# mazzy@mazzy.ru, 2017-10-01 # https://github.com/mazzy-ax/Update-Lbi #requires -version 3.0 $here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path Import-Module -Force ".\Update-Lbi.psm1" Describe "Update-Lbi" { Context "Example 1: Simple Use" { $Source = Join-Path $here 'TestData\*' $Target = 'TestDrive:\' Copy-Item $Source $Target -Recurse -Force Push-Location $Target Update-Lbi -Recurse Pop-Location It "index.html" { $Index = Get-Content 'TestDrive:\index.expected' -Encoding UTF8 -Raw Get-Content 'TestDrive:\index.html' -Encoding UTF8 -Raw | Should be $Index } It "test.html" { $Test = Get-Content 'TestDrive:\test.expected' -Encoding UTF8 -Raw Get-Content 'TestDrive:\test.html' -Encoding UTF8 -Raw | Should be $Test } } Context "Example 2: Update some Lbi only" { $Source = Join-Path $here 'TestData\*' $Target = 'TestDrive:\' Copy-Item $Source $Target -Recurse -Force Push-Location $Target Read-Lbi Update-Lbi -UseCachedLbiOnly Pop-Location It "index.html" { $Index = Get-Content 'TestDrive:\index.expected' -Encoding UTF8 -Raw Get-Content 'TestDrive:\index.html' -Encoding UTF8 -Raw | Should be $Index } It "test.html" { $Test = Get-Content 'TestDrive:\test.expected' -Encoding UTF8 -Raw Get-Content 'TestDrive:\test.html' -Encoding UTF8 -Raw | Should be $Test } } Context "Example 3: Update some files only" { $Source = Join-Path $here 'TestData\*' $Target = 'TestDrive:\' Copy-Item $Source $Target -Recurse -Force Push-Location $Target Reset-LbiCache | ForEach-Object { Update-Lbi 'TestDrive:\index.html' -SkipResetLbiCache Update-Lbi 'TestDrive:\test.html' -SkipResetLbiCache } Pop-Location It "index.html" { $Index = Get-Content 'TestDrive:\index.expected' -Encoding UTF8 -Raw Get-Content 'TestDrive:\index.html' -Encoding UTF8 -Raw | Should be $Index } It "test.html" { $Test = Get-Content 'TestDrive:\test.expected' -Encoding UTF8 -Raw Get-Content 'TestDrive:\test.html' -Encoding UTF8 -Raw | Should be $Test } } } |