Keys to $sshdir/authorized_keys, if there's already an existing # $sshdir/authorized_keys, archive it in a folder called $sshdir/Archive so that we can revert if necessary if (Test-Path "$sshdir/authorized_keys") { if (!$(Test-Path "$sshdir/Archive")) { $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$sshdir/Archive" -Force } Move-Item -Path "$sshdir/authorized_keys" -Destination "$sshdir/Archive" -Force } # Before adding these CA Public Keys to $sshdir/ssh_known_hosts, if there's already an existing # $sshdir/ssh_known_hosts, archive it in a folder called $sshdir/Archive so that we can revert if necessary if (Test-Path "$sshdir/ssh_known_hosts") { if (!$(Test-Path "$sshdir/Archive")) { $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$sshdir/Archive" -Force } Move-Item -Path "$sshdir/ssh_known_hosts" -Destination "$sshdir/Archive" -Force } # Add the CA Public Certs to $sshdir/authorized_keys in their appropriate formats $ContentToAddToAuthKeys = @( " " + $PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysAsString " " + $PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysAsString ) $ContentToAddToAuthKeysString = $ContentToAddToAuthKeys -join "`n" Add-Content -Path "$sshdir/authorized_keys" -Value $ContentToAddToAuthKeysString $null = $FilesUpdated.Add($(Get-Item "$sshdir/authorized_keys")) # Add the CA Public Certs to $sshdir/ssh_known_hosts in their appropriate formats $ContentToAddToKnownHosts = @( "@cert-authority * " + $PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysAsString "@cert-authority * " + $PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysAsString ) $ContentToAddToKnownHostsString = $ContentToAddToKnownHosts -join "`n" Add-Content -Path $sshdir/ssh_known_hosts -Value $ContentToAddToKnownHostsString $null = $FilesUpdated.Add($(Get-Item "$sshdir/ssh_known_hosts")) # Make sure $PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysAsString and $PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysAsString are written # to their own dedicated files under $sshdir # If $PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysFilePath or $PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysFilePath were actually provided # maintain the same file name when writing to $sshdir if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysFilePath')) { $UserCAPubKeyFileName = $PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysFilePath | Split-Path -Leaf } else { $UserCAPubKeyFileName = "" } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysFilePath')) { $HostCAPubKeyFileName = $PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysFilePath | Split-Path -Leaf } else { $HostCAPubKeyFileName = "" } if (Test-Path "$sshdir/$UserCAPubKeyFileName") { if (!$(Test-Path "$sshdir/Archive")) { $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$sshdir/Archive" -Force } Move-Item -Path "$sshdir/$UserCAPubKeyFileName" -Destination "$sshdir/Archive" -Force } if (Test-Path "$sshdir/$HostCAPubKeyFileName") { if (!$(Test-Path "$sshdir/Archive")) { $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$sshdir/Archive" -Force } Move-Item -Path "$sshdir/$HostCAPubKeyFileName" -Destination "$sshdir/Archive" -Force } Set-Content -Path "$sshdir/$UserCAPubKeyFileName" -Value $PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysAsString Set-Content -Path "$sshdir/$HostCAPubKeyFileName" -Value $PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysAsString $null = $FilesUpdated.Add($(Get-Item "$sshdir/$UserCAPubKeyFileName")) $null = $FilesUpdated.Add($(Get-Item "$sshdir/$HostCAPubKeyFileName")) # Next, we need to generate some content for $sshdir/authorized_principals # IMPORTANT NOTE: The Generate-AuthorizedPrincipalsFile will only ADD users to the $sshdir/authorized_principals # file (if they're not already in there). It WILL NOT delete or otherwise overwrite existing users in # $sshdir/authorized_principals $AuthPrincSplatParams = @{ ErrorAction = "Stop" } if ($(!$AuthorizedPrincipalsUserGroup -and !$AuthorizedUserPrincipals) -or $AuthorizedPrincipalsUserGroup -contains "AllUsers" -or $($AuthorizedPrincipalsUserGroup -contains "LocalAdmins" -and $AuthorizedPrincipalsUserGroup -contains "LocalUsers" -and $AuthorizedPrincipalsUserGroup -contains "DomainAdmins" -and $AuthorizedPrincipalsUserGroup -contains "DomainAdmins") ) { $AuthPrincSplatParams.Add("UserGroupToAdd",@("AllUsers")) } else { if ($AuthorizedPrincipalsUserGroup) { $AuthPrincSplatParams.Add("UserGroupToAdd",$AuthorizedPrincipalsUserGroup) } if ($AuthorizedUserPrincipals) { $AuthPrincSplatParams.Add("UsersToAdd",$AuthorizedUserPrincipals) } } try { $AuthorizedPrincipalsFile = Generate-AuthorizedPrincipalsFile @AuthPrincSplatParams if (!$AuthorizedPrincipalsFile) {throw "There was a problem with the Generate-AuthorizedPrincipalsFile function! Halting!"} $null = $FilesUpdated.Add($(Get-Item "$sshdir/authorized_principals")) } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} return } # Now we need to fix permissions for $sshdir/authroized_principals... if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { Invoke-WinCommand -ComputerName localhost -ScriptBlock { $SecurityDescriptor = Get-NTFSSecurityDescriptor -Path "$($args[0])/authorized_principals" $SecurityDescriptor | Disable-NTFSAccessInheritance -RemoveInheritedAccessRules $SecurityDescriptor | Clear-NTFSAccess $SecurityDescriptor | Add-NTFSAccess -Account "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" -AccessRights "FullControl" -AppliesTo ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles $SecurityDescriptor | Add-NTFSAccess -Account "Administrators" -AccessRights "FullControl" -AppliesTo ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles $SecurityDescriptor | Set-NTFSSecurityDescriptor } -ArgumentList $sshdir } else { $SecurityDescriptor = Get-NTFSSecurityDescriptor -Path "$sshdir/authorized_principals" $SecurityDescriptor | Disable-NTFSAccessInheritance -RemoveInheritedAccessRules $SecurityDescriptor | Clear-NTFSAccess $SecurityDescriptor | Add-NTFSAccess -Account "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" -AccessRights "FullControl" -AppliesTo ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles $SecurityDescriptor | Add-NTFSAccess -Account "Administrators" -AccessRights "FullControl" -AppliesTo ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles $SecurityDescriptor | Set-NTFSSecurityDescriptor } # Now that we have set content for $PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysFilePath, $sshdir/authorized_principals, and # $sshdir/authorized_keys, we need to update sshd_config to reference these files $PubKeyOfCAUserKeysFilePathForwardSlashes = "$sshdir\$UserCAPubKeyFileName" -replace '\\','/' $TrustedUserCAKeysOptionLine = "TrustedUserCAKeys $PubKeyOfCAUserKeysFilePathForwardSlashes" # For more information about authorized_principals content (specifically about setting specific commands and roles # for certain users), see: $AuthPrincFilePathForwardSlashes = "$sshdir\authorized_principals" -replace '\\','/' $AuthorizedPrincipalsOptionLine = "AuthorizedPrincipalsFile $AuthPrincFilePathForwardSlashes" $AuthKeysFilePathForwardSlashes = "$sshdir\authorized_keys" -replace '\\','/' $AuthorizedKeysFileOptionLine = "AuthorizedKeysFile $AuthKeysFilePathForwardSlashes" [System.Collections.ArrayList]$sshdContent = Get-Content $sshdConfigPath # Determine if sshd_config already has the 'TrustedUserCAKeys' option active $ExistingTrustedUserCAKeysOption = $sshdContent -match "TrustedUserCAKeys" | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "#"} # Determine if sshd_config already has 'AuthorizedPrincipals' option active $ExistingAuthorizedPrincipalsFileOption = $sshdContent -match "AuthorizedPrincipalsFile" | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "#"} # Determine if sshd_config already has 'AuthorizedKeysFile' option active $ExistingAuthorizedKeysFileOption = $sshdContent -match "AuthorizedKeysFile" | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "#"} if (!$ExistingTrustedUserCAKeysOption) { # If sshd_config already has the 'Match User' option available, don't touch it, else add it with ForceCommand try { Add-Content -Value $TrustedUserCAKeysOptionLine -Path $sshdConfigPath $SSHDConfigContentChanged = $True [System.Collections.ArrayList]$sshdContent = Get-Content $sshdConfigPath } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} return } } else { if ($ExistingTrustedUserCAKeysOption -ne $TrustedUserCAKeysOptionLine) { $UpdatedSSHDConfig = $sshdContent -replace [regex]::Escape($ExistingTrustedUserCAKeysOption),"$TrustedUserCAKeysOptionLine" try { Set-Content -Value $UpdatedSSHDConfig -Path $sshdConfigPath $SSHDConfigContentChanged = $True [System.Collections.ArrayList]$sshdContent = Get-Content $sshdConfigPath } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} return } } else { Write-Warning "The specified 'TrustedUserCAKeys' option is already active in the the sshd_config file. No changes made." } } if (!$ExistingAuthorizedPrincipalsFileOption) { try { Add-Content -Value $AuthorizedPrincipalsOptionLine -Path $sshdConfigPath $SSHDConfigContentChanged = $True [System.Collections.ArrayList]$sshdContent = Get-Content $sshdConfigPath } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} return } } else { if ($ExistingAuthorizedPrincipalsFileOption -ne $AuthorizedPrincipalsOptionLine) { $UpdatedSSHDConfig = $sshdContent -replace [regex]::Escape($ExistingAuthorizedPrincipalsFileOption),"$AuthorizedPrincipalsOptionLine" try { Set-Content -Value $UpdatedSSHDConfig -Path $sshdConfigPath $SSHDConfigContentChanged = $True [System.Collections.ArrayList]$sshdContent = Get-Content $sshdConfigPath } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} return } } else { Write-Warning "The specified 'AuthorizedPrincipalsFile' option is already active in the the sshd_config file. No changes made." } } if (!$ExistingAuthorizedKeysFileOption) { try { Add-Content -Value $AuthorizedKeysFileOptionLine -Path $sshdConfigPath $SSHDConfigContentChanged = $True [System.Collections.ArrayList]$sshdContent = Get-Content $sshdConfigPath } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} return } } else { if ($ExistingAuthorizedKeysFileOption -ne $AuthorizedKeysFileOptionLine) { $UpdatedSSHDConfig = $sshdContent -replace [regex]::Escape($ExistingAuthorizedKeysFileOption),"$AuthorizedKeysFileOptionLine" try { Set-Content -Value $UpdatedSSHDConfig -Path $sshdConfigPath $SSHDConfigContentChanged = $True [System.Collections.ArrayList]$sshdContent = Get-Content $sshdConfigPath } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} return } } else { Write-Warning "The specified 'AuthorizedKeysFile' option is already active in the the sshd_config file. No changes made." } } if ($SSHDConfigContentChanged) { $null = $FilesUpdated.Add($(Get-Item $sshdConfigPath)) try { Restart-Service sshd -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} return } } [pscustomobject]$Output } <# .SYNOPSIS This function uses the HashiCorp Vault Server's REST API to configure the Vault Server for LDAP Authrntication. .DESCRIPTION See .SYNOPSIS .NOTES .PARAMETER VaultServerNetworkLocation This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents the network location (IP Address or DNS-Resolvable) of the Vault Server. .PARAMETER VaultServerPort This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes an integer that represents a Port Number (8200, etc). The Vault Server typically uses port 8200. .PARAMETER EncrytNetworkTraffic This parameter is OPTIONAL, but is set by default to be $True. This parameter is a switch. If used, the Vault Server will be configured to encrypt network traffic via TLS. IMPORTANT NOTE: NEVER set this parameter to $False unless you are simply testing the Vault Server in Development Mode. In production, you MUST encrypt network traffic to/from the Vault Server, and therefore, this parameter must be $True. .PARAMETER VaultAuthToken This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents a Vault Authentiction token with permission to configure teh Vault Server for LDAP Authentication. .PARAMETER VaultLogFileName This parameter is OPTIONAL, but is set to 'vault_audit.log' by default. This parameter takes a string that represents the name of the log file on the Vault Server that logs all activity (i.e. Vault Operator Command Line as well as REST API calls). .PARAMETER VaultLogEndPointName This parameter is OPTIONAL, but is set to 'default-audit'. This parameter takes a string that represents the name of the Vault Server REST API Endpoint used to enable and configure the Vault Server activity log. For context, this value is used with a REST API URL similar to: "$VaultServerBaseUri/sys/audit/$VaultLogEndPointName" .PARAMETER PerformOptionalSteps This parameter is OPTIONAL, but highly recommended. This parameter is a switch. If used, the following additional configuration operations will be performed on the Vault Server: - A backup root token with username 'backupadmin' will be created. - A 'custom-root' policy will be created and applied to the "VaultAdmins" Group (which must already exist in LDAP). This policy effectively grants all users in the "VaultAdmins" Group root access to the Vault Server. - A 'vaultusers' policy will be created and applied to the "VaultUsers" Group (which must already exist in LDAP). Users in the "VaultUsers" Group will have all permissions except 'delete' and 'sudo'. .PARAMETER LDAPServerHostNameOrIP This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents either the IP Address or DNS-Resolvable name of the LDAP Server. In a Windows environment, this would be a Domain Controller. .PARAMETER LDAPServicePort This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes an integer with possible values: 389, 636, 3268, or 3269. Depending on how you have LDAP configured, use the appropriate port number. If you are not sure, use the TestLDAP function to determine which ports are in use. .PARAMETER BindUserDN This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents an LDAP Path to a User Account Object - somthing like: cn=vault,ou=OrgUsers,dc=zero,dc=lab This User Account will be used by the Vault Server to search the LDAP database and confirm credentials for the user trying to login to the Vault Server against the LDAP database. This LDAP account should be dedicated for use by the Vault Server and should not have any other purpose. .PARAMETER LDAPBindCredentials This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a PSCredential. Th e UserName should corredpound to the UserName provided to the -BindUserDN parameter, but should be in format <DomainPrefix>\<UserName>. So, to be consistent with the example provided in the -BindUserDN comment-based-help, you could create the value for -LDAPBindCredentials via: $Creds = [pscredential]::new("zero\vault",$(Read-Host "Please Enter the Password for 'zero\vault'" -AsSecureString)) .PARAMETER LDAPUserOUDN This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string tht represents an LDAP Path to an Organizational Unit (OU) that Vault will search in order to find User Accounts. To stay consistent with the example provided in the comment-based-help for the -BindUserDN parameter, this would be: ou=OrgUsers,dc=zero,dc=lab .PARAMETER LDAPGroupOUDN This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents an LDAP Path to the Organizational Unit (OU) that contains the Security Groups "VaultAdmins" and "VaultUsers". This could be something like: ou=Groups,dc=zero,dc=lab .PARAMETER LDAPVaultUsersSecurityGroupDN This parameter is OPTIONAL, however, it becomes MANDATORY when the -PerformOptionalSteps parameter is used. This parameter takes a string that represents the LDAP Path to the "VaultUsers" Security Group. To be consistent with the example provided in teh comment-based-help for the -LDAPGroupOUDN parameter, this should be something like: cn=VaultUsers,ou=Groups,dc=zero,dc=lab IMPORTANT NOTE: The Common Name (CN) for this LDAP Path MUST be 'VaultUsers' .PARAMETER LDAPVaultAdminsSecurityGroupDN This parameter is OPTIONAL, however, it becomes MANDATORY when the -PerformOptionalSteps parameter is used. This parameter takes a string that represents the LDAP Path to the "VaultAdmins" Security Group. To be consistent with the example provided in teh comment-based-help for the -LDAPGroupOUDN parameter, this should be something like: cn=VaultAdmins,ou=Groups,dc=zero,dc=lab IMPORTANT NOTE: The Common Name (CN) for this LDAP Path MUST be 'VaultAdmins' .EXAMPLE # Open an elevated PowerShell Session, import the module, and - PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> $ConfigureVaultLDAPSplatParams = @{ VaultServerNetworkLocation = "" VaultServerPort = 8200 VaultAuthToken = $VaultAuthToken LDAPServerHostNameOrIP = "" LDAPServicePort = 636 LDAPBindCredentials = $LDAPBindCredentials BindUserDN = "cn=vault,ou=OrgUsers,dc=zero,dc=lab" LDAPUserOUDN = "ou=OrgUsers,dc=zero,dc=lab" LDAPGroupOUDN = "ou=Groups,dc=zero,dc=lab" PerformOptionalSteps = $True LDAPVaultUsersSecurityGroupDN = "cn=VaultUsers,ou=Groups,dc=zero,dc=lab" LDAPVaultAdminsSecurityGroupDN = "cn=VaultAdmins,ou=Groups,dc=zero,dc=lab" } PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> $ConfigureVaultLDAPResult = Configure-VaultServerForLDAPAuth @ConfigureVaultLDAPSplatParams #> function Configure-VaultServerForLDAPAuth { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$VaultServerNetworkLocation, # Should be an IP Address of DNS-Resolvable HostName/FQDN [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [int]$VaultServerPort, # Typically 8200 [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [switch]$EncryptNetworkTraffic = $True, # Impacts using http/https, Vault Config, Generating TLS Certificates [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$VaultAuthToken, # Get this via manual step preceeding this function using Vault CmdLine - 'vault operator init' [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$VaultLogFileName = "vault_audit.log", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$VaultLogEndPointName = "default-audit", # Creates backup root token with username 'backupadmin', # Creates 'custom-root' policy applied to "VaultAdmins" group (all permissions) # Creates 'vaultusers' policy applied to "VaultUsers" group (all permissions except 'delete' and 'sudo') [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [switch]$PerformOptionalSteps, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$LDAPServerHostNameOrIP, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateSet(389,636,3268,3269)] [int]$LDAPServicePort, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$BindUserDN, # Should be a path to a User Account LDAP object, like cn=vault,ou=OrgUsers,dc=zero,dc=lab # Should be a non-privileged LDAP/AD account whose sole purpose is allowing Vault to read the LDAP Database [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [pscredential]$LDAPBindCredentials, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$LDAPUserOUDN, # Something like ou=OrgUsers,dc=zero,dc=lab [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$LDAPGroupOUDN, # Something like ou=Groups,dc=zero,dc=lab [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidatePattern("^cn=VaultUsers")] [string]$LDAPVaultUsersSecurityGroupDN, # Something like cn=VaultUsers,ou=Groups,dc=zero,dc=lab [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidatePattern("^cn=VaultAdmins")] [string]$LDAPVaultAdminsSecurityGroupDN # Something like cn=VaultAdmins,ou=Groups,dc=zero,dc=lab ) #region >> Variable/Parameter Transforms and PreRun Prep [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11, tls" # Create $Ouput Hashtable so we can add to it as we go and return whatever was done in case of error $Output = [ordered]@{} if ($EncryptNetworkTraffic) { $VaultServerBaseUri = "https://$VaultServerNetworkLocation" + ":$VaultServerPort/v1" } else { $VaultServerBaseUri = "http://$VaultServerNetworkLocation" + ":$VaultServerPort/v1" } if ($PerformOptionalSteps) { if (!$LDAPVaultUsersSecurityGroupDN -or !$LDAPVaultAdminsSecurityGroupDN) { Write-Error "When using the -PerformOptionalSteps switch, you must also supply values for -LDAPVaultUsersSecurityGroupDN and -LDAPVaultAdminsSecurityGroupDN! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } } # Make sure we can reach the LDAP Server try { $LDAPServerNetworkInfo = ResolveHost -HostNameOrIP $LDAPServerHostNameOrIP if (!$LDAPServerNetworkInfo) {throw "Unable to resolve $LDAPServerHostNameOrIP! Halting!"} } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } # Make sure $LDAPBindCredentials work $CurrentlyLoadedAssemblies = [System.AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() if (![bool]$($CurrentlyLoadedAssemblies -match "System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement")) { Add-Type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement } $SimpleDomain = $LDAPServerNetworkInfo.Domain $SimpleDomainWLDAPPort = $SimpleDomain + ":$LDAPServicePort" [System.Collections.ArrayList]$DomainLDAPContainersPrep = @() foreach ($Section in $($SimpleDomain -split "\.")) { $null = $DomainLDAPContainersPrep.Add($Section) } $DomainLDAPContainers = $($DomainLDAPContainersPrep | foreach {"DC=$_"}) -join ", " try { $SimpleUserName = $($LDAPBindCredentials.UserName -split "\\")[1] $PasswordInPlainText = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($LDAPBindCredentials.Password)) $PrincipleContext = [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext]::new( [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ContextType]::Domain, "$SimpleDomainWLDAPPort", "$DomainLDAPContainers", [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ContextOptions]::SimpleBind, "$($LDAPBindCredentials.UserName)", "$PasswordInPlainText" ) try { $UserPrincipal = [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal]::FindByIdentity($PrincipleContext, [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.IdentityType]::SamAccountName, "$SimpleUserName") $LDAPBindCredentialsAreValid = $True } catch { throw "The credentials provided to the -LDAPBindCredentials parameter are not valid for the domain $SimpleDomain! Halting!" } if ($LDAPBindCredentialsAreValid) { # Determine if the User Account is locked $AccountLocked = $UserPrincipal.IsAccountLockedOut() if ($AccountLocked -eq $True) { throw "The provided UserName $($LDAPBindCredentials.Username) is locked! Please unlock it before additional attempts at getting working credentials!" } } } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } # NOTE: With .Net, LDAP URIs always start with 'LDAP' - never lowercase and never with an 's|S' (i.e. never LDAPS|ldaps), # regardless of port $LDAPUri = "LDAP://$($LDAPServerNetworkInfo.FQDN):$LDAPServicePort" # Make sure $LDAPUserOUDN exists try { $LDAPUserOUDNDirectoryEntry = [System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry]("$LDAPUri/$LDAPUserOUDN") $LDAPUserOUDNDirectoryEntry.Close() } catch { Write-Error "The LDAP Object $LDAPUserOUDN cannot be found! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } # Make sure $LDAPGroupOUDN exists try { $LDAPGroupOUDNDirectoryEntry = [System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry]("$LDAPUri/$LDAPGroupOUDN") $LDAPGroupOUDNDirectoryEntry.Close() } catch { Write-Error "The LDAP Object $LDAPGroupOUDN cannot be found! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $HeadersParameters = @{ "X-Vault-Token" = $VaultAuthToken } #endregion >> Variable/Parameter Transforms and PreRun Prep #region >> Main Body # Turn on Vault Audit Log # Vault CmdLine Equivalent: # vault audit enable file file_path=/vault/logs/vault_audit.log $jsonRequest = @" { "type": "file", "options": { "path": "/vault/logs/$VaultLogFileName" } } "@ try { # Validate JSON $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString = $jsonRequest | ConvertFrom-Json -EA Stop | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -EA Stop } catch { Write-Error "There was a problem with the JSON for Turning on the Audit Log! Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $IWRSplatParams = @{ Uri = "$VaultServerBaseUri/sys/audit/$VaultLogEndPointName" Headers = $HeadersParameters Body = $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString Method = "Put" } $TurnOnAuditLog = Invoke-RestMethod @IWRSplatParams $ConfirmAuditLogIsOn = $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$VaultServerBaseUri/sys/audit" -Headers $HeadersParameters -Method Get).data if (!$ConfirmAuditLogIsOn) { Write-Error "Cannot confirm that the Vault Audit Log is turned on! Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $Output.Add("EnableAuditLog",$ConfirmAuditLogIsOn) # Create a new policy that effectively has root access to Vault, and call it 'custom-root'. This policy will be applied # to Vault Administrators later on $jsonRequest = @" { "policy": "path \"*\" {\n capabilities = [\"create\", \"read\", \"update\", \"delete\", \"list\", \"sudo\"]\n}" } "@ try { # Validate JSON $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString = $jsonRequest | ConvertFrom-Json -EA Stop | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -EA Stop } catch { Write-Error "There was a problem with the JSON for creating the 'custom-root' policy! Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $IWRSplatParams = @{ Uri = "$VaultServerBaseUri/sys/policy/custom-root" Headers = $HeadersParameters Body = $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString Method = "Put" } $RootPolicyResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @IWRSplatParams $ConfirmRootPolicy = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$VaultServerBaseUri/sys/policy/custom-root" -Headers $HeadersParameters -Method Get if (!$ConfirmRootPolicy) { Write-Error "Cannot confirm that the Vault policy 'custom-root' has been enabled! Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $Output.Add("CreateCustomRootPolicy",$ConfirmRootPolicy) # Create a policy that is for typical Vault Users (i.e. not Vault Admins), that allows for everything except # delete and sudo. Change according to your preferences. $jsonRequest = @" { "policy": "path \"*\" {\n capabilities = [\"create\", \"read\", \"update\", \"list\"]\n}" } "@ try { # Validate JSON $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString = $jsonRequest | ConvertFrom-Json -EA Stop | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -EA Stop } catch { Write-Error "There was a problem with the JSON for creating the 'vaultusers' policy! Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $IWRSplatParams = @{ Uri = "$VaultServerBaseUri/sys/policy/vaultusers" Headers = $HeadersParameters Body = $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString Method = "Put" } $VaultUsersPolicyResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @IWRSplatParams $ConfirmVaultUsersPolicy = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$VaultServerBaseUri/sys/policy/vaultusers" -Headers $HeadersParameters -Method Get if (!$ConfirmVaultUsersPolicy) { Write-Error "Cannot confirm that the Vault policy 'vaultusers' has been enabled! Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $Output.Add("CreateVaultUsersPolicy",$ConfirmVaultUsersPolicy) if ($PerformOptionalSteps) { # Create a user other than the initial root (i.e. the token $VaultAuthToken that we've been using thus far) that has root privileges # via the 'custom-root' policy. This is just for a backup root account for emergencies # Vault CmdLine Equivalent: # vault token create -policy=custom-root -display-name="backupadmin" -ttl="8760h" -renewable=true -metadata=user=backupadmin $jsonRequest = @" { "policies": [ "custom-root" ], "meta": { "user": "backupadmin" }, "ttl": "8760h", "renewable": true } "@ try { # Validate JSON $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString = $jsonRequest | ConvertFrom-Json -EA Stop | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -EA Stop } catch { Write-Error "There was a problem with the JSON for creating the 'backupadmin' Vault Token! Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $IWRSplatParams = @{ Uri = "$VaultServerBaseUri/auth/token/create" Headers = $HeadersParameters Body = $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString Method = "Post" } $NewUserTokenResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @IWRSplatParams if (!$NewUserTokenResponse) { Write-Error "There was a problem creating the 'backupadmin' Vault Token! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $Output.Add("BackupRootToken",$NewUserTokenResponse) } # Enable LDAP Authentication # vault auth enable ldap -description="Login with LDAP" $jsonRequest = @" { "type": "ldap", "description": "Login with LDAP" } "@ try { # Validate JSON $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString = $jsonRequest | ConvertFrom-Json -EA Stop | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -EA Stop } catch { Write-Error "There was a problem with the JSON for enabling the Vault LDAP Authentication Method! Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $IWRSplatParams = @{ Uri = "$VaultServerBaseUri/sys/auth/ldap" Headers = $HeadersParameters Body = $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString Method = "Post" } $EnableLDAPResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @IWRSplatParams $ConfirmLDAPEnabled = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$VaultServerBaseUri/sys/auth" -Headers $HeadersParameters -Method Get if (!$ConfirmLDAPEnabled) { Write-Error "There was a problem enabling the LDAP Authentication Method for the Vault Server! Halting!" } $Output.Add("LDAPAuthEngineEnabled",$ConfirmLDAPEnabled) # Next, we need the LDAP Server's Root CA Public Certificate try { $GetLDAPCertSplatParams = @{ LDAPServerHostNameOrIP = $LDAPServerNetworkInfo.FQDN Port = $LDAPServicePort ErrorAction = "Stop" } if ($LDAPServicePort -eq 389 -or $LDAPServicePort -eq 3268) { $GetLDAPCertSplatParams.Add("UseOpenSSL",$True) } $GetLDAPCertResult = Get-LDAPCert @GetLDAPCertSplatParams if (!$GetLDAPCertResult) {throw "The Get-LDAPCert function failed! Is your LDAP implementation using TLS? Halting!"} $RootCertificateInPemFormat = $GetLDAPCertResult.RootCACertificateInfo.PemFormat -join "`n" if (!$RootCertificateInPemFormat) {throw "The Get-LDAPCert function failed to get the Root CA Certificate in the LDAP Endpoint's Certificate Chain! Halting!"} } catch { Write-Error $_ if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } # The Vault Server handles LDAP Uris as expected (as opposed to .Net counterpart in above # 'Variable/Parameter Transforms and PreRun Prep' region) if ($LDAPServicePort -eq 389 -or $LDAPServicePort -eq 3268) { $LDAPUriForVault = "ldap://$($LDAPServerNetworkInfo.FQDN):$LDAPServicePort" } if ($LDAPServicePort -eq 636 -or $LDAPServicePort -eq 3269) { $LDAPUriForVault = "ldaps://$($LDAPServerNetworkInfo.FQDN):$LDAPServicePort" } $jsonRequest = @" { "url": "$LDAPUriForVault", "userattr": "samaccountname", "userdn": "$LDAPUserOUDN", "discoverdn": "true", "groupdn": "$LDAPGroupOUDN", "groupfilter": "(&(objectClass=group)(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:={{.UserDN}}))", "groupattr": "cn", "certificate": "$RootCertificateInPemFormat", "insecure_tls": "false", "starttls": "true", "binddn": "$BindUserDN", "bindpass": "$PasswordInPlainText", "deny_null_bind": "true", "tls_max_version": "tls12", "tls_min_version": "tls12" } "@ try { # Validate JSON $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString = $jsonRequest | ConvertFrom-Json -EA Stop | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -EA Stop } catch { Write-Error "There was a problem with the JSON for establishing Vault's LDAP configuration! Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $IWRSplatParams = @{ Uri = "$VaultServerBaseUri/auth/ldap/config" Headers = $HeadersParameters Body = $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString Method = "Post" } $LDAPAuthConfigResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @IWRSplatParams $ConfirmLDAPAuthConfig = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$VaultServerBaseUri/auth/ldap/config" -Headers $HeadersParameters -Method Get if (!$ConfirmLDAPAuthConfig) { Write-Error "There was a problem setting the Vault LDAP Authentication configuration! Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $Output.Add("LDAPAuthConfiguration",$ConfirmLDAPAuthConfig) # Remove $PasswordInPlainText from Memory as best we can $PasswordInPlainText = $null $PrincipleContext = $null $jsonRequest = $null $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString = $null if ($PerformOptionalSteps) { # Apply the 'custom-root' policy to the AD User Group 'VaultAdmins' # Vault Cmdline equivalent is: # vault write auth/ldap/groups/VaultAdmins policies=custom-root # Make sure $LDAPVaultAdminsSecurityGroupDN exists try { $LDAPVaultAdminsSecurityGroupDNDirectoryEntry = [System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry]("$LDAPUri/$LDAPVaultAdminsSecurityGroupDN") $LDAPVaultAdminsSecurityGroupDNDirectoryEntry.Close() } catch { Write-Error "The LDAP Object $LDAPVaultAdminsSecurityGroupDN cannot be found! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} return } $jsonRequest = @" { "policies": "custom-root" } "@ try { # Validate JSON $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString = $jsonRequest | ConvertFrom-Json -EA Stop | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -EA Stop } catch { Write-Error "There was a problem with the JSON for applying the 'custom-root' policy to the VaultAdmins Security Group! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $IWRSplatParams = @{ Uri = "$VaultServerBaseUri/auth/ldap/groups/VaultAdmins" Headers = $HeadersParameters Body = $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString Method = "Post" } $ApplyPolicyToVaultAdminsGroup = Invoke-WebRequest @IWRSplatParams $ConfirmPolicyOnVaultAdmins = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$VaultServerBaseUri/auth/ldap/groups/VaultAdmins" -Headers $HeadersParameters -Method Get if (!$ConfirmPolicyOnVaultAdmins) { Write-Error "Unable to confirm that the 'custom-root' Vault Policy was applied to the LDAP Security Group 'VaultAdmins'! Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $Output.Add("AppliedVaultAdminsPolicy",$ConfirmPolicyOnVaultAdmins) # Apply the 'vaultusers' policy to the AD User Group 'VaultUsers' # Vault Cmdline equivalent is: # vault write auth/ldap/groups/VaultUsers policies=vaultusers # Make sure $LDAPVaultUsersSecurityGroupDN exists try { $LDAPVaultUsersSecurityGroupDNDirectoryEntry = [System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry]("$LDAPUri/$LDAPVaultUsersSecurityGroupDN") $LDAPVaultUsersSecurityGroupDNDirectoryEntry.Close() } catch { Write-Error "The LDAP Object $LDAPVaultUsersSecurityGroupDN cannot be found! Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $jsonRequest = @" { "policies": "vaultusers" } "@ try { $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString = $jsonRequest | ConvertFrom-Json -EA Stop | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -EA Stop } catch { Write-Error "There was a problem with the JSON for applying the 'vaultusers' policy to the VaulUsers Security Group! Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $IWRSplatParams = @{ Uri = "$VaultServerBaseUri/auth/ldap/groups/VaultUsers" Headers = $HeadersParameters Body = $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString Method = "Post" } $ApplyPolicyToVaultUsersGroup = Invoke-WebRequest @IWRSplatParams $ConfirmPolicyOnVaultUsers = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$VaultServerBaseUri/auth/ldap/groups/VaultUsers" -Headers $HeadersParameters -Method Get if (!$ConfirmPolicyOnVaultUsers) { Write-Error "Unable to confirm that the 'vaultusers' Vault Policy was applied to the LDAP Security Group 'VaultUsers'! Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $Output.Add("AppliedVaultUsersPolicy",$ConfirmPolicyOnVaultUsers) } [pscustomobject]$Output #endregion >> Main Body } <# .SYNOPSIS This function uses the Hashicorp Vault Server's REST API to configure the Vault Server for SSH Public Key Authentication and Management. The following actions are performed on teh Vault Server (via the REST API): - The Vault SSH User/Client Key Signer is enabled - A Certificate Authority (CA) for the SSH User/Client Key Signer is created - The Vault SSH Host/Machine Key Signer is enabled - A Certificate Authority (CA) for the SSH Host/Machine Key Signer is created - The Vault the SSH User/Client Signer Role Endpoint is configured - The Vault the SSH Host/Machine Signer Role Endpoint is configured .DESCRIPTION See .SYNOPSIS .NOTES .PARAMETER VaultServerBaseUri This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents Base Uri for the Vault Server REST API. It should be something like: "" .PARAMETER DomainCredentialsWithAdminAccessToVault This parameter is OPTIONAL. However, either this parameter or the -VaultAuthToken parameter is REQUIRED. This parameter takes a PSCredential. Assuming that LDAP Authenitcation is already enabled and configured onthe Vault Server, create a PSCredential that is a member of the "VaultAdmins" Security Group (or equivalent) in LDAP. $Creds = [pscredential]::new("zero\zeroadmin",$(Read-Host "Please Enter the Password for 'zero\zeroadmin'" -AsSecureString)) .PARAMETER VaultAuthToken This parameter is OPTIONAL. However, either this parameter or the -DomainCredentialsWithAdminAccessToVault parameter is REQUIRED. This parameter takes a string that represents a Vault Authentication Token that has privileges to make configuration changes to the Vault Server. .EXAMPLE # Open an elevated PowerShell Session, import the module, and - PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> $ConfigureVaultSSHMgmt = Configure-VaultServerForSSHManagement -VaultServerBaseUri $VaultServerBaseUri -VaultAuthToken $ZeroAdminToken #> function Configure-VaultServerForSSHManagement { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidatePattern("\/v1$")] [string]$VaultServerBaseUri, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [pscredential]$DomainCredentialsWithAdminAccessToVault, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$VaultAuthToken ) if ($(!$VaultAuthToken -and !$DomainCredentialsWithAccessToVault) -or $($VaultAuthToken -and $DomainCredentialsWithAdminAccessToVault)) { Write-Error "The $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) function requires one (no more, no less) of the following parameters: [-DomainCredentialsWithAdminAccessToVault, -VaultAuthToken] Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if ($DomainCredentialsWithAdminAccessToVault) { $GetVaultLoginSplatParams = @{ VaultServerBaseUri = $VaultServerBaseUri DomainCredentialsWithAdminAccessToVault = $DomainCredentialsWithAdminAccessToVault ErrorAction = "Stop" } try { $VaultAuthToken = Get-VaultLogin @GetVaultLoginSplatParams if (!$VaultAuthToken) {throw "The Get-VaultLogin function failed! Halting!"} } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } } $HeadersParameters = @{ "X-Vault-Token" = $VaultAuthToken } # Create $Output HashTable to add results as we go... $Output = [ordered]@{} # We'll be configuring a Certificate Authority for ssh client key signing, and a Certificate Authority for # ssh machine host key signing ##### ENABLE SSH CLIENT CERT SIGNING ##### # Vault CmdLine equivalent of below HTTP Request - # vault secrets enable -path=ssh-client-signer ssh $jsonRequest = @" { "type": "ssh", "description": "SSH Client Signer" } "@ try { # Validate JSON $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString = $jsonRequest | ConvertFrom-Json -EA Stop | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -EA Stop } catch { Write-Error "There was a problem with the JSON for enabling the Vault SSH Client Signer! Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $IWRSplatParams = @{ Uri = "$VaultServerBaseUri/sys/mounts/ssh-client-signer" Headers = $HeadersParameters Body = $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString Method = "Post" } $EnableSSHClientSigner = Invoke-RestMethod @IWRSplatParams $ConfirmSSHClientSignerEnabledPrep = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$VaultServerBaseUri/sys/mounts" -Headers $HeadersParameters -Method Get if (!$ConfirmSSHClientSignerEnabledPrep) { Write-Error "There was a problem confirming that the Vault SSH Client Signer was enabled! Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $ConfirmSSHClientSignerEnabled = $($ | Get-Member -MemberType Properties).Name -contains "ssh-client-signer/" $Output.Add("SSHClientSignerEnabled",$ConfirmSSHClientSignerEnabled) # Create A Certificate Authority dedicated to SSH Client Certs and Generate a Public/Private Key Pair for the CA # Vault CmdLine equivalent of below HTTP Request - # vault write ssh-client-signer/config/ca generate_signing_key=true $jsonRequest = @" { "generate_signing_key": true } "@ try { # Validate JSON $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString = $jsonRequest | ConvertFrom-Json -EA Stop | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -EA Stop } catch { Write-Error "There was a problem with the JSON for creating the SSH Client Signer Certificate Authority! Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $IWRSplatParams = @{ Uri = "$VaultServerBaseUri/ssh-client-signer/config/ca" Headers = $HeadersParameters Body = $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString Method = "Post" } $CreateSSHClientCA = Invoke-RestMethod @IWRSplatParams $SSHClientCAPublicKey = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$VaultServerBaseUri/ssh-client-signer/public_key" -Method Get if (!$SSHClientCAPublicKey) { Write-Error "There was a problem getting the Public Key of the SSH Client Signer Certificate Authority! Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $Output.Add("SSHClientSignerCAPublicKey",$SSHClientCAPublicKey) ##### ENABLE SSH HOST CERT SIGNING ##### # Vault CmdLine equivalent of below HTTP Request - # vault secrets enable -path=ssh-host-signer ssh $jsonRequest = @" { "type": "ssh", "description": "SSH Host Signer" } "@ try { # Validate JSON $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString = $jsonRequest | ConvertFrom-Json -EA Stop | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -EA Stop } catch { Write-Error "There was a problem with the JSON for enabling the Vault SSH Host Signer! Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $IWRSplatParams = @{ Uri = "$VaultServerBaseUri/sys/mounts/ssh-host-signer" Headers = $HeadersParameters Body = $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString Method = "Post" } $EnableSSHHostSigner = Invoke-WebRequest @IWRSplatParams $ConfirmSSHHostSignerEnabledPrep = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$VaultServerBaseUri/sys/mounts" -Headers $HeadersParameters -Method Get if (!$ConfirmSSHHostSignerEnabledPrep) { Write-Error "There was a problem confirming that the Vault SSH Host Signer was enabled! Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $ConfirmSSHHostSignerEnabled = $($ | Get-Member -MemberType Properties).Name -contains "ssh-host-signer/" $Output.Add("SSHHostSignerEnabled",$ConfirmSSHHostSignerEnabled) # Create A Certificate Authority dedicated to SSH Host Certs and Generate a Public/Private Key Pair for the CA # vault write ssh-host-signer/config/ca generate_signing_key=true $jsonRequest = @" { "generate_signing_key": true } "@ try { # Validate JSON $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString = $jsonRequest | ConvertFrom-Json -EA Stop | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -EA Stop } catch { Write-Error "There was a problem with the JSON for creating the SSH Host Signer Certificate Authority! Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $IWRSplatParams = @{ Uri = "$VaultServerBaseUri/ssh-host-signer/config/ca" Headers = $HeadersParameters Body = $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString Method = "Post" } $CreateSSHHostCA = Invoke-RestMethod @IWRSplatParams $SSHHostCAPublicKey = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$VaultServerBaseUri/ssh-host-signer/public_key" -Method Get if (!$SSHHostCAPublicKey) { Write-Error "There was a problem getting the Public Key of the SSH Host Signer Certificate Authority! Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $Output.Add("SSHHostSignerCAPublicKey",$SSHHostCAPublicKey) # Extend Host Cert TTL to 10 years # vault secrets tune -max-lease-ttl=87600h ssh-host-signer $jsonRequest = @" { "max_lease_ttl": "87600h" } "@ try { # Validate JSON $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString = $jsonRequest | ConvertFrom-Json -EA Stop | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -EA Stop } catch { Write-Error "There was a problem with the JSON for Tuning the SSH Host Signer! Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $IWRSplatParams = @{ Uri = "$VaultServerBaseUri/sys/mounts/ssh-host-signer/tune" Headers = $HeadersParameters Body = $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString Method = "Post" } $TuneHostSSHCertValidityPeriod = Invoke-RestMethod @IWRSplatParams $ConfirmSSHHostSignerTune = $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$VaultServerBaseUri/sys/mounts" -Headers $HeadersParameters -Method Get).'ssh-host-signer/'.config if ($ConfirmSSHHostSignerTune.max_lease_ttl -ne 315360000) { Write-Error "There was a problem tuning the Vault Server to set max_lease_ttl for signed host ssh keys for 10 years. Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $Output.Add("SSHHostSignerTuning",$ConfirmSSHHostSignerTune) ##### Configure the SSH Client Signer Role ##### $DefaultUser = $($(whoami) -split "\\")[-1] $jsonRequest = @" { "key_type": "ca", "default_user": "$DefaultUser", "allow_user_certificates": true, "allowed_users": "*", "ttl": "24h", "default_extensions": { "permit-pty": "", "permit-agent-forwarding": "" } } "@ try { # Validate JSON $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString = $jsonRequest | ConvertFrom-Json -EA Stop | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -EA Stop } catch { Write-Error "There was a problem with the JSON for configuring the SSH Client Signer Role! Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $IWRSplatParams = @{ Uri = "$VaultServerBaseUri/ssh-client-signer/roles/clientrole" Headers = $HeadersParameters Body = $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString Method = "Post" } $SetSSHClientRole = Invoke-RestMethod @IWRSplatParams $ConfirmSSHClientRole = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$VaultServerBaseUri/ssh-client-signer/roles/clientrole" -Headers $HeadersParameters -Method Get if (!$ { Write-Error "There was a problem creating the the ssh-client-signer Role 'clientrole'! Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $Output.Add("SSHClientSignerRole",$ConfirmSSHClientRole) ##### Configure the SSH Host Signer Role ##### $jsonRequest = @" { "key_type": "ca", "cert_type": "host", "allow_host_certificates": "true", "allowed_domains": "*", "allow_subdomains": "true", "ttl": "87600h", "default_extensions": { "permit-pty": "", "permit-agent-forwarding": "" } } "@ try { # Validate JSON $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString = $jsonRequest | ConvertFrom-Json -EA Stop | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -EA Stop } catch { Write-Error "There was a problem with the JSON for configuring the SSH Host Signer Role! Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $IWRSplatParams = @{ Uri = "$VaultServerBaseUri/ssh-host-signer/roles/hostrole" Headers = $HeadersParameters Body = $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString Method = "Post" } $SetSSHHostRole = Invoke-RestMethod @IWRSplatParams $ConfirmSSHHostRole = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$VaultServerBaseUri/ssh-host-signer/roles/hostrole" -Headers $HeadersParameters -Method Get if (!$ { Write-Error "There was a problem creating the the ssh-host-signer Role 'hostrole'! Halting!" if ($Output.Count -gt 0) {[pscustomobject]$Output} $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $Output.Add("SSHHostSignerRole",$ConfirmSSHHostRole) [pscustomobject]$Output } <# .SYNOPSIS This function gets the TLS certificate used by the LDAP server on the specified Port. The function outputs a PSCustomObject with the following properties: - LDAPEndpointCertificateInfo - RootCACertificateInfo - CertChainInfo The 'LDAPEndpointCertificateInfo' property is itself a PSCustomObject with teh following content: X509CertFormat = $X509Cert2Obj PemFormat = $PublicCertInPemFormat The 'RootCACertificateInfo' property is itself a PSCustomObject with teh following content: X509CertFormat = $RootCAX509Cert2Obj PemFormat = $RootCACertInPemFormat The 'CertChainInfo' property is itself a PSCustomObject with the following content: X509ChainFormat = $CertificateChain PemFormat = $CertChainInPemFormat ...where $CertificateChain is a System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain object. .DESCRIPTION See .SYNOPSIS .NOTES .PARAMETER LDAPServerHostNameOrIP This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents either the IP Address or DNS-Resolvable Name of the LDAP Server. If you're in a Windows environment, this is a Domain Controller's network location. .PARAMETER Port This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes an integer that represents a port number that the LDAP Server is using that provides a TLS Certificate. Valid values are: 389, 636, 3268, 3269 .PARAMETER UseOpenSSL This parameter is OPTIONAL. However, if $Port is 389 or 3268, then this parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter is a switch. If used, the latest OpenSSL available from will be downloaded and made available in the current PowerShell Session's $env:Path. .EXAMPLE # Open an elevated PowerShell Session, import the module, and - PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> Fix-SSHPermissions #> function Get-LDAPCert { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$LDAPServerHostNameOrIP, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateSet(389,636,3268,3269)] [int]$Port, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [switch]$UseOpenSSL ) #region >> Pre-Run Check try { $LDAPServerNetworkInfo = ResolveHost -HostNameOrIP $LDAPServerHostNameOrIP if (!$LDAPServerNetworkInfo) {throw "Unable to resolve $LDAPServerHostNameOrIP! Halting!"} } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } #endregion >> Pre-Run Check #region >> Main Body if ($UseOpenSSL) { # Check is openssl.exe is already available if ([bool]$(Get-Command openssl -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { # Check to make sure the version is at least 1.1.0 $OpenSSLExeInfo = Get-Item $(Get-Command openssl).Source $OpenSSLExeVersion = [version]$($OpenSSLExeInfo.VersionInfo.ProductVersion -split '-')[0] } # We need at least vertion 1.1.0 of OpenSSL if ($OpenSSLExeVersion.Major -lt 1 -or $($OpenSSLExeVersion.Major -eq 1 -and $OpenSSLExeVersion.Minor -lt 1) ) { [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11, tls" $OpenSSLWinBinariesUrl = "" $IWRResult = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $OpenSSLWinBinariesUrl $LatestOpenSSLWinBinaryLinkObj = $($IWRResult.Links | Where-Object {$_.innerText -match "OpenSSL Binaries" -and $_.href -match "\.zip"})[0] $LatestOpenSSLWinBinaryUrl = $LatestOpenSSLWinBinaryLinkObj.href $OutputFileName = $($LatestOpenSSLWinBinaryUrl -split '/')[-1] $OutputFilePath = "$HOME\Downloads\$OutputFileName" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $LatestOpenSSLWinBinaryUrl -OutFile $OutputFilePath if (!$(Test-Path "$HOME\Downloads\$OutputFileName")) { Write-Error "Problem downloading the latest OpenSSL Windows Binary from $LatestOpenSSLWinBinaryUrl ! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $OutputFileItem = Get-Item $OutputFilePath $ExpansionDirectory = $OutputFileItem.Directory.FullName + "\" + $OutputFileItem.BaseName if (!$(Test-Path $ExpansionDirectory)) { $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $ExpansionDirectory -Force } else { Remove-Item "$ExpansionDirectory\*" -Recurse -Force } $null = Expand-Archive -Path "$HOME\Downloads\$OutputFileName" -DestinationPath $ExpansionDirectory -Force # Add $ExpansionDirectory to $env:Path $CurrentEnvPathArray = $env:Path -split ";" if ($CurrentEnvPathArray -notcontains $ExpansionDirectory) { # Place $ExpansionDirectory at start so latest openssl.exe get priority $env:Path = "$ExpansionDirectory;$env:Path" } } if (![bool]$(Get-Command openssl -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Write-Error "Problem setting openssl.exe to `$env:Path! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } } if ($Port -eq 389 -or $Port -eq 3268) { if (!$UseOpenSSL) { Write-Error "Unable to get LDAP Certificate on port $Port using StartTLS without openssl.exe! Try the -UseOpenSSL switch. Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $ProcessInfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo #$ProcessInfo.WorkingDirectory = $BinaryPath | Split-Path -Parent $ProcessInfo.FileName = $(Get-Command openssl).Source $ProcessInfo.RedirectStandardError = $true $ProcessInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true #$ProcessInfo.StandardOutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode #$ProcessInfo.StandardErrorEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode $ProcessInfo.UseShellExecute = $false $ProcessInfo.Arguments = "s_client -connect $($LDAPServerNetworkInfo.FQDN):$Port -starttls ldap -showcerts" $Process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process $Process.StartInfo = $ProcessInfo $Process.Start() | Out-Null # Sometimes openssl.exe hangs, so, we'll give it 5 seconds before killing # Below $FinishedInAlottedTime returns boolean true/false $FinishedInAlottedTime = $Process.WaitForExit(5000) if (!$FinishedInAlottedTime) { $Process.Kill() } $stdout = $Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() $stderr = $Process.StandardError.ReadToEnd() $OpenSSLResult = $stdout + $stderr # Parse the output of openssl $OpenSSLResultLineBreaks = $OpenSSLResult -split "`n" $IndexOfBeginCert = $OpenSSLResultLineBreaks.IndexOf($($OpenSSLResultLineBreaks -match "BEGIN CERTIFICATE")) $IndexOfEndCert = $OpenSSLResultLineBreaks.IndexOf($($OpenSSLResultLineBreaks -match "End CERTIFICATE")) if ($IndexOfBeginCert -eq "-1" -or $IndexOfEndCert -eq "-1") { Write-Error "Unable to find Certificate in openssl output! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $PublicCertInPemFormat = $OpenSSLResultLineBreaks[$IndexOfBeginCert..$IndexOfEndCert] # Get $X509Cert2Obj $PemString = $($PublicCertInPemFormat | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "CERTIFICATE"}) -join "`n" $byteArray = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($PemString) $X509Cert2Obj = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]::new($byteArray) } if ($Port -eq 636 -or $Port -eq 3269) { if ($UseOpenSSL) { $ProcessInfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo #$ProcessInfo.WorkingDirectory = $BinaryPath | Split-Path -Parent $ProcessInfo.FileName = $(Get-Command openssl).Source $ProcessInfo.RedirectStandardError = $true $ProcessInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true #$ProcessInfo.StandardOutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode #$ProcessInfo.StandardErrorEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode $ProcessInfo.UseShellExecute = $false $ProcessInfo.Arguments = "s_client -connect $($LDAPServerNetworkInfo.FQDN):$Port" $Process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process $Process.StartInfo = $ProcessInfo $Process.Start() | Out-Null # Sometimes openssl.exe hangs, so, we'll give it 5 seconds before killing # Below $FinishedInAlottedTime returns boolean true/false $FinishedInAlottedTime = $Process.WaitForExit(5000) if (!$FinishedInAlottedTime) { $Process.Kill() } $stdout = $Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() $stderr = $Process.StandardError.ReadToEnd() $OpenSSLResult = $stdout + $stderr # Parse the output of openssl $OpenSSLResultLineBreaks = $OpenSSLResult -split "`n" $IndexOfBeginCert = $OpenSSLResultLineBreaks.IndexOf($($OpenSSLResultLineBreaks -match "BEGIN CERTIFICATE")) $IndexOfEndCert = $OpenSSLResultLineBreaks.IndexOf($($OpenSSLResultLineBreaks -match "End CERTIFICATE")) if ($IndexOfBeginCert -eq "-1" -or $IndexOfEndCert -eq "-1") { Write-Error "Unable to find Certificate in openssl output! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $PublicCertInPemFormat = $OpenSSLResultLineBreaks[$IndexOfBeginCert..$IndexOfEndCert] # Get $X509Cert2Obj $PemString = $($PublicCertInPemFormat | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "CERTIFICATE"}) -join "`n" $byteArray = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($PemString) $X509Cert2Obj = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]::new($byteArray) } else { $X509Cert2Obj = Check-Cert -IPAddress $LDAPServerNetworkInfo.IPAddressList[0] -Port $Port $PublicCertInPemFormatPrep = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----`n" + [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($X509Cert2Obj.RawData, [System.Base64FormattingOptions]::InsertLineBreaks) + "`n-----END CERTIFICATE-----" $PublicCertInPemFormat = $PublicCertInPemFormatPrep -split "`n" } } $CertificateChain = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain]::new() $null = $CertificateChain.Build($X509Cert2Obj) [System.Collections.ArrayList]$CertsInPemFormat = @() foreach ($Cert in $CertificateChain.ChainElements.Certificate) { $CertInPemFormatPrep = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----`n" + [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($Cert.RawData, [System.Base64FormattingOptions]::InsertLineBreaks) + "`n-----END CERTIFICATE-----" $CertInPemFormat = $CertInPemFormatPrep -split "`n" $null = $CertsInPemFormat.Add($CertInPemFormat) } $CertChainInPemFormat = $($CertsInPemFormat | Out-String).Trim() $RootCAX509Cert2Obj = $CertificateChain.ChainElements.Certificate | Where-Object {$_.Issuer -eq $_.Subject} $RootCAPublicCertInPemFormatPrep = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----`n" + [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($RootCAX509Cert2Obj.RawData, [System.Base64FormattingOptions]::InsertLineBreaks) + "`n-----END CERTIFICATE-----" $RootCACertInPemFormat = $RootCAPublicCertInPemFormatPrep -split "`n" # Create Output $LDAPEndpointCertificateInfo = [pscustomobject]@{ X509CertFormat = $X509Cert2Obj PemFormat = $PublicCertInPemFormat } $RootCACertificateInfo = [pscustomobject]@{ X509CertFormat = $RootCAX509Cert2Obj PemFormat = $RootCACertInPemFormat } $CertChainInfo = [pscustomobject]@{ X509ChainFormat = $CertificateChain PemFormat = $CertChainInPemFormat } [pscustomobject]@{ LDAPEndpointCertificateInfo = $LDAPEndpointCertificateInfo RootCACertificateInfo = $RootCACertificateInfo CertChainInfo = $CertChainInfo } #endregion >> Main Body } <# .SYNOPSIS This function uses the Vault Server REST API to return a list of Vault Token Accessors and associated information. (This function differes from the Get-VaultTokenAccessors function in that it provides additional information besides a simple list of Accessors). .DESCRIPTION See .SYNOPSIS .NOTES .PARAMETER VaultServerBaseUri This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents a Uri referencing the location of the Vault Server on your network. Example: "" .PARAMETER VaultAuthToken This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents a Token for a Vault User that has permission to lookup Token Accessors using the Vault Server REST API. .EXAMPLE # Open an elevated PowerShell Session, import the module, and - PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> Get-VaultAccessorLookup -VaultServerBaseUri "" -VaultAuthToken '434f37ca-89ae-9073-8783-087c268fd46f' #> function Get-VaultAccessorLookup { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$VaultServerBaseUri, # Should be something like "" [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$VaultAuthToken # Should be something like 'myroot' or '434f37ca-89ae-9073-8783-087c268fd46f' ) # Make sure $VaultServerBaseUri is a valid Url try { $UriObject = [uri]$VaultServerBaseUri } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if (![bool]$($UriObject.Scheme -match "http")) { Write-Error "'$VaultServerBaseUri' does not appear to be a URL! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } try { $VaultAuthTokenAccessors = Get-VaultTokenAccessors -VaultServerBaseUri $VaultServerBaseUri -VaultAuthToken $VaultAuthToken -ErrorAction Stop if (!$VaultAuthTokenAccessors) {throw "The Get-VaultTokenAccessors function failed! Halting!"} } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } foreach ($accessor in $VaultAuthTokenAccessors) { $jsonRequest = @" { "accessor": "$accessor" } "@ try { # Validate JSON $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString = $jsonRequest | ConvertFrom-Json -EA Stop | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -EA Stop } catch { Write-Error "There was a problem with the JSON! Halting!" } $IWRSplatParams = @{ Uri = "$VaultServerBaseUri/auth/token/lookup-accessor" Headers = @{"X-Vault-Token" = "$VaultAuthToken"} Body = $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString Method = "Post" } $(Invoke-RestMethod @IWRSplatParams).data } } <# .SYNOPSIS This function outputs a Vault Authentication Token granted to the Domain User specified in the -DomainCredentialsWithAccessToVault parameter. .DESCRIPTION See .SYNOPSIS .NOTES .PARAMETER VaultServerBaseUri This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents a Uri referencing the location of the Vault Server on your network. Example: "" .PARAMETER DomainCredentialsWithAccessToVault This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a PSCredential. Example: $Creds = [pscredential]::new("zero\zeroadmin",$(Read-Host "Please enter the password for 'zero\zeroadmin'" -AsSecureString)) .EXAMPLE # Open an elevated PowerShell Session, import the module, and - PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> Get-VaultLogin -VaultServerBaseUri "" -DomainCredentialsWithAccessToVault $Creds #> function Get-VaultLogin { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidatePattern("\/v1$")] [string]$VaultServerBaseUri, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [pscredential]$DomainCredentialsWithAccessToVault ) [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11, tls" # Make sure we can reach the Vault Server and that is in a state where we can actually use it. try { $VaultServerUpAndUnsealedCheck = Invoke-RestMethod "$VaultServerBaseUri/sys/health" if (!$VaultServerUpAndUnsealedCheck -or $VaultServerUpAndUnsealedCheck.initialized -ne $True -or $VaultServerUpAndUnsealedCheck.sealed -ne $False -or $VaultServerUpAndUnsealedCheck.standby -ne $False) { throw "The Vault Server is either not reachable or in a state where it cannot be used! Halting!" } } catch { Write-Error $_ Write-Host "Use 'Invoke-RestMethod '$VaultServerBaseUri/sys/health' to investigate" -ForegroundColor Yellow $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } # Get the Domain User's Vault Token so that we can interact with Vault $UserName = $($DomainCredentialsWithAccessToVault.UserName -split "\\")[1] $PlainTextPwd = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($DomainCredentialsWithAccessToVault.Password)) $jsonRequest = @" { "password": "$PlainTextPwd" } "@ try { $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString = $jsonRequest | ConvertFrom-Json -EA Stop | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -EA Stop } catch { Write-Error "There was a problem with the JSON for Turning on the Audit Log! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $IWRSplatParams = @{ Uri = "$VaultServerBaseUri/auth/ldap/login/$UserName " Body = $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString Method = "Post" } $LDAPLoginResult = Invoke-RestMethod @IWRSplatParams $VaultAuthToken = $LDAPLoginResult.auth.client_token # Get rid of PlainText Password from Memory as best we can (this really doesn't do enough...) # $jsonRequest = $null $PlainTextPwd = $null if (!$VaultAuthToken) { Write-Error "There was a problem getting the Vault Token for Domain User $UserName! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } else { $VaultAuthToken } } <# .SYNOPSIS This function uses the Vault Server REST API to return a list of Vault Token Accessors. .DESCRIPTION See .SYNOPSIS .NOTES .PARAMETER VaultServerBaseUri This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents a Uri referencing the location of the Vault Server on your network. Example: "" .PARAMETER VaultAuthToken This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents a Token for a Vault User that has permission to lookup Token Accessors using the Vault Server REST API. .EXAMPLE # Open an elevated PowerShell Session, import the module, and - PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> Get-VaultTokenAccessors -VaultServerBaseUri "" -VaultAuthToken '434f37ca-89ae-9073-8783-087c268fd46f' #> function Get-VaultTokenAccessors { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$VaultServerBaseUri, # Should be something like "" [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$VaultAuthToken # Should be something like 'myroot' or '434f37ca-89ae-9073-8783-087c268fd46f' ) # Make sure $VaultServerBaseUri is a valid Url try { $UriObject = [uri]$VaultServerBaseUri } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if (![bool]$($UriObject.Scheme -match "http")) { Write-Error "'$VaultServerBaseUri' does not appear to be a URL! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $IWRSplatParams = @{ Uri = "$VaultServerBaseUri/auth/token/accessors" Headers = @{"X-Vault-Token" = "$VaultAuthToken"} Body = @{"list" = "true"} Method = "Get" } $(Invoke-RestMethod @IWRSplatParams).data.keys } <# .SYNOPSIS This function uses the Vault Server REST API to return a list of Vault Tokens and associated information. IMPORTANT NOTE: This function will NOT work unless your Vault Server was created with a vault.hcl configuration that included: raw_storage_endpoint = true .DESCRIPTION See .SYNOPSIS .NOTES .PARAMETER VaultServerBaseUri This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents a Uri referencing the location of the Vault Server on your network. Example: "" .PARAMETER VaultAuthToken This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents a Token for a Vault User that has (root) permission to lookup Tokens using the Vault Server REST API. .EXAMPLE # Open an elevated PowerShell Session, import the module, and - PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> Get-VaultTokens -VaultServerBaseUri "" -VaultAuthToken '434f37ca-89ae-9073-8783-087c268fd46f' #> function Get-VaultTokens { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$VaultServerBaseUri, # Should be something like "" [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$VaultAuthToken # Should be something like 'myroot' or '434f37ca-89ae-9073-8783-087c268fd46f' ) # Make sure $VaultServerBaseUri is a valid Url try { $UriObject = [uri]$VaultServerBaseUri } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if (![bool]$($UriObject.Scheme -match "http")) { Write-Error "'$VaultServerBaseUri' does not appear to be a URL! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } # If $VaultServerBaseUri ends in '/', remove it if ($VaultServerBaseUri[-1] -eq "/") { $VaultServerBaseUri = $VaultServerBaseUri.Substring(0,$VaultServerBaseUri.Length-1) } $QueryParameters = @{ list = "true" } $HeadersParameters = @{ "X-Vault-Token" = $VaultAuthToken } $IWRSplatParamsForSaltedTokenIds = @{ Uri = "$VaultServerBaseUri/sys/raw/sys/token/id" Headers = $HeadersParameters Body = $QueryParameters Method = "Get" } $SaltedTokenIds = $($(Invoke-WebRequest @IWRSplatParamsForSaltedTokenIds).Content | ConvertFrom-Json).data.keys if (!$SaltedTokenIds) { Write-Error "There was a problem accesing the endpoint '$VaultServerBaseUri/sys/raw/sys/token/id'. Was 'raw_storage_endpoint = true' set in your Vault Server 'vault.hcl' configuration? Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } [System.Collections.ArrayList]$AvailableTokensPSObjects = @() foreach ($SaltedId in $SaltedTokenIds) { $IWRSplatParamsForTokenObjects = @{ Uri = "$VaultServerBaseUri/sys/raw/sys/token/id/$SaltedId" Headers = $HeadersParameters Method = "Get" } $PSObject = $($(Invoke-WebRequest @IWRSplatParamsForTokenObjects).Content | ConvertFrom-Json).data.value | ConvertFrom-Json $null = $AvailableTokensPSObjects.Add($PSObject) } $AvailableTokensPSObjects } <# .Synopsis Provides access to Windows Credential Manager basic functionality for client scripts. Allows the user to add, delete, and show credentials within the Windows Credential Manager. Refactored From: ****************** IMPORTANT ****************** * * If you use this script from the PS console, you * should ALWAYS pass the Target, User and Password * parameters using single quotes: * * .\CredMan.ps1 -AddCred -Target 'http://server' -User 'JoeSchmuckatelli' -Pass 'P@55w0rd!' * * to prevent PS misinterpreting special characters * you might use as PS reserved characters * ****************** IMPORTANT ****************** .Description See .SYNOPSIS .NOTES Original Author: Jim Harrison ( Date : 2012/05/20 Vers : 1.5 .PARAMETER AddCred This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter is a switch. Use it in conjunction with -Target, -User, and -Pass parameters to add a new credential or update existing credentials. .PARAMETER Comment This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter takes a string that represents additional information that you wish to place in the credentials comment field. Use with the -AddCred switch. .PARAMETER CredPersist This parameter is OPTIONAL, however, it has a default value of "ENTERPRISE". This parameter takes a string. Valid values are: "SESSION", "LOCAL_MACHINE", "ENTERPRISE" ENTERPRISE persistance means that the credentials will survive logoff and reboot. .PARAMETER CredType This parameter is OPTIONAL, however, it has a default value of "GENERIC". This parameter takes a string. Valid values are: "GENERIC", "DOMAIN_PASSWORD", "DOMAIN_CERTIFICATE", "DOMAIN_VISIBLE_PASSWORD", "GENERIC_CERTIFICATE", "DOMAIN_EXTENDED", "MAXIMUM", "MAXIMUM_EX" ****************** IMPORTANT ****************** * * I STRONGLY recommend that you become familiar * with * before you create new credentials with -CredType other than "GENERIC" * ****************** IMPORTANT ****************** .PARAMETER DelCred This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter is a switch. Use it to remove existing credentials. If more than one credential sets have the same -Target, you must use this switch in conjunction with the -CredType parameter. .PARAMETER GetCred This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter is a switch. Use it to retrieve an existing credential. The -CredType parameter may be required to access the correct credential if more set of credentials have the same -Target. .PARAMETER Pass This parameter is OPTIONAL, however, it is MANDATORY if the -AddCred switch is used. This parameter takes a string that represents tha secret/password that you would like to store. .PARAMETER RunTests This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter is a switch. If used, the function will run built-in Win32 CredMan functionality tests. .PARAMETER ShoCred This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter is a switch. If used, the function will retrieve all credentials stored for the interactive user. .PARAMETER Target This parameter is OPTIONAL, however, it is MANDATORY unless the -ShoCred switch is used. This parameter takes a string that specifies the authentication target for the specified credentials If not specified, the value provided to the -User parameter is used. .PARAMETER User This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter takes a string that represents the credential's UserName. .LINK .EXAMPLE # Stores the credential for 'UserName' with a password of 'P@55w0rd!' for authentication against 'http://aserver' and adds a comment of 'cuziwanna' Manage-StoredCredentials -AddCred -Target 'http://aserver' -User 'UserName' -Password 'P@55w0rd!' -Comment 'cuziwanna' .EXAMPLE # Removes the credential used for the target 'http://aserver' as credentials type 'DOMAIN_PASSWORD' Manage-StoredCredentials -DelCred -Target 'http://aserver' -CredType 'DOMAIN_PASSWORD' .EXAMPLE # Retreives the credential used for the target 'http://aserver' Manage-StoredCredentials -GetCred -Target 'http://aserver' .EXAMPLE # Retrieves a summary list of all credentials stored for the interactive user Manage-StoredCredentials -ShoCred .EXAMPLE # Retrieves a detailed list of all credentials stored for the interactive user Manage-StoredCredentials -ShoCred -All #> function Manage-StoredCredentials { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Switch] $AddCred, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Switch]$DelCred, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Switch]$GetCred, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Switch]$ShoCred, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Switch]$RunTests, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateLength(1,32767) <# CRED_MAX_GENERIC_TARGET_NAME_LENGTH #>] [String]$Target, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateLength(1,512) <# CRED_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH #>] [String]$User, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateLength(1,512) <# CRED_MAX_CREDENTIAL_BLOB_SIZE #>] [String]$Pass, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateLength(1,256) <# CRED_MAX_STRING_LENGTH #>] [String]$Comment, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("GENERIC","DOMAIN_PASSWORD","DOMAIN_CERTIFICATE","DOMAIN_VISIBLE_PASSWORD", "GENERIC_CERTIFICATE","DOMAIN_EXTENDED","MAXIMUM","MAXIMUM_EX")] [String]$CredType = "GENERIC", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("SESSION","LOCAL_MACHINE","ENTERPRISE")] [String]$CredPersist = "ENTERPRISE" ) #region Pinvoke #region Inline C# [String] $PsCredmanUtils = @" using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace PsUtils { public class CredMan { #region Imports // DllImport derives from System.Runtime.InteropServices [DllImport("Advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true, EntryPoint = "CredDeleteW", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] private static extern bool CredDeleteW([In] string target, [In] CRED_TYPE type, [In] int reservedFlag); [DllImport("Advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true, EntryPoint = "CredEnumerateW", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] private static extern bool CredEnumerateW([In] string Filter, [In] int Flags, out int Count, out IntPtr CredentialPtr); [DllImport("Advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true, EntryPoint = "CredFree")] private static extern void CredFree([In] IntPtr cred); [DllImport("Advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true, EntryPoint = "CredReadW", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] private static extern bool CredReadW([In] string target, [In] CRED_TYPE type, [In] int reservedFlag, out IntPtr CredentialPtr); [DllImport("Advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true, EntryPoint = "CredWriteW", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] private static extern bool CredWriteW([In] ref Credential userCredential, [In] UInt32 flags); #endregion #region Fields public enum CRED_FLAGS : uint { NONE = 0x0, PROMPT_NOW = 0x2, USERNAME_TARGET = 0x4 } public enum CRED_ERRORS : uint { ERROR_SUCCESS = 0x0, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = 0x80070057, ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS = 0x800703EC, ERROR_NOT_FOUND = 0x80070490, ERROR_NO_SUCH_LOGON_SESSION = 0x80070520, ERROR_BAD_USERNAME = 0x8007089A } public enum CRED_PERSIST : uint { SESSION = 1, LOCAL_MACHINE = 2, ENTERPRISE = 3 } public enum CRED_TYPE : uint { GENERIC = 1, DOMAIN_PASSWORD = 2, DOMAIN_CERTIFICATE = 3, DOMAIN_VISIBLE_PASSWORD = 4, GENERIC_CERTIFICATE = 5, DOMAIN_EXTENDED = 6, MAXIMUM = 7, // Maximum supported cred type MAXIMUM_EX = (MAXIMUM + 1000), // Allow new applications to run on old OSes } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public struct Credential { public CRED_FLAGS Flags; public CRED_TYPE Type; public string TargetName; public string Comment; public DateTime LastWritten; public UInt32 CredentialBlobSize; public string CredentialBlob; public CRED_PERSIST Persist; public UInt32 AttributeCount; public IntPtr Attributes; public string TargetAlias; public string UserName; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] private struct NativeCredential { public CRED_FLAGS Flags; public CRED_TYPE Type; public IntPtr TargetName; public IntPtr Comment; public System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME LastWritten; public UInt32 CredentialBlobSize; public IntPtr CredentialBlob; public UInt32 Persist; public UInt32 AttributeCount; public IntPtr Attributes; public IntPtr TargetAlias; public IntPtr UserName; } #endregion #region Child Class private class CriticalCredentialHandle : Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.CriticalHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid { public CriticalCredentialHandle(IntPtr preexistingHandle) { SetHandle(preexistingHandle); } private Credential XlateNativeCred(IntPtr pCred) { NativeCredential ncred = (NativeCredential)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pCred, typeof(NativeCredential)); Credential cred = new Credential(); cred.Type = ncred.Type; cred.Flags = ncred.Flags; cred.Persist = (CRED_PERSIST)ncred.Persist; long LastWritten = ncred.LastWritten.dwHighDateTime; LastWritten = (LastWritten << 32) + ncred.LastWritten.dwLowDateTime; cred.LastWritten = DateTime.FromFileTime(LastWritten); cred.UserName = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(ncred.UserName); cred.TargetName = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(ncred.TargetName); cred.TargetAlias = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(ncred.TargetAlias); cred.Comment = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(ncred.Comment); cred.CredentialBlobSize = ncred.CredentialBlobSize; if (0 < ncred.CredentialBlobSize) { cred.CredentialBlob = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(ncred.CredentialBlob, (int)ncred.CredentialBlobSize / 2); } return cred; } public Credential GetCredential() { if (IsInvalid) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid CriticalHandle!"); } Credential cred = XlateNativeCred(handle); return cred; } public Credential[] GetCredentials(int count) { if (IsInvalid) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid CriticalHandle!"); } Credential[] Credentials = new Credential[count]; IntPtr pTemp = IntPtr.Zero; for (int inx = 0; inx < count; inx++) { pTemp = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(handle, inx * IntPtr.Size); Credential cred = XlateNativeCred(pTemp); Credentials[inx] = cred; } return Credentials; } override protected bool ReleaseHandle() { if (IsInvalid) { return false; } CredFree(handle); SetHandleAsInvalid(); return true; } } #endregion #region Custom API public static int CredDelete(string target, CRED_TYPE type) { if (!CredDeleteW(target, type, 0)) { return Marshal.GetHRForLastWin32Error(); } return 0; } public static int CredEnum(string Filter, out Credential[] Credentials) { int count = 0; int Flags = 0x0; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Filter) || "*" == Filter) { Filter = null; if (6 <= Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major) { Flags = 0x1; //CRED_ENUMERATE_ALL_CREDENTIALS; only valid is OS >= Vista } } IntPtr pCredentials = IntPtr.Zero; if (!CredEnumerateW(Filter, Flags, out count, out pCredentials)) { Credentials = null; return Marshal.GetHRForLastWin32Error(); } CriticalCredentialHandle CredHandle = new CriticalCredentialHandle(pCredentials); Credentials = CredHandle.GetCredentials(count); return 0; } public static int CredRead(string target, CRED_TYPE type, out Credential Credential) { IntPtr pCredential = IntPtr.Zero; Credential = new Credential(); if (!CredReadW(target, type, 0, out pCredential)) { return Marshal.GetHRForLastWin32Error(); } CriticalCredentialHandle CredHandle = new CriticalCredentialHandle(pCredential); Credential = CredHandle.GetCredential(); return 0; } public static int CredWrite(Credential userCredential) { if (!CredWriteW(ref userCredential, 0)) { return Marshal.GetHRForLastWin32Error(); } return 0; } #endregion private static int AddCred() { Credential Cred = new Credential(); string Password = "Password"; Cred.Flags = 0; Cred.Type = CRED_TYPE.GENERIC; Cred.TargetName = "Target"; Cred.UserName = "UserName"; Cred.AttributeCount = 0; Cred.Persist = CRED_PERSIST.ENTERPRISE; Cred.CredentialBlobSize = (uint)Password.Length; Cred.CredentialBlob = Password; Cred.Comment = "Comment"; return CredWrite(Cred); } private static bool CheckError(string TestName, CRED_ERRORS Rtn) { switch(Rtn) { case CRED_ERRORS.ERROR_SUCCESS: Console.WriteLine(string.Format("'{0}' worked", TestName)); return true; case CRED_ERRORS.ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS: case CRED_ERRORS.ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: case CRED_ERRORS.ERROR_NO_SUCH_LOGON_SESSION: case CRED_ERRORS.ERROR_NOT_FOUND: case CRED_ERRORS.ERROR_BAD_USERNAME: Console.WriteLine(string.Format("'{0}' failed; {1}.", TestName, Rtn)); break; default: Console.WriteLine(string.Format("'{0}' failed; 0x{1}.", TestName, Rtn.ToString("X"))); break; } return false; } /* * Note: the Main() function is primarily for debugging and testing in a Visual * Studio session. Although it will work from PowerShell, it's not very useful. */ public static void Main() { Credential[] Creds = null; Credential Cred = new Credential(); int Rtn = 0; Console.WriteLine("Testing CredWrite()"); Rtn = AddCred(); if (!CheckError("CredWrite", (CRED_ERRORS)Rtn)) { return; } Console.WriteLine("Testing CredEnum()"); Rtn = CredEnum(null, out Creds); if (!CheckError("CredEnum", (CRED_ERRORS)Rtn)) { return; } Console.WriteLine("Testing CredRead()"); Rtn = CredRead("Target", CRED_TYPE.GENERIC, out Cred); if (!CheckError("CredRead", (CRED_ERRORS)Rtn)) { return; } Console.WriteLine("Testing CredDelete()"); Rtn = CredDelete("Target", CRED_TYPE.GENERIC); if (!CheckError("CredDelete", (CRED_ERRORS)Rtn)) { return; } Console.WriteLine("Testing CredRead() again"); Rtn = CredRead("Target", CRED_TYPE.GENERIC, out Cred); if (!CheckError("CredRead", (CRED_ERRORS)Rtn)) { Console.WriteLine("if the error is 'ERROR_NOT_FOUND', this result is OK."); } } } } "@ #endregion $PsCredMan = $null try { $PsCredMan = [PsUtils.CredMan] } catch { #only remove the error we generate try {$Error.RemoveAt($Error.Count-1)} catch {Write-Verbose "No past errors yet..."} } if($null -eq $PsCredMan) { Add-Type $PsCredmanUtils } #endregion #region Internal Tools [HashTable] $ErrorCategory = @{0x80070057 = "InvalidArgument"; 0x800703EC = "InvalidData"; 0x80070490 = "ObjectNotFound"; 0x80070520 = "SecurityError"; 0x8007089A = "SecurityError"} function Get-CredType { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet("GENERIC","DOMAIN_PASSWORD","DOMAIN_CERTIFICATE","DOMAIN_VISIBLE_PASSWORD", "GENERIC_CERTIFICATE","DOMAIN_EXTENDED","MAXIMUM","MAXIMUM_EX")] [String]$CredType ) switch($CredType) { "GENERIC" {return [PsUtils.CredMan+CRED_TYPE]::GENERIC} "DOMAIN_PASSWORD" {return [PsUtils.CredMan+CRED_TYPE]::DOMAIN_PASSWORD} "DOMAIN_CERTIFICATE" {return [PsUtils.CredMan+CRED_TYPE]::DOMAIN_CERTIFICATE} "DOMAIN_VISIBLE_PASSWORD" {return [PsUtils.CredMan+CRED_TYPE]::DOMAIN_VISIBLE_PASSWORD} "GENERIC_CERTIFICATE" {return [PsUtils.CredMan+CRED_TYPE]::GENERIC_CERTIFICATE} "DOMAIN_EXTENDED" {return [PsUtils.CredMan+CRED_TYPE]::DOMAIN_EXTENDED} "MAXIMUM" {return [PsUtils.CredMan+CRED_TYPE]::MAXIMUM} "MAXIMUM_EX" {return [PsUtils.CredMan+CRED_TYPE]::MAXIMUM_EX} } } function Get-CredPersist { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet("SESSION","LOCAL_MACHINE","ENTERPRISE")] [String] $CredPersist ) switch($CredPersist) { "SESSION" {return [PsUtils.CredMan+CRED_PERSIST]::SESSION} "LOCAL_MACHINE" {return [PsUtils.CredMan+CRED_PERSIST]::LOCAL_MACHINE} "ENTERPRISE" {return [PsUtils.CredMan+CRED_PERSIST]::ENTERPRISE} } } #endregion #region Dot-Sourced API function Del-Creds { <# .Synopsis Deletes the specified credentials .Description Calls Win32 CredDeleteW via [PsUtils.CredMan]::CredDelete .INPUTS See function-level notes .OUTPUTS 0 or non-0 according to action success [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] if error encountered .PARAMETER Target Specifies the URI for which the credentials are associated .PARAMETER CredType Specifies the desired credentials type; defaults to "CRED_TYPE_GENERIC" #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateLength(1,32767)] [String] $Target, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("GENERIC","DOMAIN_PASSWORD","DOMAIN_CERTIFICATE","DOMAIN_VISIBLE_PASSWORD", "GENERIC_CERTIFICATE","DOMAIN_EXTENDED","MAXIMUM","MAXIMUM_EX")] [String] $CredType = "GENERIC" ) [Int]$Results = 0 try { $Results = [PsUtils.CredMan]::CredDelete($Target, $(Get-CredType $CredType)) } catch { return $_ } if(0 -ne $Results) { [String]$Msg = "Failed to delete credentials store for target '$Target'" [Management.ManagementException] $MgmtException = New-Object Management.ManagementException($Msg) [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] $ErrRcd = New-Object Management.Automation.ErrorRecord($MgmtException, $Results.ToString("X"), $ErrorCategory[$Results], $null) return $ErrRcd } return $Results } function Enum-Creds { <# .Synopsis Enumerates stored credentials for operating user .Description Calls Win32 CredEnumerateW via [PsUtils.CredMan]::CredEnum .INPUTS .OUTPUTS [PsUtils.CredMan+Credential[]] if successful [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] if unsuccessful or error encountered .PARAMETER Filter Specifies the filter to be applied to the query Defaults to [String]::Empty #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [String]$Filter = [String]::Empty ) [PsUtils.CredMan+Credential[]]$Creds = [Array]::CreateInstance([PsUtils.CredMan+Credential], 0) [Int]$Results = 0 try { $Results = [PsUtils.CredMan]::CredEnum($Filter, [Ref]$Creds) } catch { return $_ } switch($Results) { 0 {break} 0x80070490 {break} #ERROR_NOT_FOUND default { [String]$Msg = "Failed to enumerate credentials store for user '$Env:UserName'" [Management.ManagementException] $MgmtException = New-Object Management.ManagementException($Msg) [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] $ErrRcd = New-Object Management.Automation.ErrorRecord($MgmtException, $Results.ToString("X"), $ErrorCategory[$Results], $null) return $ErrRcd } } return $Creds } function Read-Creds { <# .Synopsis Reads specified credentials for operating user .Description Calls Win32 CredReadW via [PsUtils.CredMan]::CredRead .INPUTS .OUTPUTS [PsUtils.CredMan+Credential] if successful [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] if unsuccessful or error encountered .PARAMETER Target Specifies the URI for which the credentials are associated If not provided, the username is used as the target .PARAMETER CredType Specifies the desired credentials type; defaults to "CRED_TYPE_GENERIC" #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateLength(1,32767)] [String]$Target, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("GENERIC","DOMAIN_PASSWORD","DOMAIN_CERTIFICATE","DOMAIN_VISIBLE_PASSWORD", "GENERIC_CERTIFICATE","DOMAIN_EXTENDED","MAXIMUM","MAXIMUM_EX")] [String]$CredType = "GENERIC" ) #CRED_MAX_DOMAIN_TARGET_NAME_LENGTH if ("GENERIC" -ne $CredType -and 337 -lt $Target.Length) { [String]$Msg = "Target field is longer ($($Target.Length)) than allowed (max 337 characters)" [Management.ManagementException]$MgmtException = New-Object Management.ManagementException($Msg) [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]$ErrRcd = New-Object Management.Automation.ErrorRecord($MgmtException, 666, 'LimitsExceeded', $null) return $ErrRcd } [PsUtils.CredMan+Credential]$Cred = New-Object PsUtils.CredMan+Credential [Int]$Results = 0 try { $Results = [PsUtils.CredMan]::CredRead($Target, $(Get-CredType $CredType), [Ref]$Cred) } catch { return $_ } switch($Results) { 0 {break} 0x80070490 {return $null} #ERROR_NOT_FOUND default { [String] $Msg = "Error reading credentials for target '$Target' from '$Env:UserName' credentials store" [Management.ManagementException]$MgmtException = New-Object Management.ManagementException($Msg) [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]$ErrRcd = New-Object Management.Automation.ErrorRecord($MgmtException, $Results.ToString("X"), $ErrorCategory[$Results], $null) return $ErrRcd } } return $Cred } function Write-Creds { <# .Synopsis Saves or updates specified credentials for operating user .Description Calls Win32 CredWriteW via [PsUtils.CredMan]::CredWrite .INPUTS .OUTPUTS [Boolean] true if successful [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] if unsuccessful or error encountered .PARAMETER Target Specifies the URI for which the credentials are associated If not provided, the username is used as the target .PARAMETER UserName Specifies the name of credential to be read .PARAMETER Password Specifies the password of credential to be read .PARAMETER Comment Allows the caller to specify the comment associated with these credentials .PARAMETER CredType Specifies the desired credentials type; defaults to "CRED_TYPE_GENERIC" .PARAMETER CredPersist Specifies the desired credentials storage type; defaults to "CRED_PERSIST_ENTERPRISE" #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateLength(0,32676)] [String]$Target, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateLength(1,512)] [String]$UserName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateLength(1,512)] [String]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateLength(0,256)] [String]$Comment = [String]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("GENERIC","DOMAIN_PASSWORD","DOMAIN_CERTIFICATE","DOMAIN_VISIBLE_PASSWORD", "GENERIC_CERTIFICATE","DOMAIN_EXTENDED","MAXIMUM","MAXIMUM_EX")] [String]$CredType = "GENERIC", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("SESSION","LOCAL_MACHINE","ENTERPRISE")] [String]$CredPersist = "ENTERPRISE" ) if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Target)) { $Target = $UserName } #CRED_MAX_DOMAIN_TARGET_NAME_LENGTH if ("GENERIC" -ne $CredType -and 337 -lt $Target.Length) { [String] $Msg = "Target field is longer ($($Target.Length)) than allowed (max 337 characters)" [Management.ManagementException] $MgmtException = New-Object Management.ManagementException($Msg) [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] $ErrRcd = New-Object Management.Automation.ErrorRecord($MgmtException, 666, 'LimitsExceeded', $null) return $ErrRcd } if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Comment)) { $Comment = [String]::Format("Last edited by {0}\{1} on {2}",$Env:UserDomain,$Env:UserName,$Env:ComputerName) } [String]$DomainName = [Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties]::GetIPGlobalProperties().DomainName [PsUtils.CredMan+Credential]$Cred = New-Object PsUtils.CredMan+Credential switch($Target -eq $UserName -and $("CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_PASSWORD" -eq $CredType -or "CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_CERTIFICATE" -eq $CredType)) { $true {$Cred.Flags = [PsUtils.CredMan+CRED_FLAGS]::USERNAME_TARGET} $false {$Cred.Flags = [PsUtils.CredMan+CRED_FLAGS]::NONE} } $Cred.Type = Get-CredType $CredType $Cred.TargetName = $Target $Cred.UserName = $UserName $Cred.AttributeCount = 0 $Cred.Persist = Get-CredPersist $CredPersist $Cred.CredentialBlobSize = [Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($Password).Length $Cred.CredentialBlob = $Password $Cred.Comment = $Comment [Int] $Results = 0 try { $Results = [PsUtils.CredMan]::CredWrite($Cred) } catch { return $_ } if(0 -ne $Results) { [String] $Msg = "Failed to write to credentials store for target '$Target' using '$UserName', '$Password', '$Comment'" [Management.ManagementException] $MgmtException = New-Object Management.ManagementException($Msg) [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] $ErrRcd = New-Object Management.Automation.ErrorRecord($MgmtException, $Results.ToString("X"), $ErrorCategory[$Results], $null) return $ErrRcd } return $Results } #endregion #region Cmd-Line functionality function CredManMain { #region Adding credentials if ($AddCred) { if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($User) -or [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Pass)) { Write-Host "You must supply a user name and password (target URI is optional)." return } # may be [Int32] or [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] [Object]$Results = Write-Creds $Target $User $Pass $Comment $CredType $CredPersist if (0 -eq $Results) { [Object]$Cred = Read-Creds $Target $CredType if ($null -eq $Cred) { Write-Host "Credentials for '$Target', '$User' was not found." return } if ($Cred -is [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) { return $Cred } New-Variable -Name "AddedCredentialsObject" -Value $( [pscustomobject][ordered]@{ UserName = $($Cred.UserName) Password = $($Cred.CredentialBlob) Target = $($Cred.TargetName.Substring($Cred.TargetName.IndexOf("=")+1)) Updated = "$([String]::Format('{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}', $Cred.LastWritten.ToUniversalTime())) UTC" Comment = $($Cred.Comment) } ) return $AddedCredentialsObject } # will be a [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] return $Results } #endregion #region Removing credentials if ($DelCred) { if (-not $Target) { Write-Host "You must supply a target URI." return } # may be [Int32] or [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] [Object]$Results = Del-Creds $Target $CredType if (0 -eq $Results) { Write-Host "Successfully deleted credentials for '$Target'" return } # will be a [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] return $Results } #endregion #region Reading selected credential if ($GetCred) { if(-not $Target) { Write-Host "You must supply a target URI." return } # may be [PsUtils.CredMan+Credential] or [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] [Object]$Cred = Read-Creds $Target $CredType if ($null -eq $Cred) { Write-Host "Credential for '$Target' as '$CredType' type was not found." return } if ($Cred -is [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) { return $Cred } New-Variable -Name "AddedCredentialsObject" -Value $( [pscustomobject][ordered]@{ UserName = $($Cred.UserName) Password = $($Cred.CredentialBlob) Target = $($Cred.TargetName.Substring($Cred.TargetName.IndexOf("=")+1)) Updated = "$([String]::Format('{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}', $Cred.LastWritten.ToUniversalTime())) UTC" Comment = $($Cred.Comment) } ) return $AddedCredentialsObject } #endregion #region Reading all credentials if ($ShoCred) { # may be [PsUtils.CredMan+Credential[]] or [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] [Object]$Creds = Enum-Creds if ($Creds -split [Array] -and 0 -eq $Creds.Length) { Write-Host "No Credentials found for $($Env:UserName)" return } if ($Creds -is [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) { return $Creds } $ArrayOfCredObjects = @() foreach($Cred in $Creds) { New-Variable -Name "AddedCredentialsObject" -Value $( [pscustomobject][ordered]@{ UserName = $($Cred.UserName) Password = $($Cred.CredentialBlob) Target = $($Cred.TargetName.Substring($Cred.TargetName.IndexOf("=")+1)) Updated = "$([String]::Format('{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}', $Cred.LastWritten.ToUniversalTime())) UTC" Comment = $($Cred.Comment) } ) -Force $AddedCredentialsObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Alias" -Value "$($Cred.TargetAlias)" $AddedCredentialsObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "AttribCnt" -Value "$($Cred.AttributeCount)" $AddedCredentialsObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Attribs" -Value "$($Cred.Attributes)" $AddedCredentialsObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Flags" -Value "$($Cred.Flags)" $AddedCredentialsObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "PwdSize" -Value "$($Cred.CredentialBlobSize)" $AddedCredentialsObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Storage" -Value "$($Cred.Persist)" $AddedCredentialsObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Type" -Value "$($Cred.Type)" $ArrayOfCredObjects +=, $AddedCredentialsObject } return $ArrayOfCredObjects } #endregion #region Run basic diagnostics if($RunTests) { [PsUtils.CredMan]::Main() } #endregion } #endregion CredManMain } <# .SYNOPSIS This function creates a new SSH User/Client key pair and has the Vault Server sign the Public Key, returning a '' file that can be used for Public Key Certificate SSH Authentication. .DESCRIPTION See .SYNOPSIS .NOTES .PARAMETER VaultServerBaseUri This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents a Uri referencing the location of the Vault Server on your network. Example: "" .PARAMETER DomainCredentialsWithAccessToVault This parameter is OPTIONAL, however, either -DomainCredentialsWIthAccessToVault or -VaultAuthToken are REQUIRED. This parameter takes a PSCredential. Example: $Creds = [pscredential]::new("zero\zeroadmin",$(Read-Host "Please enter the password for 'zero\zeroadmin'" -AsSecureString)) .PARAMETER VaultAuthToken This parameter is OPTIONAL, however, either -DomainCredentialsWIthAccessToVault or -VaultAuthToken are REQUIRED. This parameter takes a string that represents a Token for a Vault User that has (root) permission to lookup Tokens using the Vault Server REST API. .PARAMETER NewSSHKeyName This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents the file name that you would like to give to the new SSH User/Client Keys. .PARAMETER NewSSHKeyPurpose This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter takes a string that represents a very brief description of what the new SSH Keys will be used for. This description will be added to the Comment section when the new keys are created. .PARAMETER NewSSHKeyPwd This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter takes a SecureString that represents the password used to protect the new Private Key file that is created. .PARAMETER BlankSSHPrivateKeyPwd This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter is a switch. Use it to ensure that the newly created Private Key is NOT password protected. .PARAMETER AddToSSHAgent This parameter is OPTIONAL, but recommended. This parameter is a switch. If used, the new SSH Key Pair will be added to the ssh-agent service. .PARAMETER RemovePrivateKey This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter should only be used in conjunction with the -AddtoSSHAgent switch. This parameter is a switch. If used, the newly created Private Key will be added to the ssh-agent and deleted from the filesystem. .EXAMPLE # Open an elevated PowerShell Session, import the module, and - PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> $NewSSHCredentialsSplatParams = @{ VaultServerBaseUri = $VaultServerBaseUri VaultAuthToken = $VaultAuthToken NewSSHKeyName = $NewSSHKeyName AddToSSHAgent = $True } PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> $NewSSHCredsResult = New-SSHCredentials @NewSSHCredentialsSplatParams #> function New-SSHCredentials { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidatePattern("\/v1$")] [string]$VaultServerBaseUri, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [pscredential]$DomainCredentialsWithAccessToVault, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$VaultAuthToken, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$NewSSHKeyName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidatePattern("^\w*$")] # No spaces allowed [string]$NewSSHKeyPurpose, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [System.Security.SecureString]$NewSSHKeyPwd, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [switch]$BlankSSHPrivateKeyPwd, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [switch]$AddToSSHAgent, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [switch]$RemovePrivateKey ) if ($(!$VaultAuthToken -and !$DomainCredentialsWithAccessToVault) -or $($VaultAuthToken -and $DomainCredentialsWithAccessToVault)) { Write-Error "The $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) function requires one (no more, no less) of the following parameters: [-DomainCredentialsWithAccessToVault, -VaultAuthToken] Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if ($DomainCredentialsWithAccessToVault) { $GetVaultLoginSplatParams = @{ VaultServerBaseUri = $VaultServerBaseUri DomainCredentialsWithAdminAccessToVault = $DomainCredentialsWithAccessToVault ErrorAction = "Stop" } try { $VaultAuthToken = Get-VaultLogin @GetVaultLoginSplatParams if (!$VaultAuthToken) {throw "The Get-VaultLogin function failed! Halting!"} } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } } $HeadersParameters = @{ "X-Vault-Token" = $VaultAuthToken } # Generate an SSH key pair for zeroadmin if (!$(Test-Path "$HOME\.ssh")) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$HOME\.ssh" } Push-Location "$HOME\.ssh" $NewSSHKeySplatParams = @{ NewSSHKeyName = $NewSSHKeyName ErrorAction = "Stop" } if ($NewSSHKeyPurpose) { $NewSSHKeySplatParams.Add("NewSSHKeyPurpose",$NewSSHKeyPurpose) } if ($NewSSHKeyPwd) { $KeyPwd = $NewSSHKeyPwd } if (!$BlankSSHPrivateKeyPwd -and !$NewSSHKeyPwd) { $KeyPwd = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter a password to protect the new SSH Private Key $NewSSHKeyName" } if ($KeyPwd) { $NewSSHKeySplatParams.Add("NewSSHKeyPwd",$KeyPwd) } try { $NewSSHKeyResult = New-SSHKey @NewSSHKeySplatParams if (!$NewSSHKeyResult) {throw "There was a problem with the New-SSHKey function! Halting!"} } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } # Have Vault sign the User's New public key if ($DomainCredentialsWithAccessToVault) { $AuthorizedPrincipalUserPrep = $DomainCredentialsWithAccessToVault.UserName -split "\\" $AuthorizedPrincipalString = $AuthorizedPrincipalUserPrep[-1] + "@" + $AuthorizedPrincipalUserPrep[0] } else { $AuthorizedPrincipalString = $($(whoami) -split "\\")[-1] + "@" + $($(whoami) -split "\\")[0] } $SignSSHUserPubKeySplatParams = @{ VaultSSHClientSigningUrl = "$VaultServerBaseUri/ssh-client-signer/sign/clientrole" VaultAuthToken = $VaultAuthToken AuthorizedUserPrincipals = @($AuthorizedPrincipalString) PathToSSHUserPublicKeyFile = $NewSSHKeyResult.PublicKeyFilePath PathToSSHUserPrivateKeyFile = $NewSSHKeyResult.PrivateKeyFilePath ErrorAction = "Stop" } if ($AddToSSHAgent) { $SignSSHUserPubKeySplatParams.Add("AddToSSHAgent",$True) } try { $SignSSHUserPublicKeyResult = Sign-SSHUserPublicKey @SignSSHUserPubKeySplatParams if (!$SignSSHUserPublicKeyResult) {throw "There was a problem with the Sign-SSHUserPublicKey function! Halting!"} } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if ($RemovePrivateKey -and $SignSSHUserPublicKeyResult.AddedToSSHAgent) { Remove-Item $NewSSHKeyResult.PrivateKeyFilePath -Force } # Next, pull the Vault Host Signing CA Public Key and Vault Client (User) Signing CA Public Key into the necessary config files # NOTE: The Add-CAPubKeyToSSHAndSSHDConfig function will NOT do anything if it doesn't need to $AddCAPubKeyToSSHAndSSHDConfigSplatParams = @{ PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignUserKeysVaultUrl = "$VaultServerBaseUri/ssh-client-signer/public_key" PublicKeyOfCAUsedToSignHostKeysVaultUrl = "$VaultServerBaseUri/ssh-host-signer/public_key" AuthorizedUserPrincipals = @($AuthorizedPrincipalString) ErrorAction = "Stop" } try { $AddCAPubKeyResult = Add-CAPubKeyToSSHAndSSHDConfig @AddCAPubKeyToSSHAndSSHDConfigSplatParams } catch { Write-Warning "There was a problem with the Add-CAPubKeyToSSHAndSSHDConfig function! The problem is as follows:" Write-Warning "$($_ | Out-String)" Write-Warning "SSH Cert Authentication may still work..." } # Finally, figure out the most efficient ssh command to use to remote into the remote host. $Output = Get-SSHClientAuthSanity -SSHKeyFilePath $NewSSHKeyResult.PublicKeyFilePath -AuthMethod PublicKeyCertificate if (Test-Path $NewSSHKeyResult.PrivateKeyFilePath) { $Output | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name PrivateKeyPath -Value $NewSSHKeyResult.PrivateKeyFilePath } if (Test-Path $NewSSHKeyResult.PublicKeyFilePath) { $Output | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name PublicKeyPath -Value $NewSSHKeyResult.PublicKeyFilePath } if (Test-Path $SignSSHUserPublicKeyResult.SignedCertFile.FullName) { $Output | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name PublicCertPath -Value $SignSSHUserPublicKeyResult.SignedCertFile.FullName } $Output Pop-Location } <# .SYNOPSIS This function revokes the Vault Token for the specified User. .DESCRIPTION See .SYNOPSIS .NOTES .PARAMETER VaultServerBaseUri This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents a Uri referencing the location of the Vault Server on your network. Example: "" .PARAMETER VaultAuthToken This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents a Token for a Vault User that has (root) permission to lookup and delete Tokens using the Vault Server REST API. .PARAMETER VaultUserToDelete This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents the name of the user that you would like to revoke Tokens for. The UserName should match the .meta.username property from objects returned by the Get-VaultAccessorLookup function - which itself should match the Basic UserName in Active Directory. (For example, if the Domain User is 'zero\jsmith' the "Basic UserName" is 'jsmith', which is the value that you should supply to this paramter) IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL tokens granted to the specified user will be revoked. .EXAMPLE # Open an elevated PowerShell Session, import the module, and - PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> $SplatParams = @{ VaultServerBaseUri = $VaultServerBaseUri VaultAuthToken = $ZeroAdminToken VaultuserToDelete = "jsmith" } PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> Revoke-VaultToken @SplatParams #> function Revoke-VaultToken { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$VaultServerBaseUri, # Should be something like "" [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$VaultAuthToken, # Should be something like 'myroot' or '434f37ca-89ae-9073-8783-087c268fd46f' [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string[]]$VaultUserToDelete # Should match .meta.username for the Accessor Lookup ) # Make sure $VaultServerBaseUri is a valid Url try { $UriObject = [uri]$VaultServerBaseUri } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if (![bool]$($UriObject.Scheme -match "http")) { Write-Error "'$VaultServerBaseUri' does not appear to be a URL! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } # If $VaultServerBaseUri ends in '/', remove it if ($VaultServerBaseUri[-1] -eq "/") { $VaultServerBaseUri = $VaultServerBaseUri.Substring(0,$VaultServerBaseUri.Length-1) } try { $AccessorInfo = Get-VaultAccessorLookup -VaultServerBaseUri $VaultServerBaseUri -VaultAuthToken $ZeroAdminToken -ErrorAction Stop if (!$AccessorInfo) {throw "Ther Get-VaultAccessorLookup function failed! Halting!"} } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $AccessorToDelete = $($AccessorInfo | Where-Object {$_.meta.username -eq $VaultUserToDelete}).accessor if (!$AccessorToDelete) { Write-Error "Unable to find Accessor matching username $VaultUserToDelete! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $jsonRequest = @" { "accessor": "$AccessorToDelete" } "@ try { # Validate JSON $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString = $jsonRequest | ConvertFrom-Json -EA Stop | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -EA Stop } catch { Write-Error "There was a problem with the JSON for deleting an accessor! Halting!" } $IWRSplatParams = @{ Uri = "$VaultServerBaseUri/auth/token/revoke-accessor" Headers = @{"X-Vault-Token" = "$VaultAuthToken"} Body = $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString Method = "Post" } $RevokeTokenResult = Invoke-RestMethod @IWRSplatParams # NOTE: Revoking a Token does Not produce output, to $RevokeJSmithTokenResult should be $null # Make sure it no longer exists try { $AccessorInfo = Get-VaultAccessorLookup -VaultServerBaseUri $VaultServerBaseUri -VaultAuthToken $ZeroAdminToken -ErrorAction Stop if (!$AccessorInfo) {throw "Ther Get-VaultAccessorLookup function failed! Halting!"} } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $AccessorStillExists = $($AccessorInfo | Where-Object {$_.meta.username -eq $VaultUserToDelete}).accessor if ($AccessorStillExists) { Write-Error "There was a problem deleting the accessor $AccessorToDelete for user $VaultUserToDelete! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = '1' return } "Success" } <# .SYNOPSIS This function (via teh Vault Server REST API) asks the Vault Server to sign the Local Host's SSH Host Key (i.e. 'C:\ProgramData\ssh\', resulting in output 'C:\ProgramData\ssh\'). .DESCRIPTION See .SYNOPSIS .NOTES .PARAMETER VaultSSHHostSigningUrl This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents the Vault Server REST API endpoint responsible for signing Host/Machine SSH Keys. The Url should be something like: .PARAMETER VaultAuthToken This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents a Vault Authentication Token that has permission to request SSH Host Key Signing via the Vault Server REST API. .EXAMPLE # Open an elevated PowerShell Session, import the module, and - PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> Sign-SSHHostPublicKey -VaultSSHHostSigningUrl $VaultSSHHostSigningUrl -VaultAuthToken $ZeroAdminToken #> function Sign-SSHHostPublicKey { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$VaultSSHHostSigningUrl, # Should be something like "" [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$VaultAuthToken # Should be something like 'myroot' or '434f37ca-89ae-9073-8783-087c268fd46f' ) # Make sure sshd service is installed and running. If it is, we shouldn't need to use # the New-SSHD server function if (![bool]$(Get-Service sshd -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { if (![bool]$(Get-Service ssh-agent -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { $InstallWinSSHSplatParams = @{ GiveWinSSHBinariesPathPriority = $True ConfigureSSHDOnLocalHost = $True DefaultShell = "powershell" GitHubInstall = $True ErrorAction = "SilentlyContinue" ErrorVariable = "IWSErr" } try { $InstallWinSSHResults = Install-WinSSH @InstallWinSSHSplatParams -ErrorAction Stop if (!$InstallWinSSHResults) {throw "There was a problem with the Install-WinSSH function! Halting!"} } catch { Write-Error $_ Write-Host "Errors for the Install-WinSSH function are as follows:" Write-Error $($IWSErr | Out-String) $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } } else { $NewSSHDServerSplatParams = @{ ErrorAction = "SilentlyContinue" ErrorVariable = "SSHDErr" DefaultShell = "powershell" } try { $NewSSHDServerResult = New-SSHDServer @NewSSHDServerSplatParams if (!$NewSSHDServerResult) {throw "There was a problem with the New-SSHDServer function! Halting!"} } catch { Write-Error $_ Write-Host "Errors for the New-SSHDServer function are as follows:" Write-Error $($SSHDErr | Out-String) $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } } } if (Test-Path "$env:ProgramData\ssh") { $sshdir = "$env:ProgramData\ssh" } elseif (Test-Path "$env:ProgramFiles\OpenSSH-Win64") { $sshdir = "$env:ProgramFiles\OpenSSH-Win64" } if (!$sshdir) { Write-Error "Unable to find ssh directory at '$env:ProgramData\ssh' or '$env:ProgramFiles\OpenSSH-Win64'! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $PathToSSHHostPublicKeyFile = "$sshdir\" if (!$(Test-Path $PathToSSHHostPublicKeyFile)) { Write-Error "Unable to find the SSH RSA Host Key for $env:ComputerName at path '$sshdir\'! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $SignedPubKeyCertFilePath = $PathToSSHHostPublicKeyFile -replace "\.pub","" # Make sure $VaultSSHHostSigningUrl is a valid Url try { $UriObject = [uri]$VaultSSHHostSigningUrl } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if (![bool]$($UriObject.Scheme -match "http")) { Write-Error "'$VaultSSHHostSigningUrl' does not appear to be a URL! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } # If $VaultSSHHostSigningUrl ends in '/', remove it if ($VaultSSHHostSigningUrl[-1] -eq "/") { $VaultSSHHostSigningUrl = $VaultSSHHostSigningUrl.Substring(0,$VaultSSHHostSigningUrl.Length-1) } ##### BEGIN Main Body ##### # HTTP API Request # The below removes 'comment' text from the Host Public key because sometimes it can cause problems # with the below json $PubKeyContent = $($(Get-Content $PathToSSHHostPublicKeyFile) -split "[\s]")[0..1] -join " " $jsonRequest = @" { "cert_type": "host", "extension": { "permit-pty": "", "permit-agent-forwarding": "" }, "public_key": "$PubKeyContent" } "@ $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString = $jsonRequest | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-Json -Compress $HeadersParameters = @{ "X-Vault-Token" = $VaultAuthToken } $IWRSplatParams = @{ Uri = $VaultSSHHostSigningUrl Headers = $HeadersParameters Body = $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString Method = "Post" } $SignedSSHClientPubKeyCertResponse = Invoke-WebRequest @IWRSplatParams Set-Content -Value $($SignedSSHClientPubKeyCertResponse.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).data.signed_key.Trim() -Path $SignedPubKeyCertFilePath # Make sure permissions on "$sshdir/" are set properly if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { Invoke-WinCommand -ComputerName localhost -ScriptBlock { $SecurityDescriptor = Get-NTFSSecurityDescriptor -Path $args[0] $SecurityDescriptor | Disable-NTFSAccessInheritance -RemoveInheritedAccessRules $SecurityDescriptor | Clear-NTFSAccess $SecurityDescriptor | Add-NTFSAccess -Account "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" -AccessRights "FullControl" -AppliesTo ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles $SecurityDescriptor | Add-NTFSAccess -Account "Administrators" -AccessRights "FullControl" -AppliesTo ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles $SecurityDescriptor | Add-NTFSAccess -Account "NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users" -AccessRights "ReadAndExecute, Synchronize" -AppliesTo ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles $SecurityDescriptor | Set-NTFSSecurityDescriptor } -ArgumentList $SignedPubKeyCertFilePath } else { $SecurityDescriptor = Get-NTFSSecurityDescriptor -Path $SignedPubKeyCertFilePath $SecurityDescriptor | Disable-NTFSAccessInheritance -RemoveInheritedAccessRules $SecurityDescriptor | Clear-NTFSAccess $SecurityDescriptor | Add-NTFSAccess -Account "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" -AccessRights "FullControl" -AppliesTo ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles $SecurityDescriptor | Add-NTFSAccess -Account "Administrators" -AccessRights "FullControl" -AppliesTo ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles $SecurityDescriptor | Add-NTFSAccess -Account "NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users" -AccessRights "ReadAndExecute, Synchronize" -AppliesTo ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles $SecurityDescriptor | Set-NTFSSecurityDescriptor } # Update sshd_config [System.Collections.ArrayList]$sshdContent = Get-Content $sshdConfigPath # Determine if sshd_config already has the 'HostCertificate' option active $ExistingHostCertificateOption = $sshdContent -match "HostCertificate" | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "#"} $HostCertificatePathWithForwardSlashes = "$sshdir\" -replace "\\","/" $HostCertificateOptionLine = "HostCertificate $HostCertificatePathWithForwardSlashes" if (!$ExistingHostCertificateOption) { try { $LineNumberToInsertOn = $sshdContent.IndexOf($($sshdContent -match "HostKey __PROGRAMDATA__/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key")) + 1 [System.Collections.ArrayList]$sshdContent.Insert($LineNumberToInsertOn, $HostCertificateOptionLine) Set-Content -Value $sshdContent -Path $sshdConfigPath $SSHDConfigContentChanged = $True [System.Collections.ArrayList]$sshdContent = Get-Content $sshdConfigPath } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } } else { if ($ExistingHostCertificateOption -ne $HostCertificateOptionLine) { $UpdatedSSHDConfig = $sshdContent -replace [regex]::Escape($ExistingHostCertificateOption),"$HostCertificateOptionLine" try { Set-Content -Value $UpdatedSSHDConfig -Path $sshdConfigPath $SSHDConfigContentChanged = $True [System.Collections.ArrayList]$sshdContent = Get-Content $sshdConfigPath } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } } else { Write-Warning "The specified 'HostCertificate' option is already active in the the sshd_config file. No changes made." } } [pscustomobject]@{ SignedPubKeyCertFile = Get-Item $SignedPubKeyCertFilePath SSHDConfigContentChanged = if ($SSHDConfigContentChanged) {$True} else {$False} SSHDContentThatWasAdded = if ($SSHDConfigContentChanged) {$HostCertificateOptionLine} } } <# .SYNOPSIS This function signs an SSH Client/User Public Key (for example, "$HOME\.ssh\") resulting in a Public Certificate (for example, "$HOME\.ssh\"). This Public Certificate can then be used for Public Key Certificate SSH Authentication. .DESCRIPTION See .SYNOPSIS .NOTES .PARAMETER VaultSSHClientSigningUrl This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents the Vault Server REST API endpoint responsible for signing Client/User SSH Keys. The Url should be something like: .PARAMETER VaultAuthToken This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents a Vault Authentication Token that has permission to request SSH User/Client Key Signing via the Vault Server REST API. .PARAMETER AuthorizedUserPrincipals This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string or array of strings that represent the User or Users that will be using the Public Key Certificate to SSH into remote machines. Local User Accounts MUST be in the format <UserName>@<LocalHostComputerName> and Domain User Accounts MUST be in the format <UserName>@<DomainPrefix>. (To clarify DomainPrefix: if your domain is, for example, 'zero.lab', your DomainPrefix would be 'zero'). .PARAMETER PathToSSHUserPublicKeyFile This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents the full path to the SSH Public Key that you would like the Vault Server to sign. Example: "$HOME\.ssh\" .PARAMETER PathToSSHUserPrivateKeyFile This parameter is OPTIONAL, but becomes MANDATORY if you want to add the signed Public Key Certificate to the ssh-agent service. This parameter takes a string that represents a full path to the SSH User/Client private key file. .PARAMETER AddToSSHAgent This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter is a switch. If used, the signed Public Key Certificate will be added to the ssh-agent service. .EXAMPLE # Open an elevated PowerShell Session, import the module, and - PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> $SplatParams = @{ VaultSSHClientSigningUrl = $VaultSSHClientSigningUrl VaultAuthToken = $ZeroAdminToken AuthorizedUserPrincipals = @("zeroadmin@zero") PathToSSHUserPublicKeyFile = "$HOME\.ssh\" PathToSSHUserPrivateKeyFile = "$HOME\.ssh\zeroadmin_id_rsa" AddToSSHAgent = $True } PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> Sign-SSHUserPublicKey @SplatParams #> function Sign-SSHUserPublicKey { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$VaultSSHClientSigningUrl, # Should be something like "" [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$VaultAuthToken, # Should be something like 'myroot' or '434f37ca-89ae-9073-8783-087c268fd46f' [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidatePattern("[\w]+@[\w]+")] [string[]]$AuthorizedUserPrincipals, # Should be in format <User>@<HostNameOrDomainPrefix> - and can be an array of strings [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidatePattern("\.pub")] [string]$PathToSSHUserPublicKeyFile, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$PathToSSHUserPrivateKeyFile, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [switch]$AddToSSHAgent ) if (!$(Test-Path $PathToSSHUserPublicKeyFile)) { Write-Error "The path '$PathToSSHUserPublicKeyFile' was not found! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if ($PathToSSHUserPrivateKeyFile) { $CorrespondingPrivateKeyPath = $PathToSSHUserPrivateKeyFile } else { $CorrespondingPrivateKeyPath = $PathToSSHUserPublicKeyFile -replace "\.pub","" } if (!$(Test-Path $CorrespondingPrivateKeyPath)) { Write-Error "Unable to find expected path to corresponding private key, i.e. '$CorrespondingPrivateKeyPath'! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $SignedPubKeyCertFilePath = $PathToSSHUserPublicKeyFile -replace "\.pub","" # Check to make sure the user private key isn't password protected. If it is, things break # with current Windows OpenSSH implementation try { $ValidateSSHPrivateKeyResult = Validate-SSHPrivateKey -PathToPrivateKeyFile $CorrespondingPrivateKeyPath -ErrorAction Stop if (!$ValidateSSHPrivateKeyResult) {throw "There was a problem with the Validate-SSHPrivateKey function! Halting!"} if (!$ValidateSSHPrivateKeyResult.ValidSSHPrivateKeyFormat) { throw "'$CorrespondingPrivateKeyPath' is not in a valid format! Double check with: ssh-keygen -y -f `"$CorrespondingPrivateKeyPath`"" } if ($ValidateSSHPrivateKeyResult.PasswordProtected) { throw "'$CorrespondingPrivateKeyPath' is password protected! This breaks the current implementation of OpenSSH on Windows. Halting!" } } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } # Make sure $VaultSSHClientSigningUrl is a valid Url try { $UriObject = [uri]$VaultSSHClientSigningUrl } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if (![bool]$($UriObject.Scheme -match "http")) { Write-Error "'$VaultSSHClientSigningUrl' does not appear to be a URL! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } # If $VaultSSHClientSigningUrl ends in '/', remove it if ($VaultSSHClientSigningUrl[-1] -eq "/") { $VaultSSHClientSigningUrl = $VaultSSHClientSigningUrl.Substring(0,$VaultSSHClientSigningUrl.Length-1) } ##### BEGIN Main Body ##### # HTTP API Request # The below removes 'comment' text from the Host Public key because sometimes it can cause problems # with the below json $PubKeyContent = $($(Get-Content $PathToSSHUserPublicKeyFile) -split "[\s]")[0..1] -join " " $ValidPrincipalsCommaSeparated = $AuthorizedUserPrincipals -join ',' # In the below JSON, <HostNameOrDomainPre> - Use the HostName if user is a Local Account and the DomainPre if the user # is a Domain Account $jsonRequest = @" { "cert_type": "user", "valid_principals": "$ValidPrincipalsCommaSeparated", "extension": { "permit-pty": "", "permit-agent-forwarding": "" }, "public_key": "$PubKeyContent" } "@ $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString = $jsonRequest | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-Json -Compress $HeadersParameters = @{ "X-Vault-Token" = $VaultAuthToken } $IWRSplatParams = @{ Uri = $VaultSSHClientSigningUrl Headers = $HeadersParameters Body = $JsonRequestAsSingleLineString Method = "Post" } $SignedSSHClientPubKeyCertResponse = Invoke-WebRequest @IWRSplatParams Set-Content -Value $($SignedSSHClientPubKeyCertResponse.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).data.signed_key.Trim() -Path $SignedPubKeyCertFilePath if ($AddToSSHAgent) { # Push/Pop-Location probably aren't necessary...but just in case... Push-Location $($CorrespondingPrivateKeyPath | Split-Path -Parent) ssh-add "$CorrespondingPrivateKeyPath" Pop-Location $AddedToSSHAgent = $True } $Output = @{ SignedCertFile = $(Get-Item $SignedPubKeyCertFilePath) } if ($AddedToSSHAgent) { $Output.Add("AddedToSSHAgent",$True) } [pscustomobject]$Output } [System.Collections.ArrayList]$script:FunctionsForSBUse = @( ${Function:AddWinRMTrustLocalHost}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:ConvertFromHCLToPrintF}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:GetComputerObjectsInLDAP}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:GetCurrentuser}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:GetDomainController}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:GetElevation}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:GetGroupObjectsInLDAP}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:GetModuleDependencies}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:GetNativePath}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:GetUserObjectsInLDAP}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:InvokeModuleDependencies}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:InvokePSCompatibility}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:ManualPSGalleryModuleInstall}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:NewUniqueString}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:PauseForWarning}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:ResolveHost}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:TestIsValidIPAddress}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:TestLDAP}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:TestPort}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:UnzipFile}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:Add-CAPubKeyToSSHAndSSHDConfig}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:Configure-VaultServerForLDAPAuth}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:ConfigureVaultServerForSSHManagement}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:Get-LDAPCert}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:Get-VaultAccessorLookup}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:Get-VaultLogin}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:Get-VaultTokenAccessors}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:Get-VaultTokens}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:Manage-StoredCredentials}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:New-SSHCredentials}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:Revoke-VaultToken}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:Sign-SSHHostPublicKey}.Ast.Extent.Text ${Function:Sign-SSHUserPublicKey}.Ast.Extent.Text ) # Below $opensslkeysource from $script:opensslkeysource = @' //********************************************************************************** // // OpenSSLKey // .NET 2.0 OpenSSL Public & Private Key Parser // // Copyright (c) 2008 JavaScience Consulting, Michel Gallant // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // //*********************************************************************************** // // opensslkey.cs // // Reads and parses: // (1) OpenSSL PEM or DER public keys // (2) OpenSSL PEM or DER traditional SSLeay private keys (encrypted and unencrypted) // (3) PKCS #8 PEM or DER encoded private keys (encrypted and unencrypted) // Keys in PEM format must have headers/footers . // Encrypted Private Key in SSLEay format not supported in DER // Removes header/footer lines. // For traditional SSLEAY PEM private keys, checks for encrypted format and // uses PBE to extract 3DES key. // For SSLEAY format, only supports encryption format: DES-EDE3-CBC // For PKCS #8, only supports PKCS#5 v2.0 3des. // Parses private and public key components and returns .NET RSA object. // Creates dummy unsigned certificate linked to private keypair and // optionally exports to pkcs #12 // // See also: // //************************************************************************************** using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security; using System.Diagnostics; using System.ComponentModel; namespace JavaScience { public class Win32 { [DllImport("crypt32.dll", SetLastError=true)] public static extern IntPtr CertCreateSelfSignCertificate( IntPtr hProv, ref CERT_NAME_BLOB pSubjectIssuerBlob, uint dwFlagsm, ref CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO pKeyProvInfo, IntPtr pSignatureAlgorithm, IntPtr pStartTime, IntPtr pEndTime, IntPtr other) ; [DllImport("crypt32.dll", SetLastError=true)] public static extern bool CertStrToName( uint dwCertEncodingType, String pszX500, uint dwStrType, IntPtr pvReserved, [In, Out] byte[] pbEncoded, ref uint pcbEncoded, IntPtr other); [DllImport("crypt32.dll", SetLastError=true)] public static extern bool CertFreeCertificateContext( IntPtr hCertStore); } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO { [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] public String pwszContainerName; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] public String pwszProvName; public uint dwProvType; public uint dwFlags; public uint cProvParam; public IntPtr rgProvParam; public uint dwKeySpec; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct CERT_NAME_BLOB { public int cbData; public IntPtr pbData; } public class opensslkey { const String pemprivheader = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" ; const String pemprivfooter = "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" ; const String pempubheader = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----" ; const String pempubfooter = "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----" ; const String pemp8header = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----" ; const String pemp8footer = "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----" ; const String pemp8encheader = "-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----" ; const String pemp8encfooter = "-----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----" ; // static byte[] pempublickey; // static byte[] pemprivatekey; // static byte[] pkcs8privatekey; // static byte[] pkcs8encprivatekey; static bool verbose = false; public static void Main(String[] args) { if(args.Length == 1) if(args[0].ToUpper() == "V") verbose = true; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.Write("\nRSA public, private or PKCS #8 key file to decode: "); String filename = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); if (filename == "") //exit while(true) loop return; if (!File.Exists(filename)) { Console.WriteLine("File \"{0}\" does not exist!\n", filename); return; } StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(filename); String pemstr = sr.ReadToEnd().Trim(); sr.Close(); if(pemstr.StartsWith("-----BEGIN")) DecodePEMKey(pemstr); else DecodeDERKey(filename); } // ------- Decode PEM pubic, private or pkcs8 key ---------------- public static void DecodePEMKey(String pemstr) { byte[] pempublickey; byte[] pemprivatekey; byte[] pkcs8privatekey; byte[] pkcs8encprivatekey; if(pemstr.StartsWith(pempubheader) && pemstr.EndsWith(pempubfooter)) { Console.WriteLine("Trying to decode and parse a PEM public key .."); pempublickey = DecodeOpenSSLPublicKey(pemstr); if(pempublickey != null) { if(verbose) showBytes("\nRSA public key", pempublickey) ; //PutFileBytes("rsapubkey.pem", pempublickey, pempublickey.Length) ; RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = DecodeX509PublicKey(pempublickey); Console.WriteLine("\nCreated an RSACryptoServiceProvider instance\n") ; String xmlpublickey =rsa.ToXmlString(false) ; Console.WriteLine("\nXML RSA public key: {0} bits\n{1}\n", rsa.KeySize, xmlpublickey) ; } } else if(pemstr.StartsWith(pemprivheader) && pemstr.EndsWith(pemprivfooter)) { Console.WriteLine("Trying to decrypt and parse a PEM private key .."); pemprivatekey = DecodeOpenSSLPrivateKey(pemstr); if(pemprivatekey != null) { if(verbose) showBytes("\nRSA private key", pemprivatekey) ; //PutFileBytes("rsaprivkey.pem", pemprivatekey, pemprivatekey.Length) ; RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = DecodeRSAPrivateKey(pemprivatekey); Console.WriteLine("\nCreated an RSACryptoServiceProvider instance\n") ; String xmlprivatekey =rsa.ToXmlString(true) ; Console.WriteLine("\nXML RSA private key: {0} bits\n{1}\n", rsa.KeySize, xmlprivatekey) ; ProcessRSA(rsa); } } else if(pemstr.StartsWith(pemp8header) && pemstr.EndsWith(pemp8footer)) { Console.WriteLine("Trying to decode and parse as PEM PKCS #8 PrivateKeyInfo .."); pkcs8privatekey = DecodePkcs8PrivateKey(pemstr); if(pkcs8privatekey != null) { if(verbose) showBytes("\nPKCS #8 PrivateKeyInfo", pkcs8privatekey) ; //PutFileBytes("PrivateKeyInfo", pkcs8privatekey, pkcs8privatekey.Length) ; RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = DecodePrivateKeyInfo(pkcs8privatekey); if(rsa !=null) { Console.WriteLine("\nCreated an RSACryptoServiceProvider instance\n") ; String xmlprivatekey =rsa.ToXmlString(true) ; Console.WriteLine("\nXML RSA private key: {0} bits\n{1}\n", rsa.KeySize, xmlprivatekey) ; ProcessRSA(rsa) ; } else Console.WriteLine("\nFailed to create an RSACryptoServiceProvider"); } } else if(pemstr.StartsWith(pemp8encheader) && pemstr.EndsWith(pemp8encfooter)) { Console.WriteLine("Trying to decode and parse as PEM PKCS #8 EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo .."); pkcs8encprivatekey = DecodePkcs8EncPrivateKey(pemstr); if(pkcs8encprivatekey != null) { if(verbose) showBytes("\nPKCS #8 EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo", pkcs8encprivatekey) ; //PutFileBytes("EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo", pkcs8encprivatekey, pkcs8encprivatekey.Length) ; RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = DecodeEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(pkcs8encprivatekey); if(rsa !=null) { Console.WriteLine("\nCreated an RSACryptoServiceProvider instance\n") ; String xmlprivatekey =rsa.ToXmlString(true) ; Console.WriteLine("\nXML RSA private key: {0} bits\n{1}\n", rsa.KeySize, xmlprivatekey) ; ProcessRSA(rsa) ; } else Console.WriteLine("\nFailed to create an RSACryptoServiceProvider"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Not a PEM public, private key or a PKCS #8"); return; } } // ------- Decode PEM pubic, private or pkcs8 key ---------------- public static void DecodeDERKey(String filename) { RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = null ; byte[] keyblob = GetFileBytes(filename); if(keyblob == null) return; rsa = DecodeX509PublicKey(keyblob); if (rsa !=null) { Console.WriteLine("\nA valid SubjectPublicKeyInfo\n") ; Console.WriteLine("\nCreated an RSACryptoServiceProvider instance\n") ; String xmlpublickey =rsa.ToXmlString(false) ; Console.WriteLine("\nXML RSA public key: {0} bits\n{1}\n", rsa.KeySize, xmlpublickey) ; return; } rsa = DecodeRSAPrivateKey(keyblob); if (rsa != null) { Console.WriteLine("\nA valid RSAPrivateKey\n") ; Console.WriteLine("\nCreated an RSACryptoServiceProvider instance\n") ; String xmlprivatekey =rsa.ToXmlString(true) ; Console.WriteLine("\nXML RSA private key: {0} bits\n{1}\n", rsa.KeySize, xmlprivatekey) ; ProcessRSA(rsa) ; return; } rsa = DecodePrivateKeyInfo(keyblob); //PKCS #8 unencrypted if(rsa !=null) { Console.WriteLine("\nA valid PKCS #8 PrivateKeyInfo\n") ; Console.WriteLine("\nCreated an RSACryptoServiceProvider instance\n") ; String xmlprivatekey =rsa.ToXmlString(true) ; Console.WriteLine("\nXML RSA private key: {0} bits\n{1}\n", rsa.KeySize, xmlprivatekey) ; ProcessRSA(rsa); return; } rsa = DecodeEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(keyblob); //PKCS #8 encrypted if(rsa !=null) { Console.WriteLine("\nA valid PKCS #8 EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo\n") ; Console.WriteLine("\nCreated an RSACryptoServiceProvider instance\n") ; String xmlprivatekey =rsa.ToXmlString(true) ; Console.WriteLine("\nXML RSA private key: {0} bits\n{1}\n", rsa.KeySize, xmlprivatekey) ; ProcessRSA(rsa); return; } Console.WriteLine("Not a binary DER public, private or PKCS #8 key"); return; } public static void ProcessRSA(RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa) { if(verbose) showRSAProps(rsa); Console.Write("\n\nExport RSA private key to PKCS #12 file? (Y or N) "); String resp = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper() ; if (resp == "Y" || resp == "YES") RSAtoPKCS12(rsa) ; } //-------- Generate pkcs #12 from an RSACryptoServiceProvider --------- public static void RSAtoPKCS12(RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa) { CspKeyContainerInfo keyInfo = rsa.CspKeyContainerInfo; String keycontainer = keyInfo.KeyContainerName; uint keyspec = (uint) keyInfo.KeyNumber; String provider = keyInfo.ProviderName; uint cspflags = 0; //CryptoAPI Current User store; LM would be CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET = 0x00000020 String fname = keycontainer + ".p12" ; //---- need to pass in rsa since underlying keycontainer is not persisted and might be deleted too quickly --- byte[] pkcs12 = GetPkcs12(rsa, keycontainer, provider, keyspec , cspflags) ; if ( (pkcs12 !=null) && verbose) showBytes("\npkcs #12", pkcs12); if(pkcs12 !=null){ PutFileBytes(fname, pkcs12, pkcs12.Length) ; Console.WriteLine("\nWrote pkc #12 file '{0}'\n", fname) ; } else Console.WriteLine("\nProblem getting pkcs#12") ; } //-------- Get the binary PKCS #8 PRIVATE key -------- public static byte[] DecodePkcs8PrivateKey(String instr) { const String pemp8header = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----" ; const String pemp8footer = "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----" ; String pemstr = instr.Trim() ; byte[] binkey; if(!pemstr.StartsWith(pemp8header) || !pemstr.EndsWith(pemp8footer)) return null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(pemstr) ; sb.Replace(pemp8header, "") ; //remove headers/footers, if present sb.Replace(pemp8footer, "") ; String pubstr = sb.ToString().Trim(); //get string after removing leading/trailing whitespace try { binkey = Convert.FromBase64String(pubstr) ; } catch(System.FormatException) { //if can't b64 decode, data is not valid return null; } return binkey; } //------- Parses binary asn.1 PKCS #8 PrivateKeyInfo; returns RSACryptoServiceProvider --- public static RSACryptoServiceProvider DecodePrivateKeyInfo(byte[] pkcs8) { // encoded OID sequence for PKCS #1 rsaEncryption szOID_RSA_RSA = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1" // this byte[] includes the sequence byte and terminal encoded null byte[] SeqOID = {0x30, 0x0D, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x05, 0x00} ; byte[] seq = new byte[15]; // --------- Set up stream to read the asn.1 encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo blob ------ MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(pkcs8) ; int lenstream = (int) mem.Length; BinaryReader binr = new BinaryReader(mem) ; //wrap Memory Stream with BinaryReader for easy reading byte bt = 0; ushort twobytes = 0; try{ twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16(); if(twobytes == 0x8130) //data read as little endian order (actual data order for Sequence is 30 81) binr.ReadByte(); //advance 1 byte else if(twobytes == 0x8230) binr.ReadInt16(); //advance 2 bytes else return null; bt = binr.ReadByte(); if(bt != 0x02) return null; twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16(); if(twobytes != 0x0001) return null; seq = binr.ReadBytes(15); //read the Sequence OID if(!CompareBytearrays(seq, SeqOID)) //make sure Sequence for OID is correct return null; bt = binr.ReadByte(); if(bt != 0x04) //expect an Octet string return null; bt = binr.ReadByte(); //read next byte, or next 2 bytes is 0x81 or 0x82; otherwise bt is the byte count if(bt == 0x81) binr.ReadByte(); else if(bt == 0x82) binr.ReadUInt16(); //------ at this stage, the remaining sequence should be the RSA private key byte[] rsaprivkey = binr.ReadBytes((int)(lenstream -mem.Position)) ; RSACryptoServiceProvider rsacsp = DecodeRSAPrivateKey(rsaprivkey); return rsacsp; } catch(Exception){ return null; } finally { binr.Close(); } } //-------- Get the binary PKCS #8 Encrypted PRIVATE key -------- public static byte[] DecodePkcs8EncPrivateKey(String instr) { const String pemp8encheader = "-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----" ; const String pemp8encfooter = "-----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----" ; String pemstr = instr.Trim() ; byte[] binkey; if(!pemstr.StartsWith(pemp8encheader) || !pemstr.EndsWith(pemp8encfooter)) return null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(pemstr) ; sb.Replace(pemp8encheader, "") ; //remove headers/footers, if present sb.Replace(pemp8encfooter, "") ; String pubstr = sb.ToString().Trim(); //get string after removing leading/trailing whitespace try{ binkey = Convert.FromBase64String(pubstr) ; } catch(System.FormatException) { //if can't b64 decode, data is not valid return null; } return binkey; } //------- Parses binary asn.1 EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo; returns RSACryptoServiceProvider --- public static RSACryptoServiceProvider DecodeEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(byte[] encpkcs8) { // encoded OID sequence for PKCS #1 rsaEncryption szOID_RSA_RSA = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1" // this byte[] includes the sequence byte and terminal encoded null byte[] OIDpkcs5PBES2 = {0x06, 0x09, 0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x05, 0x0D } ; byte[] OIDpkcs5PBKDF2 = {0x06, 0x09, 0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x05, 0x0C } ; byte[] OIDdesEDE3CBC = {0x06, 0x08, 0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x03, 0x07} ; byte[] seqdes = new byte[10] ; byte[] seq = new byte[11]; byte[] salt ; byte[] IV; byte[] encryptedpkcs8; byte[] pkcs8; int saltsize, ivsize, encblobsize; int iterations; // --------- Set up stream to read the asn.1 encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo blob ------ MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(encpkcs8) ; int lenstream = (int) mem.Length; BinaryReader binr = new BinaryReader(mem) ; //wrap Memory Stream with BinaryReader for easy reading byte bt = 0; ushort twobytes = 0; try{ twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16(); if(twobytes == 0x8130) //data read as little endian order (actual data order for Sequence is 30 81) binr.ReadByte(); //advance 1 byte else if(twobytes == 0x8230) binr.ReadInt16(); //advance 2 bytes else return null; twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16(); //inner sequence if(twobytes == 0x8130) binr.ReadByte(); else if(twobytes == 0x8230) binr.ReadInt16(); seq = binr.ReadBytes(11); //read the Sequence OID if(!CompareBytearrays(seq, OIDpkcs5PBES2)) //is it a OIDpkcs5PBES2 ? return null; twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16(); //inner sequence for pswd salt if(twobytes == 0x8130) binr.ReadByte(); else if(twobytes == 0x8230) binr.ReadInt16(); twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16(); //inner sequence for pswd salt if(twobytes == 0x8130) binr.ReadByte(); else if(twobytes == 0x8230) binr.ReadInt16(); seq = binr.ReadBytes(11); //read the Sequence OID if(!CompareBytearrays(seq, OIDpkcs5PBKDF2)) //is it a OIDpkcs5PBKDF2 ? return null; twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16(); if(twobytes == 0x8130) binr.ReadByte(); else if(twobytes == 0x8230) binr.ReadInt16(); bt = binr.ReadByte(); if(bt != 0x04) //expect octet string for salt return null; saltsize = binr.ReadByte(); salt = binr.ReadBytes(saltsize); if(verbose) showBytes("Salt for pbkd", salt); bt=binr.ReadByte(); if (bt != 0x02) //expect an integer for PBKF2 interation count return null; int itbytes = binr.ReadByte(); //PBKD2 iterations should fit in 2 bytes. if(itbytes ==1) iterations = binr.ReadByte(); else if(itbytes == 2) iterations = 256*binr.ReadByte() + binr.ReadByte(); else return null; if(verbose) Console.WriteLine("PBKD2 iterations {0}", iterations); twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16(); if(twobytes == 0x8130) binr.ReadByte(); else if(twobytes == 0x8230) binr.ReadInt16(); seqdes = binr.ReadBytes(10); //read the Sequence OID if(!CompareBytearrays(seqdes, OIDdesEDE3CBC)) //is it a OIDdes-EDE3-CBC ? return null; bt = binr.ReadByte(); if(bt != 0x04) //expect octet string for IV return null; ivsize = binr.ReadByte(); // IV byte size should fit in one byte (24 expected for 3DES) IV= binr.ReadBytes(ivsize); if(verbose) showBytes("IV for des-EDE3-CBC", IV); bt=binr.ReadByte(); if(bt != 0x04) // expect octet string for encrypted PKCS8 data return null; bt = binr.ReadByte(); if(bt == 0x81) encblobsize = binr.ReadByte(); // data size in next byte else if(bt == 0x82) encblobsize = 256*binr.ReadByte() + binr.ReadByte() ; else encblobsize = bt; // we already have the data size encryptedpkcs8 = binr.ReadBytes(encblobsize) ; //if(verbose) // showBytes("Encrypted PKCS8 blob", encryptedpkcs8) ; SecureString secpswd = GetSecPswd("Enter password for Encrypted PKCS #8 ==>") ; pkcs8 = DecryptPBDK2(encryptedpkcs8, salt, IV, secpswd, iterations) ; if(pkcs8 == null) // probably a bad pswd entered. return null; //if(verbose) // showBytes("Decrypted PKCS #8", pkcs8) ; //----- With a decrypted pkcs #8 PrivateKeyInfo blob, decode it to an RSA --- RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = DecodePrivateKeyInfo(pkcs8) ; return rsa; } catch(Exception){ return null; } finally { binr.Close(); } } // ------ Uses PBKD2 to derive a 3DES key and decrypts data -------- public static byte[] DecryptPBDK2(byte[] edata, byte[] salt, byte[]IV, SecureString secpswd, int iterations) { CryptoStream decrypt = null; IntPtr unmanagedPswd = IntPtr.Zero; byte[] psbytes = new byte[secpswd.Length] ; unmanagedPswd = Marshal.SecureStringToGlobalAllocAnsi(secpswd); Marshal.Copy(unmanagedPswd, psbytes, 0, psbytes.Length) ; Marshal.ZeroFreeGlobalAllocAnsi(unmanagedPswd); try { Rfc2898DeriveBytes kd = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(psbytes, salt, iterations); TripleDES decAlg = TripleDES.Create(); decAlg.Key = kd.GetBytes(24); decAlg.IV = IV; MemoryStream memstr = new MemoryStream(); decrypt = new CryptoStream(memstr,decAlg.CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write); decrypt.Write(edata, 0, edata.Length); decrypt.Flush(); decrypt.Close() ; // this is REQUIRED. byte[] cleartext = memstr.ToArray(); return cleartext; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Problem decrypting: {0}", e.Message) ; return null; } } //-------- Get the binary RSA PUBLIC key -------- public static byte[] DecodeOpenSSLPublicKey(String instr) { const String pempubheader = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----" ; const String pempubfooter = "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----" ; String pemstr = instr.Trim() ; byte[] binkey; if (!pemstr.StartsWith(pempubheader) || !pemstr.EndsWith(pempubfooter)) return null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(pemstr) ; sb.Replace(pempubheader, "") ; //remove headers/footers, if present sb.Replace(pempubfooter, "") ; String pubstr = sb.ToString().Trim(); //get string after removing leading/trailing whitespace try { binkey = Convert.FromBase64String(pubstr) ; } catch(System.FormatException) { //if can't b64 decode, data is not valid return null; } return binkey; } //------- Parses binary asn.1 X509 SubjectPublicKeyInfo; returns RSACryptoServiceProvider --- public static RSACryptoServiceProvider DecodeX509PublicKey(byte[] x509key) { // encoded OID sequence for PKCS #1 rsaEncryption szOID_RSA_RSA = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1" byte[] SeqOID = {0x30, 0x0D, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x05, 0x00} ; byte[] seq = new byte[15]; // --------- Set up stream to read the asn.1 encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo blob ------ MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(x509key) ; BinaryReader binr = new BinaryReader(mem) ; //wrap Memory Stream with BinaryReader for easy reading byte bt = 0; ushort twobytes = 0; try{ twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16(); if(twobytes == 0x8130) //data read as little endian order (actual data order for Sequence is 30 81) binr.ReadByte(); //advance 1 byte else if(twobytes == 0x8230) binr.ReadInt16(); //advance 2 bytes else return null; seq = binr.ReadBytes(15); //read the Sequence OID if(!CompareBytearrays(seq, SeqOID)) //make sure Sequence for OID is correct return null; twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16(); if(twobytes == 0x8103) //data read as little endian order (actual data order for Bit String is 03 81) binr.ReadByte(); //advance 1 byte else if(twobytes == 0x8203) binr.ReadInt16(); //advance 2 bytes else return null; bt = binr.ReadByte(); if(bt != 0x00) //expect null byte next return null; twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16(); if(twobytes == 0x8130) //data read as little endian order (actual data order for Sequence is 30 81) binr.ReadByte(); //advance 1 byte else if(twobytes == 0x8230) binr.ReadInt16(); //advance 2 bytes else return null; twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16(); byte lowbyte = 0x00; byte highbyte = 0x00; if(twobytes == 0x8102) //data read as little endian order (actual data order for Integer is 02 81) lowbyte = binr.ReadByte(); // read next bytes which is bytes in modulus else if(twobytes == 0x8202) { highbyte = binr.ReadByte(); //advance 2 bytes lowbyte = binr.ReadByte(); } else return null; byte[] modint = {lowbyte, highbyte, 0x00, 0x00} ; //reverse byte order since asn.1 key uses big endian order int modsize = BitConverter.ToInt32(modint, 0) ; byte firstbyte = binr.ReadByte(); binr.BaseStream.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current); if(firstbyte == 0x00) { //if first byte (highest order) of modulus is zero, don't include it binr.ReadByte(); //skip this null byte modsize -=1 ; //reduce modulus buffer size by 1 } byte[] modulus = binr.ReadBytes(modsize); //read the modulus bytes if(binr.ReadByte() != 0x02) //expect an Integer for the exponent data return null; int expbytes = (int) binr.ReadByte() ; // should only need one byte for actual exponent data (for all useful values) byte[] exponent = binr.ReadBytes(expbytes); showBytes("\nExponent", exponent); showBytes("\nModulus", modulus) ; // ------- create RSACryptoServiceProvider instance and initialize with public key ----- RSACryptoServiceProvider RSA = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); RSAParameters RSAKeyInfo = new RSAParameters(); RSAKeyInfo.Modulus = modulus; RSAKeyInfo.Exponent = exponent; RSA.ImportParameters(RSAKeyInfo); return RSA; } catch(Exception){ return null; } finally { binr.Close(); } } //------- Parses binary ans.1 RSA private key; returns RSACryptoServiceProvider --- public static RSACryptoServiceProvider DecodeRSAPrivateKey(byte[] privkey) { byte[] MODULUS, E, D, P, Q, DP, DQ, IQ ; // --------- Set up stream to decode the asn.1 encoded RSA private key ------ MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(privkey) ; BinaryReader binr = new BinaryReader(mem) ; //wrap Memory Stream with BinaryReader for easy reading byte bt = 0; ushort twobytes = 0; int elems = 0; try { twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16(); if(twobytes == 0x8130) //data read as little endian order (actual data order for Sequence is 30 81) binr.ReadByte(); //advance 1 byte else if(twobytes == 0x8230) binr.ReadInt16(); //advance 2 bytes else return null; twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16(); if(twobytes != 0x0102) //version number return null; bt = binr.ReadByte(); if(bt !=0x00) return null; //------ all private key components are Integer sequences ---- elems = GetIntegerSize(binr); MODULUS = binr.ReadBytes(elems); elems = GetIntegerSize(binr); E = binr.ReadBytes(elems) ; elems = GetIntegerSize(binr); D = binr.ReadBytes(elems) ; elems = GetIntegerSize(binr); P = binr.ReadBytes(elems) ; elems = GetIntegerSize(binr); Q = binr.ReadBytes(elems) ; elems = GetIntegerSize(binr); DP = binr.ReadBytes(elems) ; elems = GetIntegerSize(binr); DQ = binr.ReadBytes(elems) ; elems = GetIntegerSize(binr); IQ = binr.ReadBytes(elems) ; if(verbose) { showBytes("\nModulus", MODULUS) ; showBytes("\nExponent", E); showBytes("\nD", D); showBytes("\nP", P); showBytes("\nQ", Q); showBytes("\nDP", DP); showBytes("\nDQ", DQ); showBytes("\nIQ", IQ); } // ------- create RSACryptoServiceProvider instance and initialize with public key ----- RSACryptoServiceProvider RSA = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); RSAParameters RSAparams = new RSAParameters(); RSAparams.Modulus =MODULUS; RSAparams.Exponent = E; RSAparams.D = D; RSAparams.P = P; RSAparams.Q = Q; RSAparams.DP = DP; RSAparams.DQ = DQ; RSAparams.InverseQ = IQ; RSA.ImportParameters(RSAparams); return RSA; } catch(Exception){ return null; } finally { binr.Close(); } } private static int GetIntegerSize(BinaryReader binr) { byte bt = 0; byte lowbyte = 0x00; byte highbyte = 0x00; int count = 0; bt = binr.ReadByte(); if(bt != 0x02) //expect integer return 0; bt = binr.ReadByte(); if(bt == 0x81) count = binr.ReadByte(); // data size in next byte else if(bt == 0x82) { highbyte = binr.ReadByte(); // data size in next 2 bytes lowbyte = binr.ReadByte(); byte[] modint = {lowbyte, highbyte, 0x00, 0x00} ; count = BitConverter.ToInt32(modint, 0) ; } else { count = bt; // we already have the data size } while(binr.ReadByte() == 0x00) { //remove high order zeros in data count -=1; } binr.BaseStream.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current); //last ReadByte wasn't a removed zero, so back up a byte return count; } //----- Get the binary RSA PRIVATE key, decrypting if necessary ---- public static byte[] DecodeOpenSSLPrivateKey(String instr) { const String pemprivheader = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" ; const String pemprivfooter = "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" ; String pemstr = instr.Trim() ; byte[] binkey; if(!pemstr.StartsWith(pemprivheader) || !pemstr.EndsWith(pemprivfooter)) return null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(pemstr) ; sb.Replace(pemprivheader, "") ; //remove headers/footers, if present sb.Replace(pemprivfooter, "") ; String pvkstr = sb.ToString().Trim(); //get string after removing leading/trailing whitespace try{ // if there are no PEM encryption info lines, this is an UNencrypted PEM private key binkey = Convert.FromBase64String(pvkstr) ; return binkey; } catch(System.FormatException) { //if can't b64 decode, it must be an encrypted private key //Console.WriteLine("Not an unencrypted OpenSSL PEM private key"); } StringReader str = new StringReader(pvkstr); //-------- read PEM encryption info. lines and extract salt ----- if(!str.ReadLine().StartsWith("Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED")) return null; String saltline = str.ReadLine(); if(!saltline.StartsWith("DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,") ) return null; String saltstr = saltline.Substring(saltline.IndexOf(",") + 1).Trim() ; byte[] salt = new byte[saltstr.Length/2]; for (int i=0; i <salt.Length; i++) salt[i] = Convert.ToByte(saltstr.Substring (i*2, 2), 16); if(! (str.ReadLine() == "")) return null; //------ remaining b64 data is encrypted RSA key ---- String encryptedstr = str.ReadToEnd() ; try{ //should have b64 encrypted RSA key now binkey = Convert.FromBase64String(encryptedstr) ; } catch(System.FormatException) { // bad b64 data. return null; } //------ Get the 3DES 24 byte key using PDK used by OpenSSL ---- SecureString despswd = GetSecPswd("Enter password to derive 3DES key==>") ; //Console.Write("\nEnter password to derive 3DES key: "); //String pswd = Console.ReadLine(); byte[] deskey = GetOpenSSL3deskey(salt, despswd, 1, 2); // count=1 (for OpenSSL implementation); 2 iterations to get at least 24 bytes if(deskey == null) return null; //showBytes("3DES key", deskey) ; //------ Decrypt the encrypted 3des-encrypted RSA private key ------ byte[] rsakey = DecryptKey(binkey, deskey, salt); //OpenSSL uses salt value in PEM header also as 3DES IV if(rsakey !=null) return rsakey; //we have a decrypted RSA private key else { Console.WriteLine("Failed to decrypt RSA private key; probably wrong password."); return null; } } // ----- Decrypt the 3DES encrypted RSA private key ---------- public static byte[] DecryptKey(byte[] cipherData, byte[] desKey, byte[] IV) { MemoryStream memst = new MemoryStream(); TripleDES alg = TripleDES.Create(); alg.Key = desKey; alg.IV = IV; try { CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(memst, alg.CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write); cs.Write(cipherData, 0, cipherData.Length); cs.Close(); } catch(Exception exc) { Console.WriteLine(exc.Message); return null; } byte[] decryptedData = memst.ToArray(); return decryptedData; } //----- OpenSSL PBKD uses only one hash cycle (count); miter is number of iterations required to build sufficient bytes --- private static byte[] GetOpenSSL3deskey(byte[] salt, SecureString secpswd, int count, int miter ) { IntPtr unmanagedPswd = IntPtr.Zero; int HASHLENGTH = 16; //MD5 bytes byte[] keymaterial = new byte[HASHLENGTH*miter] ; //to store contatenated Mi hashed results byte[] psbytes = new byte[secpswd.Length] ; unmanagedPswd = Marshal.SecureStringToGlobalAllocAnsi(secpswd); Marshal.Copy(unmanagedPswd, psbytes, 0, psbytes.Length) ; Marshal.ZeroFreeGlobalAllocAnsi(unmanagedPswd); //UTF8Encoding utf8 = new UTF8Encoding(); //byte[] psbytes = utf8.GetBytes(pswd); // --- contatenate salt and pswd bytes into fixed data array --- byte[] data00 = new byte[psbytes.Length + salt.Length] ; Array.Copy(psbytes, data00, psbytes.Length); //copy the pswd bytes Array.Copy(salt, 0, data00, psbytes.Length, salt.Length) ; //concatenate the salt bytes // ---- do multi-hashing and contatenate results D1, D2 ... into keymaterial bytes ---- MD5 md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); byte[] result = null; byte[] hashtarget = new byte[HASHLENGTH + data00.Length]; //fixed length initial hashtarget for(int j=0; j<miter; j++) { // ---- Now hash consecutively for count times ------ if(j == 0) result = data00; //initialize else { Array.Copy(result, hashtarget, result.Length); Array.Copy(data00, 0, hashtarget, result.Length, data00.Length) ; result = hashtarget; //Console.WriteLine("Updated new initial hash target:") ; //showBytes(result) ; } for(int i=0; i<count; i++) result = md5.ComputeHash(result); Array.Copy(result, 0, keymaterial, j*HASHLENGTH, result.Length); //contatenate to keymaterial } //showBytes("Final key material", keymaterial); byte[] deskey = new byte[24]; Array.Copy(keymaterial, deskey, deskey.Length) ; Array.Clear(psbytes, 0, psbytes.Length); Array.Clear(data00, 0, data00.Length) ; Array.Clear(result, 0, result.Length) ; Array.Clear(hashtarget, 0, hashtarget.Length) ; Array.Clear(keymaterial, 0, keymaterial.Length) ; return deskey; } //------ Since we are using an RSA with nonpersisted keycontainer, must pass it in to ensure it isn't colledted ----- private static byte[] GetPkcs12(RSA rsa, String keycontainer, String cspprovider, uint KEYSPEC, uint cspflags) { byte[] pfxblob = null; IntPtr hCertCntxt = IntPtr.Zero; String DN = "CN=Opensslkey Unsigned Certificate"; hCertCntxt = CreateUnsignedCertCntxt(keycontainer, cspprovider, KEYSPEC, cspflags, DN) ; if(hCertCntxt == IntPtr.Zero){ Console.WriteLine("Couldn't create an unsigned-cert\n") ; return null; } try{ X509Certificate cert = new X509Certificate(hCertCntxt) ; //create certificate object from cert context. //X509Certificate2UI.DisplayCertificate(new X509Certificate2(cert)) ; // display it, showing linked private key SecureString pswd = GetSecPswd("Set PFX Password ==>") ; pfxblob = cert.Export(X509ContentType.Pkcs12, pswd); } catch(Exception exc) { Console.WriteLine( "BAD RESULT" + exc.Message); pfxblob = null; } rsa.Clear() ; if(hCertCntxt != IntPtr.Zero) Win32.CertFreeCertificateContext(hCertCntxt) ; return pfxblob; } private static IntPtr CreateUnsignedCertCntxt(String keycontainer, String provider, uint KEYSPEC, uint cspflags, String DN) { const uint AT_KEYEXCHANGE = 0x00000001; const uint AT_SIGNATURE = 0x00000002; const uint CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET = 0x00000020; const uint PROV_RSA_FULL = 0x00000001; const String MS_DEF_PROV = "Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider v1.0"; const String MS_STRONG_PROV = "Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider"; const String MS_ENHANCED_PROV = "Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0"; const uint CERT_CREATE_SELFSIGN_NO_SIGN = 1 ; const uint X509_ASN_ENCODING = 0x00000001; const uint CERT_X500_NAME_STR = 3; IntPtr hCertCntxt = IntPtr.Zero; byte[] encodedName = null; uint cbName = 0; if( provider != MS_DEF_PROV && provider != MS_STRONG_PROV && provider != MS_ENHANCED_PROV) return IntPtr.Zero; if(keycontainer == "") return IntPtr.Zero; if( KEYSPEC != AT_SIGNATURE && KEYSPEC != AT_KEYEXCHANGE) return IntPtr.Zero; if(cspflags != 0 && cspflags != CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET) //only 0 (Current User) keyset is currently used. return IntPtr.Zero; if (DN == "") return IntPtr.Zero; if(Win32.CertStrToName(X509_ASN_ENCODING, DN, CERT_X500_NAME_STR, IntPtr.Zero, null, ref cbName, IntPtr.Zero)) { encodedName = new byte[cbName] ; Win32.CertStrToName(X509_ASN_ENCODING, DN, CERT_X500_NAME_STR, IntPtr.Zero, encodedName, ref cbName, IntPtr.Zero); } CERT_NAME_BLOB subjectblob = new CERT_NAME_BLOB(); subjectblob.pbData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(encodedName.Length); Marshal.Copy(encodedName, 0, subjectblob.pbData, encodedName.Length); subjectblob.cbData = encodedName.Length; CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO pInfo = new CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO(); pInfo.pwszContainerName = keycontainer; pInfo.pwszProvName = provider; pInfo.dwProvType = PROV_RSA_FULL; pInfo.dwFlags = cspflags; pInfo.cProvParam = 0; pInfo.rgProvParam = IntPtr.Zero; pInfo.dwKeySpec = KEYSPEC; hCertCntxt = Win32.CertCreateSelfSignCertificate(IntPtr.Zero, ref subjectblob, CERT_CREATE_SELFSIGN_NO_SIGN, ref pInfo, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); if(hCertCntxt == IntPtr.Zero) showWin32Error(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(subjectblob.pbData); return hCertCntxt ; } private static SecureString GetSecPswd(String prompt) { SecureString password = new SecureString(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.Write(prompt); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta; while (true) { ConsoleKeyInfo cki = Console.ReadKey(true); if (cki.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.WriteLine(); return password; } else if (cki.Key == ConsoleKey.Backspace) { // remove the last asterisk from the screen... if (password.Length > 0) { Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.CursorLeft - 1, Console.CursorTop); Console.Write(" "); Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.CursorLeft - 1, Console.CursorTop); password.RemoveAt(password.Length - 1); } } else if (cki.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.WriteLine(); return password; } else if (Char.IsLetterOrDigit(cki.KeyChar) || Char.IsSymbol(cki.KeyChar)) { if (password.Length < 20) { password.AppendChar(cki.KeyChar); Console.Write("*"); } else { Console.Beep(); } } else { Console.Beep(); } } } private static bool CompareBytearrays(byte [] a, byte[] b) { if(a.Length != b.Length) return false; int i =0; foreach(byte c in a) { if(c != b[i] ) return false; i++; } return true; } private static void showRSAProps(RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa) { Console.WriteLine("RSA CSP key information:"); CspKeyContainerInfo keyInfo = rsa.CspKeyContainerInfo; Console.WriteLine("Accessible property: " + keyInfo.Accessible); Console.WriteLine("Exportable property: " + keyInfo.Exportable); Console.WriteLine("HardwareDevice property: " + keyInfo.HardwareDevice); Console.WriteLine("KeyContainerName property: " + keyInfo.KeyContainerName); Console.WriteLine("KeyNumber property: " + keyInfo.KeyNumber.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("MachineKeyStore property: " + keyInfo.MachineKeyStore); Console.WriteLine("Protected property: " + keyInfo.Protected); Console.WriteLine("ProviderName property: " + keyInfo.ProviderName); Console.WriteLine("ProviderType property: " + keyInfo.ProviderType); Console.WriteLine("RandomlyGenerated property: " + keyInfo.RandomlyGenerated); Console.WriteLine("Removable property: " + keyInfo.Removable); Console.WriteLine("UniqueKeyContainerName property: " + keyInfo.UniqueKeyContainerName); } private static void showBytes(String info, byte[] data){ Console.WriteLine("{0} [{1} bytes]", info, data.Length); for(int i=1; i<=data.Length; i++){ Console.Write("{0:X2} ", data[i-1]) ; if(i%16 == 0) Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine("\n\n"); } private static byte[] GetFileBytes(String filename) { if(!File.Exists(filename)) return null; Stream stream=new FileStream(filename,FileMode.Open); int datalen = (int)stream.Length; byte[] filebytes =new byte[datalen]; stream.Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Begin); stream.Read(filebytes,0,datalen); stream.Close(); return filebytes; } private static void PutFileBytes(String outfile, byte[] data, int bytes) { FileStream fs = null; if(bytes > data.Length) { Console.WriteLine("Too many bytes"); return; } try { fs = new FileStream(outfile, FileMode.Create); fs.Write(data, 0, bytes); } catch(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message) ; } finally { fs.Close(); } } private static void showWin32Error(int errorcode) { Win32Exception myEx=new Win32Exception(errorcode); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Error code:\t 0x{0:X}", myEx.ErrorCode); Console.WriteLine("Error message:\t {0}\n", myEx.Message); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; } } } '@ # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIMiAYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIMeTCCDHUCAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMGkGCisGAQQB # gjcCAQSgWzBZMDQGCisGAQQBgjcCAR4wJgIDAQAABBAfzDtgWUsITrck0sYpfvNR # AgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAMCEwCQYFKw4DAhoFAAQUi3JO26NLvUcRBru6FNwSvLid # H32gggn9MIIEJjCCAw6gAwIBAgITawAAAB/Nnq77QGja+wAAAAAAHzANBgkqhkiG # 9w0BAQsFADAwMQwwCgYDVQQGEwNMQUIxDTALBgNVBAoTBFpFUk8xETAPBgNVBAMT # CFplcm9EQzAxMB4XDTE3MDkyMDIxMDM1OFoXDTE5MDkyMDIxMTM1OFowPTETMBEG # CgmSJomT8ixkARkWA0xBQjEUMBIGCgmSJomT8ixkARkWBFpFUk8xEDAOBgNVBAMT # B1plcm9TQ0EwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDCwqv+ROc1 # bpJmKx+8rPUUfT3kPSUYeDxY8GXU2RrWcL5TSZ6AVJsvNpj+7d94OEmPZate7h4d # gJnhCSyh2/3v0BHBdgPzLcveLpxPiSWpTnqSWlLUW2NMFRRojZRscdA+e+9QotOB # aZmnLDrlePQe5W7S1CxbVu+W0H5/ukte5h6gsKa0ktNJ6X9nOPiGBMn1LcZV/Ksl # lUyuTc7KKYydYjbSSv2rQ4qmZCQHqxyNWVub1IiEP7ClqCYqeCdsTtfw4Y3WKxDI # JaPmWzlHNs0nkEjvnAJhsRdLFbvY5C2KJIenxR0gA79U8Xd6+cZanrBUNbUC8GCN # wYkYp4A4Jx+9AgMBAAGjggEqMIIBJjASBgkrBgEEAYI3FQEEBQIDAQABMCMGCSsG # AQQBgjcVAgQWBBQ/0jsn2LS8aZiDw0omqt9+KWpj3DAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUicLX4r2C # Kn0Zf5NYut8n7bkyhf4wGQYJKwYBBAGCNxQCBAweCgBTAHUAYgBDAEEwDgYDVR0P # AQH/BAQDAgGGMA8GA1UdEwEB/wQFMAMBAf8wHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUdpW6phL2RQNF # 7AZBgQV4tgr7OE0wMQYDVR0fBCowKDAmoCSgIoYgaHR0cDovL3BraS9jZXJ0ZGF0 # YS9aZXJvREMwMS5jcmwwPAYIKwYBBQUHAQEEMDAuMCwGCCsGAQUFBzAChiBodHRw # Oi8vcGtpL2NlcnRkYXRhL1plcm9EQzAxLmNydDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEA # tyX7aHk8vUM2WTQKINtrHKJJi29HaxhPaHrNZ0c32H70YZoFFaryM0GMowEaDbj0 # a3ShBuQWfW7bD7Z4DmNc5Q6cp7JeDKSZHwe5JWFGrl7DlSFSab/+a0GQgtG05dXW # YVQsrwgfTDRXkmpLQxvSxAbxKiGrnuS+kaYmzRVDYWSZHwHFNgxeZ/La9/8FdCir # MXdJEAGzG+9TwO9JvJSyoGTzu7n93IQp6QteRlaYVemd5/fYqBhtskk1zDiv9edk # mHHpRWf9Xo94ZPEy7BqmDuixm4LdmmzIcFWqGGMo51hvzz0EaE8K5HuNvNaUB/hq # MTOIB5145K8bFOoKHO4LkTCCBc8wggS3oAMCAQICE1gAAAH5oOvjAv3166MAAQAA # AfkwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAwPTETMBEGCgmSJomT8ixkARkWA0xBQjEUMBIGCgmS # JomT8ixkARkWBFpFUk8xEDAOBgNVBAMTB1plcm9TQ0EwHhcNMTcwOTIwMjE0MTIy # WhcNMTkwOTIwMjExMzU4WjBpMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzELMAkGA1UECBMCUEExFTAT # BgNVBAcTDFBoaWxhZGVscGhpYTEVMBMGA1UEChMMRGlNYWdnaW8gSW5jMQswCQYD # VQQLEwJJVDESMBAGA1UEAxMJWmVyb0NvZGUyMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOC # AQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAxX0+4yas6xfiaNVVVZJB2aRK+gS3iEMLx8wMF3kLJYLJyR+l # rcGF/x3gMxcvkKJQouLuChjh2+i7Ra1aO37ch3X3KDMZIoWrSzbbvqdBlwax7Gsm # BdLH9HZimSMCVgux0IfkClvnOlrc7Wpv1jqgvseRku5YKnNm1JD+91JDp/hBWRxR # 3Qg2OR667FJd1Q/5FWwAdrzoQbFUuvAyeVl7TNW0n1XUHRgq9+ZYawb+fxl1ruTj # 3MoktaLVzFKWqeHPKvgUTTnXvEbLh9RzX1eApZfTJmnUjBcl1tCQbSzLYkfJlJO6 # eRUHZwojUK+TkidfklU2SpgvyJm2DhCtssFWiQIDAQABo4ICmjCCApYwDgYDVR0P # AQH/BAQDAgeAMBMGA1UdJQQMMAoGCCsGAQUFBwMDMB0GA1UdDgQWBBS5d2bhatXq # eUDFo9KltQWHthbPKzAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBSJwtfivYIqfRl/k1i63yftuTKF/jCB # 6QYDVR0fBIHhMIHeMIHboIHYoIHVhoGubGRhcDovLy9DTj1aZXJvU0NBKDEpLENO # PVplcm9TQ0EsQ049Q0RQLENOPVB1YmxpYyUyMEtleSUyMFNlcnZpY2VzLENOPVNl # cnZpY2VzLENOPUNvbmZpZ3VyYXRpb24sREM9emVybyxEQz1sYWI/Y2VydGlmaWNh # dGVSZXZvY2F0aW9uTGlzdD9iYXNlP29iamVjdENsYXNzPWNSTERpc3RyaWJ1dGlv # blBvaW50hiJodHRwOi8vcGtpL2NlcnRkYXRhL1plcm9TQ0EoMSkuY3JsMIHmBggr # BgEFBQcBAQSB2TCB1jCBowYIKwYBBQUHMAKGgZZsZGFwOi8vL0NOPVplcm9TQ0Es # Q049QUlBLENOPVB1YmxpYyUyMEtleSUyMFNlcnZpY2VzLENOPVNlcnZpY2VzLENO # PUNvbmZpZ3VyYXRpb24sREM9emVybyxEQz1sYWI/Y0FDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZT9iYXNl # P29iamVjdENsYXNzPWNlcnRpZmljYXRpb25BdXRob3JpdHkwLgYIKwYBBQUHMAKG # Imh0dHA6Ly9wa2kvY2VydGRhdGEvWmVyb1NDQSgxKS5jcnQwPQYJKwYBBAGCNxUH # BDAwLgYmKwYBBAGCNxUIg7j0P4Sb8nmD8Y84g7C3MobRzXiBJ6HzzB+P2VUCAWQC # AQUwGwYJKwYBBAGCNxUKBA4wDDAKBggrBgEFBQcDAzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOC # AQEAszRRF+YTPhd9UbkJZy/pZQIqTjpXLpbhxWzs1ECTwtIbJPiI4dhAVAjrzkGj # DyXYWmpnNsyk19qE82AX75G9FLESfHbtesUXnrhbnsov4/D/qmXk/1KD9CE0lQHF # Lu2DvOsdf2mp2pjdeBgKMRuy4cZ0VCc/myO7uy7dq0CvVdXRsQC6Fqtr7yob9NbE # OdUYDBAGrt5ZAkw5YeL8H9E3JLGXtE7ir3ksT6Ki1mont2epJfHkO5JkmOI6XVtg # anuOGbo62885BOiXLu5+H2Fg+8ueTP40zFhfLh3e3Kj6Lm/NdovqqTBAsk04tFW9 # Hp4gWfVc0gTDwok3rHOrfIY35TGCAfUwggHxAgEBMFQwPTETMBEGCgmSJomT8ixk # ARkWA0xBQjEUMBIGCgmSJomT8ixkARkWBFpFUk8xEDAOBgNVBAMTB1plcm9TQ0EC # E1gAAAH5oOvjAv3166MAAQAAAfkwCQYFKw4DAhoFAKB4MBgGCisGAQQBgjcCAQwx # CjAIoAKAAKECgAAwGQYJKoZIhvcNAQkDMQwGCisGAQQBgjcCAQQwHAYKKwYBBAGC # NwIBCzEOMAwGCisGAQQBgjcCARUwIwYJKoZIhvcNAQkEMRYEFPXCu1P10aWPWD+U # D6Yqh5d2es1aMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUABIIBAFx8jBFRhH17VUrjHM6kfY4gFPsF # JnGu6svPbnaeoLHCcfh453Zj+FRH7rIQszmIg6hq6qUaRfJXfjTY1RzKV8SRj0XA # cE812HhrsvVi6ic8v3yUUbkeU6WhXSngIy1RrNFEf5jcSNCMEBgtPti8QxzRJ4tR # 5MBJSg8SjkeFJeDscYi/Caf5q704HJB9TsI6qjkwuP1O1VUCyzOMs+8cr6jRZUBm # WJ7U6/wyV3+E4WfnGEF+xW0gKmmlgTWZZGamQoRblgsDxduDsL7qh7NfRImP88zj # /ZVXEOHf9cbceXuuNDRPEofy+Kk7c6W3EH9uhLeVG4S2fPWJXNiC9uJ1uF4= # SIG # End signature block |