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Example - `[\\\"e823eb1c-d79d-4763-ad6b-b447c14b6cd2\\\", \\\"71066e28-3a15-4670-8555-72068c9d5320\\\"]` (required)", "name": "clusters", "type": { "builtin_type": null, "user_defined_type": null, "category": "GENERIC", "generic_instantiation": { "generic_type": "LIST", "element_type": { "builtin_type": "STRING", "user_defined_type": null, "category": "BUILTIN", "generic_instantiation": null }, "map_key_type": null, "map_value_type": null } } } ], "errors": [ { "documentation": "Unauthorized", "structure_id": "com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.unauthenticated" }, { "documentation": "Invalid action or bad argument", "structure_id": "com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.invalid_request" }, { "documentation": "Forbidden", "structure_id": "com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.unauthorized" } ] }, "key": "analysis" }, { "value": { "output": { "metadata": [], "documentation": "", "type": { "builtin_type": null, "user_defined_type": null, "category": "GENERIC", "generic_instantiation": { "generic_type": "LIST", "element_type": { "builtin_type": null, "user_defined_type": { "resource_type": "com.vmware.vapi.structure", "resource_id": "com.vmware.model.task" }, "category": "USER_DEFINED", "generic_instantiation": null }, "map_key_type": null, "map_value_type": null } } }, "metadata": [ { "value": { "elements": [ { "value": { "list_value": null, "string_value": "GET", "structure_id": null, "type": "STRING", "structure_ids": null, "long_value": null }, "key": "method" }, { "value": { "list_value": null, "string_value": "/vmc/autoscaler/api/orgs/{org}/tasks", "structure_id": null, "type": "STRING", "structure_ids": null, "long_value": null }, "key": "value" }, { "value": { "list_value": null, "string_value": "application/json", "structure_id": null, "type": "STRING", "structure_ids": null, "long_value": null }, "key": "contentType" }, { "value": { "list_value": null, "string_value": "application/json", "structure_id": null, "type": "STRING", "structure_ids": null, "long_value": null }, "key": "accept" } ] }, "key": "RequestMapping" } ], "documentation": "List all tasks with optional filtering.", "name": "list", "params": [ { "metadata": [ { "value": { "elements": [ { "value": { "list_value": null, "string_value": "org", "structure_id": null, "type": "STRING", "structure_ids": null, "long_value": null }, "key": "value" } ] }, "key": "PathVariable" } ], "documentation": "org identifier (required)", "name": "org", "type": { "builtin_type": "STRING", "user_defined_type": null, "category": "BUILTIN", "generic_instantiation": null } }, { "metadata": [ { "value": { "elements": [ { "value": { "list_value": null, "string_value": "$filter", "structure_id": null, "type": "STRING", "structure_ids": null, "long_value": null }, "key": "value" } ] }, "key": "RequestParam" } ], "documentation": "Filter expression Binary Operators: 'eq', 'ne', 'lt', 'gt', 'le', 'ge', 'mul', 'div', 'mod', 'sub', 'add' Unary Operators: 'not', '-' (minus) String Operators: 'startswith', 'endswith', 'length', 'contains', 'tolower', 'toupper', Nested attributes are composed using '.' Dates must be formatted as yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss[.SSS]Z Strings should enclosed in single quotes, escape single quote with two single quotes The special literal 'created' will be mapped to the time the resource was first created. 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