function Get-CurrenProxyStatus { $RegistryPath = "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" $npmProxyStatus = npm config get proxy $gitProxyStatus = git config --global --get http.proxy $globalProxyStatus = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryPath -Name ProxyEnable).ProxyEnable $proxyServerAddress = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryPath -Name ProxyServer).ProxyServer $proxyEnvironmentVariable = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("HTTP_PROXY", "User") # Set individual proxy status variables $GlobalProxyStatus = if ($globalProxyStatus -eq 1) { "Enabled" } else { "Disabled" } $ProxyServerAddress = "$proxyServerAddress" $NpmProxyStatus = if ($npmProxyStatus -eq "null") { "Disabled" } else { "Enabled" } $GitProxyStatus = if ($null -eq $gitProxyStatus -or $gitProxyStatus -eq "") { "Disabled" } else { "Enabled" } $ProxyEnvironmentVariable = if ($null -eq $proxyEnvironmentVariable -or $proxyEnvironmentVariable -eq "") { "Not Set" } else { "$proxyEnvironmentVariable" } # Determine if ANSI escape sequences should be used based on PowerShell version if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 7) { $EnableColor = $true } else { $EnableColor = $false } # Define ANSI escape sequences for color formatting $GreenEscapeSequence = "`e[38;2;0;255;0m" $RedEscapeSequence = "`e[38;2;255;0;0m" $ResetEscapeSequence = "`e[0m" $ColoredProxyStatus = @{ "ProxyServerAddress" = "$ProxyServerAddress" "Global" = "$($GlobalProxyStatus)" "NPM" = "$($NpmProxyStatus)" "Git" = "$($GitProxyStatus)" "ProxyEnvironmentVariable" = "$($ProxyEnvironmentVariable)" } # Apply color formatting based on proxy status if ($EnableColor) { if ($GlobalProxyStatus -eq 'Enabled') { $ColoredProxyStatus["Global"] = ("$GreenEscapeSequence" + $ColoredProxyStatus["Global"] + "$ResetEscapeSequence" ) } elseif ($GlobalProxyStatus -eq 'Disabled') { $ColoredProxyStatus["Global"] = "$RedEscapeSequence" + $ColoredProxyStatus["Global"] + "$ResetEscapeSequence" } if ($NpmProxyStatus -eq 'Enabled') { $ColoredProxyStatus["NPM"] = "$GreenEscapeSequence" + $ColoredProxyStatus["NPM"] + "$ResetEscapeSequence" } elseif ($NpmProxyStatus -eq 'Disabled') { $ColoredProxyStatus["NPM"] = "$RedEscapeSequence" + $ColoredProxyStatus["NPM"] + "$ResetEscapeSequence" } if ($GitProxyStatus -eq 'Enabled') { $ColoredProxyStatus["Git"] = "$GreenEscapeSequence" + $ColoredProxyStatus["Git"] + "$ResetEscapeSequence" } elseif ($GitProxyStatus -eq 'Disabled') { $ColoredProxyStatus["Git"] = "$RedEscapeSequence" + $ColoredProxyStatus["Git"] + "$ResetEscapeSequence" } if ($ProxyEnvironmentVariable -ne 'Not Set') { $ColoredProxyStatus["ProxyEnvironmentVariable"] = "$GreenEscapeSequence" + $ColoredProxyStatus["ProxyEnvironmentVariable"] + "$ResetEscapeSequence" } else { $ColoredProxyStatus["ProxyEnvironmentVariable"] = "$RedEscapeSequence" + $ColoredProxyStatus["ProxyEnvironmentVariable"] + "$ResetEscapeSequence" } # Create hashtable with proxy status $currentProxyStatus = [ordered]@{ "ProxyServerAddress" = "Proxy Server : $ProxyServerAddress" "Global" = "Global : $($ColoredProxyStatus["Global"])" "NPM" = "NPM : $($ColoredProxyStatus["NPM"])" "Git" = "Git : $($ColoredProxyStatus["Git"])" "ProxyEnvironmentVariable" = "Proxy Env-Var : $($ColoredProxyStatus["ProxyEnvironmentVariable"])" } } else{ $currentProxyStatus = [ordered]@{ "ProxyServerAddress" = "Proxy Server : $ProxyServerAddress" "Global" = "Global : $GlobalProxyStatus" "NPM" = "NPM : $NpmProxyStatus" "Git" = "Git : $GitProxyStatus" "ProxyEnvironmentVariable" = "Proxy Env-Var : $ProxyEnvironmentVariable" } } return $currentProxyStatus } |