
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

# Load common code
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
. "$here\common.ps1"

# Apply types to the returned objects so format and type files can
# identify the object and act on it.
function _applyTypesToRelease {

   $item.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'Team.Release')

   if ($item.PSObject.Properties.Match('environments').count -gt 0 -and $null -ne $item.environments) {
      foreach ($e in $item.environments) {
         $e.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'Team.Environment')

   $item._links.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'Team.Links')
   $item._links.self.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'Team.Link')
   $item._links.web.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'Team.Link')

function Get-VSTeamRelease {
   [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'List')]
      [ValidateSet('environments', 'artifacts', 'approvals', 'none')]
      [string] $expand,

      [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'List')]
      [ValidateSet('Draft', 'Active', 'Abandoned')]
      [string] $statusFilter,

      [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'List')]
      [int] $definitionId,

      [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'List')]
      [int] $top,

      [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'List')]
      [string] $createdBy,

      [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'List')]
      [DateTime] $minCreatedTime,

      [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'List')]
      [DateTime] $maxCreatedTime,

      [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'List')]
      [ValidateSet('ascending', 'descending')]
      [string] $queryOrder,

      [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'List')]
      [string] $continuationToken,

      [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByID', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
      [int[]] $id

   DynamicParam {
      _buildProjectNameDynamicParam -Mandatory $false

   process {
      Write-Debug 'Get-VSTeamRelease Process'

      # Bind the parameter to a friendly variable
      $ProjectName = $PSBoundParameters["ProjectName"]

      if ($id) {
         foreach ($item in $id) {
            $resp = _callAPI -SubDomain vsrm -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area release -id $item -Resource releases -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Release)
            # Apply a Type Name so we can use custom format view and custom type extensions
            _applyTypesToRelease -item $resp

            Write-Output $resp
      else {
         if ($ProjectName) {
            $listurl = _buildRequestURI -SubDomain vsrm -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area release -Resource releases -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Release)
         else {
            $listurl = _buildRequestURI -SubDomain vsrm -Area release -Resource releases -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Release)

         $QueryString = @{
            '$top'              = $top
            '$expand'           = $expand
            'createdBy'         = $createdBy
            'queryOrder'        = $queryOrder
            'statusFilter'      = $statusFilter
            'definitionId'      = $definitionId
            'minCreatedTime'    = $minCreatedTime
            'maxCreatedTime'    = $maxCreatedTime
            'continuationToken' = $continuationToken

         # Call the REST API
         $resp = _callAPI -url $listurl -QueryString $QueryString

         # Apply a Type Name so we can use custom format view and custom type extensions
         foreach ($item in $resp.value) {
            _applyTypesToRelease -item $item

         Write-Output $resp.value

function Show-VSTeamRelease {
   [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ById')]
      [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByID', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
      [int] $id

   DynamicParam {

   process {
      Write-Debug 'Show-VSTeamRelease Process'

      if ($id -lt 1) {
         Throw "$id is not a valid id. Value must be greater than 0."

      # Bind the parameter to a friendly variable
      $ProjectName = $PSBoundParameters["ProjectName"]

      # Build the url
      Show-Browser "$([VSTeamVersions]::Account)/$ProjectName/_release?releaseId=$id"

function Add-VSTeamRelease {
   [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ById', SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = "Medium")]
      [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ById', Mandatory = $true)]
      [int] $DefinitionId,

      [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
      [string] $Description,

      [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ById', Mandatory = $true)]
      [string] $ArtifactAlias,

      [string] $Name,

      [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ById', Mandatory = $true)]
      [string] $BuildId,

      [string] $SourceBranch,

      # Forces the command without confirmation
      [switch] $Force

   DynamicParam {
      $dp = _buildProjectNameDynamicParam

      # If they have not set the default project you can't find the
      # validateset so skip that check. However, we still need to give
      # the option to pass by name.
      if ($Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"]) {
         $defs = Get-VSTeamReleaseDefinition -ProjectName $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"] -expand artifacts
         $arrSet = $
      else {
         Write-Verbose 'Call Set-VSTeamDefaultProject for Tab Complete of DefinitionName'
         $defs = $null
         $arrSet = $null

      $ParameterName = 'DefinitionName'
      $rp = _buildDynamicParam -ParameterName $ParameterName -arrSet $arrSet -ParameterSetName 'ByName' -Mandatory $true
      $dp.Add($ParameterName, $rp)

      if ($Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"]) {
         $builds = Get-VSTeamBuild -ProjectName $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues["*:projectName"]
         $arrSet = $
      else {
         Write-Verbose 'Call Set-VSTeamDefaultProject for Tab Complete of BuildName'
         $builds = $null
         $arrSet = $null

      $ParameterName = 'BuildNumber'
      $rp = _buildDynamicParam -ParameterName $ParameterName -arrSet $arrSet -ParameterSetName 'ByName' -Mandatory $true
      $dp.Add($ParameterName, $rp)


   process {
      Write-Debug 'Add-VSTeamRelease Process'

      # Bind the parameter to a friendly variable
      $BuildNumber = $PSBoundParameters["BuildNumber"]
      $ProjectName = $PSBoundParameters["ProjectName"]
      $DefinitionName = $PSBoundParameters["DefinitionName"]

      #Write-Verbose $builds

      if ($builds -and -not $buildId) {
         $buildId = $builds | Where-Object {$ -eq $BuildNumber} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id

      if ($defs -and -not $artifactAlias) {
         $def = $defs | Where-Object {$ -eq $DefinitionName}
         $DefinitionId = $def | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id

         $artifactAlias = $def.artifacts[0].alias

      $body = '{"definitionId": ' + $DefinitionId + ', "description": "' + $description + '", "artifacts": [{"alias": "' + $artifactAlias + '", "instanceReference": {"id": "' + $buildId + '", "name": "' + $Name + '", "sourceBranch": "' + $SourceBranch + '"}}]}'

      Write-Verbose $body

      # Call the REST API
      if ($force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($description, "Add Release")) {

         try {
            Write-Debug 'Add-VSTeamRelease Call the REST API'
            $resp = _callAPI -SubDomain 'vsrm' -ProjectName $ProjectName -Area 'release' -Resource 'releases' `
               -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $body -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Release)

            _applyTypesToRelease $resp

            Write-Output $resp
         catch {
            _handleException $_

function Remove-VSTeamRelease {
   [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = "High")]
      [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
      [int[]] $Id,

      # Forces the command without confirmation
      [switch] $Force

   DynamicParam {

   Process {
      Write-Debug 'Remove-VSTeamRelease Process'

      # Bind the parameter to a friendly variable
      $ProjectName = $PSBoundParameters["ProjectName"]

      foreach ($item in $id) {
         if ($force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($item, "Delete Release")) {
            Write-Debug 'Remove-VSTeamRelease Call the REST API'

            try {
               # Call the REST API
               _callAPI -Method Delete -SubDomain vsrm -Area release -Resource releases -ProjectName $ProjectName -id $item -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Release) | Out-Null

               Write-Output "Deleted release $item"
            catch {
               _handleException $_

function Set-VSTeamReleaseStatus {
   [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = "Medium")]
      [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
      [int[]] $Id,

      [ValidateSet('Active', 'Abandoned')]
      [string] $Status,

      # Forces the command without confirmation
      [switch] $Force

   DynamicParam {

   Process {
      Write-Debug 'Set-VSTeamReleaseStatus Process'

      # Bind the parameter to a friendly variable
      $ProjectName = $PSBoundParameters["ProjectName"]

      $body = '{ "id": ' + $id + ', "status": "' + $status + '" }'

      foreach ($item in $id) {
         if ($force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($item, "Set status on Release")) {
            Write-Debug 'Set-VSTeamReleaseStatus Call the REST API'

            try {
               # Call the REST API
               _callAPI -Method Patch -SubDomain vsrm -Area release -Resource releases -projectName $ProjectName -id $item `
                  -body $body -ContentType 'application/json' -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Release) | Out-Null

               Write-Output "Release $item status changed to $status"
            catch {
               _handleException $_

function Set-VSTeamEnvironmentStatus {
   [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = "Medium")]
      [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
      [int[]] $EnvironmentId,

      [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
      [int] $ReleaseId,

      [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]      
      [ValidateSet('canceled', 'inProgress', 'notStarted', 'partiallySucceeded', 'queued', 'rejected', 'scheduled', 'succeeded', 'undefined')]
      [string] $Status,

      [string] $Comment,

      [datetime] $ScheduledDeploymentTime,

      # Forces the command without confirmation
      [switch] $Force

   DynamicParam {
      _buildProjectNameDynamicParam -Position 1

   Process {
      Write-Debug 'Set-VSTeamEnvironmentStatus Process'

      # Bind the parameter to a friendly variable
      $ProjectName = $PSBoundParameters["ProjectName"]

      $body = ConvertTo-Json ([PSCustomObject]@{status = $Status; comment = $Comment; scheduledDeploymentTime = $ScheduledDeploymentTime})

      foreach ($item in $EnvironmentId) {
         if ($force -or $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($item, "Set Status on Environment")) {
            Write-Debug 'Set-VSTeamEnvironmentStatus Call the REST API'

            try {
               # Call the REST API
               _callAPI -Method Patch -SubDomain vsrm -Area release -Resource "releases/$ReleaseId/environments" -projectName $ProjectName -id $item `
                  -body $body -ContentType 'application/json' -Version $([VSTeamVersions]::Release) | Out-Null

               Write-Output "Environment $item status changed to $status"
            catch {
               _handleException $_

Set-Alias Get-Release Get-VSTeamRelease
Set-Alias Show-Release Show-VSTeamRelease
Set-Alias Add-Release Add-VSTeamRelease
Set-Alias Remove-Release Remove-VSTeamRelease
Set-Alias Set-ReleaseStatus Set-VSTeamReleaseStatus
Set-Alias Set-EnvironmentStatus Set-VSTeamEnvironmentStatus
Set-Alias Add-ReleaseEnvironment Set-VSTeamEnvironmentStatus
Set-Alias Add-VSTeamReleaseEnvironment Set-VSTeamEnvironmentStatus

Export-ModuleMember `
   -Function Get-VSTeamRelease, Show-VSTeamRelease, Add-VSTeamRelease, Remove-VSTeamRelease, 
Set-VSTeamReleaseStatus, Set-VSTeamEnvironmentStatus `
   -Alias Get-Release, Show-Release, Add-Release, Remove-Release, Set-ReleaseStatus,
Add-ReleaseEnvironment, Set-EnvironmentStatus, Add-VSTeamReleaseEnvironment