#This needs a rewrite to support my new pipelining method Function New-UcmTeamsCommonAreaPhone { <# .SYNOPSIS Checks for and creates new Teams Common Area Phones .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet creates Common Area Phones in Teams, it's designed to take inputs on the pipeline with common area phones details The cmdlet will then create the Office365 users, assign them the proper licences, create the objects in Teams and assign them the relevant policies. Note: I highly reccomend using "onmicrosoft" accounts for your common area phones, this alleviates any AAD sync issues .EXAMPLE New-UcmCommonAreaPhone -UPN ''-DisplayName 'Golden Oaks Library Phone' -Password 'Passw0rd1' -LineUri '+61386408640' -OnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy 'AU-VIC-SBC' -VoiceRoutingPolicy 'InternationalCallsAllowed' -TenantDialPlan 'AU-Victoria' Creates a new common area phone user and assigns it the details passed on the commandline .EXAMPLE Import-Csv .\CommonAreaPhones.csv | New-UcmCommonAreaPhone Creates the user accounts, objects and assigns policies per the CSV file CommonAreaPhones.csv .INPUTS This function accepts both parameter and pipline input .OUTPUT This cmdlet outputs a HTML report in the current working directory .LINK .ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .NOTES Version: 1.1 Date: 27/03/2021 .VERSION HISTORY 1.0: Initial Public Release .REQUIRED FUNCTIONS/MODULES AzureAD (Install-Module AzureAD) Connect-MsolService (Install-Modile MSOnline) UcmPSTools (Install-Module UcmPsTools) Includes Cmdlets below. Write-UcmLog: Initialize-UcmHTMLReport New-UcmHTMLReportItem New-UcmHTMLReportStep Test-UcmSFBOConnection New-UcmSFBOConnection Test-UcmMSOLConnection New-UcmMSOLConnection New-UcmOffice365User Grant-UcmOffice365UserLicence #> Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Mandatory )] $UPN, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Mandatory )] $Password, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Mandatory)] $DisplayName, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Mandatory)] $LineURI, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Mandatory)] $VoicePolicy, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Mandatory)] $DialPlan ) Begin { #todo, Remove Debugging $Script:LogFileLocation = $PSCommandPath -replace '.ps1','.log' $VerbosePreference = "Continue" #region FunctionSetup, Set Default Variables for HTML Reporting and Write Log $function = 'New-UcmTeamsCommonAreaPhone' [hashtable]$Return = @{} $return.Function = $function $return.Status = "Unknown" $return.Message = "Function did not return a status message" # Log why we were called Write-UcmLog -Message "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName) called with $($MyInvocation.Line)" -Severity 1 -Component $function Write-UcmLog -Message "Parameters" -Severity 1 -Component $function -LogOnly Write-UcmLog -Message "$($PsBoundParameters.Keys)" -Severity 1 -Component $function -LogOnly Write-UcmLog -Message "Parameters Values" -Severity 1 -Component $function -LogOnly Write-UcmLog -Message "$($PsBoundParameters.Values)" -Severity 1 -Component $function -LogOnly Write-UcmLog -Message "Optional Arguments" -Severity 1 -Component $function -LogOnly Write-UcmLog -Message "$Args" -Severity 1 -Component $function -LogOnly Write-Host '' #Insert a blank line to make reading output easier on loops #Start a new report Initialize-UcmHTMLReport -Title "UcmPsTools - Common Area Phones" #Create a new custom object to hold everything from the Pipeline } #Capture everything on the pipeline and create report objects for them Process { #Start a new line item in the HTML Report New-UcmHTMLReportItem -LineTitle "Username" -LineMessage "$upn" #Check that we have an SFBO Connection $Return =(Test-SFBOConnection) New-HTMLReportStep -StepName "$($Return.Function)" -StepResult "$($return.Status): $($return.message)" #Check that we have an MSOL Connection $Return =(Test-MSOLConnection) New-HTMLReportStep -StepName "$($Return.Function)" -StepResult "$($return.Status): $($return.message)" #Create the Common Area Phone User $Return =(New-Office365User -UPN $upn -Password $Password -FirstName 'CAP' -LastName $DisplayName -Country "AU" -DisplayName $DisplayName) New-HTMLReportStep -StepName "$($Return.Function)" -StepResult "$($return.Status): $($return.message)" #Grant the user a Common Area Phone Licence $Return =(Grant-Office365UserLicence -UPN $upn -Country 'AU' -LicenceType 'MCOCAP') New-HTMLReportStep -StepName "$($Return.Function)" -StepResult "$($return.Status): $($return.message)" #todo Check number is in use #Enable EV and set number #todo fix the reporting $Return =(Set-CsUser -Identity $Upn -OnPremLineURI $LineURI -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true) New-HTMLReportStep -StepName "Enable-EV" -StepResult "$($return.Status): $($return.message)" #Grant Policies #Todo better reporting Write-UcmLog -Message "Resetting Password" -Severity 1 -Component $function Set-MsolUserPassword -UserPrincipalName $upn -NewPassword $password -ForceChangePassword $False Write-UcmLog -Message "Granting Policies..." -Severity 1 -Component $function Grant-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy -Identity $Upn -PolicyName $VoicePolicy Grant-CsTenantDialplan -Identity $Upn -PolicyName $Dialplan Grant-CsTeamsIPPhonePolicy -Identity $Upn -PolicyName 'CAP' Grant-CsTeamsUpgradePolicy -PolicyName UpgradeToTeams -Identity $Upn Grant-CsVoiceRoutingPolicy -Identity $upn -PolicyName "InternationalCallsAllowed" #> #Output User Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity $upn| fl Displayname, UsageLocation,ProvisionedPlan,OnPremLineUri,LineUri,MCOValidationError,TenantDialPlan } end { New-HTMLReportItem -LineTitle "Username" -LineMessage "Last User" New-HTMLReportStep -StepName "Enable-EV" -StepResult "$($return.Status): $($return.message)" Export-HTMLReport } } |