
function Get-UnifiSiteStatistic {
    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)][string]$name,
        [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)][ValidateSet('ap','site','sw', 'gw', IgnoreCase=$false)]$type,
        [Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)][ValidateSet('hourly','5minutes','daily')][string]$timescale,
    $params = @{
        attrs = @(
        n = 1
    # Use the provided start and end times if provided, if not, generate a date range based on the time scale selected.
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DateStart')){
        $start=Convert-ToUnixDate -LocalDate $DateStart -units Milliseconds
    else {
        switch ($timescale){
            '5minutes'  {
                $start=Convert-ToUnixDate -LocalDate (Get-Date(Get-Date -Format "MM/dd/yyyy HH:00:00")).addhours(-1) -units Milliseconds
            'hourly'  {
                $start=Convert-ToUnixDate -LocalDate (Get-Date).Date -units Milliseconds
            'daily' {
                $start=Convert-ToUnixDate -LocalDate  ((Get-Date).Date).AddDays(-6) -units Milliseconds
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DateEnd')){
        $end=Convert-ToUnixDate -LocalDate $DateEnd -units Milliseconds
    else {
        switch ($timescale){
            '5minutes'  {
                $end=Convert-ToUnixDate -LocalDate (Get-Date(Get-Date -Format "MM/dd/yyyy HH:00:00")).AddHours(1) -units Milliseconds
            'hourly'  {
                $end=Convert-ToUnixDate -LocalDate (Get-Date).Date.AddDays(1) -units Milliseconds
            'daily' {
                $end=Convert-ToUnixDate -LocalDate  ((Get-Date).Date).AddDays(1) -units Milliseconds

    # Add the start and end times.

    # Standardize MAC entries and add to params table.
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('mac')){
        if ($mac -is [array]){
            # Normalize the mac addresses in the array to colon separated pairs.
            for ($i=0; $i -lt $mac.Length; $i++){
                $mac[$i] = $mac[$i] -replace "([0-9a-f]{2})[^0-9a-f]?(?=.)",'$1:'
            # If $mac is an array, use it as is.
        else {
            # If $mac isn't an array, it should be a string.
            # Normalize the mac address to colon separated pairs.
            $mac = $mac -replace "([0-9a-f]{2})[^0-9a-f]?(?=.)",'$1:'
            # If $mac is a string, turn it into an array.

    $body = New-UnifiCommand $params
    $URI = "$controller/api/s/$name/stat/report/$timescale.$type"
    write-verbose $uri
    (Invoke-PostRestAPICall $URI -payload $body).data
        Report the statistics.

        Report the statistics for the specified site. Can show site, AP, gateway or switch data.

        All datapoints are returned. The following is a list of datapoints used for each performance table:

        Description Field
        ----------------------------- ----------------
        Avg. WiFi User Experience [%] satisfaction
        User Count (Clients) num_sta
        LAN User Count (Clients) lan-num_sta
        WiFi User Count (Clients) wlan-num_sta
            Memory [%] mem
            CPU [%] cpu
            5 minute load average loadavg_5
            Received [bytes] rx_bytes
            Tranmitted [bytes] tx_bytes
        Traffic [Gateway]
            WAN1 Received [bytes] wan-rx_bytes
            WAN1 Transmitted [bytes] wan-tx_bytes
            LAN1 Received [bytes] lan-rx_bytes
            LAN1 Transmitted [bytes] lan-tx_bytes
            LAN2 Received [bytes] lan2-rx_bytes
            LAN2 Transmitted [bytes] lan2-tx_bytes
            Received rx_packets
            Transmitted tx_packets
        Packets [Gateway]
            WAN1 Received wan-rx_packets
            WAN1 Transmitted wan-tx_packets
            LAN1 Received lan-rx_packets
            LAN1 Transmitted lan-tx_packets
            LAN2 Received lan2-rx_packets
            LAN2 Transmitted lan2-tx_packets
        Dropped Packets
            Received rx_dropped
            Transmitted tx_dropped
        Dropped Packets [Gateway]
            WAN1 Received wan-rx_dropped
            WAN1 Transmitted wan-tx_dropped
            LAN1 Received lan-rx_dropped
            LAN1 Transmitted lan-tx_dropped
            LAN2 Received lan2-rx_dropped
            LAN2 Transmitted lan2-tx_dropped
        WiFi Transmit Attempts wifi_tx_attempts
        WiFi Transmit Dropped wifi_tx_dropped
            Receive Errors rx_errors
            Transmit Errors tx_errors
        Errors [Gateway]
            WAN1 Received Errors wan-rx_errors
            WAN1 Transmitted Errors wan-tx_errors
            LAN1 Received Errors lan-rx_errors
            LAN1 Transmitted Errors lan-tx_errors
            LAN2 Received Errors lan2-rx_errors
            LAN2 Transmitted Errors lan2-tx_errors
        Transmit Retries tx_retries
        Fragmentation rx_frags
        Rx Invalid Crypts rx_crypts

        .PARAMETER Name
        Short name for the site. This is the 'name' value from the Get-UnifiSite command.

        .PARAMETER type
        The type of statistics to obtain--Access Point (ap), Site, Gateway (gw), Switch (sw).

        .PARAMETER timescale
        Data interval--daily,hourly,5minutes.
        List of MAC addresses to filter upon. Can be a string or array. If ommited, only the first
        device of the specified report type will be selected.

        .PARAMETER DateStart
        Start time. Default values will be generated based on timescale if ommited.

        .PARAMETER DateEnd
        End time. Default values will be generated based on timescale if ommited.

        System.Object. Can take value from pipeline.

