
# Localized Strings for UpdateServicesApprovalRule resource
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
UseExistingApprovalRule = Using existing approval rule.
CreateApprovalRule = Creating new approval rule.
RunApprovalRule = Running approval rule {0}.
SyncWsus = Synchronizing WSUS.
ClassificationNotFound = Classification {0} not found.
GetWsusServerFailed = Get-WsusServer failed.
WSUSConfigurationFailed = WSUS approval rule configuration failed.
RuleFailedToCreate = Failed to create approval rule {0}.
RuleFailedToApply = Failed to apply approval rule {0}.
EnsureTestFailed = Ensure tests failed.
ClassificationTestFailed= Classification test failed.
ProductsTestFailed = Products tests failed.
ComputerGrpTestFailed = ComputerGroups tests failed.
TestFailedAfterSet = Test-TargetResource returned false after calling set.
EnabledTestFailed = Enabled test failed.
FailedSyncStart = Failed to start WSUS synchronization.
RuleDoNotExist = Rule named {0} does not exist.