Public/Resource Property Types/Add-VSEC2InstanceSsmAssociation.ps1
function Add-VSEC2InstanceSsmAssociation { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds an AWS::EC2::Instance.SsmAssociation resource property to the template .LINK .PARAMETER AssociationParameters Documentation: DuplicatesAllowed: True ItemType: AssociationParameter Required: False Type: List UpdateType: Mutable .PARAMETER DocumentName Documentation: PrimitiveType: String Required: True UpdateType: Mutable .FUNCTIONALITY Vaporshell #> [OutputType('Vaporshell.Resource.EC2.Instance.SsmAssociation')] [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript( { $allowedTypes = "Vaporshell.Resource.EC2.Instance.AssociationParameter" if ([string]$($_.PSTypeNames) -match "($(($allowedTypes|ForEach-Object{[RegEx]::Escape($_)}) -join '|'))") { $true } else { throw "This parameter only accepts the following types: $($allowedTypes -join ", "). The current types of the value are: $($_.PSTypeNames -join ", ")." } })] $AssociationParameters, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateScript( { $allowedTypes = "System.String","Vaporshell.Function" if ([string]$($_.PSTypeNames) -match "($(($allowedTypes|ForEach-Object{[RegEx]::Escape($_)}) -join '|'))") { $true } else { throw "This parameter only accepts the following types: $($allowedTypes -join ", "). The current types of the value are: $($_.PSTypeNames -join ", ")." } })] $DocumentName ) Begin { $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{} } Process { foreach ($key in $PSBoundParameters.Keys) { $val = $((Get-Variable $key).Value) if ($val -eq "True" -or $val -eq "False") { $val = $val.ToLower() } $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $key -Value $val } } End { $obj | Add-ObjectDetail -TypeName 'Vaporshell.Resource.EC2.Instance.SsmAssociation' } } |