
The TypePx module adds properties and methods to the most commonly used types to make common tasks easier. Using these type extensions together can provide an enhanced syntax in PowerShell that is both easier to read and self-documenting. TypePx also provides commands to manage type accelerators. Type acceleration also contributes to making scripting easier and they h
The TypePx module adds properties and methods to the most commonly used types to make common tasks easier. Using these type extensions together can provide an enhanced syntax in PowerShell that is both easier to read and self-documenting. TypePx also provides commands to manage type accelerators. Type acceleration also contributes to making scripting easier and they help produce more readable scripts, particularly when using a library of .NET classes that belong to the same namespace.
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Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name TypePx

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name TypePx

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



Copyright 2016 Kirk Munro

Package Details


  • Kirk Munro


type accelerator extended system ets extensions add-member update-typedata ps1xml


Add-TypeAccelerator Get-TypeAccelerator Remove-TypeAccelerator Set-TypeAccelerator Use-Namespace


Release Notes

- Using a type extension that is defined in this module will not result in the module being auto-loaded because auto-loading only works for commands. If you use this module regularly, you should add the following command to your profile:
Import-Module TypePx
- This module used to be called TypeAccelerator. In order to use this module in an environment where the TypeAccelerator module is installed, you should first uninstall (remove from disk) the TypeAccelerator module.
- It should be noted that, on PowerShell 5.0 or later, there is a known issue such that you cannot change or remove a type accelerator once it has been used. This is due to internal caching of the type accelerators. It may appear that you can change it, and Add-/Set-TypeAccelerator will work without issue, however behind the scenes it will not be changed, and it will still resolve to the original target type.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated (current version) 1,311 3/28/2016 255 11/17/2014 27 11/17/2014 28 11/14/2014 29 11/8/2014 28 11/6/2014 29 10/16/2014 27 10/14/2014 29 10/9/2014 26 10/9/2014 27 10/8/2014 30 10/6/2014
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