function Connect-UnifiController { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Connect', Mandatory = $true)]$ControllerURL, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Connect', Mandatory = $true)][PSCredential]$credentials, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Refresh')][switch]$Refresh, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Connect')][switch]$UDMPro ) if (!$refresh){ if ($UDMPro) { $script:LoginURI="$ControllerURL/api/auth/login" $ControllerURL = $ControllerURL+"/proxy/network" } else { $script:LoginURI="$ControllerURL/api/login" } $script:Controller = $ControllerURL $script:Credentials = $credentials } $params = @{ username = $script:credentials.GetNetworkCredential().UserName password = $script:credentials.GetNetworkCredential().password } $body = New-UnifiCommand $params if ($null -eq $Script:Session){ write-verbose "Creating new Session object." $Script:Session = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession } $Domain=([System.Uri]$Script:controller).host write-verbose "Domain is $Domain." try { $results = Invoke-Restmethod -Uri $LoginURI -method post -body $body -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -WebSession $Script:Session -TimeoutSec 600 write-verbose $Script:Session.Cookies if ($results.meta.rc -eq "ok") { if (!$refresh){ Write-Verbose "Successfully connected to Unifi controller." } else { Write-Verbose "Successfully reconnected to Unifi controller." } # Set this as a script variable as it will be used for all other commands in the module. } } catch { $ErrorResponse=$_.errordetails.Message | ConvertFrom-Json # The 2FA Session cookie is created as part of the response details from a failed initial logon. # Add this to the session data. if (($ -and (($Script:session.Cookies.GetCookies("https://$Domain")).name -notcontains 'UBIC_2FA')) { $MFACookie=$ $cookie = New-Object System.Net.Cookie $cookie.Name = "UBIC_2FA" $cookie.Value = $MFACookie $cookie.Domain = $Domain $Script:Session.Cookies.Add($cookie); } # If the error indicates a MFA token is required, ask for the MFA token. if ($ErrorResponse.meta.msg -match 'Ubic2faTokenRequired') { write-verbose "Unifi 2FA required." $params = @{ username = $script:credentials.GetNetworkCredential().UserName password = $script:credentials.GetNetworkCredential().password ubic_2fa_token = Read-Host -Prompt "Unfi 2FA for $($script:credentials.GetNetworkCredential().UserName)" } $body = New-UnifiCommand $params $results = Invoke-Restmethod -Uri $LoginURI -method post -body $body -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -WebSession $Script:Session -TimeoutSec 600 write-verbose $Script:Session.Cookies.count $global:logonresults=$results if ($results.meta.rc -eq "ok") { if (!$refresh){ Write-Verbose "Successfully connected to Unifi controller." } else { Write-Verbose "Successfully reconnected to Unifi controller." } } } else { $APIerror = "API Connection Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" $APIerror $Global:APIError=$_ } } $Global:WebSession = $Script:Session <# .SYNOPSIS Connects to the Unifi controller. .DESCRIPTION Connects to the Unifi controller. If you are connecting to a UDMPro, make sure to use the '-UDMPro' switch. The connection to the Unifi controller will automatically be renewed when the current session expires. .PARAMETER ControllerURL Complete URI for the controller. i.e.: https://mycontroller:8443 .PARAMETER Credentials PSCredential object containing the user name and a plaintext secure string for the password. .PARAMETER UDMPro Switch for connecting to UDMPro devices. The login endpoint and base URL is different for UDMPro devices vs. Unifi controllers. .NOTES Notes and code snippets for building required variables to use with this command: [String]$Hostname = '<FQDN or IP address of the controller>' [String]$Port = '8443' # Change this to match the listening port [String]$UnifiUsername = '<Unifi controller username>' [String]$UnifiPassword = '<Unifi controller password>' [String]$Controller = "https://$($hostname):$($port)" # Enables TLS1.2 -- this is a universal method that works for any dot net version [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Enum]::ToObject([Net.SecurityProtocolType], 3072) # Ignore self-signed certificates [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = { $true } # Create a secure credential object [securestring]$SecPassword=ConvertTo-SecureString $UnifiPassword -AsPlainText -Force [pscredential]$Credentials=New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($UnifiUsername, $SecPassword) import-module Unifi Connect-UnifiController -ControllerURL $Controller -credentials $Credentials .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS None. .EXAMPLE Connect-UnifiController -ControllerURL $Controller -credentials $Credentials Connects to the Unifi controller URI specified in the $controller variable and uses the credentials provided in the $Credentials variable. $Controller is the full URI and port required for accessing the controller's web UI. The $Credentials variable is a PSCredential object. Please see notes for more information about how to create these variables. #> } |