Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\ConfigManager.psm1 Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\ClusUtils.psm1 Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\Logger.psm1 Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\PsHelper.psm1 Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\Utils.psm1 Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\WinBuildUtils.psm1 Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\TrafficUtil.psm1 function Get-NewDepId { return @($id, $idbytes) } function Initialize-Credentials { try { Get-TurnKeySdnCred | Out-Null Write-TraceLog "Initialize-Credentials : Existing credential found" return } catch { Write-TraceLog "Initialize-Credentials : Credential not found, creating new credential" } $cred = $null $infraconfig = Get-DeploymentConfig $domain = $infraconfig.domainName if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:TEST_USERNAME) -and -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:TEST_PASSWORD)) { Write-TraceLog "Initialize-Credentials: Credential discovered from ADO environment variables" if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:TEST_DOMAIN)) { $username = $env:TEST_DOMAIN + "\" + $env:TEST_USERNAME } else { $username = $env:TEST_USERNAME } $cred = @{} $cred["username"] = $username $cred["password"] = $env:TEST_PASSWORD | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force | ConvertFrom-SecureString } elseif ($domain.ToUpper() -eq "CFDEV.NTTEST.MICROSOFT.COM" -and $env:USERNAME -eq "wolfpack") { Write-TraceLog "Initialize-Credentials: Credential defaulted to cfdev" $cred = @{} $cred["username"] = "$domain\$env:USERNAME" $cred["password"] = $env:USERNAME | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force | ConvertFrom-SecureString } if ($cred -ne $null) { Set-TurnKeySdnInternalConfig -configType credential -config $cred } else { Write-TraceLog "Initialize-Credentials: Failed to initialize credentials" -Warning } } function Initialize-WorkloadVMCredentials { # initialize workload vm credentials $cred = @{} if(-not [string]::IsNullOREmpty("$Env:TURNKEY_WORKLOAD_USERNAME") -and -not [string]::IsNullOREmpty("$Env:TURNKEY_WORKLOAD_PASSWORD")) { $cred["username"] = $Env:TURNKEY_WORKLOAD_USERNAME $cred["password"] = $Env:TURNKEY_WORKLOAD_PASSWORD | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force | ConvertFrom-SecureString } else { $userName = "administrator" $cred["username"] = $userName $cred["password"] =$userName | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force | ConvertFrom-SecureString } Set-TurnKeySdnInternalConfig -configType workloadcredential -config $cred } function Initialize-DomainConfiguration { $infraconfig = Get-DeploymentConfig $domain = $infraconfig.domainName if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($domain) -and ((Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).PartOfdomain)) { $domain = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).Domain $infraconfig.domainName = $domain Write-TraceLog "Domain is set to $domain" } else { Write-TraceLog "Domain is not set, using local machine domain" } Set-DeploymentConfig -deploymentConfig $infraconfig } function Initialize-HyperVHostConfig { $infraconfig = Get-DeploymentConfig try { if ($infraconfig.hyperVHosts -ne $null -and $infraconfig.hyperVHosts.Count -gt 0) { return } $infraconfig.hyperVHosts = @() if (Test-IsCluster) { (get-cluster | get-clusternode).Name | ForEach-Object { $infraconfig.hyperVHosts += $_ } } else { $infraconfig.hyperVHosts += (hostname) } Set-DeploymentConfig -deploymentConfig $infraconfig } finally { $hosts = $infraconfig.hyperVHosts -join "," Write-TraceLog "Initialize-HyperVHostConfig: Hosts are $hosts" } } function Initialize-VSwitchConfig { $infraconfig = Get-DeploymentConfig if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($infraconfig.internetSwitchName)) { $infraconfig.internetSwitchName = Resolve-InternetSwitch } if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($infraconfig.internetSwitchName)) { $iSwitchCreated = $true $infraconfig.hyperVHosts | ForEach-Object { Write-TraceLog "Initialize-VSwitchConfig: Attempting to auto create internet switch on host ($_)" $iSwitchCreated = $iSwitchCreated -band (New-InternetSwitch -computer $_ -name "corp") } if ($iSwitchCreated) { $infraconfig.internetSwitchName = "corp" } } if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($infraconfig.sdnSwitchName)) { $infraconfig.sdnSwitchName = Resolve-SdnSwitch } if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($infraconfig.sdnSwitchName)) { $sdnSwitchCreated = $true $infraconfig.hyperVHosts | ForEach-Object { Write-TraceLog "Initialize-VSwitchConfig: Attempting to auto create sdn switch on host ($_)" $sdnSwitchCreated = $sdnSwitchCreated -band (New-SdnSwitch -computer $_ -name "sdnswitch") } if ($sdnSwitchCreated) { $infraconfig.sdnSwitchName = "sdnswitch" } } if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($infraconfig.sdnSwitchName)) { $infraconfig.sdnSwitchName = $infraconfig.internetSwitchName Write-TraceLog "Initialize-VSwitchConfig: Using internetswitch for sdn" } Write-TraceLog "Initialize-VSwitchConfig: Internet Switch is $($infraconfig.internetSwitchName)" Write-TraceLog "Initialize-VSwitchConfig: Sdn Switch is $($infraconfig.sdnSwitchName)" Set-DeploymentConfig -deploymentConfig $infraconfig } function Initialize-DeploymentVhd { $depConfig = Get-DeploymentConfig if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($depConfig.vhdPath) -and ` -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($depConfig.vhdFile)) { $vhd = Join-Path $depConfig.vhdPath $depConfig.vhdFile Write-TraceLog "Initialize-DeploymentVhd: Deployment VHD is $vhd" return } Write-TraceLog "Initialize-DeploymentVhd: Trying to auto discover deployment vhd" if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($depConfig.windowsBuild)) { Write-TraceLog "Initialize-DeploymentVhd: Using specified build $($depConfig.windowsBuild)" } $bestBuild = Get-BestBuild -SpecificBuild $depConfig.windowsBuild -WindowsBuildBranch $depConfig.windowsBuildBranch if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($bestBuild)) { throw "Initialize-DeploymentVhd: Failed to auto detect a build to use for deployment, please set vhd location manually using Set-TurnKeySdnDeploymentVhd" } $buildVhd = Get-BuildVersionVhd -buildLocation $bestBuild if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($buildVhd)) { throw "Initialize-DeploymentVhd: Vhd auto discover failed, please set vhd location manually using Set-TurnKeySdnDeploymentVhd" } $vhdPath = Join-Path (Get-VhdStore) "deploymentvhd" if (-not (Test-Path $vhdPath)) { New-Item $vhdPath -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } $fileName = Split-Path $buildVhd -leaf $dest = Join-Path $vhdPath $fileName if (Test-Path $dest) { Write-TraceLog "Initialize-DeploymentVhd: Vhd already exists at $dest, skipping copy" } else { Write-TraceLog "Initialize-DeploymentVhd: Vhd already exists at $dest, skipping copy" } else { Write-TraceLog "Initialize-DeploymentVhd: Resolved vhd to $buildVhd" Write-TraceLog "Initialize-DeploymentVhd: Copying vhd to $vhdPath" #Copy-Item $buildVhd $vhdPath try { Start-BitsTransfer -Source $buildVhd -Destination $vhdPath -Description $buildVhd -DisplayName "CopyFromWinbuild" } catch { Copy-Item $buildVhd $vhdPath } } $vhdFile = $buildVhd.Split("\") | Select -Last 1 $depConfig.vhdPath = $vhdPath $depConfig.vhdFile = $vhdFile Set-DeploymentConfig -deploymentConfig $depConfig } function Initialize-DeploymentPath { $depConfig = Get-DeploymentConfig $defaultPath = $depConfig.vmLocation $csv = Get-CSV $isCsv = $csv -ne $null if ([String]::isnullorempty($defaultPath)) { if ($isCsv) { $defaultPath = Join-Path $csv "sdnvms" } else { # Use a local default path $defaultPath = Join-Path $env:SystemDrive "sdnvms" } } $sb = { param ($defaultPath) if (-not $(Test-Path($defaultPath))) { try { New-Item $defaultPath -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } catch { throw "Unable to access deployment path $defaultPath" } } } if (-not $isCsv) { #check all hosts Invoke-CmdOnInfraHosts -scriptBlock $sb -args @($defaultPath) } else { Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $sb -ArgumentList @($defaultPath) } $depConfig.vmLocation = $defaultPath Set-DeploymentConfig -deploymentConfig $depConfig } function Initialize-NetworkControllerPackage { $sdnConfig = get-sdnconfig if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($sdnconfig.networkController.restIpAddress) -and ` [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($sdnconfig.networkController.restName)) { # Auto generate rest name $depId = Get-TurnKeySdnDeploymentId $sdnConfig.networkController.restName = "NC-$depId" $infraconfig = Get-DeploymentConfig if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($infraconfig.domainName)) { $sdnConfig.networkController.restName += "." + $infraconfig.domainName } } Write-TraceLog "Initialize-NetworkControllerPackage: RestName $($sdnConfig.networkController.restName)" if ($sdnConfig.networkController.runtime -ne "FC") { Set-TurnKeySdnConfig -sdnConfig $sdnConfig return } if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($sdnConfig.networkController.FC.PowershellModuleRootPath)) { $sdnConfig.networkController.FC.PowershellModuleRootPath = Get-DefaultNetworkControllerPsModulePath } # Sdnexpress fetches this global var $Global:FCNC_MODULE_PATH_ROOT = $sdnConfig.networkController.FC.PowershellModuleRootPath if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($sdnConfig.networkController.FC.PackageLocation)) { $sdnConfig.networkController.FC.PackageLocation = Get-DefaultNetworkControllerPackageLocation #$sdnConfig.networkController.FC.PackageLocation = "C:\NetworkController" } if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($sdnConfig.networkController.FC.DatabaseLocation)) { $sdnConfig.networkController.FC.DatabaseLocation = Get-DefaultNetworkControllerDBLocation } Write-TraceLog "Initialize-NetworkControllerPackage: PsModule $($sdnConfig.networkController.FC.PowershellModuleRootPath)" Write-TraceLog "Initialize-NetworkControllerPackage: PackageLocation $($sdnConfig.networkController.FC.PackageLocation)" Write-TraceLog "Initialize-NetworkControllerPackage: DatabaseLocation $($sdnConfig.networkController.FC.DatabaseLocation)" Set-TurnKeySdnConfig -sdnConfig $sdnConfig } function Initialize-SdnExpressConfig { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $sdnExpConfig ) $infraconfig = Get-DeploymentConfig $sdnExpConfig.JoinDomain = $infraconfig.domainName $cred = Get-TurnKeySdnCred $secPass = $cred.password | ConvertFrom-SecureString $sdnExpConfig.DomainJoinUsername = $cred.username $sdnExpConfig.DomainJoinSecurePassword = $secPass $sdnExpConfig.LocalAdminSecurePassword = $secPass $sdnExpConfig.LocalAdminDomainUser = $cred.username $sdnExpConfig.NCUsername = $cred.username $sdnExpConfig.NCSecurePassword = $secPass $sdnExpConfig.SwitchName = $infraconfig.sdnSwitchName $sdnExpConfig.VHDPath = $infraconfig.vhdPath $sdnExpConfig.VHDFile = $infraconfig.vhdFile $sdnExpConfig.VMLocation = $infraconfig.vmLocation $defaultMacPoolConfig = Get-DefaultMacPoolConfig $sdnExpConfig.SDNMacPoolStart = $defaultMacPoolConfig.properties.startMacAddress $sdnExpConfig.SDNMacPoolEnd = $defaultMacPoolConfig.properties.endMacAddress $mgmtNetConfig = Get-MgmtNetworkConfig $sdnExpConfig.ManagementSubnet = $mgmtNetConfig.properties.subnets[0].properties.addressPrefix $sdnExpConfig.ManagementGateway = $mgmtNetConfig.properties.subnets[0].properties.defaultGateways[0] $sdnExpConfig.ManagementDNS = $mgmtNetConfig.properties.subnets[0].properties.dnsServers $sdnExpConfig.ManagementVLANID = $mgmtNetConfig.properties.subnets[0].properties.VLANID #$sdnExpConfig.ManagementRoutes = @($mgmtNetConfig.properties.subnets[0].properties.addressPrefix) $sdnExpConfig.ManagementRoutes = @() $paNetConfig = Get-HnvPaNetworkConfig $sdnExpConfig.PASubnet = $paNetConfig.properties.subnets[0].properties.addressPrefix $sdnExpConfig.PAGateway = $paNetConfig.properties.subnets[0].properties.defaultGateways[0] $sdnExpConfig.PAVLANID = $paNetConfig.properties.subnets[0].properties.vlanID $sdnExpConfig.PAPoolStart = $paNetConfig.properties.subnets[0].properties.ipPools[0].properties.startIpAddress $sdnExpConfig.PAPoolEnd = $paNetConfig.properties.subnets[0].properties.ipPools[0].properties.endIpAddress $currentHostName = $(hostname) $depId = Get-TurnKeySdnDeploymentId $sdnConfig = get-sdnconfig $sdnExpConfig['RestName'] = $sdnconfig.networkController.restName $sdnExpConfig['RestIpAddress'] = $sdnConfig.networkController.restIpAddress $mgmtIpOffset = 20 if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sdnconfig.networkController.restName) -or ` $sdnConfig.networkController.runtime -eq "FC") { # Restip auto discovery # For FC always generate IP # Otherwise use IP if restName is not set if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($sdnConfig.networkController.restIpAddress)) { $restIp = Get-IPAddressInSubnet -Subnet $sdnExpConfig.ManagementSubnet -Offset $mgmtIpOffset $prefix = $sdnExpConfig.ManagementSubnet.Split("/")[1] $sdnExpConfig['RestIpAddress'] = "$restIp/$prefix" $mgmtIpOffset++ } } $sdnExpConfig['HyperVHosts'] = $infraconfig.hyperVHosts $paPoolOffset = 0 if ($sdnConfig.networkController.runtime -eq "FC") { $sdnExpConfig.UseFCNC = 1 $sdnExpConfig.FCNCBins = $sdnConfig.networkController.FC.PackageLocation $sdnExpConfig.FCNCDBs = $sdnConfig.networkController.FC.DatabaseLocation } else { $i = 0 $sdnExpConfig['NCs'] = @() $NCNodeCount = $sdnConfig.networkController.SF.nodecount while ($i -lt $NCNodeCount) { $ncConfig = @{} $ncConfig['ComputerName'] = "$depId-NC$i" $ncConfig['ManagementIP'] = Get-IPAddressInSubnet -Subnet $sdnExpConfig.ManagementSubnet -Offset $mgmtIpOffset $mgmtIpOffset++ $sdnExpConfig['NCs'] += $ncConfig $i++ } } $muxNodeCount = $sdnConfig.mux.nodecount $i = 0 $sdnExpConfig['Muxes'] = @() if ($sdnConfig.mux.enabled -eq "true") { while ($i -lt $muxNodeCount) { $mux = @{} $mux['ComputerName'] = "$depId-MUX$i" $mux['ManagementIP'] = Get-IPAddressInSubnet -Subnet $sdnExpConfig.ManagementSubnet -Offset $mgmtIpOffset $mgmtIpOffset++ $mux['PAIPAddress'] = Get-IPAddressInSubnet -Subnet $sdnExpConfig.PAPoolStart -Offset $paPoolOffset $paPoolOffset++ $sdnExpConfig['Muxes'] += $mux $i++ } } $sdnExpConfig.ManagementRoutes = Get-MsftCorpRoutes $gwNodeCount = $sdnConfig.gateway.nodecount $i = 0 $sdnExpConfig['Gateways'] = @() if ($sdnConfig.gateway.enabled -eq "true") { $poolType = "IPSec" if ($sdnConfig.gateway.gre.enabled -eq "true") { $gre = Get-GreVipLogicalNetworkConfig $sdnExpConfig['GRESubnet'] = $gre.properties.subnets[0].properties.addressPrefix $poolType = "All" } while ($i -lt $gwNodeCount) { $gw = @{} $gw['ComputerName'] = "$depId-GW$i" $gw['ManagementIP'] = Get-IPAddressInSubnet -Subnet $sdnExpConfig.ManagementSubnet -Offset $mgmtIpOffset $mgmtIpOffset++ $sdnExpConfig['Gateways'] += $gw $i++ } $sdnExpConfig['GatewayPoolType'] = $poolType if ($gwNodeCount -eq 1) { $sdnExpConfig.RedundantCount = 0 } } if ($paPoolOffset -lt 10) { # Add some space for future scaling $paPoolOffset = 10 } $sdnExpConfig.PAPoolStart = Get-IPAddressInSubnet -Subnet $sdnExpConfig.PAPoolStart -Offset $paPoolOffset $publicVipNetwork = Get-PublicVipNetworkConfig $sdnExpConfig.PublicVIPSubnet = $publicVipNetwork.properties.subnets[0].properties.addressPrefix $sdnExpConfig.Routers[0].RouterIPAddress = $paNetConfig.properties.subnets[0].properties.defaultGateways[0] $sdnExpConfig.Routers[0].RouterASN = $sdnConfig.mux.peerRouterASN $sdnExpConfig.SDNASN = $sdnConfig.mux.asn return $sdnExpConfig } function Initialize-SdnWorkloadDeploymentPath { $workloadConfig = Get-TurnKeySdnWorkloadConfig $defaultPath = $workloadConfig.deploymentpath $csv = Get-CSV $isCsv = $csv -ne $null if ([String]::isnullorempty($defaultPath)) { if ($isCsv) { $defaultPath = Join-Path $csv "SdnWorkload" } else { # Use a local default path $defaultPath = Join-Path $env:SystemDrive "SdnWorkload" } } $sb = { param ($defaultPath) if (-not $(Test-Path($defaultPath))) { try { New-Item $defaultPath -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } catch { throw "Unable to access deployment path $defaultPath" } } } if (-not $isCsv) { #check all hosts Invoke-CmdOnInfraHosts -scriptBlock $sb -args @($defaultPath) } else { Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $sb -ArgumentList @($defaultPath) } $workloadConfig.deploymentpath = $defaultPath Set-TurnKeySdnWorkloadConfig -config $workloadConfig } function Invoke-CmdOnInfraHosts { param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ScriptBlock] $scriptBlock, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][System.Array] $args = @() ) $cred = Get-TurnKeySdnCred $hypervHosts = Get-TurnKeySdnHyperVHosts $results = @() foreach ($h in $hypervHosts) { $result = Invoke-ReliableCommand -computerName $h -credential $cred -scriptBlock $scriptBlock -argumentList $args $results += $result } return $results } function Get-SdnWorkloadVhd { param( [ValidateSet("Linux", "Windows")] [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string] $os = "Linux", [ValidateSet("Mariner", "WindowsLatest")] [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string] $osSku = "Mariner", [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][bool] $useDefaultWindows = $false ) if ($useDefaultWindows) { Write-TraceLog "Get-SdnWorkloadVhd: Using default windows vhd" $vhdPath = Get-DeploymentConfig | Select -ExpandProperty vhdPath $vhdFile = Get-DeploymentConfig | Select -ExpandProperty vhdFile return @($vhdPath, $vhdFile) } $defaultWorkloadVhd = Join-Path (Get-DefaultWorkloadVhdShare) (Get-DefaultWorkloadVhdFile) $msg = "Retry after running. A default vhd can be found at $defaultWorkloadVhd." $workloadConfig = Get-TurnKeySdnWorkloadConfig $osImageConfig = $workloadConfig.imageconfigs | Where-Object { $_.osType -eq $os -and $_.osSku -eq $osSku } | Select -First 1 if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($osImageConfig.vhdPath) -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($osImageConfig.vhdFile)) { throw "Vhd location for image $($osImageConfig.osType) - $($osImageConfig.osSku) is not set. $msg" } $vhd = Join-Path $osImageConfig.vhdPath $osImageConfig.vhdFile if (-not $(Test-Path($vhd))) { throw "$vhd not found. $msg" } return @($osImageConfig.vhdPath, $osImageConfig.vhdFile) } function Enable-Hosts { param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][array] $Hosts, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][pscredential] $Credential, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $SwitchName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $MgmtHostNicName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $ManagementVLANID, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $ManagementSubnet, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $ManagementGateway, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][array] $ManagementDNS, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][bool] $IsFcNc ) $offset = 10 $prefix = $ManagementSubnet.Split("/")[1] $hostNameIPMap = @{} $Hosts | Foreach-Object { $hostIP = Get-IPAddressInSubnet -subnet $ManagementSubnet -offset $offset $hostNameIPMap[$_] = $hostIP $offset++ Write-TraceLog "Enable-Hosts: Host ($_), with IP ($hostIP)" Invoke-ReliableCommand -computername $_ -credential $Credential -scriptBlock { param( [string]$switchName, [string]$vNicName, [string]$vlanId, [string]$ip, [string]$prefix, [string]$gateway, [array]$dns ) $nic = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name $vNicName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($nic -eq $null) { Add-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name $vNicName -SwitchName $switchName $nic = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name $vNicName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $ifIndex = (Get-NetAdapter -name "*$vNicName*").Ifindex Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName $vNicName -VlanId $vlanId -access | Out-Null $currentIP = Get-NetIPAddress -Interfaceindex $ifIndex -IPAddress $ip -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose if ($currentIP -eq $null) { New-NetIPAddress -Interfaceindex $ifIndex -AddressFamily IPv4 -IPAddress $ip -PrefixLength $prefix | Out-Null } if ($dns -ne $null -and $dns.Count -gt 0) { Set-DnsClientServerAddress -ServerAddresses $dns -InterfaceIndex $ifIndex -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } Set-DnsClientServerAddress -ServerAddresses $dns -InterfaceIndex $ifIndex -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } -ArgumentList @($SwitchName, $MgmtHostNicName, $ManagementVLANID, $hostIP, $prefix, $ManagementGateway, $ManagementDNS) } Write-TraceLog "Enable-Hosts: Sleeping 5 seconds to allow network to settle" Start-Sleep 5 $Hosts | Foreach-Object { Disable-LinkLocalNics -computerName $_ -credential $Credential} if ($IsFcNc) { Write-TraceLog "Enable-Hosts: Setting network $ManagementSubnet to ClusterAndClient" Wait-ForClusterNetwork -computerName $Hosts[0] -credential $Credential -subnet $ManagementSubnet Set-ClusterNetworkToClient -computerName $Hosts[0] -credential $Credential -subnet $ManagementSubnet } Update-CorpNicDnsServerAddress -hosts $Hosts -credential $Credential -dnsServers $ManagementDNS Enable-HostStorageNetwork -ComputerName $Hosts -Credential $Credential -SwitchName $SwitchName return $hostNameIPMap } function New-TurnKeySdnVM { param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $CreateParams, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string] $VMCustomTag, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch] $WaitForVM ) $vmName = $CreateParams.VMName $computerName = $CreateParams.ComputerName $cred = Get-TurnKeySdnCred try { New-SDNExpressVM @CreateParams | Out-Null } finally { if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($VMCustomTag)) { $VMCustomTag = "Client=TurnKeySDN" } Invoke-ReliableCommand -ComputerName $computerName -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock { param($VMName, $VMCustomTag) $vm = Get-VM -Name $VMName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($vm -ne $null) { $vm | Set-VM -Notes $VMCustomTag } } -ArgumentList @($vmName, $VMCustomTag) } if ($WaitForVM.IsPresent) { WaitforComputerToBeReady -ComputerName $vmName -Credential $cred } } function New-TurnKeySdnWorkloadVMUsingSdnExpress { param( [ValidateSet("Linux", "Windows")] [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string] $os = "Linux", [ValidateSet("Mariner", "WindowsLatest")] [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string] $osSku = "Mariner", [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $ncNicResourceId, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $ncRestEndpoint, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string] $hypervHost = $(hostname), [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][pscredential] $hypervHostCred = [pscredential]::Empty, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][pscredential] $vmCreds = $false, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][bool] $useDefaultWindows = $false, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][int] $memoryInGB = 1, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][int] $coreCount = 2, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][bool] $enableSecureBoot = $false ) Write-TraceLog "New-TurnKeySdnWorkloadVMUsingSdnExpress: Server $hypervHost, os $os, osSku $osSku, ncNicResourceId $ncNicResourceId, ncRestEndpoint $ncRestEndpointclient" if(-not $useDefaultWindows) { if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($os) -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($osSku)) { throw "New-TurnKeySdnWorkloadVMUsingSdnExpress: os and osSku must be specified when forcing the default Vhd" } } $restEndpoint = Get-TurnKeySdnRestEndpoint $restUrl = "https://$restEndpoint" $res = Get-NetworkControllerNetworkInterface -ConnectionUri $restUrl -ResourceId $ncNicResourceId -PassInnerException -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($res -eq $null) { throw "Networkinterface $ncNicResourceId not found" } if ($res.Properties.ProvisioningState -ne "Succeeded") { throw "Networkinterface $ncNicResourceId provisioning state is $($res.Properties.ProvisioningState), cannot continue with deployment" } $mac = $res.Properties.PrivateMacAddress $ipAddress = $res.Properties.IpConfigurations[0].Properties.privateIpaddress $instanceId = $res.InstanceId.Guid if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($res.Tags.vmName)) { $vmName = $ncNicResourceId } else { $vmName = $res.Tags.vmName } $vhdConfig = Get-SdnWorkloadVhd -os $os -osSku $osSku -useDefaultWindows $useDefaultWindows $deploymentPath = (Get-DeploymentConfig).vmLocation $sdnSwitchName = Get-SdnSwitchName $vmLocalCredential = Get-TurnKeySdnWorkloadVmCred $vmPath = Join-Path $deploymentPath $vmName #Copy-FileToRemote -srcPath $vhdConfig[0] -srcFile $vhdConfig[1] -destMachine $hypervHost -destMachineCred $hypervHostCred -destDirectory $vmPath -ErrorAction Stop $vmVhdPath = Join-Path $vmPath $vhdConfig[1] $isCluster = Test-IsCluster $vmNic=@( @{Name="SdnNic_$vmName"; MacAddress=$mac; SwitchName=$sdnSwitchName} ) Write-SdnExpressLog "New-TurnKeySdnWorkloadVMUsingSdnExpress: Creating VM $vmName on host $hypervHost" Write-SdnExpressLog "New-TurnKeySdnWorkloadVMUsingSdnExpress: VM VHD Path is $vmVhdPath" Write-SdnExpressLog "New-TurnKeySdnWorkloadVMUsingSdnExpress: IP Address is $ipAddress" [bool] $isVmCreated = $false try { if($isCluster) { # check if VMs were deployed on any of the hosts in the cluster # throws if VM is not found $hypervHost = Resolve-HostName -hostName "" -hostCred $hypervHostCred -vmName $vmName -force $true $isVmCreated = $true } else { # sdn express checks if the vm is already present, so let it handle $isVmCreated = $false } } catch { Write-TraceLog "New-TurnKeySdnWorkloadVMUsingSdnExpress: VM $vmName not found on any of the hosts in the cluster, creating new VM" $isVmCreated = $false } if(-not $isVmCreated) { New-SDNExpressVM -ComputerName $hypervHost ` -VMLocation $vmPath ` -VMName $vmName ` -VHDSrcPath $vhdConfig[0] ` -VHDName $vhdConfig[1] ` -SwitchName $sdnSwitchName ` -CredentialDomain $Env:TEST_DOMAIN ` -CredentialUserName $Env:TEST_USERNAME ` -CredentialPassword $Env:TEST_PASSWORD ` -JoinDomain "" ` -LocalAdminPassword $Env:TURNKEY_WORKLOAD_PASSWORD ` -VMProcessorCount 4 ` -Nics $vmNic ` -EnablePreDeploymentNetworkConnectionCheck $false ` -EnableProcessorCompatibilityForLiveMigration $true | out-null } # enable misc settings (add to cluster, guest intergation etc..) Invoke-Command -ComputerName $hypervHost -Credential $hypervHostCred -ScriptBlock { if ($using:isCluster) { $vm = Get-VM -Name $using:vmName $currentRole = get-clustergroup -name $using:vmName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if($null -ne $currentRole -and $currentRole.State -ne "Online") { Remove-ClusterGroup -RemoveResources -Force -Name $using:vmName } $vm | Add-ClusterVirtualMachineRole -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null $vm | Get-VMIntegrationService | Enable-VMIntegrationService | Out-Null } else { $vm = Get-VM -Name $using:vmName $vm | Get-VMIntegrationService | Enable-VMIntegrationService | Out-Null } } Enable-SDNExpressVMPort -ComputerName $hypervHost -VMName $vmName -InstanceId "{$instanceId}" -Credential $hypervHostCred $trafficEndpoint = New-TrafficEndpoint -vmName $vmName ` -hostName $hypervHost ` -ipAddress $ipAddress ` -port 5001 ` -endpointType 0 ` -vmCredential $vmLocalCredential ` -hostCredential $hypervHostCred ` -resolveHostName $false return $trafficEndpoint } function New-TurnKeySdnWorkloadVM { param( [ValidateSet("Linux", "Windows")] [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string] $os = "Linux", [ValidateSet("Mariner", "WindowsLatest")] [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string] $osSku = "Mariner", [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $ncNicResourceId, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $ncRestEndpoint, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string] $hypervHost = $(hostname), [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][pscredential] $hypervHostCred = [pscredential]::Empty, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][bool] $useDefaultWindows = $false, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][int] $memoryInGB = 1, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][int] $coreCount = 2, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][bool] $enableSecureBoot = $false ) Write-TraceLog "New-TurnKeySdnVM: Server $hypervHost, os $os, osSku $osSku, ncNicResourceId $ncNicResourceId, ncRestEndpoint $ncRestEndpointclient" if(-not $useDefaultWindows) { if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($os) -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($osSku)) { throw "New-TurnKeySdnVM: os and osSku must be specified when forcing the default Vhd" } } $restEndpoint = Get-TurnKeySdnRestEndpoint $restUrl = "https://$restEndpoint" $res = Get-NetworkControllerNetworkInterface -ConnectionUri $restUrl -ResourceId $ncNicResourceId -PassInnerException -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($res -eq $null) { throw "Networkinterface $ncNicResourceId not found" } if ($res.Properties.ProvisioningState -ne "Succeeded") { throw "Networkinterface $ncNicResourceId provisioning state is $($res.Properties.ProvisioningState), cannot continue with deployment" } $mac = $res.Properties.PrivateMacAddress $instanceId = $res.InstanceId.Guid if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($res.Tags.vmName)) { $vmName = $ncNicResourceId } else { $vmName = $res.Tags.vmName } if ($AllComputers.Count -ne 0) { # If the VM is already present in another, override the name $hostName = Get-VMHostName -Computers $AllComputers -Credential $hypervHostCred -VMName $vmName if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($hostName)) { $hypervHost = $hostName } } $vhdConfig = Get-SdnWorkloadVhd -os $os -osSku $osSku -useDefaultWindows $useDefaultWindows $deploymentPath = Get-SdnWorkloadDeploymentPath $sdnSwitchName = Get-SdnSwitchName $vmPath = Join-Path $deploymentPath $vmName Copy-FileToRemote -srcPath $vhdConfig[0] -srcFile $vhdConfig[1] -destMachine $hypervHost -destMachineCred $hypervHostCred -destDirectory $vmPath -ErrorAction Stop $vmVhdPath = Join-Path $vmPath $vhdConfig[1] $isCluster = Test-IsCluster Invoke-Command -ComputerName $hypervHost -Credential $hypervHostCred -ScriptBlock { $vm = Get-VM -Name $using:vmName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue [uint64] $memoryStarupBytes = $using:memoryInGB*1024*1024*1024 if ($vm -eq $null) { New-VM -SwitchName $sdnSwitchName -VHDPath $vmVhdPath -Generation 2 -BootDevice VHD -Path $vmPath -name $vmName -MemoryStartupBytes 512MB ` -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } else { New-VM -SwitchName $using:sdnSwitchName ` -VHDPath $using:vmVhdPath ` -Generation 2 ` -BootDevice VHD ` -Path $using:vmPath ` -name $using:vmName ` -MemoryStartupBytes $memoryStarupBytes ` -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } Set-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $using:vmName -StaticMacAddress $using:mac -ErrorAction Stop if ($using:os -eq "Linux") { Set-VMFirmware -EnableSecureBoot On -SecureBootTemplate MicrosoftUEFICertificateAuthority -VMName $using:vmName ` -ErrorAction Stop } elseif($disableSecureBoot) { Set-VMFirmware -EnableSecureBoot Off -VMName $using:vmName -ErrorAction Stop } Get-VM -Name $using:vmName | Set-VM -Notes "Client=TurnKeySDN;Role=Workload;IsInfra=$false;Os=$using:os" Start-VM -VMName $using:vmName if ($using:isCluster) { Get-VM -Name $using:vmName | Add-ClusterVirtualMachineRole -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null } } -ErrorAction Stop Enable-SDNExpressVMPort -ComputerName $hypervHost -VMName $vmName -InstanceId "{$instanceId}" -Credential $hypervHostCred } function Set-VMVLANID { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String]$VMName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][pscredential]$Credential, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String]$ComputerName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String]$NicName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][int]$VLanID ) Invoke-ReliableCommand -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential -ScriptBlock { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String]$VMName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String]$NicName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][int]$VLanID ) [int]$currentVlan = (Get-VMNetworkAdapterVLan -VMName $VMName -VMNetworkAdapterName $NicName).AccessVlanId if ($currentVlan -eq $VLanID) { return } Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -Access -VlanId $VLanID -VMName $VMName -VMNetworkAdapterName $NicName } -ArgumentList @($VMName, $NicName, $VLanID) } function New-RouterVM { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $vmName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $MgMtIP, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $MgmtNicMac, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $PAIP, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $PANicMac, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $CorpNicMac, [switch] $Force ) $depConfig = Get-DeploymentConfig $cred = Get-TurnKeySdnCred Write-TraceLog "New-RouterVM: Creating VM $vmName" $hyperVHosts = $depConfig.hyperVHosts $vmHost = Get-VMHostName -Computers $hyperVHosts -Credential $cred -VMName $vmName $mgmtNetConfig = Get-MgmtNetworkConfig $mgmtVlanId = $mgmtNetConfig.properties.subnets[0].properties.VLANID $paVlanId = Get-HnvPaNetworkConfig $paVlanId = $paVlanId.properties.subnets[0].properties.vlanID $managementNicName = "Management" $paNicName = "HNVPA" if ($vmHost -ne $null) { if ($Force.IsPresent) { Write-TraceLog "New-RouterVM: Recreating the VM" Remove-DomainJoinedVMs -Tag "Role=Router" } else { Write-TraceLog "New-RouterVM: VM already exists, skipping creation" # Reset VLAN if it changes between deployments. Set-VMVLANID -VMName $vmName -Credential $cred -ComputerName $vmHost -NicName $managementNicName -VLanID $mgmtVlanId Set-VMVLANID -VMName $vmName -Credential $cred -ComputerName $vmHost -NicName $paNicName -VLanID $paVlanId return } } $createparams = @{ 'ComputerName' = $(hostname); 'VMLocation' = $depConfig.vmLocation; 'VMName' = $vmName; 'VHDSrcPath' = $depConfig.vhdPath; 'VHDName' = $depConfig.vhdFile; 'VMMemory' = 4GB; 'VMProcessorCount' = 4; 'Nics' = @(); 'CredentialDomain' = $cred.username.Split("\")[0]; 'CredentialUserName' = $cred.username.Split("\")[1]; 'CredentialPassword' = $cred.GetNetworkCredential().password; 'JoinDomain' = $depConfig.domainName; 'LocalAdminPassword' = $cred.GetNetworkCredential().password; 'DomainAdminDomain' = $cred.username.Split("\")[0]; 'DomainAdminUserName' = $cred.username.Split("\")[1]; 'SwitchName' = $depConfig.sdnSwitchName; } $dnsServers = $mgmtNetConfig.properties.subnets[0].properties.dnsServers $createparams.Nics = @( @{Name = $managementNicName; MacAddress = $MgmtNicMac; VLANID = $mgmtVlanId; IPAddress = $MgMtIP; SwitchName = $depConfig.sdnSwitchName; DNS = $dnsServers; IsMuxPA = $true }, @{Name = "Corp"; MacAddress = $CorpNicMac; SwitchName = $depConfig.internetSwitchName; IsMuxPA = $true }, @{Name = $paNicName; MacAddress = $PANicMac; VLANID = $paVlanId; IPAddress = $PAIP; SwitchName = $depConfig.sdnSwitchName; DNS = $dnsServers; IsMuxPA = $true } ) $createparams.Roles = @("RemoteAccess", "RemoteAccessServer", "RemoteAccessMgmtTools", "RemoteAccessPowerShell", "RasRoutingProtocols", "Web-Application-Proxy") New-TurnKeySdnVM -CreateParams $createparams -VMCustomTag "Client=TurnKeySDN;Role=Router;IsInfra=$true" -WaitForVM Start-Sleep 10 Enable-DefaultFirewallRules -ComputerName $vmName -Credential $cred } function Enable-NatOnRouter { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$VMName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$MgmtNicMac, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$CorpNicMac, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$PANicMac ) $cred = Get-TurnKeySdnCred Invoke-ReliableCommand -ComputerName $VMName -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$MgmtNicMac, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$CorpNicMac, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$PANicMac ) $external = "External" $ext = (Get-NetAdapter -Name $External -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) if ($ext -eq $null) { $corpNic = Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object { $_.MacAddress -eq $CorpNicMac } Rename-NetAdapter -Name $corpNic.Name -NewName $external } $mgmt = "Manangement" $mgmtAdapter = (Get-NetAdapter -Name $mgmt -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) if ($mgmtAdapter -eq $null) { $mgmtAdapter = Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object { $_.MacAddress -eq $MgmtNicMac } Rename-NetAdapter -Name $mgmtAdapter.Name -NewName $mgmt } $hnvpa = "HNVPA" $hnvpaAdapter = (Get-NetAdapter -Name $hnvpa -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) if ($hnvpaAdapter -eq $null) { $hnvpaAdapter = Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object { $_.MacAddress -eq $PANicMac } Rename-NetAdapter -Name $hnvpaAdapter.Name -NewName $hnvpa } #Setup NAT for internet Access Install-WindowsFeature -name RemoteAccess -IncludeAllSubFeature -IncludeManagementTools Install-RemoteAccess -VpnType RoutingOnly cmd.exe /c "netsh routing ip nat uninstall" | Out-Null cmd.exe /c "netsh routing ip nat install" | Out-Null cmd.exe /c "netsh routing ip nat set global tcptimeoutmins=1 udptimeoutmins=0 loglevel=ERROR" | Out-Null cmd.exe /c "netsh routing ip nat add interface $external" | Out-Null cmd.exe /c "netsh routing ip nat set interface $external mode=full" | Out-Null cmd.exe /c "netsh routing ip nat add interface $mgmt" | Out-Null cmd.exe /c "netsh routing ip nat add interface $hnvpa" | Out-Null } -ArgumentList @($MgmtNicMac, $CorpNicMac, $PANicMac) } function Enable-BgpOnRouter { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $vmName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $bgpLocalIP, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $LocalASN ) $cred = Get-TurnKeySdnCred Invoke-ReliableCommand -ComputerName $vmName -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $bgpLocalIP, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $LocalASN ) Add-windowsfeature -name RemoteAccess -IncludeAllSubFeature -IncludeManagementTools Install-RemoteAccess -RoleType RoutingOnly try { $router = get-bgprouter -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } catch { } if ($router -ne $null) { $router | Remove-BgpRouter -force } Add-BgpRouter -BgpIdentifier $bgpLocalIP -LocalASN $LocalASN } -ArgumentList @($bgpLocalIP, $LocalASN) } function Add-MuxPeerToBgp { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $vmName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $bgpPeerName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $bgpLocalIP, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $bgpPeerIP, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $LocalASN, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $PeerASN ) $cred = Get-TurnKeySdnCred Invoke-ReliableCommand -ComputerName $vmName -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $bgpLocalIP, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $bgpPeerName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $bgpPeerIP, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $LocalASN, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $PeerASN ) Get-BgpRouter -ErrorAction Stop Add-BgpPeer -PeerName $bgpPeerName -PeerIpAddress $bgpPeerIP -PeerASN $PeerASN -LocalIpAddress $bgpLocalIP } -ArgumentList @($bgpLocalIP, $bgpPeerName, $bgpPeerIP, $LocalASN, $PeerASN) } function Set-StaticRoute { param( [array] $Computer, [pscredential] $Credential = [pscredential]::Empty, [string] $SwitchName, [string] $NicName, [string] $DestinationPrefix, [string] $NextHop ) Write-TraceLog "Set-StaticRoute: Computer $Computer Setting route for $DestinationPrefix to $NextHop, NicName $NicName" $Computer | Foreach-Object { Invoke-ReliableCommand -computerName $_ -Credential $Credential -ScriptBlock { param( [string] $SwitchName, [string] $NicName, [string] $DestinationPrefix, [string] $NextHop ) if (-not [String]::isnullorempty($SwitchName)) { $hostVNic = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name $NicName -switchName $SwitchName -ErrorAction Stop $adapter = Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object { $($_.MacAddress -replace "-", "") -eq $($hostVNic.MacAddress) } } else { $adapter = Get-NetAdapter -Name $NicName -ErrorAction Stop } $index = $adapter.ifIndex $route = Get-NetRoute -InterfaceIndex $index -NextHop $NextHop -DestinationPrefix $DestinationPrefix -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($route -ne $null) { return } New-NetRoute -DestinationPrefix $DestinationPrefix -InterfaceIndex $index -NextHop $NextHop -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } -ArgumentList @($SwitchName, $NicName, $DestinationPrefix, $NextHop) } } function Set-SDNVMNotes { $cred = Get-TurnKeySdnCred $hyperVHosts = Get-TurnKeySdnHyperVHosts $depId = Get-TurnKeySdnDeploymentId Write-TraceLog "Set-SDNVMNotes: Setting custom tags on SDN VMs" foreach ($h in $hyperVHosts) { Invoke-ReliableCommand -ComputerName $h -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock { param($depId) $ncPrefix = "$depId-NC*" $ncVMs = Get-VM -Name $ncPrefix -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($ncVMs -ne $null) { $ncVMs | Set-VM -Notes "Client=TurnKeySDN;Role=NetworkController;IsSDN=$true" } $muxPrefix = "$depId-MUX*" $muxVMs = Get-VM -Name $muxPrefix -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($muxVMs -ne $null) { $muxVMs | Set-VM -Notes "Client=TurnKeySDN;Role=MUX;IsSDN=$true" } $gwPrefix = "$depId-GW*" $gwVMs = Get-VM -Name $gwPrefix -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($gwVMs -ne $null) { $gwVMs | Set-VM -Notes "Client=TurnKeySDN;Role=Gateway;IsSDN=$true" } } -ArgumentList $($depId) } } function Invoke-SDNExpress { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$sdnExpConfig ) if ($sdnExpConfig -eq $null) { throw "Please load the config and retry" } $sdnExpress = Get-SdnExpressScript $path = Resolve-Path $sdnExpress $parent = Split-Path $(Resolve-Path $sdnExpress) $retryCount = 0 while ($retryCount -lt 2) { Push-Location $parent try { & $sdnExpress -ConfigurationData $sdnExpConfig break } catch { Write-TraceLog "Invoke-SDNExpress: Sdnexpress failed, error $_" $retryCount++ if ($retryCount -eq 2) { throw } Write-TraceLog "Invoke-SDNExpress: Sdnexpress retrying in 60seconds, RetryCount $retryCount" Start-Sleep 60 } finally { Pop-Location } } } function Set-PostInstallConfig { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$sdnExpConfig, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$hostNameIPMap ) if ($sdnExpConfig.UseFCNC) { return } $cred = Get-TurnKeySdnCred $sdnExpConfig['NCs'] | ForEach-Object { Write-TraceLog "Set-PostInstallConfig: [SLBMWorkaround] Updating host file on NC VM $_" -Warning # Froce SLBM to use the expected IP of the host. SLBM breaks if host IP changes. Invoke-ReliableCommand -ComputerName $_['ComputerName'] -credential $cred -ScriptBlock { param($hostIPs) function UpdateHostsFile($name, $ip, $skipResolve) { if (-not $skipResolve) { $addr = (Resolve-DnsName $name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).IPAddress | ` Select-Object -First 1 } if ($addr -ne $ip) { Add-Content C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts "$ip $name" | out-null return $true } return $false } $hosts = $hostIPs.Keys $hosts | Foreach-Object { $changed = $false $name = $_ $ip = $hostIPs[$name] $changed = UpdateHostsFile -name $name -ip $ip -skipResolve $false if ($changed -and (-not $name.Contains("."))) { $hostfqdn = "$name.$($env:USERDNSDOMAIN)" UpdateHostsFile -name $hostfqdn -ip $ip -skipResolve $true | out-null } if ($changed) { Stop-Process -name SDNSLBM -force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } } -ArgumentList $hostNameIPMap } } function New-DataCenterGateway { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $vmName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $IPAddress, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $MacAddress, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $VlanID, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $DefaultGateway, [switch] $Force ) Write-TraceLog "New-OnPremiseGw: Creating VM $vmName" $vm = Get-VM -Name $vmName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($vm -ne $null) { if ($Force.IsPresent) { Write-TraceLog "New-OnPremiseGw: Recreating the VM" $vm | Stop-VM -TurnOff -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $vm | Remove-VM -Force } else { Write-TraceLog "New-OnPremiseGw: NOOP" return } } $depConfig = Get-DeploymentConfig $cred = Get-TurnKeySdnCred $createparams = @{ 'ComputerName' = $(hostname); 'VMLocation' = $depConfig.vmLocation; 'VMName' = $vmName; 'VHDSrcPath' = $depConfig.vhdPath; 'VHDName' = $depConfig.vhdFile; 'VMMemory' = 4GB; 'VMProcessorCount' = 4; 'Nics' = @(); 'CredentialDomain' = $cred.username.Split("\")[0]; 'CredentialUserName' = $cred.username.Split("\")[1]; 'CredentialPassword' = $cred.GetNetworkCredential().password; 'JoinDomain' = $depConfig.domainName; 'LocalAdminPassword' = $cred.GetNetworkCredential().password; 'DomainAdminDomain' = $cred.username.Split("\")[0]; 'DomainAdminUserName' = $cred.username.Split("\")[1]; 'SwitchName' = $depConfig.sdnSwitchName; } $mgmtNetConfig = Get-MgmtNetworkConfig $dnsServers = $mgmtNetConfig.properties.subnets[0].properties.dnsServers $createparams.Nics = @( @{Name = "DCNET"; MacAddress = $MacAddress; VLANID = $VlanID; IPAddress = $IPAddress; SwitchName = $depConfig.sdnSwitchName; Gateway = $DefaultGateway; DNS = $dnsServers; IsMuxPA = $false } ) $createparams.Roles = @("RemoteAccess", "RemoteAccessServer", "RemoteAccessMgmtTools", "RemoteAccessPowerShell", "RasRoutingProtocols", "Web-Application-Proxy") New-TurnKeySdnVM -CreateParams $createparams -VMCustomTag "Client=TurnKeySDN;Role=DataCenterGateway;IsInfra=$false" } function Test-DeploymentMachines { $depConfig = Get-DeploymentConfig $hyperVHosts = $depConfig.hyperVHosts if ($hyperVHosts -eq $null -or $hyperVHosts.Count -eq 0) { $hyperVHosts = @($(hostname)) } else { $curHost = hostname $isPresent = ($hyperVHosts | Where-Object { $_.StartsWith($curHost) }) -ne $null if (-not $isPresent) { $err = "Current host($(hostname)) is not part of the deployment machines, deployment machines are $hyperVHosts" $err += "`nSet deployment using Set-TurnKeySdnDeploymentMachines or update $(Get-DeploymentFile)" throw $err } } } function Test-CommonConfig { if (-not (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).PartOfdomain) { throw "Only domain joined setup is supported currently, please join the machine to a domain and retry." } try { $depConfig = Get-DeploymentConfig } catch { Write-TraceLog "Failed to fetch deployment config, please run Initialize-TurnKeySdnDeployment and retry" -Err throw } if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($depConfig.domainName)) { throw "Invalid domain name." } try { Get-TurnKeySdnCred | Out-Null } catch { throw "Unable to read test credential. Please reset using Set-TurnKeySdnCredentials and retry. Error $_" } $sdnexpress = Get-SdnExpressModule if (-not $(Test-Path $sdnexpress -ErrorAction Stop)) { throw "$sdnexpress not found, Please run Set-SdnExpressPath and retry" } $sdnexpress = Get-SdnExpressScript if (-not $(Test-Path $sdnexpress -ErrorAction Stop)) { throw "$sdnexpress not found, Please run Set-SdnExpressPath and retry" } if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($depConfig.sdnSwitchName)) { throw "SDN Switch $($depConfig.sdnSwitchName) not configured" } if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($depConfig.internetSwitchName) -and $depConfig.useNatNetwork) { throw "Internet Switch $($depConfig.internetSwitchName) not configured" } Test-DeploymentMachines $cred = Get-TurnKeySdnCred $hyperVHosts = $depConfig.hyperVHosts Test-VMSwitchExist -computerName $hyperVHosts -switchName $depConfig.sdnSwitchName -credential $cred if ($depConfig.useNatNetwork -and $($depConfig.sdnSwitchName -ne $depConfig.internetSwitchName)) { Test-VMSwitchExist -computerName $hyperVHosts -switchName $depConfig.internetSwitchName -credential $cred } } function Test-NetworkControllerPackage { $sdnConfig = Get-SDNConfig if ($sdnConfig.networkController.runtime -ne "FC") { return } if (-not (Test-Path $sdnConfig.networkController.FC.PowershellModuleRootPath)) { Write-TraceLog "Please run Install-WindowsFeature -name RSAT-NetworkController and retry" -Warning Write-TraceLog "To change package loction or update runtime please run Set-TurnKeySdnNCConfig" -Warning throw "Networkcontroller PowershellModuleRootPath not found. Configured path is $($sdnConfig.networkController.FC.PowershellModuleRootPath)" } if (-not (Test-Path $sdnConfig.networkController.FC.PackageLocation)) { Write-TraceLog "Please run Install-WindowsFeature -name NetworkController and retry" -Warning Write-TraceLog "To change package loction or update runtime please run Set-TurnKeySdnNCConfig" -Warning throw "Networkcontroller PackageLocation not found. Configured path is $($sdnConfig.networkController.FC.PackageLocation)" } } function Test-FreeSpace { $depConfig = Get-DeploymentConfig if (Test-IsCsvPath -path $depConfig.vmLocation) { # For csv skip free space check for now. return } $rpath = Resolve-Path $depConfig.vmLocation $scricptBlock = { param($rpath) $freeGb = $rpath.Drive.Free / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) $result = @{} $result[$(hostname)] = $freeGb return $result } $results = Invoke-CmdOnInfraHosts -scriptBlock $scricptBlock -args @($rpath) $fail = $false foreach ($r in $results) { $freeSpace = $r[$r.Keys[0]] Write-TraceLog "Test-FreeSpace: HypervHost $($r.Keys[0]), Drive $rpath, FreeSpace $freeSpace" if ($freeSpace -lt 50) { Write-TraceLog "Test-FreeSpace: HypervHost $($r.Keys[0]), has < 50GB in drive $($rpath), FreeSpace $freeSpace" -Warning $fail = $true } } if ($fail) { Write-TraceLog "Test-FreeSpace: Test failed. Please free up space or change deployment path. Current deployment path is $($depConfig.vmLocation)" -Warning Write-TraceLog "Test-FreeSpace: To change the deployment path, please run Set-TurnKeySdnDeploymentPath and retry" -Warning throw "All hosts machines should have atleast 50GB free space." } } function Test-Vhd { $depConfig = Get-DeploymentConfig if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($depConfig.vhdPath) -or [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($depConfig.vhdFile)) { Write-TraceLog "Please copy a valid vhd and run Set-TurnKeySdnDeploymentVhd, Eg; Set-TurnKeySdnDeploymentVhd c:\vhd -vhdFile sdnexpress.vhdx" -Warning throw "Deployment vhd path is null Please set a deployment vhd using Set-TurnKeySdnDeploymentVhd and retry." } if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($depConfig.vhdPath) -or [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($depConfig.vhdFile)) { Write-TraceLog "Please copy a valid vhd and run Set-TurnKeySdnDeploymentVhd, Eg; Set-TurnKeySdnDeploymentVhd c:\vhd -vhdFile sdnexpress.vhdx" -Warning throw "Deployment vhdFile is null. Please set a deployment vhd using Set-TurnKeySdnDeploymentVhd and retry." } $vhd = Join-Path $depConfig.vhdPath $depConfig.vhdFile if (-not $(Test-Path $vhd -ErrorAction Stop)) { throw "Deployment vhd ($vhd) not found. Please set a deployment vhd using Set-TurnKeySdnDeploymentVhd and retry." } } function Test-DeploymentConfig { Test-CommonConfig Test-FreeSpace Test-Vhd Test-NetworkControllerPackage } function Test-WorkloadConfig { param( [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string]$workLoadConfig = [String]::Empty ) Write-TraceLog "Test-WorkloadConfig: Testing workload config" Test-CommonConfig $restoreReplayScript = Get-RestoreReplayScript if (-not $(Test-Path $restoreReplayScript -ErrorAction Stop)) { throw "Restore replay script not found at $restoreReplayScript" } if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($workLoadConfig)) { $workLoadConfig = Get-WorkloadConfigPath } if (-not $(Test-Path $workLoadConfig -ErrorAction Stop)) { throw "Worloadconfig file not found at $workLoadConfig" } $jsonPath = Join-Path $workLoadConfig "jsons" if (-not $(Test-Path $jsonPath -ErrorAction Stop)) { throw "Jsons folder not found under $workLoadConfig" } $restName = Get-TurnKeySdnRestEndpoint if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($restName)) { throw "NC RestName is empty, run 'Install-TurnKeySdn' to configure SDN. If SDN is already configured, set rest name using Set-TurnKeySdnRestName" } Get-SdnWorkloadVhd -os Linux -osSku Mariner | Out-Null } function Test-DeploymentLogicalNetworkConfig { param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][PSCustomObject] $Network ) if ($Network.Properties.subnets -eq $null -or $Network.Properties.subnets.Count -eq 0) { throw "LogicalNetwork has no subnets" } if ($Network.Properties.subnets[0].properties.addressPrefix -eq $null) { throw "LogicalNetwork has no addressPrefix" } if ($Network.Properties.subnets[0].properties.ipPools -eq $null -or $Network.Properties.subnets[0].properties.ipPools.Count -eq 0) { throw "LogicalNetwork has no ipPools" } } function Get-InfraVmPrefix { if (-not $(Test-IsCluster)) { return $(Get-TurnKeySdnDeploymentId) } $clusterName = (Get-Cluster).Name if ($clusterName.Length -lt 8) { return $clusterName } return ($clusterName.Substring(0, 8)) } function Get-RouterVMName { (Get-InfraVmPrefix) + "-Router" } function Get-BgpVMName { (Get-InfraVmPrefix) + "-BGP" } function Get-OnPremiseGWVMName { (Get-InfraVmPrefix) + "-OGW" } function Enable-LogicalNetworkDefaultGateway { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$LogicalNetworkResourceId ) <# .SYNOPSIS Adds the default gw of the logical network to the nat vm .PARAMETER LogicalNetworkResourceId Name of the logical network #> $routerVM = Get-RouterVMName Write-TraceLog "Enable-LogicalNetworkDefaultGateway: Adding default gateway of logical network $LogicalNetworkResourceId on $routerVM" $cred = Get-TurnKeySdnCred $depConfig = Get-DeploymentConfig $hyperVHosts = $depConfig.hyperVHosts $vmHost = Get-VMHostName -Computers $hyperVHosts -Credential $cred -VMName $routerVM if ($vmHost -eq $null) { throw "Nat VM $routerVM not found on any hosts" } $restName = Get-TurnKeySdnRestEndpoint $restUrl = "https://$restName" $ncLNET = Get-NetworkControllerLogicalNetwork -ConnectionUri $restUrl -ResourceId $LogicalNetworkResourceId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($ncLNET -eq $null) { throw "LogicalNetwork $LogicalNetworkResourceId not found" } $nicsToAdd = @() $ncLNET.Properties.Subnets | ForEach-Object { $subnetId = $_.ResourceId $ip = $_.Properties.DefaultGateways | Select -First 1 $prefixLen = $_.Properties.AddressPrefix.Split("/") | Select -Last 1 $addressPrefix = $_.Properties.AddressPrefix $vlan = $_.Properties.VlanID $nicProperties = New-Object Microsoft.Windows.NetworkController.NetworkInterfaceProperties $nicProperties.privateMacAllocationMethod = "Dynamic" $nicProperties.IPConfigurations = @() $nicProperties.IPConfigurations += New-Object Microsoft.Windows.NetworkController.NetworkInterfaceIpConfiguration $nicProperties.IPConfigurations[0].ResourceId = $subnetId $nicProperties.IPConfigurations[0].Properties = New-Object Microsoft.Windows.NetworkController.NetworkInterfaceIpConfigurationProperties $nicProperties.IPConfigurations[0].Properties.Subnet = New-Object Microsoft.Windows.NetworkController.Subnet $nicProperties.IPConfigurations[0].Properties.Subnet.ResourceRef = $_.ResourceRef # Unmanaged, nic is not managed by NC, only for MAC address $nicProperties.IPConfigurations[0].Properties.PrivateIPAllocationMethod = "Unmanaged" $nicProperties.IPConfigurations[0].Properties.PrivateIPAddress = $ip $defaultGwNic = New-NetworkcontrollerNetworkinterface -ConnectionUri $restUrl -ResourceId $subnetId -Properties $nicProperties -Force -PassInnerException $defaultGwNic = Get-NetworkcontrollerNetworkinterface -ConnectionUri $restUrl -ResourceId $subnetId $mac = $defaultGwNic.Properties.PrivateMacAddress Write-TraceLog "Enable-LogicalNetworkDefaultGateway: Lnet Subnet $subnetId, IP $ip, Mac $mac, PrefixLen $prefixLen, Vlan $vlan" $nicsToAdd += @{Name = $subnetId; MacAddress = $mac; IPAddress = $ip; PrefixLen = $prefixLen; Vlan = $vlan; AddressPrefix = $addressPrefix } } Invoke-ReliableCommand -computerName $vmHost -Credential $cred -scriptBlock { param($routerVM) $vm = Get-VM $routerVM if ($vm.Generation -lt 2) { Stop-VM -VMName $routerVM -Force } } -ArgumentList @($routerVM) $sdnSwitch = Get-SdnSwitchName Write-TraceLog "Enable-LogicalNetworkDefaultGateway: Adding default gateway netadapter to nat vm $routerVM on switch $sdnSwitch" Invoke-ReliableCommand -computerName $vmHost -Credential $cred -scriptBlock { param($routerVM, $nicsToAdd, $switchName) foreach ($nic in $nicsToAdd) { Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $routerVM -Name $nic.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-VMNetworkAdapter -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Confirm:$false Add-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $routerVM -SwitchName $switchName -StaticMacAddress $nic.MacAddress -ErrorAction Stop -Name $nic.Name Set-VMNetworkAdapterVLan -VMName $routerVM -VMNetworkAdapterName $nic.Name -Access -VlanId $nic.Vlan -ErrorAction Stop } } -ArgumentList @($routerVM, $nicsToAdd, $sdnSwitch) foreach ($nic in $nicsToAdd) { Enable-SDNExpressVMPort -ComputerName $vmHost -VMName $routerVM -VMNetworkAdapterName $nic.Name -Credential $cred } Invoke-ReliableCommand -computerName $vmHost -Credential $cred -scriptBlock { param($routerVM) Start-VM -VMName $routerVM } -ArgumentList @($routerVM) WaitforComputerToBeReady -ComputerName $routerVM -Credential $cred Write-TraceLog "Enable-LogicalNetworkDefaultGateway: setting ip address for default gw nics on nat vm $routerVM" Invoke-ReliableCommand -computerName $routerVM -Credential $cred -scriptBlock { param($nicsToAdd) foreach ($nic in $nicsToAdd) { $netAdapter = Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object { $($_.MacAddress.split("-") -join "") -eq $nic.MacAddress } if ($netAdapter -eq $null) { throw "Unable to find nic with mac $($nic.MacAddress)" } if ($(Get-NetAdapter -Name $nic.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) { $netAdapter | Rename-NetAdapter -NewName $nic.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #Rename-NetAdapter : {Object Exists} An attempt was made to create an object and the object name already existed. } # $newName = Get-Netadapter -ifIndex $netAdapter.IfIndex # cmd.exe /c "netsh routing ip nat add interface $newName" | Out-Null New-NetIPAddress -Interfaceindex $netAdapter.IfIndex -AddressFamily IPv4 -IPAddress $nic.IPAddress -PrefixLength $nic.PrefixLen | Out-Null } } -ArgumentList @($nicsToAdd) $mgmtNetConfig = Get-MgmtNetworkConfig $mgmtGw = $mgmtNetConfig.properties.subnets[0].properties.defaultGateways[0] # Forward lnet traffic to nat VM. foreach ($nic in $nicsToAdd) { Set-StaticRoute -Computer $hyperVHosts -Credential $cred -SwitchName $sdnSwitch -NicName $(Get-MgmtNicName) -DestinationPrefix $nic.AddressPrefix -NextHop $mgmtGw } Invoke-ReliableCommand -computerName $routerVM -Credential $cred -scriptBlock { Restart-Service RemoteAccess -Force } } function Add-ManagmentRouteToVirtualGateways { <# .Synopsis Adds the management network route to the virtual gateway resource in NC to enable connectivity from the host to VNET .PARAMETER NCVirtualGateways Array of virtual gateway resources in NC. .PARAMETER BgpConnections NetworkConnections with BGP configured #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Array]$NCVirtualGateways, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [hashtable]$BgpConnections ) $restEndpoint = Get-TurnKeySdnRestEndpoint $restUrl = "https://$restEndpoint" $mgmtNetConfig = Get-MgmtNetworkConfig $mgmtPrefix = $mgmtNetConfig.properties.subnets[0].properties.addressPrefix $NCVirtualGateways = Get-NetworkControllerVirtualGateway -ConnectionUri $restUrl foreach ($vg in $NCVirtualGateways) { [array]$bgpCons = $BgpConnections[$vg.ResourceId] $update = $false foreach ($nw in $vg.Properties.NetworkConnections) { if ($bgpCons -ne $null -and $bgpCons.Contains($nw.ResourceId)) { # No need to add mgmt route to networkconnection static route if bgp is enabled. # Route is pushed by bgp. Write-TraceLog "Add-ManagmentRouteToVirtualGateways: Virtual gateway $($vg.ResourceId) nw $($nw.ResourceId) has bgp enabled, skipping static route addition" continue } $foundMgmt = $false foreach ($route in $nw.Properties.Routes) { if ($route.DestinationPrefix -eq $mgmtPrefix) { $foundMgmt = $true break } } if (-not $foundMgmt) { Write-TraceLog "Add-ManagmentRouteToVirtualGateways: Adding management network $mgmtPrefix to the routes of virtual gateway $($vg.ResourceId)" $mgmtRoute = New-Object Microsoft.Windows.NetworkController.RouteInfo $mgmtRoute.DestinationPrefix = $mgmtPrefix $mgmtRoute.NextHop = "" $mgmtRoute.Metric = 10 $mgmtRoute.Protocol = "Static" $nw.Properties.Routes += $mgmtRoute $update = $true } } if ($update) { New-NetworkControllerVirtualGateway -ResourceId $vg.ResourceId -Properties $vg.Properties -ConnectionUri $restUrl -Force -PassInnerException | Out-Null } } } function Get-SourceNetworkInterface { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Destination, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$ComputerName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [pscredential]$Credential = [pscredential]::Empty ) $result = Invoke-ReliableCommand -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential -ScriptBlock { param($Destination) $result = Test-NetConnection $Destination return $result.InterfaceAlias } -ArgumentList $($Destination) return $result } function Update-WorkloadSecrets { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$WorkloadConfigPath ) $depId = Get-TurnKeySdnDeploymentId $vgwsConfigJson = Get-SdnWorkloadVirtualGateways -WorkloadConfigPath $WorkloadConfigPath foreach ($vgw in $vgwsConfigJson) { $vgwJson = get-content $vgw.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json foreach ($con in $vgwJson.Properties.networkConnections) { if ($con.Properties.connectionType -ieq "IPsec") { Write-TraceLog "Update-WorkloadSecrets: Updating VG $($vgwJson.resourceId) shared secret for connection $($con.resourceId)" $con.Properties.IPSecConfiguration.SharedSecret = $depId } } $vgwJson | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $vgw.FullName -Force } } function Update-WorkloadIPAddresses { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$WorkloadConfigPath ) $stateFile = Join-Path $WorkloadConfigPath "addressRandmoized" if (Test-Path $stateFile) { Write-TraceLog "Update-WorkloadIPAddresses: IP addresses already randomized in workload config $WorkloadConfigPath" return } Write-TraceLog "Update-WorkloadIPAddresses: Randomizing workload ip addresses in workload config $WorkloadConfigPath" #Randmoize lnet ips $lnets = Get-SdnWorkloadLogicalNetworks -WorkloadConfigPath $WorkloadConfigPath foreach ($lnet in $lnets) { $lnetJson = Get-Content $lnet.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json $updatedNetwork = Update-LogicalNetworkAddresses -Network $lnetJson $updatedNetwork | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $lnet.FullName -Force } #Randmozie gw networkconnection ips $vgwsConfigJson = Get-SdnWorkloadVirtualGateways -WorkloadConfigPath $WorkloadConfigPath foreach ($vgw in $vgwsConfigJson) { $vgwJson = get-content $vgw.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json foreach ($con in $vgwJson.Properties.networkConnections) { if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($con.Properties.DestinationIPAddress)) { $con.Properties.DestinationIPAddress = Update-IPv4Address -Address $con.Properties.DestinationIPAddress } foreach ($address in $con.Properties.ipAddresses) { $address.ipAddress = Update-IPv4Address -Address $address.ipAddress } $updatedPeerAddresses = @() foreach ($peerAddress in $con.Properties.peerIPAddresses) { $updatedPeerAddresses += Update-IPv4Address -Address $peerAddress } $con.Properties.peerIPAddresses = $updatedPeerAddresses $routes = $con.Properties.Routes foreach ($r in $routes) { $r.DestinationPrefix = Update-IPv4Address -Address $r.DestinationPrefix } } foreach ($router in $vgwJson.Properties.bgpRouters) { foreach ($peer in $router.Properties.bgpPeers) { $peer.Properties.peerIpAddress = Update-IPv4Address -Address $peer.Properties.peerIpAddress } } $vgwJson | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $vgw.FullName -Force } $nics = Get-SdnWorkloadNetworkInterfaces -WorkloadConfigPath $WorkloadConfigPath #Randmozie lnet nic ips foreach ($nic in $nics) { $nicJson = get-content $nic.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json foreach ($ipconfig in $nicJson.Properties.IPConfigurations) { if ($ipconfig.Properties.subnet.resourceRef -ilike "/virtualNetworks/*") { break } if ($ipconfig.Properties.PrivateIPAddress -ne $null) { $ipconfig.Properties.PrivateIPAddress = Update-IPv4Address -Address $ipconfig.Properties.PrivateIPAddress } } $nicJson | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File $nic.FullName -Force } New-Item $stateFile -ItemType File -Force | Out-Null } function Add-TurneKeyVMToCluster { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Tag ) Write-TraceLog "Add-TurneKeyVMToCluster: Adding VMs with tag $Tag to cluster" $isCluster = Test-IsCluster if (-not $isCluster) { Write-TraceLog "Add-TurneKeyVMToCluster: Not a cluster, skipping" return } $addVMToCluster = { param($Tag) $vms = Get-VM | Where-Object { $_.Notes.Split(";") -icontains $Tag } if ($vms -eq $null) { return } foreach ($vm in $vms) { $isPresent = (Get-ClusterResource -VMId $vm.VMId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -ne $null if ($isPresent) { continue } $vm | Add-ClusterVirtualMachineRole -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null } } Invoke-CmdOnInfraHosts -scriptBlock $addVMToCluster -args @($Tag) } function Remove-TurnKeyVMs { param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $Tag ) Write-TraceLog "Remove-TurnKeyVMs: Removing VMs with tag $Tag" $isCluster = Test-IsCluster $deleteVM = { param($Tag, $IsCluster) $vms = Get-VM | Where-Object { $_.Notes.Split(";") -icontains $Tag } if ($vms -ne $null) { if ($IsCluster) { foreach ($vm in $vms) { Remove-ClusterGroup -VMId $vm.VMId -RemoveResources -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } $hardDrives = ($vms | Select-Object -ExpandProperty HardDrives).path $vmStorage = $vms.path $vms | Stop-VM -TurnOff -force $vms | Remove-VM -Force if ($hardDrives -ne $null -and $hardDrives.Count -gt 0) { Remove-Item $hardDrives -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force -Recurse } if ($vmStorage -ne $null -and $vmStorage.Count -gt 0) { Remove-Item $vmStorage -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force -Recurse } } } Invoke-CmdOnInfraHosts -scriptBlock $deleteVM -args @($Tag, $isCluster) } function Remove-WorkloadVMs { try { Write-TraceLog "Remove-WorkloadVMs: Removing workload vms" Remove-DomainJoinedVMs -Tag "Role=DataCenterGateway" Remove-TurnKeyVMs -Tag "Role=Workload" } catch { Write-TraceLog "Remove-WorkloadVMs: Failed to remove workload vms, error $_" -Warning } } function Remove-RouterVMWorkloadAdapters { $cleanupRouterVM = { $vms = Get-VM | Where-Object { $_.Notes.Split(";") -icontains "Role=Router" } if ($vms -eq $null) { return } $vms | ForEach-Object { Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VM $_ | Where-Object { $_.Name -ine "Management" -and $_.Name -ine "Corp" -and $_.Name -ine "HNVPA" } | Remove-VMNetworkAdapter -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $vms | Restart-VM -Force -Type Reboot } try { Write-TraceLog "Remove-RouterVMWorkloadAdapters: Removing workload adapters from router vm" Invoke-CmdOnInfraHosts -scriptBlock $cleanupRouterVM } catch { Write-TraceLog "Remove-RouterVMWorkloadAdapters: Failed to remove workload adapters from router vm, error $_" -Warning } } function Remove-DomainJoinedVMs { param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $Tag ) Write-TraceLog "Remove-DomainJoinedVMs: Removing domain joined vms with tag $Tag" $unjoinDomain = { param($DomainCredential, $Tag) $vms = Get-VM | Where-Object { $_.Notes.Split(";") -icontains $Tag } if ($vms -ne $null) { $vms | ForEach-Object { Remove-Computer -UnjoinDomainCredential $DomainCredential -ComputerName $_.Name ` -LocalCredential $DomainCredential -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force } } } $cred = Get-TurnKeySdnCred Invoke-CmdOnInfraHosts -scriptBlock $unjoinDomain -Args @($cred, $Tag) Remove-TurnKeyVMs -Tag $Tag } function Remove-SdnConfig { try { $sdnConfig = Get-SdnConfig $fcncdb = $sdnConfig.networkController.FC.DatabaseLocation if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($fcncdb)) { $fcncdb = Get-DefaultNetworkControllerDBLocation } Write-TraceLog "Uninstall-TurnKeySdn: Workaround - FCNC uninstall does not delete db. Deleting $fcncdb" Remove-Item $fcncdb -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Recurse -Force } catch { Write-TraceLog "Remove-SdnConfig: Failed to remove sdn config, error $_" -Warning } } function Remove-SdnVMs { try { Remove-DomainJoinedVMs -Tag "IsSDN=True" } catch { Write-TraceLog "Remove-SdnVMs: Failed to remove sdn vms, error $_" -Warning } } function Remove-InfraVMs { try { Remove-DomainJoinedVMs -Tag "IsInfra=True" } catch { Write-TraceLog "Remove-InfraVMs: Failed to remove infra vms, error $_" -Warning } } function Remove-PhysicalHostVnic { $cleanupScript = { param($MgmtHostNicName) Remove-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name $MgmtHostNicName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name PA* -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name DR* -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } try { $testNic = Get-MgmtNicName Write-TraceLog "Remove-PhysicalHostVnic: Removing $testNic, PA* and DR* adapters from all hosts in the deployment" Invoke-CmdOnInfraHosts -scriptBlock $cleanupScript -args @($testNic) } catch { Write-TraceLog "Remove-PhysicalHostVnic: Failed to remove from all hosts in the deployment, error $_" -Warning } } function Remove-TestRoutesOnHostVnic { $testNic = Get-MgmtNicName $mgmtNetConfig = Get-MgmtNetworkConfig $mgmtGw = $mgmtNetConfig.properties.subnets[0].properties.defaultGateways[0] Write-TraceLog "Remove-TestRoutesOnHostVnic: Removing test routes from vnic $testNic on all hosts in the deployment" $cleanupScript = { param($MgmtHostNicName, $ManagementGateway) $nic = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name $MgmtHostNicName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($nic -eq $null) { return } $adapter = Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object { $($_.MacAddress -replace "-", "") -eq $($nic.MacAddress) } if ($adapter -eq $null) { return } $routes = Get-NetRoute -ifIndex $adapter.ifIndex | Where-Object { $_.NextHop -eq $ManagementGateway } if ($routes -eq $null) { return } $routes | Remove-NetRoute -Confirm:$false } Invoke-CmdOnInfraHosts -scriptBlock $cleanupScript -args @($testNic, $mgmtGw) } function Remove-DeploymentCertificates { $cleanupScript = { param($depId) $rootCerts = Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\Root | where-object { $_.Subject -ilike "*$depId*" } $rootCerts | Remove-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force $myCerts = Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\My | where-object { $_.Subject -ilike "*$depId*" } $myCerts | Remove-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force } try { $depId = Get-TurnKeySdnDeploymentId Write-TraceLog "Remove-DeploymentCertificates: Removing certificates with subject *$depId* from all hosts in the deployment" Invoke-CmdOnInfraHosts -scriptBlock $cleanupScript -args @($depId) } catch { Write-TraceLog "Remove-DeploymentCertificates: Failed to remove certificates from all hosts in the deployment, error $_" -Warning } } function Get-DefaultWorkloadMarinerVhd { try { Get-SdnWorkloadVhd -os Linux -osSku Mariner | Out-Null return $null } catch { Write-TraceLog "Get-DefaultWorkloadMarinerVhd: No workload vhd configured, trying to auto copy" } try { $vhdStore = Get-VhdStore $vhdFolder = Join-Path $vhdStore "marinerVhd" $vhdFile = Get-DefaultWorkloadVhdFile $vhd = Join-Path $vhdFolder (Get-DefaultWorkloadVhdFile) if (Test-Path $vhd) { Write-TraceLog "Get-DefaultWorkloadMarinerVhd: Existing vhd found at $destVhd" return @($vhdFolder, $vhdFile) } $share = Get-DefaultWorkloadVhdShare $cred = Get-WttNAOCred $connected = Connect-SMBShare -RemotePath $share -Credential $cred -RestartLanManServer if (-not $connected) { throw "Unable to connect to $share" } if (-not $(Test-Path $vhdFolder -ErrorAction Stop)) { New-Item $vhdFolder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null } $shareVhd = Join-Path $share $vhdFile Write-TraceLog "Get-DefaultWorkloadMarinerVhd: Copying $shareVhd to $vhdFolder" try { Start-BitsTransfer -Source $shareVhd -Destination $vhdFolder -Description $shareVhd -DisplayName "WorkloadVHD" } catch { Copy-Item $shareVhd $vhdFolder } return @($vhdFolder, $vhdFile) } catch { Write-TraceLog "Get-DefaultWorkloadMarinerVhd: Failed to auto copy default workload vhd, error $_" -Warning } return $null } function Get-VirtualGatewayVnetPrefix { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$VirtualGatewayResourceId ) $restEndpoint = Get-TurnKeySdnRestEndpoint $restUrl = "https://$restEndpoint" $vg = Get-NetworkControllerVirtualGateway -ConnectionUri $restUrl -ResourceID $VirtualGatewayResourceId $subnetEle = $vg.Properties.GatewaySubnets[0].ResourceRef.Split("/", [StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries) $vnetId = $subnetEle[1] $vnet = Get-NetworkControllerVirtualNetwork -ResourceId $vnetId -ConnectionUri $restUrl return $vnet.Properties.AddressSpace.AddressPrefixes } function Add-StaticRoutesForVirtualGateways { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds static routes for vnet prefixes corresponding to virtual gateway connections on physical hosts and NAT VM. .PARAMETER NCVirtualGateways Array of virtual gateway resources in NC. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Array]$NCVirtualGateways, [hashtable]$BgpConnections ) $mgmtNetConfig = Get-MgmtNetworkConfig $mgmtGw = $mgmtNetConfig.properties.subnets[0].properties.defaultGateways[0] $sdnSwitchName = Get-SdnSwitchName $cred = Get-TurnKeySdnCred $routerVM = Get-RouterVMName $depConfig = Get-DeploymentConfig $hyperVHosts = $depConfig.hyperVHosts foreach ($vg in $NCVirtualGateways) { $destinationPrefixes = Get-VirtualGatewayVnetPrefix -VirtualGatewayResourceId $vg.ResourceId [array]$bgpCons = $BgpConnections[$vg.ResourceId] foreach ($connection in $vg.Properties.networkConnections) { if ($connection.Properties.connectionType -ieq "IPsec") { # Next hop for IPsec connection from Router VM is datacenter gateway VM. $nextHop = $connection.Properties.DestinationIPAddress } if ($connection.Properties.connectionType -ieq "L3") { # Next hop for L3 connection from Router VM is the L3 IP in tenant compartment of NC gateway VM. $nextHop = $connection.Properties.ipAddresses[0].ipAddress } $isBgpEnabled = $false if ($bgpCons -ne $null -and $bgpCons.Contains($connection.ResourceId)) { $isBgpEnabled = $true } $routerVMNic = Get-SourceNetworkInterface -ComputerName $routerVM -Credential $cred -Destination $nextHop Write-TraceLog "Set-StaticRoutesForVirtualGateways: Setting static route for virtual gateway $($vg.ResourceId), ` connection $($connection.ResourceId) routerVMNic $routerVMNic, nextHop $nextHop" foreach ($prefix in $destinationPrefixes) { # Add route for each vnet IP prefix on physical host and router vm. # For physical host, next hop is the router VM(the default gateway of management network) Set-StaticRoute -Computer $hyperVHosts -Credential $cred -SwitchName $sdnSwitchName -NicName $(Get-MgmtNicName) -DestinationPrefix $prefix -NextHop $mgmtGw # Ideally if bgp is enabled, VNET routes should come via bgp and static route is not required. # But bgp connection is between datacneter gateway and NC gateway VM. # There is no upstream bgp btw router vm and datacenter gateway vm. # So static routes are still required on router vm. # TODO: Add upstream bgp peer to router vm. #if (-not $isBgpEnabled) { Set-StaticRoute -Computer $routerVM -Credential $cred -NicName $routerVMNic -DestinationPrefix $prefix -NextHop $nextHop #} } } } } function Get-IPsecSharedSecrets { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String]$WorkloadConfigPath ) $vgwsConfigJsons = Get-SdnWorkloadVirtualGateways -WorkloadConfigPath $WorkloadConfigPath if ($vgwsConfigJsons -eq $null -or $vgwsConfigJsons.Count -eq 0) { return @{} } $sharedSecrets = @{} foreach ($vgw in $vgwsConfigJsons) { $vgwJson = get-content $vgw.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json foreach ($con in $vgwJson.Properties.networkConnections) { if ($con.Properties.connectionType -ieq "IPsec") { $sharedSecrets[$con.Properties.DestinationIPAddress] = $con.Properties.IpSecConfiguration.sharedSecret } } } return $sharedSecrets } function Initialize-DataCenterGWVM { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String]$ComputerName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][pscredential]$Credential ) Invoke-ReliableCommand -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential -scriptBlock { if ((get-remoteaccess).VpnS2SStatus -ne "Installed") { Install-RemoteAccess -VpnType VpnS2S } else { Restart-Service RemoteAccess -Force } $retries = 5 while ($retries--) { try { # Wait for RRAS to be ready Get-VpnS2SInterface -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } catch { Start-Sleep 10 Continue } break } } } function Add-BgpPeerOnVM { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String]$ComputerName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][pscredential]$Credential, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String]$RouterIP, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String]$LocalASN, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String]$PeerIP, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String]$PeerASN, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Array]$CustomRoutes ) $addBgpPeer = { param($RouterIP, $LocalASN, $PeerIP, $PeerASN, $CustomRoutes) try { $router = Get-BgpRouter -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } catch {} if ($router -eq $null) { Add-BgpRouter -BgpIdentifier $RouterIP -LocalASN $LocalASN | Out-Null } $bgpPeer = Get-BgpPeer -Name $PeerIP -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($bgpPeer -ne $null) { Remove-BgpPeer -Name $PeerIP -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } Add-BgpPeer -Name $PeerIP -LocalIPAddress $RouterIP -PeerIPAddress $PeerIP -PeerASN $PeerASN | Out-Null Add-BgpCustomRoute -Network $CustomRoutes } Invoke-ReliableCommand -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential -scriptBlock $addBgpPeer ` -ArgumentList @($RouterIP, $LocalASN, $PeerIP, $PeerASN, $CustomRoutes) } function Add-IPsecVPNConnection { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Array]$DataCenterGWs, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable]$SharedSecrets ) $restEndpoint = Get-TurnKeySdnRestEndpoint $restUrl = "https://$restEndpoint" $addVpnConnection = { param($connectionName, $destinationIP, $mainMode, $quickMode, $sharedSecret, $destinationPrefixes) $con = Get-VpnS2SInterface -Name $connectionName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($con -ne $null) { Set-VpnS2SInterface -Name $connectionName -AdminStatus $false -Confirm:$false -Force Remove-VpnS2SInterface -Name $connectionName -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } Add-VpnS2SInterface ` -Name $connectionName ` -CustomPolicy ` -Destination $destinationIP ` -Protocol IKEv2 ` -SharedSecret $sharedSecret ` -CipherTransformConstants $quickMode.CipherTransformationConstant ` -AuthenticationTransformConstants $quickMode.AuthenticationTransformationConstant ` -DHGroup $mainMode.DiffieHellmanGroup ` -EncryptionMethod $mainMode.EncryptionAlgorithm ` -IntegrityCheckMethod $mainMode.IntegrityAlgorithm ` -AuthenticationMethod PSKOnly ` -ResponderAuthenticationMethod PSKOnly ` -Persistent $prefixArray = @() foreach ($prefix in $destinationPrefixes) { $prefixArray += $($prefix + ":10") } Set-VpnS2SInterface -Name $connectionName -IPv4Subnet $prefixArray } $vgws = Get-NetworkControllerVirtualGateway -ConnectionUri $restUrl $cred = Get-TurnKeySdnCred foreach ($gw in $DataCenterGWs) { Initialize-DataCenterGWVM -ComputerName $gw.Name -Credential $cred $connection = $null foreach ($vg in $vgws) { $connection = $vg.Properties.networkConnections | Where-Object { $_.properties.destinationIPAddress -eq $gw.IPAddress -and $_.properties.connectionType -ieq "IPsec" } if ($connection -ne $null) { break } } if ($connection -eq $null) { Write-TraceLog "No virtual gateway found for datacenter gateway $($gw.Name)" continue } $destinationPrefixes = Get-VirtualGatewayVnetPrefix -VirtualGatewayResourceId $vg.ResourceId $sharedSecret = $SharedSecrets[$connection.Properties.DestinationIPAddress] Write-TraceLog "Adding VPN connection for $($gw.Name), ConnectionName: $($connection.ResourceId), $($connection.Properties.DestinationIPAddress) SharedSecret: $sharedSecret, DestinationPrefixes: $destinationPrefixes" Invoke-ReliableCommand -computerName $gw.Name -Credential $cred -scriptBlock $addVpnConnection ` -ArgumentList @($connection.ResourceId, $connection.Properties.SourceIPAddress, ` $connection.Properties.IpSecConfiguration.MainMode, $connection.Properties.IpSecConfiguration.QuickMode, $sharedSecret, $destinationPrefixes) } } function Add-BgpPeerOnDataCenterGW { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Array]$DataCenterGWs ) $restEndpoint = Get-TurnKeySdnRestEndpoint $restUrl = "https://$restEndpoint" $vgws = Get-NetworkControllerVirtualGateway -ConnectionUri $restUrl $cred = Get-TurnKeySdnCred $bgpConnections = @{} foreach ($gw in $DataCenterGWs) { $connection = $null foreach ($vg in $vgws) { $connection = $vg.Properties.networkConnections | Where-Object { $_.properties.destinationIPAddress -eq $gw.IPAddress -and $_.properties.connectionType -ieq "IPsec" } if ($connection -ne $null) { $router = $vg.Properties.BgpRouters | where-object { $_.Properties.BgpPeers | Where-Object { $_.Properties.peerIpAddress -eq $gw.IPAddress } } break } } if ($router -eq $null) { Write-TraceLog "Add-BgpPeerOnDataCenterGW No bgp peer found for datacenter gateway $($gw.Name), skipping" continue } $localASN = $router.Properties.localASN $peerIP = $router.Properties.RouterIP[0] $peerASN = $router.Properties.ExtAsNumber.Split(".") | Select -Last 1 $localPeer = $router.Properties.BgpPeers | Where-Object { $_.Properties.peerIpAddress -eq $gw.IPAddress } $localASN = $localPeer.Properties.AsNumber $routerIP = $localPeer.Properties.PeerIpAddress $mgmtNetConfig = Get-MgmtNetworkConfig $mgmtPrefix = $mgmtNetConfig.properties.subnets[0].properties.addressPrefix Write-TraceLog "Add-BgpPeerOnDataCenterGW Adding BGP peer on $($gw.Name), LocalASN: $localASN, PeerIP: $peerIP, PeerASN: $peerASN" Add-BgpPeerOnVM -ComputerName $gw.Name -Credential $cred -RouterIP $routerIP ` -LocalASN $localASN -PeerIP $peerIP -PeerASN $peerASN -CustomRoutes @($mgmtPrefix) $bgpConnections[$vg.ResourceId] = $connection.ResourceId } return $bgpConnections } function Add-DataCenterGatewayNetwork { <# # .SYNOPSIS # Enables gateway workload data path # .DESCRIPTION # Creates a datacenter gateway VM for each of the virtual gateway connection configured in the workload config. # S2S vpn interface is added to the datacenter gateway VM for each gateway connection. # Network for datacenter gateway VM is configured using the jsons under workload\gateway\datacenternetwork folder. # The logical network resources specify the logical network to be used for the datacenter gateway. # Datacenter network is configured as an actual logical network in SDN. # This data center logical network corresponds to the destination ip address of the virtual gateway connection. # Under workload\gateway\datacenternetwork\jsons\networkinterfaces, a network interface must exist with the tag "GatewayConnection" for each datacenter gateway VM. # IP address of this networkinterface must correspond to the destination ip address of the virtual gateway connection. # To avoid conflict between different setups, various IP addresses are randmoized unless randomizeAddresses is set to false in the deployment config. # To enable datapath from physical host following static routes are added, # - On physical host, route to the vnet ip with next hop as management gateway(nat vm) # - On nat vm, route to the vnet ip with next hop as datacenter gateway corresponding to the vnet. # - Management address prefix is auto appended to the virtual gateway connection routes. This enables return traffic from the VNET VM to physical host. # Traffic flow -> Physical Host->Nat VM->Datacenter Gateway VM->S2S VPN->SDN Gateway->VNET VM # .PARAMETER WorkloadConfigPath # Path to the datacenternetwork network workload config #> param( $WorkloadConfigPath ) Write-TraceLog "Enable-GatewayWorkload: Enabling gateway workload" $mgmtNetConfig = Get-MgmtNetworkConfig $mgmtGw = $mgmtNetConfig.properties.subnets[0].properties.defaultGateways[0] $depId = Get-TurnKeySdnDeploymentId $restEndpoint = Get-TurnKeySdnRestEndpoint $restUrl = "https://$restEndpoint" $vgwsConfigJson = Get-SdnWorkloadVirtualGateways -WorkloadConfigPath $WorkloadConfigPath if ($vgwsConfigJson -eq $null -or $vgwsConfigJson.Count -eq 0) { Write-TraceLog "No virtual gateway configuration found. Cannot configure gateway connections." return } $dcNetworkPath = Join-Path $WorkloadConfigPath "datacenternetwork" if (-not (Test-Path $dcNetworkPath)) { return @() } Update-WorkloadIPAddresses -WorkloadConfigPath $dcNetworkPath $dcLnets = Get-SdnWorkloadLogicalNetworks -WorkloadConfigPath $dcNetworkPath if ($dcLnets -eq $null -or $dcLnets.Count -eq 0) { Write-TraceLog "No datacenter logical networks found at $dcNetworkPath. IPsec VPN will not be configured" -Warning return @() } $nics = Get-SdnWorkloadNetworkInterfaces -WorkloadConfigPath $dcNetworkPath if ($nics -eq $null ) { Write-TraceLog "No network interface json under datacenter network, $dcNetworkPath. IPsec VPN will not be configured" -Warning return @() } $gwNics = @() $nics | ForEach-Object { $nicJson = get-content $_.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json if ($nicJson.Tags.Role -ieq "GatewayConnection" ) { $gwNics += $_ } } if ($gwNics.Count -eq 0 ) { Write-TraceLog "No networkinterface json under datacenter network $dcNetworkPath with GatewayConnection tag. IPsec VPN will not be configured" -Warning return @() } $restEndpoint = Get-TurnKeySdnRestEndpoint $restoreReplayScript = Get-RestoreReplayScript & $restoreReplayScript -OperationType Put -BackupDirectoryOrZipFile $dcNetworkPath -BackupType Manual -Verbose -NCRestEndPoint $restEndpoint -Force -Confirm:$false $dcLnets | ForEach-Object { $lnetJson = get-content $_.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json $resourceId = $lnetJson.resourceId Enable-LogicalNetworkDefaultGateway -LogicalNetworkResourceId $resourceId } $dataCenterGWs = @() $depId = Get-TurnKeySdnDeploymentId $restUrl = "https://$restEndpoint" $gwNics | ForEach-Object { $nic = $_ $nicJson = get-content $nic.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json $resourceId = $nicJson.resourceId $res = Get-NetworkControllerNetworkInterface -ConnectionUri $restUrl -ResourceId $resourceId -PassInnerException -ErrorAction Stop $mac = $res.Properties.PrivateMacAddress $ipAddress = $res.Properties.IpConfigurations[0].Properties.PrivateIPAddress $subnetRef = $res.Properties.IpConfigurations[0].Properties.Subnet.ResourceRef $subEle = $subnetRef.Split("/", [StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries) $lnetId = $subEle[1] $subnetId = $subEle[3] $subnet = Get-NetworkControllerLogicalSubnet -LogicalNetworkId $lnetId -ResourceId $subnetId -ConnectionUri $restUrl $vlanId = $subnet.Properties.VlanID $defaultGw = $subnet.Properties.DefaultGateways[0] $prefixLen = $subnet.Properties.AddressPrefix.Split("/") | Select-Object -last 1 $ipAddressWithPrefix = $ipAddress + "/" + $prefixLen $vmName = "$depId-$resourceId" New-DataCenterGateway -vmName $vmName ` -MacAddress $mac -IPAddress $ipAddressWithPrefix ` -VlanId $vlanId -DefaultGateway $defaultGw $instanceId = $res.InstanceId.Guid # Enable-SDNExpressVMPort -ComputerName (hostname) -VMName $dataCenterGW -InstanceId "{$instanceId}" -Credential $cred $dataCenterGWs += @{"Name" = $vmName; "IPAddress" = $ipAddress; "InstanceId" = $instanceId; "VMHost" = (hostname) } } $cred = Get-TurnKeySdnCred foreach ($dataCenterGW in $dataCenterGWs) { WaitforComputerToBeReady -ComputerName $dataCenterGW.Name -Credential $cred $instanceId = $dataCenterGW.InstanceId Enable-SDNExpressVMPort -ComputerName $dataCenterGW.VMHost -VMName $dataCenterGW.Name -InstanceId "{$instanceId}" -Credential $cred WaitforComputerToBeReady -ComputerName $dataCenterGW.Name -Credential $cred Enable-DefaultFirewallRules -ComputerName $dataCenterGW.Name -Credential $cred } return $dataCenterGWs } function Enable-GatewayWorkload { <# # .SYNOPSIS # Enables gateway workload data path # .DESCRIPTION # Creates a datacenter gateway VM for each of the virtual gateway connection configured in the workload config. # S2S vpn interface is added to the datacenter gateway VM for each gateway connection. # Network for datacenter gateway VM is configured using the jsons under workload\gateway\datacenternetwork folder. # The logical network resources specify the logical network to be used for the datacenter gateway. # Datacenter network is configured as an actual logical network in SDN. # This data center logical network corresponds to the destination ip address of the virtual gateway connection. # Under workload\gateway\datacenternetwork\jsons\networkinterfaces, a network interface must exist with the tag "GatewayConnection" for each datacenter gateway VM. # IP address of this networkinterface must correspond to the destination ip address of the virtual gateway connection. # To avoid conflict between different setups, various IP addresses are randmoized unless randomizeAddresses is set to false in the deployment config. # To enable datapath from physical host following static routes are added, # - On physical host, route to the vnet ip with next hop as management gateway(router vm) # - On router vm, route to the vnet ip with next hop as datacenter gateway corresponding to the vnet. # - Management address prefix is auto appended to the virtual gateway connection routes. This enables return traffic from the VNET VM to physical host. # Traffic flow -> Physical Host->Router VM->Datacenter Gateway VM->S2S VPN->SDN Gateway->VNET VM # For L3 connections, the logical network correpsonding to the L3 is enabled on the router VM. # .PARAMETER WorkloadConfigPath # Path to the datacenternetwork network workload config #> param( $WorkloadConfigPath ) Write-TraceLog "Enable-GatewayWorkload: Enabling gateway workload" $vgwsConfigJson = Get-SdnWorkloadVirtualGateways -WorkloadConfigPath $WorkloadConfigPath if ($vgwsConfigJson -eq $null -or $vgwsConfigJson.Count -eq 0) { Write-TraceLog "Enable-GatewayWorkload: No virtual gateway configuration found. Skipping gateway workload configuration" return } $dataCenterGWs = Add-DataCenterGatewayNetwork -WorkloadConfigPath $WorkloadConfigPath $sharedSecrets = Get-IPsecSharedSecrets -WorkloadConfigPath $WorkloadConfigPath Add-IPsecVPNConnection -DataCenterGWs $dataCenterGWs -SharedSecrets $sharedSecrets $bgpConnections = Add-BgpPeerOnDataCenterGW -DataCenterGWs $dataCenterGWs $restEndpoint = Get-TurnKeySdnRestEndpoint $restUrl = "https://$restEndpoint" $vgws = Get-NetworkControllerVirtualGateway -ConnectionUri $restUrl Add-StaticRoutesForVirtualGateways -NCVirtualGateways $vgws -BgpConnections $bgpConnections Add-ManagmentRouteToVirtualGateways -NCVirtualGateways $vgws -BgpConnections $bgpConnections $routerVM = Get-RouterVMName Invoke-ReliableCommand -computerName $routerVM -Credential $cred -scriptBlock { Restart-Service RemoteAccess -Force } Add-TurneKeyVMToCluster -Tag "Role=DataCenterGateway" } function Set-PublicVipRouteOnHosts { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds a static route for the public vip network on the hosts. Next hop is the default gateway of the management network, the router VM. #> $depConfig = Get-DeploymentConfig $hyperVHosts = $depConfig.hyperVHosts $sdnSwitchName = Get-SdnSwitchName $cred = Get-TurnKeySdnCred $publicVipNetwork = Get-PublicVipNetworkConfig $publicVipPrefix = $publicVipNetwork.properties.subnets[0].properties.addressPrefix $mgmtNetConfig = Get-MgmtNetworkConfig $nextHop = $mgmtNetConfig.properties.subnets[0].properties.defaultGateways[0] Set-StaticRoute -Computer $hyperVHosts -SwitchName $sdnSwitchName ` -DestinationPrefix $publicVipPrefix ` -NextHop $nextHop ` -NicName $(Get-MgmtNicName) -Credential $cred } |