using namespace Microsoft.PowerShell.SHiPS [SHiPSProvider(UseCache = $false)] [SHiPSProvider(BuiltinProgress = $false)] class VSTeamBuildDefinition : VSTeamDirectory { [int]$id = -1 [int]$Revision = -1 [string]$Path = $null [object]$Tags = $null [object]$Options = $null [object]$Triggers = $null [object]$Variables = $null [object]$Repository = $null [VSTeamQueue]$Queue = $null [object]$RetentionRules = $null [VSTeamUserEntitlement]$AuthoredBy = $null [string]$BuildNumberFormat = $null [int]$JobCancelTimeoutInMinutes = -1 [string]$JobAuthorizationScope = $null [VSTeamGitRepository]$GitRepository = $null [datetime]$CreatedOn = [datetime]::MinValue [VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcess]$Process = $null [VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhaseStep[]]$Steps = $null [string[]]$Demands = $null VSTeamBuildDefinition ( [object]$obj, [string]$Projectname ) : base($, $Projectname) { $ = $ $this.Path = $obj.path $this.Revision = $obj.revision if ( $ -match 'Variables' ) { $this.Variables = $obj.variables } $this.CreatedOn = $obj.createdDate $this.JobAuthorizationScope = $obj.jobAuthorizationScope $this.AuthoredBy = [VSTeamUserEntitlement]::new($obj.authoredBy, $Projectname) # These might not be returned if ($obj.PSObject.Properties.Match('queue').count -gt 0) { $this.Queue = [VSTeamQueue]::new($obj.queue, $Projectname) } # As of version 5.0 of the REST API this has moved to the Build Def from the phases if ($obj.PSObject.Properties.Match('jobCancelTimeoutInMinutes').count -gt 0) { $this.JobCancelTimeoutInMinutes = $obj.jobCancelTimeoutInMinutes } if ($obj.PSObject.Properties.Match('triggers').count -gt 0) { $this.Triggers = $obj.triggers } if ($obj.PSObject.Properties.Match('retentionRules').count -gt 0) { $this.RetentionRules = $obj.retentionRules } if ($obj.PSObject.Properties.Match('demands').count -gt 0) { $this.Demands = $obj.demands } if ($obj.PSObject.Properties.Match('options').count -gt 0) { $this.Options = $obj.options } if ($obj.PSObject.Properties.Match('tags').count -gt 0) { $this.Tags = $obj.tags } if ($obj.PSObject.Properties.Match('repository').count -gt 0) { if($obj.repository.type -eq "TfsGit") { $this.GitRepository = [VSTeamGitRepository]::new($obj.repository, $Projectname) } else { $this.Repository = $obj.repository } } # This is only in VSTS. In TFS it is a build property if ($obj.PSObject.Properties.Match('process').count -gt 0) { $this.Process = [VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcess]::new($obj.process, $Projectname) } # TFS 2017/2018 if ($obj.PSObject.Properties.Match('build').count -gt 0) { $stepNo = 0 foreach ($step in $ { $stepNo++ $this.Steps += [VSTeamBuildDefinitionProcessPhaseStep]::new($step, $stepNo, $Projectname) } } if ($obj.PSObject.Properties.Match('BuildNumberFormat').count -gt 0) { $this.BuildNumberFormat = $obj.buildNumberFormat } $this._internalObj = $obj $this.AddTypeName('Team.BuildDefinition') } [object[]] GetChildItem() { if ($null -ne $this.Steps) { return $this.Steps } if ($this.Process.Type -eq 1) { return $this.Process.Phases } else { return $this.Process } } } |