<# .Synopsis Edit a VM scan schedule .DESCRIPTION Edit a VM scan schedule .PARAMETER Identity The ID of the scan schedule to edit .PARAMETER Title The title of the scan schedule .PARAMETER Status Specify 0 to deactivate the scan schedule, 1 to activate the scan schedule .PARAMETER OptionProfile The id or title of the option profile to use .PARAMETER AssetGroups The titles or ids of asset groups containing the hosts to be scanned. Multiple titles are comma separated Use only IDs or titles, do not mix and match. .PARAMETER Scanners The IDs or friendly names of the scanner appliances to be used or “External” for external scanners. Multiple entries are comma separated. Use only IDs or friendly names, do not mix and match .PARAMETER Priority Specify a value of 0 - 9 to set a processing priority level for the scan .PARAMETER Daily Have the scan run every specified number of days. Value is an integer from 1 - 365 .PARAMETER Weekly Have the scan run every specified number of weeks. Value is an integer from 1 - 52 .PARAMETER Weekdays The scan will run only on specified weekdays. Value is one or more days: sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday. Multiple days are comma separated. By default all weekdays are selected .PARAMETER StartDate The start date in mm/dd/yyyy format. By default the start date is the date when the schedule is created .PARAMETER StartHour The hour when the scan will start. The hour is an integer from 0 - 23, where 0 represents 12AM, 7 represents 7AM, and 22 represents 10PM .PARAMETER StartMinute The minute when a scan will start. A valid value is an integer from 0 - 59 .PARAMETER Recurrence The number of times the scan will be run before it is deactivated. By default no value is set. Value is an integer from 1 - 99 .PARAMETER EndAfterHours End a scan after some number of hours. A valid value is from 0 - 119 .PARAMETER EndAfterMins End a scan after some number of minutes. A valid value is an integer from 0 to 59 .PARAMETER PauseAfterHours Pause a scan after some number of hours. A valid value is from 0 - 119 .PARAMETER PauseAfterMins Pause a scan after some number of minutes. A valid value is an integer from 0 - 59 .PARAMETER ResumeInDays Resume a paused scan in some number of days. A valid value is an integer from 0 - 9 .PARAMETER ResumeInHours Resume a paused scan in some number of hours. A valid value is an integer from 0 - 23 .EXAMPLE Set-QualysScanSchedule -Title 'Test Schedule' -AssetGroups 'My Asset Group' -Status 1 -DefaultScanners -Daily 20 -StartDate "03/01/2021" -StartHour 0 -StartMinute 0 -EndAfterHours 0 -EndAfterMins 20 -OptionProfile 'Recommended Standard Scan Options' #> function Set-QualysScanSchedule{ [CmdLetBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="None",SupportsShouldProcess)] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Identity, [Alias('scan_title')] [String]$Title, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateRange(0,1)] [Alias('active')] [Int]$Status, [String]$OptionProfile, [String[]]$AssetGroups, [String]$Scanners, [ValidateRange(0,9)] [Int]$Priority = 0, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Daily')] [ValidateRange(1,365)] [Int]$Daily, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Weekly')] [ValidateRange(1,52)] [Int]$Weekly, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Weekly')] [String]$Weekdays = 'sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday', [Alias('start_date')] [DateTime]$StartDate, [ValidateRange(0,23)] [Alias('start_hour')] [Int]$StartHour, [ValidateRange(0,59)] [Alias('start_minute')] [Int]$StartMinute, [ValidateRange(1,99)] [Int]$Recurrence, [ValidateRange(0,119)] [Alias('end_after')] [Int]$EndAfterHours, [ValidateRange(0,59)] [Alias('end_after_mins')] [Int]$EndAfterMins, [ValidateRange(0,119)] [Alias('pause_after_hours')] [Int]$PauseAfterHours, [ValidateRange(0,59)] [Alias('pause_after_mins')] [Int]$PauseAfterMins, [ValidateRange(0,9)] [Alias('resume_in_days')] [Int]$ResumeInDays, [ValidateRange(0,23)] [Alias('resume_in_hours')] [Int]$ResumeInHours ) process{ if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($Identity)")){ $RestSplat = @{ Method = 'POST' RelativeURI = 'schedule/scan/' Body = @{ action = 'update' echo_request = '1' id = $Identity } } if($StartDate){ $RestSplat.Body['observe_dst'] = 'yes' $RestSplat.Body['time_zone_code'] = 'US-IL' $RestSplat.Body['set_start_time'] = 1 } If($Daily){ $RestSplat.Body['occurrence'] = 'daily' $RestSplat.Body['frequency_days'] = $Daily } If($Weekly){ $RestSplat.Body['occurrence'] = 'weekly' $RestSplat.Body['frequency_weeks'] = $Weekly $RestSplat.Body['weekdays'] = $Weekdays } If($AssetGroups){ If($AssetGroups[0] -match '\D'){ $RestSplat.Body['asset_groups'] = (($AssetGroups).Trim() -join ",") } Else{ $RestSplat.Body['asset_group_ids'] = (($AssetGroups).Trim() -join ",") } } If($OptionProfile){ If($OptionProfile -match '\D'){ $RestSplat.Body['option_title'] = $OptionProfile } Else{ $RestSplat.Body['option_id'] = $OptionProfile } } If($Scanners){ If($Scanners -match '\D'){ $RestSplat.Body['iscanner_name'] = $Scanners } Else{ $RestSplat.Body['iscanner_id'] = $Scanners } } If($FQDN){ $RestSplat.Body['fqdn'] = (($FQDN).Trim() -join ",") } If($StartDate){ $RestSplat.Body['start_date'] = $StartDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") } #Takes any parameter that's set, except excluded ones, and adds one of the same name (or alias name if present) to the API body [String[]]$Exclusions = ( 'Daily','TimeZoneCode','Weekly','ExcludeIPs','DefaultScanners', 'AssetGroups', 'OptionProfile', 'Scanners', 'FQDN', 'StartDate','Identity','Verbose' ) $PSBoundParameters.Keys | Where-Object -FilterScript {($_ -notin $Exclusions) -and $_} | ForEach-Object -Process { if($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters[$_].Aliases[0]){ [String]$APIKeyNames = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters[$_].Aliases[0] $RestSplat.Body.$APIKeyNames = $PSBoundParameters[$_] } else { $RestSplat.Body.$_ = $PSBoundParameters[$_] } } $Response = Invoke-QualysRestCall @RestSplat If($Response){ Write-Verbose -Message $Response.SIMPLE_RETURN.RESPONSE.TEXT } } } } |