function Test-UnifiSiteKnownSetting { [CmdletBinding()] param() $SettingList=@( "auto_speedtest", "connectivity", "country", "dpi", "element_adopt", "guest_access", "ips", "lcm", "locale", "mgmt", "network_optimization", "ntp", "porta", "provider_capabilities", "radio_ai", "radius", "rsyslogd", "snmp", "super_cloudaccess", "super_events", "super_fingerbank", "super_fwupdate", "super_identity", "super_mail", "super_mgmt", "super_sdn", "super_smtp", "usg", "usw" ) $UnifiSites=Get-UnifiSite | sort-object -property desc $SettingNames=[System.Collections.ArrayList]@() write-host "Building list of Unifi site settings..." foreach ($site in $UnifiSites){ $UnifiSettings=Get-UnifiSiteSetting -name $ write-host "`tProcessing $($site.desc)..." ($UnifiSettings| get-member -MemberType NoteProperty | select-object name) | foreach-object {[void]$settingNames.add($} } $UniqueSettings=$SettingNames | sort-object -Unique $NewSettings=$false foreach ($Setting in $UniqueSettings){ if ($settinglist -notcontains $setting){ write-host "Found new site setting: "-nonewline -ForegroundColor Yellow write-host "$setting" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green write-host ". Please inform module maintainer." -ForegroundColor Yellow $NewSettings=$true } } if ($NewSettings -eq $false){ write-host "No new site settings found. No further action necessary." } <# .SYNOPSIS Runs diagnostic test to determine if any unknown site settings exist. .DESCRIPTION Runs diagnostic test to determine if any unknown site settings exist. The list of possible settings are embedded in various modules to assist with tab auto-completion. Settings do not exist until they have been configured at least once through the Unifi WebUI as the method to generate the setting ID value is unknown. This makes it difficult to precisely know all possible settings available. If any previously known site settings exist, they will displayed at the end of the script output. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Diagnostic text. #> } |