#Requires -version 3.0 <# ************************************************** * Private members ************************************************** #> . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'Utilities.ps1') function _GetProcessFilter($ProcessType) { $filter = New-Object Tridion.ContentManager.CoreService.Client.ProcessesFilterData; $filter.ProcessType = $ProcessType; return $filter; } function _FilterByAssignee($Client, $Items, $AssignedTo) { if ($Items -eq $null) { return $null; } $result = @(); foreach ($item in $Items) { $processInstance = _GetItem $Client $item.Id; # When looking at finished processes, we should search through all activities ("it was once assigned to X"). # For active ones, we only care who about the current assignee. $isProcessHistory = _IsObjectType $processInstance 'ProcessHistoryData'; $activities = $processInstance.Activities; if (!$isProcessHistory) { $activities = $activities | Select-Object -Last 1; } foreach ($activity in $activities) { $assignee = $activity.Assignee.Title; if (_IsTcmUri $AssignedTo) { $assignee = $activity.Assignee.IdRef; } if ($assignee -like $AssignedTo) { $result += $processInstance; break; } } } return $result; } <# ************************************************** * Public members ************************************************** #> function Get-TridionWorkflowItem { <# .Synopsis Gets a list of workflow items from Tridion Content Manager. .Description Gets a list of workflow items from Tridion Content Manager, optionally filtered by status or assigned trustee. .Notes Example of properties available: Id, Title, Etc. For a full list, consult the Content Manager Core Service API Reference Guide documentation (Tridion.ContentManager.Data.CommunicationManagement.ProcessInstanceData object) .Inputs None. .Outputs Returns a list of objects of type [Tridion.ContentManager.CoreService.Client.ProcessInstanceData] or [Tridion.ContentManager.CoreService.Client.ProcessHistoryData]. .Link Get the latest version of this script from the following URL: .Example Get-TridionWorkflowItem Returns a list of all workflow items (both active and historical). .Example Get-TridionWorkflowItem -Status Active Returns a list of all currently active workflow items. .Example Get-TridionWorkflowItem -Status Historical Returns a list of all historical (archived) workflow items. .Example Get-TridionWorkflowItem -AssignedTo 'tcm:0-12-65552' Returns a list of all workflow items (past and present) assigned to the user with ID 'tcm:0-12-65552'. .Example Get-TridionWorkflowItem -AssignedTo 'tcm:0-7-65568' Returns a list of all workflow items (past and present) assigned to the group with ID 'tcm:0-7-65568'. .Example Get-TridionWorkflowItem -AssignedTo 'DOMAIN\Isaac' Returns a list of all workflow items (past and present) assigned to the user with username 'DOMAIN\Isaac'. .Example Get-TridionWorkflowItem -AssignedTo 'Editor' Returns a list of all workflow items (past and present) assigned to the 'Editor' group. .Example Get-TridionWorkflowItem -AssignedTo 'Editor' -Status Active Returns a list of all active workflow items assigned to the 'Editor' group. .Example Get-TridionWorkflowItem -AssignedTo 'Editor' | Select-Object Id, Title Returns a list of the ID and Title of all workflow items (past and present) assigned to the 'Editor' group. .Example Get-TridionWorkflowItem -Status 'Active' | Select-Object Id, Title Returns a list of the ID and Title of all currently active workflow items. .Example Get-TridionUser -Current | Get-TridionWorkflowItem Returns a list of all workflow items (past and present) assigned to you. .Example Get-TridionWorkflowItem -AssignedTo 'SDL Web*' Returns a list of all workflow items (past and present) assigned to any group whose name begins with 'SDL Web' .Example Get-TridionWorkflowItem -AssignedTo 'DOMAIN\*' Returns a list of all workflow items (past and present) assigned to any user in the 'DOMAIN' domain. #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Status')] Param ( # Filter by assignee. This can be a TCM URI or a (partial) title of a user or group. Including this parameter makes it slower, due to more data being loaded. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias('Id')] [string]$AssignedTo, # Filter by the status of the workflow process. Historical refers to processes that have been finished. [ValidateSet('Any', 'Active', 'Historical')] [string]$Status = 'Any', # Load all properties for each entry in the list. By default, only some properties are loaded (for performance reasons). [switch]$ExpandProperties ) Begin { $client = Get-TridionCoreServiceClient -Verbose:($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -eq $true); } Process { if ($client -ne $null) { Write-Verbose "Loading list of workflow items with status '$Status'..."; $filter = _GetProcessFilter $Status; $list = _GetSystemWideList $client $filter; if ($AssignedTo) { Write-Verbose "Filtering the list to only include items assigned to '$AssignedTo'..."; $list = _FilterByAssignee $client $list $AssignedTo; # _FilterByAssignee already expanded the properties (to determine the assignee) $ExpandProperties = $false; } return _ExpandPropertiesIfRequested $list $ExpandProperties; } } End { Close-TridionCoreServiceClient $client; } } |