$Script:Settings = Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot\settings.json" | ConvertFrom-Json # This will override the settings.json file if required. if ($env:QualysSettings) { $script:Settings= $env:QualysSettings | ConvertFrom-Json } $Script:Session = $NULL [int]$Script:APICallCount = 0 [String]$FunctionPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'Functions' #All function files are executed while only public functions are exported to the shell. Get-ChildItem -Path $FunctionPath -Filter "*.ps1" -Recurse | ForEach-Object -Process { Write-Verbose -Message "Importing $($_.BaseName)" . $_.FullName | Out-Null } ### Classes - most reliable to use when build in this root module file class QualysAsset { <# .SYNOPSIS A class representing a Qualys asset. .DESCRIPTION This class represents a Qualys asset. .EXAMPLE $asset = Get-QualysAsset -assetName "Server1" # Get tags from vSphere $vmwareTags = ($vm | Get-TagAssignment).Tag # Create PSCustomObject with tag name and catego ry $vtags = foreach ($tag in $vmwareT ags) { [PSCusto mObject]@{ TagName = $tag.N ame.ToString() Category = $tag.C ategory.ToStrin g() } } # Get tags from Azure $azureTags = (Ge t-AzVm -Name "Server1").Tags # Create PSCusto mObject with tag name and category $vtags = foreach ($tag in $azureTags.GetEnumerato r()) { [PSCustomObject ]@{ TagName = $ tag.Value Category = $tag.Key } } # Add tags to the asset $asset.vtags += $vtag s # Sync tags on the asset $asset.SyncTags() .NOTES Authors: - Carter Kindley #> # Properties from Qualys QPS API [PSCustomObject[]] $account [string] $address [string] $biosDescription [datetime] $created [string] $criticalityScore [string] $dnsHostName [string] $fqdn [Int64] $id [datetime] $informationGatheredUpdated [System.Boolean] $isDockerHost [datetime] $lastComplianceScan [string] $lastLoggedOnUser [datetime] $lastSystemBoot [datetime] $lastVulnScan [string] $manufacturer [string] $model [datetime] $modified [string] $name [guid] $networkGuid [string] $os [Int64] $qwebHostId [string] $timezone [Int64] $totalMemory [string] $trackingMethod [string] $type [datetime] $vulnsUpdated [PSCustomObject] $agentInfo [PSCustomObject[]] $networkInterface [PSCustomObject[]] $openPort [PSCustomObject[]] $processor [PSCustomObject[]] $software [PSCustomObject[]] $tags [PSCustomObject[]] $volume [PSCustomObject[]] $vuln # User-provided properties [string] $prefix [PSCustomObject[]] $vtags # Constructor QualysAsset ( [System.Xml.XmlElement] $QualysAssetApiResponse ) { $this.account = $QualysAssetApiResponse.account.list.HostAssetAccount | ForEach-Object { New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{ username = [string]$_.username } } $this.address = $QualysAssetApiResponse.address $this.biosDescription = $QualysAssetApiResponse.biosDescription $this.created = if ($QualysAssetApiResponse.created) { [datetime]$QualysAssetApiResponse.created } else { [datetime]'1970-01-01T00:00:00Z' } $this.criticalityScore = $QualysAssetApiResponse.criticalityScore $this.dnsHostName = $QualysAssetApiResponse.dnsHostName $this.fqdn = $QualysAssetApiResponse.fqdn $this.id = $QualysAssetApiResponse.id $this.informationGatheredUpdated = if ($QualysAssetApiResponse.informationGatheredUpdated) { [datetime]$QualysAssetApiResponse.informationGatheredUpdated } else { [datetime]'1970-01-01T00:00:00Z' } $this.isDockerHost = $QualysAssetApiResponse.isDockerHost $this.lastComplianceScan = if ($QualysAssetApiResponse.lastComplianceScan) { [datetime]$QualysAssetApiResponse.lastComplianceScan } else { [datetime]'1970-01-01T00:00:00Z' } $this.lastLoggedOnUser = $QualysAssetApiResponse.lastLoggedOnUser $this.lastSystemBoot = if ($QualysAssetApiResponse.lastSystemBoot) { [datetime]$QualysAssetApiResponse.lastSystemBoot } else { [datetime]'1970-01-01T00:00:00Z' } $this.lastVulnScan = if ($QualysAssetApiResponse.lastVulnScan) { [datetime]$QualysAssetApiResponse.lastVulnScan } else { [datetime]'1970-01-01T00:00:00Z' } $this.manufacturer = $QualysAssetApiResponse.manufacturer $this.model = $QualysAssetApiResponse.model $this.modified = if ($QualysAssetApiResponse.modified) { [datetime]$QualysAssetApiResponse.modified } else { [datetime]'1970-01-01T00:00:00Z' } $this.name = $QualysAssetApiResponse.name $this.networkGuid = if ($QualysAssetApiResponse.networkGuid) { [guid]$QualysAssetApiResponse.networkGuid } else { [guid]'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' } $this.os = $QualysAssetApiResponse.os $this.qwebHostId = $QualysAssetApiResponse.qwebHostId $this.timezone = $QualysAssetApiResponse.timezone $this.totalMemory = $QualysAssetApiResponse.totalMemory $this.trackingMethod = $QualysAssetApiResponse.trackingMethod $this.type = $QualysAssetApiResponse.type $this.vulnsUpdated = if ($QualysAssetApiResponse.vulnsUpdated) { [datetime]$QualysAssetApiResponse.vulnsUpdated } else { [datetime]'1970-01-01T00:00:00Z' } $this.agentInfo = if ($QualysAssetApiResponse.agentInfo) { New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{ agentId = if ($QualysAssetApiResponse.agentInfo.agentId) { [Guid]$QualysAssetApiResponse.agentInfo.agentId } else { [Guid]'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' } agentVersion = [Version]$QualysAssetApiResponse.agentInfo.agentVersion lastCheckedIn = if ($QualysAssetApiResponse.agentInfo.lastCheckedIn) { [datetime]$QualysAssetApiResponse.agentInfo.lastCheckedIn } else { [datetime]'1970-01-01T00:00:00Z' } status = [string]$QualysAssetApiResponse.agentInfo.status connectedFrom = [ipaddress]$QualysAssetApiResponse.agentInfo.connectedFrom location = [string]$QualysAssetApiResponse.agentInfo.location locationGeoLatitude = [double]$QualysAssetApiResponse.agentInfo.locationGeoLatitude locationGeoLongitude = [double]$QualysAssetApiResponse.agentInfo.locationGeoLongitude chirpStatus = [string]$QualysAssetApiResponse.agentInfo.chirpStatus platform = [string]$QualysAssetApiResponse.agentInfo.platform activatedModule = [string[]]$QualysAssetApiResponse.agentInfo.activatedModule.Split(",") manifestVersion = New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{ vm = [String]$QualysAssetApiResponse.agentInfo.manifestVersion.vm sca = [String]$QualysAssetApiResponse.agentInfo.manifestVersion.sca } agentConfiguration = New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{ id = [Int64]$QualysAssetApiResponse.agentInfo.agentConfiguration.id name = [string]$QualysAssetApiResponse.agentInfo.agentConfiguration.name } activationKey = New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{ activationId = if ($QualysAssetApiResponse.agentInfo.activationKey.activationId) { [Guid]$QualysAssetApiResponse.agentInfo.activationKey.activationId } else { [Guid]'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' } title = [string]$QualysAssetApiResponse.agentInfo.activationKey.title } } } else { $null } $this.networkInterface = if ($QualysAssetApiResponse.networkInterface.list.HostAssetInterface) {$QualysAssetApiResponse.networkInterface.list.HostAssetInterface | ForEach-Object { New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{ interfaceName = [string]$_.name macAddress = [string]$_.mac address = [IPAddress]$_.ip gatewayAddress = [string]$_.gateway hostname = [string]$_.hostname } } } else { $null } $this.openPort = $QualysAssetApiResponse.openPort.list.HostAssetOpenPort | ForEach-Object { New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{ port = [Int64]$_.port protocol = [string]$_.protocol } } $this.processor = if($QualysAssetApiResponse.processor.list.HostAssetProcessor) { $QualysAssetApiResponse.processor.list.HostAssetProcessor | ForEach-Object { New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{ name = [string]$_.name speed = [Int64]$_.speed } } } else { $null } $this.software = if ($QualysAssetApiResponse.software.list.HostAssetSoftware) {$QualysAssetApiResponse.software.list.HostAssetSoftware | ForEach-Object { New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{ name = [string]$_.name version = [string]$_.version } } } else { $null } $this.tags = if ($QualysAssetApiResponse.tags.list.TagSimple) {$QualysAssetApiResponse.tags.list.TagSimple | ForEach-Object { New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{ id = [Int64]$_.id name = [string]$_.name } } } else { $null } $this.volume = if ($QualysAssetApiResponse.volume.list.HostAssetVolume) {$QualysAssetApiResponse.volume.list.HostAssetVolume | ForEach-Object { New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{ name = [string]$_.name size = [int64]$_.size free = [int64]$_.free } } } else { $null } $this.vuln = if ($QualysAssetApiResponse.vuln.list.HostAssetVuln) {$QualysAssetApiResponse.vuln.list.HostAssetVuln | ForEach-Object { New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{ qid = [Int64]$_.qid hostInstanceVulnId = [Int64]$_.hostInstanceVulnId firstFound = if ($_.firstFound) { [datetime]$_.firstFound } else { [datetime]'1970-01-01T00:00:00Z' } lastFound = if ($_.lastFound) { [datetime]$_.lastFound } else { [datetime]'1970-01-01T00:00:00Z' } } } } else { $null } } # Methods [string] ToString() { return "$($this.name)" } [string] ToJson() { return $($this | ConvertTo-Json) } } class QualysTag { <# .SYNOPSIS A class representing a Qualys tag. .DESCRIPTION This class represents a Qualys tag. .EXAMPLE $tag = Get-QualysTag -tagName "Managed Linux" .NOTES Authors: - Carter Kindley #> # Properties from Qualys QPS API [datetime] $created [Int64] $id [datetime] $modified [string] $name [Int64] $parentTagId # User-provided properties [QualysTag] $parentTag [System.Collections.Generic.List[QualysTag]] $childTags # Constructor QualysTag ( [System.Xml.XmlElement] $QualysTagApiResponse ) { $this.created = $QualysTagApiResponse.created $this.id = $QualysTagApiResponse.id # Set modified to Jan 1, 1970 if it is null $this.modified = if ($QualysTagApiResponse.modified) { $QualysTagApiResponse.modified } else { [datetime]'1970-01-01T00:00:00Z' } $this.name = $QualysTagApiResponse.name $this.parentTagId = $QualysTagApiResponse.parentTagId $this.parentTag = $null $this.childTags = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[QualysTag] } # Methods [string] ToString() { return "$($this.name)" } [string] ToJson() { return $($this | ConvertTo-Json) } } |