# Get the list of valid protocols for creating firewall rules. function Get-UnifiFirewallProtocol { [CmdletBinding()] param () $ControllerName=Get-UnifiControllerName $URI = "$controller/manage/angular/$ControllerName/js/app.js" $WebResults=(Invoke-GetRestAPICall $URI) # To convert this properly we need a raw data stream. $Webresults | out-file -FilePath "$env:TEMP\Webresults.txt" $TempData = Get-content $env:temp\Webresults.txt -raw Remove-Item -Path "$env:TEMP\Webresults.txt" # Extract the relevant function from the javascript. $FullRegex='(?<=957:\[function\(e,t,n\)).*(?=,\{\}\],958:\[function\(e,t,n\))' [void]($tempData -match $FullRegex) $FunctionData=$Matches.0 # Extract the json data and convert into a powershell object. $GroupRegex='(?<="FIREWALL",).*(?=\)\})' [void]($FunctionData -match $GroupRegex) $GroupData=$Matches.0 | ConvertFrom-Json # Make a new PSCustomObject with just the protocol data. $Protocols= [PSCustomObject] @{ IPV4 = $GroupData.IPV4 IPV6 = $GroupData.IPV6 } # The ICMP types include an empty value in the data. Remove the empty value. $Protocols.IPV4.ICMP_TYPES = $Protocols.IPV4.ICMP_TYPES | where-object {!([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_))} $Protocols.IPV6.ICMP_TYPES = $Protocols.IPV6.ICMP_TYPES | where-object {!([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_))} # Return the modified data for use elsewhere. $Protocols <# .SYNOPSIS Returns information on the various valid protocol selections for firewall rules. .DESCRIPTION Returns information on the various valid protocol selections for firewall rules. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS System.Object. #> } |