# This file is a PowerShell Data file # Doc: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_data_files @{ # The key is the unique name you want to use for this environment # This is used as the value for the -Environment argument "LOCAL" = @{ # If $true, any actions that might modify the environment will require confirmation # Set this on Production environment. Warn = $False; # The DBeaver profile associated with this environment DbProfile = "Tririga Local"; # # Username and Password (non-SSO) for use with the REST api calls is # stored encrypted. Run ``Set-TririgaCredential`` command to store it. # # List of all your TRIRIGA servers/instances Servers = @{ # The key is the unique name you want to use for this instance # This is used as the value for the -Instance argument "ONE" = @{ # The hostname of this instance Host = "localhost" # The path where TRIRIGA is installed on the server Tririga = "C:\IBM\Tririga1" # The path where WebSphere profile is located on the server WebSphere = "C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\logs\server1" # The Windows service that controls this TRIRIGA instance Service = "TestService1" # The URL to access this TRIRIGA instance Url = "http://localhost:9080" # Optional. Url that bypasses SSO (used when you use IIS auth). # For SAML SSO, leave this out ApiUrl = "http://localhost:9081" # The URL to access this instance's WebSphere console WasUrl = "http://localhost:9060/ibm/console" # Optional. This should be either hostname or if set, the # INSTANCE_NAME property in TRIRIGAWEB.properties This is used # to match agent host information to an instance InstanceName = "<ANY>" # If you cannot use Rest API to identify the ObjectMigration # server, indicate that this instance run the object migration # agent. ObjectMigrationAgent = $true }; # Repeat for all other servers/instances "TWO" = @{ # ... }; } }; # Repeat for all other environments "REMOTE" = @{ # ... }; } |