
function Get-UnifiSiteCountryCode {
    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)][string]$name = 'default'
    $URI = "$controller/api/s/$name/stat/ccode"
    (Invoke-GetRestAPICall $URI).data
        List all country code information.

        List all country code information.

        The country code information does not appear to change for any site queried. However, the API lists this
        as site level information, so that it why this is a site level command. If not supplied a specific site to
        query, it will use the value of 'default'.

        .PARAMETER Name
        Short name for the site. This is the 'name' value from the Get-UnifiSite command.
        System.String. Can take value from pipeline.

