function Disconnect-VCDService(){ <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet removes the currently connected VMware Cloud Director service connection. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet removes the currently connected VMware Cloud Director service connection. .EXAMPLE Disconnect-VCDSService Tears down the current session to the VMware Console Services Portal (CSP) .NOTES AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2020-07-06 VERSION: 1.1 #> if(!$global:VCDService.IsConnected){ Write-Warning "You are currently not connected to the VMware Cloud Services Portal. Nothing will be performed." } else { # Make the call to the API (TO DO) to logoff and remove the session variable from PowerShell - the below call does not end the session ? try{ # A Hashtable of Request Parameters for the Logoff [Hashtable] $RequestParameters = @{ URI = "" Method = "Post" ContentType = "application/json" Headers = @{ "csp-auth-token" = "$($global:VCDService.AccessToken)" "Accept" = "application/json" } UseBasicParsing = $true Body = "{ ""idToken"" : ""$($global:VCDService.AccessToken)"" }" } $CSPTokenResult = Invoke-WebRequest @RequestParameters } catch { throw "An error has occurred during the logoff process." } if($CSPTokenResult.StatusCode -ne 200) { throw "An error has occurred during the logoff process." } # Finally clear the PowerShell variable for the expired session Set-Variable -Name "VCDService" -Value $null -Scope Global } } |