
    Updates a ticket.
    Updates a ticket. You can update status, add comments, and notify users at the same time using this function.
    To update custom attributes and other ticket details, use the Edit-TDXTicket function.
    The ID of the Ticket.
    ID of the new status to set the ticket to.
    Use Get-TDXTicketStatuses to get the list of statuses.
    Comment to add to the ticket.
.PARAMETER UsersToNotify
    Emails of the users to notify, provided as an array.
    Update-TDXTicket -TicketID '1394102' -Comment 'This is a test comment'
    Update-TDXTicket -TicketID '1394102' -Comment 'This is a test comment' -UsersToNotify @('')
    Update-TDXTicket -TicketID '1394102' -Comment 'This is a test comment' -UsersToNotify @('') -NewStatusID 359
    Update-TDXTicket -TicketID '1394102' -NewStatusID 359 -Comment 'Ticket status changed'

function Update-TDXTicket{
    param (


        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Ticket ID: $($TicketID)/Status: $($NewStatusID)", "Updates Ticket")){

            $RelativeUri = "$($Script:Settings.AppID)/tickets/$($TicketID)/feed"

            $Body = @{
                'Comments' = $Comment

            if ($NewStatusID) {
                $Body['NewStatusID'] = $NewStatusID

            if ($UsersToNotify) {
                $Body['Notify'] = $UsersToNotify

            $RestSplat = @{
                Method      = 'POST'
                RelativeURI = $RelativeUri
                Body        = $Body | ConvertTo-Json

            $Response = Invoke-TDXRestCall @RestSplat