
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
# PowerShell commands to manage TRIRIGA instances on Windows Servers

$script:ModuleRoot = $PSScriptRoot
$script:ModuleVersion = (Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path "$($script:ModuleRoot)\Tririga-Manage.psd1").ModuleVersion

# Tririga-Manage-Rest can be published with a prefix. Get that prefix.
# If the module is not preset, $RestPrefix will be null
$RestPrefix = (Get-Module Tririga-Manage-Rest).Prefix

# Hard-coded fallback for PS 5.1 in some scenarios
if (!$RestPrefix) { $RestPrefix = "Tririga" }

#Import-Module Tririga-Manage-Rest -Prefix "" -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'


function GetConfiguration() {
    if (!$TririgaEnvironments) {
        throw "Module is not configured. Visit for instructions."

# TODO: Instance should be a string array
function GetTririgaInstances([string]$environment, [string]$instance = $null, [boolean]$warn = $true, [boolean]$force = $false) {

    Write-Verbose "Search for environment $environment"
    $tririgaEnvironment = (GetConfiguration)[$environment]

    if (!$tririgaEnvironment) {
        Write-Error "The environment `"$environment`" was not found."
        Write-Error "Possible values are: $(((GetConfiguration).keys) -join ', ')"

    if ($warn -and $tririgaEnvironment.Warn) {
        if ($force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue("You are making a change to a PRODUCTION environment. Run with the -WhatIf switch to preview the changes.", "Would you like to continue making changes to PRODUCTION environment?") ) {
            Write-Warning "Making a change to a PRODUCTION environment"
        } else {

    if ($instance) {
        Write-Verbose "An instance filter is present. Search for instance $instance in environment $environment"
        $tririgaInstance = $tririgaEnvironment["Servers"][$instance]

        if (!$tririgaInstance) {
            Write-Error "The instance `"$instance`" was not found in the `"$environment`" environment"
            Write-Error "Possible values are: $(($tririgaEnvironment.Servers.keys) -join ', ')"
            return $null

        $tririgaInstance["Instance"] = $instance
        $tririgaInstance["Environment"] = $environment

        return Write-Output @($tririgaInstance) -NoEnumerate
    } else {
        Write-Verbose "No instance filter present. Selecting all instances in environment $environment"
        ForEach($inst in $tririgaEnvironment.Servers.keys) {
            $tririgaInstance = $tririgaEnvironment["Servers"][$inst]
            $tririgaInstance["Instance"] = $inst
            $tririgaInstance["Environment"] = $environment
        return Write-Output $tririgaEnvironment.Servers.Values -NoEnumerate

function GetTririgaObjectMigrationInstance([string]$environment, [boolean]$warn = $true) {

    $instances = (GetTririgaInstances -environment $environment -instance $null -warn $False)

    $getAgentcommandName = "Get-$($RestPrefix)AgentHost"

    if(Get-Command -Module Tririga-Manage-Rest -Name $getAgentcommandName -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue') {
        Write-Verbose "$getAgentcommandName command available. Trying to find the actual ObjectMigrationAgent server"
        $realOmAgentHost = & $getAgentcommandName -Environment $environment -Agent ObjectMigrationAgent
        if ($realOmAgentHost) {
            ForEach($inst in $instances) {
                Write-Verbose "Check: $($inst["InstanceName"]) or $($inst["Instance"]) -eq $realOmAgentHost = $($inst["InstanceName"] -eq $realOmAgentHost -or $inst["Instance"] -eq $realOmAgentHost)"
                if ($inst["InstanceName"] -eq $realOmAgentHost -or $inst["Instance"] -eq $realOmAgentHost) {
                    Write-Verbose "ObjectMigration agent for $environment actually runs on $($inst["Instance"])"
                    return $inst
    } else {
        Write-Verbose "$getAgentcommandName command is not available."

    Write-Verbose "Fallback to hard-coded ObjectMigrationAgent flag"
    ForEach($inst in $instances) {

        if ($inst["ObjectMigrationAgent"]) {
            Write-Verbose "Configuration indicates ObjectMigration for $environment is on $($inst["Instance"])"
            return $inst

    return $null

function GetUncPath($server, $path) {
    $adminPath = $path -replace '(.):', '$1$$'
    return "\\$server\$adminPath"

function GetServiceUptime

  # Prepare name filter for WQL
  $Name = $Name -replace "\\","\\" -replace "'","\'" -replace "\*","%"

  # Fetch service instance
  $Service = Get-CimInstance -ComputerName $tririgaHost -ClassName Win32_Service -Filter "Name LIKE '$Name'"

  # Use ProcessId to fetch corresponding process
  $Process = Get-CimInstance -ComputerName $tririgaHost -ClassName Win32_Process -Filter "ProcessId = $($Service.ProcessId)"

  # Calculate uptime and return
  return (Get-Date) - $Process.CreationDate

function GetTririgaLogName($log) {
    $LogLookup = @{
        ''            = "server.log";
        'server'      = "server.log";
        'om'          = "ObjectMigration.log";
        'omp'         = "ObjectMigration.log";
        'security'    = "security.log";
        'performance' = "performance.log";
        'ant'         = "..\ant.log";
        'was-ant'     = "..\was-ant.log";

        return $LogLookup[$log]
    } else {
        return $log

function GetWasLogName($log) {
    $LogLookup = @{
        ''    = "SystemOut.log";
        'out' = "SystemOut.log";
        'err' = "SystemErr.log";

        return $LogLookup[$log]
    } else {
        return $log

function HandleOmp() {

    $ompfilesExpanded = Get-ChildItem $ompfiles
    $instance = (GetTririgaObjectMigrationInstance -environment $environment -warn $False)

    if (!$instance) {
        Write-Error "Unable to find the ObjectMigration agent instance for $environment."
        Write-Error "Ensure that the 'ObjectMigrationAgent' property is set correctly in the environment configuation"

    if ($ompfilesExpanded.Count -gt 1) {
        if ($force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue("You are trying to upload $($ompfilesExpanded.Count) files.", "Would you like to continue?") ) {
            Write-Warning "Continuing even when are more than 5 files in the OMP list: $($ompfilesExpanded.Count)"
        } else {

    ForEach($ompfile in $ompfilesExpanded) {
        $ompFullPath=Resolve-Path $ompfile
        $ompName=Split-Path $ompFullPath -leaf
        $tririgaRoot = GetUncPath -server $instance["Host"] -path $instance["Tririga"]
        $remoteOmpfile = Join-Path -Path "$tririgaRoot" -ChildPath "$ompName"
        $ompFolder = Join-Path -Path "$tririgaRoot" -ChildPath $destinationPath
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$ompName -> $($instance["Environment"]).$($instance["Instance"]) at $ompFolder", "Upload")) {
            Write-Output "Upload $ompName -> $($instance["Environment"]) $($instance["Instance"]) at $ompFolder"
            Copy-Item -Path "$ompFullPath" -Destination "$tririgaRoot"
            Move-Item -Path "$remoteOmpfile" -Destination "$ompFolder"

    if($tailLog) {
        Get-Log -environment $instance["Environment"] -instance $instance["Instance"] -log "omp" -Tail 1

function Initialize-Configuration() {

    $EnvironmentSampleLocation = "$($script:ModuleRoot)\environments.sample.psd1"

    $profileDir = Split-Path $Profile -Parent
    $environmentsFile = Join-Path $profileDir "environments.psd1"

    New-Item -Type Directory -Path $profileDir -Force | Out-Null

    If (!(Test-Path -Path "$Profile") -or !(Select-String -Path "$Profile" -pattern "TririgaEnvironments"))
        if (!(Test-Path -Path $environmentsFile)) {
            Get-Content $EnvironmentSampleLocation | Out-File $environmentsFile
            Write-Host "A sample environments file has been placed at $environmentsFile. Edit to customize"

        Write-Host "Configuring your PowerShell profile $Profile"
        "`$TririgaEnvironments = (Import-PowerShellDataFile `"$environmentsFile`")" | Out-file "$Profile" -append
        "`$DBeaverBin=`"$($env:UserProfile)\AppData\Local\DBeaver\dbeaver.exe`"" | Out-file "$Profile" -append
    } else {
        Write-Host "Profile already configured"

    # This only applied if Tririga-Manage-Rest is installed
    #Write-Host "If you have not already done so, run Set-TririgaCredential to set the username and password"

Gets all known environments
Gets a list of all known environment

function Get-Environment() {
        # If set, the object is returned as-is.
        [switch]$raw = $false

    if($raw) {
    } else {
        Write-Output "Known environments are: $(((GetConfiguration).keys) -join ', ')"

Gets all known instances in a given environment
Gets a list of all known instances in a given environment

function Get-Instance() {
        # The TRIRIGA environment to use.
        # If omitted all environments and instances will be printed.
        [Alias("Env", "E")]
        # If set, the object is returned as-is.
        [switch]$raw = $false

    $tririgaEnvironment = (GetConfiguration)[$environment]

    if ($tririgaEnvironment) {
        if ($raw) {
        } else {
            Write-Output "$environment environment: $(($tririgaEnvironment.Servers.keys) -join ', ')"
    } else {
        if($raw) {
        } else {
            ForEach($env in (GetConfiguration).keys) {
                $envItem = (GetConfiguration)[$env]
                Write-Output "$env environment: $(($envItem.Servers.keys) -join ', ')"

Get the current status of TRIRIGA service
Get the current status of TRIRIGA Windows service

function Get-Service() {
        # The TRIRIGA environment to use.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]
        [Alias("Env", "E")]
        # The TRIRIGA instance within the environment to use.
        # If omitted, command will act on all instances.
        [Alias("Inst", "I")]
        # The number of lines to print from server.log.
        [int]$tail = 2,

    $instances = (GetTririgaInstances -environment $environment -instance $instance -warn $False)

    if ($instances) {
        ForEach($inst in $instances) {
            $tririgaInstName = $inst["Instance"]
            $tririgaEnvName = $inst["Environment"]
            $tririgaHost = $inst["Host"]
            $service = $inst["Service"]

            $remoteInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $tririgaHost -ScriptBlock {
                $serviceDetails = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service | Where-Object Name -eq "$($using:service)")
                $serviceProcess = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Process -Filter "ProcessId = $($serviceDetails.ProcessId)"
                return @([PSCustomObject]@{
                    Service = Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Get-Service "$($using:service)"
                    ServiceDetails = $serviceDetails
                    ProcessId = $serviceDetails.ProcessId
                    UpTime = ((Get-Date) - $serviceProcess.CreationDate)
                    CommandLine = $serviceProcess.CommandLine
                    ExecutablePath = $serviceProcess.ExecutablePath
                    Memory = $serviceProcess.WorkingSetSize
                    ProcessStatus = $serviceProcess.Status
                    ProcessExecutionState = $serviceProcess.ExecutionState
                    Drive = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem

            $serviceInfo = $remoteInfo["Service"]
            $diskInfo = $remoteInfo["Disk"]
            $uptime = GetServiceUptime -TririgaHost $tririgaHost -Name $service

            if ($raw) {
                    environment = $tririgaEnvName
                    instance =$tririgaInstName
                    service = $serviceInfo
                    disk = $diskInfo
                    uptime = $uptime
                    log = Get-Log -NoWait -Environment $tririgaEnvName -Instance $tririgaInstName -Tail $tail
            } else {
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor black -BackgroundColor white "$tririgaEnvName $tririgaInstName"

                # Color code status and start type
                $statusColor = "red"
                if ($serviceInfo.Status -eq "Running") {
                    $statusColor = "green"

                $startColor = "red"
                if ($serviceInfo.StartType -eq "Automatic") {
                    $startColor = "green"

                Write-Host -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor yellow " Name: "
                Write-Host "$($serviceInfo.Name) ($($remoteInfo.ProcessId))"
                Write-Host -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor yellow "Status: "
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor $statusColor $serviceInfo.Status
                Write-Host -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor yellow " Label: "
                Write-Host $serviceInfo.DisplayName
                Write-Host -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor yellow " Start: "
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor $startColor $serviceInfo.StartType

                Write-Host -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor yellow "Uptime: "
                "{0:dd}d:{0:hh}h:{0:mm}m:{0:ss}s" -f $uptime

                # Print free disk size
                $diskInfo | ForEach-Object {
                    $total = $_.Used + $_.Free
                    if ($total -gt 0) {
                        Write-Host -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor yellow " Disk: "
                        $percentUsed = [math]::Round($_.Used / $total * 100)
                        Write-Host -NoNewLine "$($_.Root) "
                        $diskColor = "white"
                        if ($percentUsed -ge 80) {
                            $diskColor = "red"
                        Write-Host -ForegroundColor $diskColor "$percentUsed% Used"

                # Print $tail lines from server.log
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor yellow "Tririga Log (last $tail lines)"
                Get-Log -NoWait -Environment $tririgaEnvName -Instance $tririgaInstName -Tail $tail

Starts TRIRIGA service
Starts a single TRIRIGA instance or all instances in an environment

If you run this against a production environment, a warning will be shown. There is a 10 second wait.

function Start-Service() {
        # The TRIRIGA environment to use.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]
        [Alias("Env", "E")]
        # The TRIRIGA instance within the environment to use.
        # If omitted, command will act on all instances.
        [Alias("Inst", "I")]

    $instances = (GetTririgaInstances -environment $environment -instance $instance)

    if ($instances) {
        if ($instances.Count -gt 1) {
            Write-Warning "All $environment instances will be started"
        ForEach($inst in $instances) {
            $tririgaInstName = $inst["Instance"]
            $tririgaEnvName = $inst["Environment"]
            $tririgaHost = $inst["Host"]
            $service = $inst["Service"]

            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$tririgaEnvName $tririgaInstName $service", "Start")) {
                Write-Output "Starting $tririgaEnvName $tririgaInstName"
                sc.exe \\$tririgaHost start "$service"

            if ($instances.Count -eq 1) {
                Get-Log -environment $inst["Environment"] -instance $inst["Instance"] -log $null

Stops TRIRIGA service
Stops a single TRIRIGA instance or all instances in an environment

If you run this against a production environment, a warning will be shown. There is a 10 second wait.

function Stop-Service() {
        # The TRIRIGA environment to use.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]
        [Alias("Env", "E")]
        # The TRIRIGA instance within the environment to use.
        # If omitted, command will act on all instances.
        [Alias("Inst", "I")]

    $instances = (GetTririgaInstances -environment $environment -instance $instance)

    if ($instances) {
        if ($instances.Count -gt 1) {
            Write-Warning "All $environment instances will be stopped"
        ForEach($inst in $instances) {
            $tririgaInstName = $inst["Instance"]
            $tririgaEnvName = $inst["Environment"]
            $tririgaHost = $inst["Host"]
            $service = $inst["Service"]

            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$tririgaEnvName $tririgaInstName $service", "Stop")) {
                Write-Output "Stopping $tririgaEnvName $tririgaInstName"
                sc.exe \\$tririgaHost stop "$service"

Restarts TRIRIGA service
Restarts a single TRIRIGA instance or all instances in an environment

If you run this against a production environment, a warning will be shown. There is a 10 second wait.

function Restart-Service() {
        # The TRIRIGA environment to use.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]
        [Alias("Env", "E")]
        # The TRIRIGA instance within the environment to use.
        # If omitted, command will act on all instances.
        [Alias("Inst", "I")]

    $instances = (GetTririgaInstances -environment $environment -instance $instance)

    if ($instances) {
        if ($instances.Count -gt 1) {
            Write-Warning "All $environment instances will be restarted"
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
        ForEach($inst in $instances) {
            $tririgaInstName = $inst["Instance"]
            $tririgaEnvName = $inst["Environment"]
            $tririgaHost = $inst["Host"]
            $service = $inst["Service"]

            Write-Output "Restarting $tririgaEnvName $tririgaInstName"
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$tririgaEnvName $tririgaInstName $service", "Stop")) {
                sc.exe \\$tririgaHost stop "$service"
                Write-Output "Waiting 30 seconds for the service to stop"
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 30

            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Clock", "Wait for 30 seconds")) {
                Write-Output "Waiting 30 seconds for the service to stop"
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 30

            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$tririgaEnvName $tririgaInstName $service", "Start")) {
                sc.exe \\$tririgaHost start "$service"

            if ($instances.Count -gt 1) {
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
            } else {
                Get-Log -environment $inst["Environment"] -instance $inst["Instance"] -log $null

Disables TRIRIGA service
Disables TRIRIGA services. Disabled services will not start on server reboot.

If you run this against a production environment, a warning will be shown. There is a 10 second wait.

function Disable-Service() {
        # The TRIRIGA environment to use.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]
        [Alias("Env", "E")]
        # The TRIRIGA instance within the environment to use.
        # If omitted, command will act on all instances.
        [Alias("Inst", "I")]

    $instances = (GetTririgaInstances -environment $environment -instance $instance)

    if ($instances) {
        if ($instances.Count -gt 1) {
            Write-Warning "All $environment instances will be disabled"
        ForEach($inst in $instances) {
            $tririgaInstName = $inst["Instance"]
            $tririgaEnvName = $inst["Environment"]
            $tririgaHost = $inst["Host"]
            $service = $inst["Service"]

            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$tririgaEnvName $tririgaInstName $service", "Change Start Mode to Demand")) {
                sc.exe \\$tririgaHost config "$service" start= demand

Enables TRIRIGA service
Enables TRIRIGA services. Enabled services will start automatically on server reboot.

If you run this against a production environment, a warning will be shown. There is a 10 second wait.

function Enable-Service() {
        # The TRIRIGA environment to use.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]
        [Alias("Env", "E")]
        # The TRIRIGA instance within the environment to use.
        # If omitted, command will act on all instances.
        [Alias("Inst", "I")]

    $instances = (GetTririgaInstances -environment $environment -instance $instance)

    if ($instances) {
        if ($instances.Count -gt 1) {
            Write-Warning "All $environment instances will be enabled"
        ForEach($inst in $instances) {
            $tririgaInstName = $inst["Instance"]
            $tririgaEnvName = $inst["Environment"]
            $tririgaHost = $inst["Host"]
            $service = $inst["Service"]

            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$tririgaEnvName $tririgaInstName $service", "Change Start Mode to Auto")) {
                sc.exe \\$tririgaHost config "$service" start= auto

Opens Dbeaver and connects to the TRIRIGA database
Opens DBeaver and connects to the given environment's database

The database connection profile must already exist. This command will only
connect to it and opens a new SQL sheet.

function Open-Database() {
        # The TRIRIGA environment to use.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]
        [Alias("Env", "E")]
        # One or more SQL file to open.
        # Wild cards are supported. Eg: *.sql
        # Separate multiple files with a comma: one.sql,two.sql

    $tririgaEnvironment = (GetConfiguration)[$environment]

    if (!$tririgaEnvironment) {
        Write-Error "The environment `"$environment`" was not found."
        Write-Error "Possible values are: $(((GetConfiguration).keys) -join ', ')"

    if ($sqlfiles) {
        ForEach($sqlfile in $sqlFiles) {
            $realPath = (Resolve-Path $sqlfile).Path
            & $DBeaverBin -con "name=`"$($tririgaEnvironment.dbProfile)`"|create=false" -f $realPath
    } else {
        & $DBeaverBin -con "name=`"$($tririgaEnvironment.dbProfile)`"|create=false|openConsole=true"

Tails a TRIRIGA log file
Tails a TRIRIGA log file in the console

function Get-Log() {
    [Alias("Tail-Log", "Watch-Log")]
        # The TRIRIGA environment to use.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]
        [Alias("Env", "E")]
        # The TRIRIGA instance within the environment to use.
        # If omitted, command will act on all instances.
        [Alias("Inst", "I")]
        # The log file to view. Default is server.log. Possible values are:
        # server, om, security, performance or the exact log file name
        [string]$log = $null,
        # The initial number of lines to tail
        [int]$tail = 10,
        # If set, do not wait for new log output

    $instances = (GetTririgaInstances -environment $environment -instance $instance -warn $False)

    $waitFlag = $true
    if ($noWait) { $waitFlag = $false }

    if ($instances) {
        ForEach($inst in $instances) {
            $tririgaRoot = GetUncPath -server $inst["Host"] -path $inst["Tririga"]
            $logRoot = Join-Path -Path $tririgaRoot -ChildPath "log"
            $logPath = Join-Path -Path $logRoot -ChildPath (GetTririgaLogName $log)
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$logPath", "Tail file")) {
                Get-Content -Tail $tail -Wait:$waitFlag $logPath

Opens a TRIRIGA log file
Opens a TRIRIGA log file in the default viewer

function Open-Log() {
        # The TRIRIGA environment to use.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]
        [Alias("Env", "E")]
        # The TRIRIGA instance within the environment to use.
        # If omitted, command will act on all instances.
        [Alias("Inst", "I")]
        # The log file to view. Default is server.log. Possible values are:
        # server, om, security, performance or the exact log file name
        [string]$log = $null

    $instances = (GetTririgaInstances -environment $environment -instance $instance -warn $False)

    if ($instances) {
        ForEach($inst in $instances) {
            $tririgaRoot = GetUncPath -server $inst["Host"] -path $inst["Tririga"]
            $logRoot = Join-Path -Path $tririgaRoot -ChildPath "log"
            $logPath = Join-Path -Path $logRoot -ChildPath (GetTririgaLogName $log)
            Invoke-Item $logPath

Starts a remote powershell session to a TRIRIGA instance
Starts a remote powershell session to a TRIRIGA instance using the Enter-PSSession command.

function Enter-Host() {
        # The TRIRIGA environment to use.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]
        [Alias("Env", "E")]
        # The TRIRIGA instance within the environment to use.
        [Alias("Inst", "I")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=1)]

    $instances = (GetTririgaInstances -environment $environment -instance $instance)

    if ($instances) {
        ForEach($inst in $instances) {
            Enter-PSSession -ComputerName $inst["Host"]

Opens a TRIRIGA environment
Opens the TRIRIGA environment URL in your default browser

function Open-Web() {
        # The TRIRIGA environment to use.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]
        [Alias("Env", "E")]
        # The TRIRIGA instance within the environment to use.
        # If omitted, command will act on all instances.
        [Alias("Inst", "I")]

    $instances = (GetTririgaInstances -environment $environment -instance $instance -warn $False)

    if ($instances) {
        ForEach($inst in $instances) {
            START $inst.Url

Opens an RDP client connection to the TRIRIGA server
Launches the Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection tool with the server name pre-filled.

function Open-RDP() {
        # The TRIRIGA environment to use.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]
        [Alias("Env", "E")]
        # The TRIRIGA instance within the environment to use.
        # If omitted, command will act on all instances.
        [Alias("Inst", "I")]

    $instances = (GetTririgaInstances -environment $environment -instance $instance -warn $False)

    if ($instances) {
        ForEach($inst in $instances) {
            Start-Process "$env:windir\system32\mstsc.exe" -ArgumentList "/v:$($inst["Host"])"

Opens a TRIRIGA installation directory path
Opens a TRIRIGA installation directory path in your default file browser application

function Open-Folder() {
        # The TRIRIGA environment to use.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]
        [Alias("Env", "E")]
        # The TRIRIGA instance within the environment to use.
        # If omitted, command will act on all instances.
        [Alias("Inst", "I")]

    $instances = (GetTririgaInstances -environment $environment -instance $instance -warn $False)

    if ($instances) {
        ForEach($inst in $instances) {
            $tririgaRoot = GetUncPath -server $inst["Host"] -path $inst["Tririga"]
            Invoke-Item $tririgaRoot

Uploads a local OMP zip file to TRIRIGA
Uploads a local OMP zip file to TRIRIGA
PS> Save-Omp DEV,
PS> Save-Omp DEV *.zip

function Save-Omp() {
        # The TRIRIGA environment to use.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]
        [Alias("Env", "E")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=1)]

    HandleOmp -Environment $environment -OmpFiles $ompfiles -DestinationPath "userfiles\\ObjectMigration\\Uploads" -Force $force -TailLog $false

Uploads and imports a local OMP zip file to TRIRIGA
Uploads and imports a local OMP zip file to TRIRIGA

function Import-Omp() {
        # The TRIRIGA environment to use.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]
        [Alias("Env", "E")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=1)]

    HandleOmp -Environment $environment -OmpFiles $ompfiles -DestinationPath "userfiles\\ObjectMigration\\UploadsWithImport" -Force $force -TailLog $true

Opens a WebSphere profile path
Opens a WebSphere profile path in your default file browser application

function Open-WasFolder() {
        # The TRIRIGA environment to use.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]
        [Alias("Env", "E")]
        # The TRIRIGA instance within the environment to use.
        # If omitted, command will act on all instances.
        [Alias("Inst", "I")]

    $instances = (GetTririgaInstances -environment $environment -instance $instance -warn $False)

    if ($instances) {
        ForEach($inst in $instances) {
            $wasRoot = GetUncPath -server $inst["Host"] -path $inst["WebSphere"]
            Invoke-Item $wasRoot

Opens the WebSphere Admin Console
Opens the WebSphere Admin Console for a TRIRIGA environment in your default browser

function Open-WasWeb() {
        # The TRIRIGA environment to use.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]
        [Alias("Env", "E")]
        # The TRIRIGA instance within the environment to use.
        # If omitted, command will act on all instances.
        [Alias("Inst", "I")]

    $instances = (GetTririgaInstances -environment $environment -instance $instance -warn $False)

    if ($instances) {
        ForEach($inst in $instances) {
            START $inst.WasUrl

Tails a WebSphere log file
Tails a WebSphere log file in the console

function Get-WasLog() {
        # The TRIRIGA environment to use.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]
        [Alias("Env", "E")]
        # The TRIRIGA instance within the environment to use.
        # If omitted, command will act on all instances.
        [Alias("Inst", "I")]
        # The log file to view. Default is SystemOut.log. Possible values are: out, err or the exact log file name
        [string]$log = $null,
        # The initial number of lines to tail.
        [int]$tail = 10

    $instances = (GetTririgaInstances -environment $environment -instance $instance -warn $False)

    if ($instances) {
        ForEach($inst in $instances) {
            $wasRoot = GetUncPath -server $inst["Host"] -path $inst["WebSphere"]
            $logPath = Join-Path -Path $wasRoot -ChildPath (GetWasLogName $log)
            Get-Content -Tail $tail -Wait $logPath

Opens a WebSphere log file
Opens a WebSphere log file in the default viewer

function Open-WasLog() {
        # The TRIRIGA environment to use.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]
        [Alias("Env", "E")]
        # The TRIRIGA instance within the environment to use.
        # If omitted, command will act on all instances.
        [Alias("Inst", "I")]
        # The log file to view. Default is SystemOut.log. Possible values are: out, err or the exact log file name
        [string]$log = $null

    $instances = (GetTririgaInstances -environment $environment -instance $instance -warn $False)

    if ($instances) {
        ForEach($inst in $instances) {
            $wasRoot = GetUncPath -server $inst["Host"] -path $inst["WebSphere"]
            $logPath = Join-Path -Path $wasRoot -ChildPath (GetWasLogName $log)
            Invoke-Item $logPath