
# Set console output encoding to UTF-8
[Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8

# --- // VSC-ExtensionSetup \ ---
   Author: SomeProgrammer / SomePogProgrammer
   Repo: https://github.com/SomePogProgrammer/VSCExtension-Setup
   Description: Installs suggested Visual Studio Code extensions for developers, mainly software + web devs.
   Copyright 2024 ©, SomeProgrammer / SomePogProgrammer | Quincy M. Dack | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©
   This is free to use and distribute but may not be commercialized, nor can you claim it as your own.

# Import Modules
Import-Module .\Modules\Colors.psm1
Import-Module .\Modules\Help.psm1
Import-Module .\Modules\Extensions.psm1
Import-Module .\Modules\Checks.psm1
# --- // Main Execution \ ---

# Define a hardcoded list of extensions (uncomment to use)
$hardcodedExtensions = @(

function Show-PATH {

    # Determine the directory of the executing script or executable
    $exePath = if ([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName([System.Diagnostics.Process]::GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName) -like 'vsc-extensionsetup.exe') {
        # When run as an EXE, we get the path from the executable
    else {
        # When run as a script
        $PSCommandPath -split "\\Main\.ps1"

    Set-PathVariable $exePath

function Start-InstallationProcess {
    param (
    # Check for Visual Studio Code command

    # Check if provided file exists and load extensions
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($extensionsFilePath)) {
        # No file path provided, use hardcoded extensions
        $extensions = $hardcodedExtensions
    else {
        # Load extensions from the specified file
        $extensions = Get-ExtensionsFromFile -filePath $extensionsFilePath

    # Install extensions
    if (-not $extensions) {
        Write-Red "No extensions provided via file or hardcoded list. ❌ `n Aborting... `n `n [ Aborted ]"
        exit 1

    Install-Extensions -extensions $extensions
    Write-Host "[INFO] Check the logs above for a detailed report."
    Write-Green "[DONE] Successfully finished."

function Set-PathVariable {
    param (

    # Get current PATH
    $currentPath = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", "User")

    # Check if the path already exists
    if ($currentPath -notlike "*$pathToAdd*") {
        # Add new path
        if (Show-PATHPrompt) {
            $newPath = "$currentPath;$pathToAdd"
            [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $newPath, "User")
            Write-Host "[INFO] Added $pathToAdd to PATH environment variable."
        } else {
    else {
        Write-Host "[INFO] $pathToAdd is already in the PATH environment variable. Did not add."

# --- // Main Execution \ ---

# Make sure arg indicators are more universal so -- > -
if ($args[0] -like '--*') {
    # Convert to PowerShell style
    $args[0] = $args[0] -replace '^--', '-'

if ($args.Count -gt 0) {
    switch ($args[0]) {
        '-help' { Show-Help }
        '-list' { Show-PreHardcodedExtensions }
        default { Start-InstallationProcess -extensionsFilePath $args[0] }  # Pass the first arg as parameter
else {
    Start-InstallationProcess -extensionsFilePath $null  # Pass null to indicate no file