
function Invoke-VstsEndpoint {
          [ValidateSet('Get', 'PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE')]$Method='GET')

    $queryString = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString([string]::Empty)
    if ($QueryStringParameters -ne $null)
        foreach($parameter in $QueryStringParameters.GetEnumerator())
            $queryString[$parameter.Key] = $parameter.Value

    $queryString["api-version"] = $ApiVersion
    $queryString = $queryString.ToString();

    $authorization = Get-VstsAuthorization -User $user -Token $token

    $UriBuilder = New-Object System.UriBuilder -ArgumentList "https://$AccountName.visualstudio.com"
    $UriBuilder.Query = $queryString
    if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Project))
        $UriBuilder.Path = "DefaultCollection/_apis/$Path"
        $UriBuilder.Path = "DefaultCollection/$Project/_apis/$Path"

    $Uri = $UriBuilder.Uri

    Write-Verbose "Invoke URI [$uri]"

    Invoke-RestMethod $Uri -Method $Method -ContentType 'application/json' -Headers @{Authorization=$authorization} 

function Get-VstsAuthorization {
        Generates a VSTS authorization header value from a username and Personal Access Token.

    param($user, $token)

    $Value = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $user, $token)))
    ("Basic {0}" -f $value)

function Get-VstsProject {
        Get projects in a VSTS account.

    param($AccountName, $User, $Token)
    $authorization = Get-VstsAuthorization -User $user -Token $token

    $Value  = Invoke-RestMethod "https://$AccountName.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/_apis/projects?api-version=1.0" -Method GET -ContentType 'application/json' -Headers @{Authorization=$authorization}


function New-VstsProject 
            Creates a new project in a VSTS account

    [Parameter()][ValidateSet('Git')]$SourceControlType = 'Git',
    [Parameter()]$TemplateTypeId = '6b724908-ef14-45cf-84f8-768b5384da45')

    $authorization = Get-VstsAuthorization -User $user -Token $token

    $Body = @{
        name = $Name
        description = $Description
        capabilities = @{
            versioncontrol = @{
                sourceControlType = $SourceControlType
            processTemplate = @{
                templateTypeId = $TemplateTypeId
    } | ConvertTo-Json

    Invoke-RestMethod "https://$AccountName.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/_apis/projects?api-version=1.0" -Method POST -ContentType 'application/json' -Headers @{Authorization=$authorization} -Body $Body

function Remove-VSTSProject {
            Deletes a project from the specified VSTS account.


        $Id = Get-VstsProject -AccountName $AccountName -User $User -Token $Token | Where Name -EQ $Name | Select -ExpandProperty Id

        if ($Id -eq $null)
            throw "Project $Name not found in $AccountName."
        $authorization = Get-VstsAuthorization -User $user -Token $token

        Invoke-RestMethod "https://$AccountName.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/_apis/projects/$($Id)?api-version=1.0" -Method DELETE -Headers @{Authorization=$authorization}

function Get-VstsWorkItem {
        Get work items from VSTS

    param($AccountName, $User, $Token, [Parameter(Mandatory)]$Id)

    $authorization = Get-VstsAuthorization -User $user -Token $token

    Invoke-RestMethod "https://$AccountName.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/_apis/wit/workitems?api-version=1.0&ids=$Id" -Method GET -ContentType 'application/json' -Headers @{Authorization=$authorization} 

function New-VstsWorkItem {
        Create new work items in VSTS

    param($AccountName, $Project, $User, $Token, $PropertyHashtable, $WorkItemType)

    $authorization = Get-VstsAuthorization -User $user -Token $token

    $Fields = foreach($kvp in $PropertyHashtable.GetEnumerator())
            op = 'add'
            path = '/fields/' + $kvp.Key
            value = $kvp.value

    $Body = $Fields | ConvertTo-Json
    Invoke-RestMethod "https://$AccountName.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/$Project/_apis/wit/workitems/`$$($WorkItemType)?api-version=1.0" -Method PATCH -ContentType 'application/json-patch+json' -Headers @{Authorization=$authorization} -Body $Body

function Get-VstsWorkItemQuery {
        Returns a list of work item queries from the specified folder.


    $Result = Invoke-VstsEndpoint -AccountName $AccountName -User $User -Token $Token -Project $Project -Path 'wit/queries' -QueryStringParameters @{depth=1}

    foreach($value in $Result.Value)
        if ($Value.isFolder -and $Value.hasChildren)
            Write-Verbose "$Value.Name"
            foreach($child in $value.Children)
                if (-not $child.isFolder)

function New-VstsGitRepository {
            Creates a new Git repository in the specified team project.


    $authorization = Get-VstsAuthorization -User $user -Token $token

    $Body = @{
        Name = $RepositoryName
        Project = @{
            Id = $ProjectId
    } | ConvertTo-Json

    Invoke-RestMethod "https://$AccountName.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/_apis/git/repositories/?api-version=1.0" -Method POST -ContentType 'application/json' -Headers @{Authorization=$authorization} -Body $Body

function Get-VstsGitRepository {
            Gets Git repositories in the specified team project.


     $Result = Invoke-VstsEndpoint -AccountName $AccountName -User $User -Token $Token -Project $Project -Path 'git/repositories' -QueryStringParameters @{depth=1}

function Get-VstsCodePolicy {
            Get code policies for the specified project.

     $Result = Invoke-VstsEndpoint -AccountName $AccountName -User $User -Token $Token -Project $Project -Path 'policy/configurations' -ApiVersion '2.0-preview.1'

function New-VstsCodePolicy {
            Creates a new Code Policy configuration for the specified project.

                  [Guid]$RepositoryId = [Guid]::Empty,

    $RepoId = $null
    if ($RepositoryId -ne [Guid]::Empty)
        $RepoId = $RepositoryId.ToString()   

    $scopes = foreach($branch in $Branches)
            repositoryId = $RepoId
            refName = "refs/heads/$branch"
            matchKind = "exact"

    $Policy = @{
        isEnabled = $true
        isBlocking = $false
        type = @{
            id = 'fa4e907d-c16b-4a4c-9dfa-4906e5d171dd'
        settings = @{
            minimumApproverCount = $MinimumReviewers
            creatorVoteCounts = $false
            scope = @($scopes)
    } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10

    $authorization = Get-VstsAuthorization -User $user -Token $token

    Invoke-RestMethod "https://$AccountName.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/$Project/_apis/policy/configurations/?api-version=2.0-preview.1" -Method POST -ContentType 'application/json' -Headers @{Authorization=$authorization} -Body $Policy