
    This script imports data from a CSV file and sequentially executes cmdlets to add users and groups to UiPath Orchestrator.
    The script takes a CSV file containing information about Process Member Groups, Users, and Folder Users. It reads each row and uses the provided data to:
    1. Add a member to a Process Member Group using `Add-OrchPmMemberToPmGroup`.
    2. Add a user using `Add-OrchUser`.
    3. Add a user to a folder using `Add-OrchFolderUser`.
    The path to the CSV file containing the data.
    The encoding of the CSV file. Defaults to "utf8". Other valid encodings include "utf7", "unicode", "bigendianunicode", "utf32", "ascii", "default", "oem".
    .\Add-TenantUser.ps1 "C:\data\users.csv" "utf8"
    This example reads the CSV file located at "C:\data\users.csv" using UTF-8 encoding and processes each row to add members, users, and folder users.
    .\Add-TenantUser.ps1 "C:\data\users.csv" "unicode"
    This example reads the CSV file located at "C:\data\users.csv" using Unicode encoding.
    Ensure the CSV file has the columns: PmGroupName, MemberName, UserName, FolderName.
    This script assumes the necessary cmdlets (Add-OrchPmMemberToPmGroup, Add-OrchUser, Add-OrchFolderUser) are available and properly configured.

param (
    [string]$CsvFilePath,    # Positional parameter 0: Path to the CSV file
    [string]$Encoding = "utf8" # Positional parameter 1: Encoding of the CSV file (default is utf8)

# Import the CSV file
$csvData = Import-Csv -Path $CsvFilePath -Encoding $Encoding

# Process each row sequentially
foreach ($row in $csvData) {
    # Retrieve columns from the CSV data
    $path = $row.Path
    $groupName = $row.GroupName
    $objectType = $row.ObjectType
    $name = $row.Name

    # Execute Add-OrchPmMemberToPmGroup cmdlet
    Add-OrchPmMemberToPmGroup -Path $path -GroupName $groupName -ObjectType $objectType -Name $name

    # Execute Add-OrchUser cmdlet
    Add-OrchUser -UserName $userName

    # Execute Add-OrchFolderUser cmdlet
    Add-OrchFolderUser -FolderName $folderName -UserName $userName