
    Returns one or all Asset Groups in Qualys
    Returns one or all Asset Groups in Qualys
    The Title or ID of the Asset Group in Qualys
    Number of items to return. By default this is 0 (all)
    Returns all Asset Groups
    Get-QualysAssetGroups -Identity "7270750"
    Returns the Asset Group with this ID
    Get-QualysAssetGroups -Identity "Test"
    Returns the Asset Group titled "Test"

function Get-QualysAssetGroups{
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '',
            Justification = 'This is consistent with the vendors verbiage')]
    param (
        [int]$Limit = 0


        $RestSplat = @{
            Method = 'GET'
            RelativeURI = 'asset/group/'
            Body = @{
                action = 'list'
                echo_request = '1'
                truncation_limit = $Limit
                show_attributes = 'OWNER_USER_NAME, TITLE, IP_SET, APPLIANCE_LIST'

        #Check if a name or ID is provided and add it to the Body hashtable
            If($Identity -match '\D'){
                $RestSplat.Body['title'] = $Identity
                $RestSplat.Body['ids'] = $Identity

        $Response = Invoke-QualysRestCall @RestSplat
        #This will return IP information for every asset group
            $Index = 0
            foreach ($ID in $AssetGroupInfo.ID) {
                $IPs = @()
                #If there are ranges get the ranges and add them to the IP array
                    $IPs += $AssetGroupInfo.IP_SET[$Index].IP_RANGE
                    #If there are IPs and ranges now add the IPs to the array with the ranges
                        $IPs += $AssetGroupInfo.IP_SET[$Index].IP
                #Sometimes there are only IPs and no ranges, add the IPs to the array
                    $IPs += $AssetGroupInfo.IP_SET[$Index].IP
                $AssetGroup = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    ID = $ID
                    Title = $AssetGroupInfo.TITLE.'#cdata-section'[$Index]
                    IP_Range = $IPs
                    DefaultScanner = $AssetGroupInfo.DEFAULT_APPLIANCE_ID[$Index]
        #Get the IPs for if a single asset group identity is provided with the same logic as above
            $IPs = @()
                $IPs += $AssetGroupInfo.IP_SET.IP_RANGE
                    $IPs += $AssetGroupInfo.IP_SET.IP
                $IPs += $AssetGroupInfo.IP_SET.IP
            $AssetGroup = [PSCustomObject]@{
                ID = $AssetGroupInfo.ID
                Title = $AssetGroupInfo.TITLE.'#cdata-section'
                IP_Range = $IPs
                DefaultScanner = $AssetGroupInfo.DEFAULT_APPLIANCE_ID
                    Throw "No Asset Group found matching the title or ID $($Identity)"