
    List reports in the user’s account. By default the output lists all reports.
    List reports in the user’s account.
    Specifies a report ID of a saved report. When specified, only information on the selected report will be included.
    Specifies that reports with a certain state will be included in the output. By default, all states are included.
    A valid value is: Running, Finished, Submitted, Canceled, or Errors.
    This parameter is used to restrict the output to reports launched by the specified user login ID.
    Get-QualysReports -ID '36775225'
    Get-QualysReports -State 'Finished'
    Get-QualysReports -User 'theun_jd9'

function Get-QualysReports{
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '',
            Justification = 'This is consistent with the vendors verbiage')]
    param (


        $RestSplat = @{
            Method = 'GET'
            RelativeURI = 'report/'
            Body = @{
                action = 'list'
                echo_request = '1'

        #Takes any parameter that's set, except excluded ones, and adds one of the same name (or alias name if present) to the API body
        $PSBoundParameters.Keys | Where-Object -FilterScript {($_ -notin $Exclusions) -and $_} | ForEach-Object -Process {
            $Param = $_.ToLower()
                [String]$APIKeyNames = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters[$Param].Aliases[0]
                $RestSplat.Body.$APIKeyNames = $PSBoundParameters[$Param]
            else {
                $RestSplat.Body.$_ = $PSBoundParameters[$Param]

        $Response = Invoke-QualysRestCall @RestSplat