
#Requires -version 3.0
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$script:Settings = $null;

* Private members

. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'Utilities.ps1')

Function _AddSettingIfMissing($Object, $Name, $Value)
    if (!(_HasProperty -Object $Object -Name $Name))
        _AddProperty $Object $Name $Value;
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "There is a new setting available: $Name. The default value of '$Value' has been applied."

Function _RemoveSettingIfPresent($Object, $Name)
    if (_HasProperty -Object $Object -Name $Name)
        Write-Warning "The setting '$name' is no longer used and has been removed.";

Function _GetDefaultSettings
    $clientDir = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'Clients';
    $moduleVersion = _GetModuleVersion;
    return _NewObjectWithProperties @{
        "AssemblyPath" = Join-Path $clientDir 'Tridion.ContentManager.CoreService.Client.2011sp1.dll';
        "ClassName" = "Tridion.ContentManager.CoreService.Client.SessionAwareCoreServiceClient";
        "EndpointUrl" = "http://localhost/webservices/CoreService2011.svc/wsHttp";
        "ConnectionSendTimeout" = "00:01:00";
        "HostName" = "localhost";
        "Credential" = ([PSCredential]$null);
        "Version" = "2011-SP1";
        "ConnectionType" = "Default";
        "ModuleVersion" = $moduleVersion;
        "CredentialType" = "Default";
        "AdfsUrl" = "https://localhost/adfs/services/trust/13/usernamemixed";

Function _GetSettings
    if ($script:Settings -eq $null)
        $script:Settings = _RestoreSettings;

    return $script:Settings;

Function _GetModuleVersion
    return (Get-Module Tridion-CoreService).Version;

Function _ConvertOldSettings($settings)
    $moduleVersion = _GetModuleVersion
    $savedVersion = $settings.ModuleVersion;
    $upgradeNeeded = (
        $savedVersion.Major -lt $moduleVersion.Major -or `
        $savedVersion.Minor -lt $moduleVersion.Minor -or `
        $savedVersion.Build -lt $moduleVersion.Build -or `
        $savedVersion.Revision -lt $moduleVersion.Revision
    if ($upgradeNeeded)
        Write-Verbose "Upgrading your settings..."
        $host = $settings.HostName;
        _AddSettingIfMissing -Object $settings -Name 'ConnectionSendTimeout' -Value '00:01:00';
        _AddSettingIfMissing -Object $settings -Name 'Credential' -Value ([PSCredential]$null);
        _AddSettingIfMissing -Object $settings -Name 'CredentialType' -Value 'Default';
        _AddSettingIfMissing -Object $settings -Name "AdfsUrl" -Value "https://$host/adfs/services/trust/13/usernamemixed";
        _RemoveSettingIfPresent -Object $settings -Name 'UserName';
        $settings.ModuleVersion = $moduleVersion;
        _PersistSettings $settings;
    return $settings;

Function _RestoreSettings
    $settingsDir = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'Settings'
    $settingsFile = Join-Path $settingsDir 'CoreServiceSettings.xml';

    if (Test-Path $settingsFile)
            return _ConvertOldSettings (Import-Clixml $settingsFile);
            Write-Warning "Failed to load your existing settings. Using the default settings. "; 
            Write-Warning "The error was: $_"
    return _GetDefaultSettings;

Function _PersistSettings($settings)
    if ($settings -ne $null)
        $settingsDir = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'Settings'
        $settingsFile = Join-Path $settingsDir 'CoreServiceSettings.xml';
            if (!(Test-Path $settingsDir))
                New-Item -Path $settingsDir -ItemType Container | Out-Null

            Export-Clixml -Path $settingsFile -InputObject $settings -Confirm:$false -Force;
            $script:Settings = $settings;
            Write-Error "Failed to save your settings for next time. Perhaps you don't have permissions to modify '$settingsFile'?";

Function _GetHostWithoutPort($host)
    $indexOfPort = $host.LastIndexOf(":");
    if ($indexOfPort -gt 0)
        return $host.Substring(0, $indexOfPort);
    return $host;

Function _ValidateTimeoutSetting($value)
    $parsed = New-Object TimeSpan;

    if (![TimeSpan]::TryParse($value, [ref]$parsed))
        throw "$value is not a valid timeout setting. It should be in the format of hh:mm:ss (e.g. 00:01:20 for one minute and 20 seconds)"
    return $value;

* Public members

Function Get-TridionCoreServiceSettings
    Gets the settings used to connect to the Core Service.
    Get the latest version of this script from the following URL:

    Process { return _GetSettings; }

Function Set-TridionCoreServiceSettings
    Changes the settings used to connect to the Core Service.
    Get the latest version of this script from the following URL:
    Set-TridionCoreServiceSettings -HostName "machine.domain" -Version "2013-SP1" -ConnectionType netTcp
    Makes the module connect to a Core Service hosted on "machine.domain", using netTcp bindings and the 2013 SP1 version of the service.
    Set-TridionCoreServiceSettings -Credential (Get-Credential)
    Prompts for a username and password to use when connecting to Tridion.

        [ValidateSet('', '2011-SP1', '2013', '2013-SP1', 'Web-8.1', 'Web-8.5')]
        [ValidateSet('', 'Default', 'Windows', 'Basic')]

        [ValidateSet('', 'Default', 'SSL', 'LDAP', 'LDAP-SSL', 'netTcp', 'Basic', 'Basic-SSL', 'Federation', 'Federation-SSL')]





        $parametersSpecified = $MyInvocation.BoundParameters.Keys;
        $connectionTypeSpecified = ($parametersSpecified -contains 'ConnectionType');
        $connectionSendTimeoutSpecified = ($parametersSpecified -contains 'ConnectionSendTimeout');
        $credentialSpecified = ($parametersSpecified -contains 'Credential');
        $hostNameSpecified = ($parametersSpecified -contains 'HostName');
        $versionSpecified = ($parametersSpecified -contains 'Version');
        $credentialTypeSpecified = ($parametersSpecified -contains 'CredentialType');
        $adfsUrlSpecified = ($parametersSpecified -contains 'AdfsUrl');
        $result = _GetSettings;
        if ($connectionTypeSpecified) { $result.ConnectionType = $ConnectionType; }
        if ($connectionSendTimeoutSpecified) { $result.ConnectionSendTimeout = _ValidateTimeoutSetting $ConnectionSendTimeout; }
        if ($credentialSpecified) { $result.Credential = $Credential; }
        if ($hostNameSpecified) { $result.HostName = $HostName; }
        if ($versionSpecified) { $result.Version = $Version; }
        if ($credentialTypeSpecified)  { $result.CredentialType = $CredentialType; }
        if ($adfsUrlSpecified)  { $result.AdfsUrl = $AdfsUrl; }

        if ($versionSpecified -or $hostNameSpecified -or $connectionTypeSpecified)
            $netTcp =  ($result.connectionType -eq "netTcp");
            $host = $result.HostName;
            $basic =  ($result.connectionType -eq "Basic" -or $result.connectionType -eq "Basic-SSL");
            $federation = ($result.connectionType -eq "Federation" -or $result.connectionType -eq "Federation-SSL");
            $protocol = "http://";
            $port = "";

            $result.ClassName = if ($basic) { 'Tridion.ContentManager.CoreService.Client.CoreServiceClient' }
                                else { if ($federation) { 'Tridion.ContentManager.CoreService.Client.ISessionAwareCoreService' }
                                else { 'Tridion.ContentManager.CoreService.Client.SessionAwareCoreServiceClient' } };

                "SSL"            { $protocol = "https://"; }
                "LDAP-SSL"       { $protocol = "https://"; }
                "Basic-SSL"      { $protocol = "https://"; }
                "Federation-SSL" { $protocol = "https://"; }
                "netTcp"         { $protocol = "net.tcp://"; $port = ":2660"; }
            $clientDir = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'Clients';

            if ($port)
                $host = (_GetHostWithoutPort $host);
                    $result.AssemblyPath = Join-Path $clientDir 'Tridion.ContentManager.CoreService.Client.2011sp1.dll';
                    $relativeUrl = if ($netTcp) { "/CoreService/2011/netTcp" } 
                                                else { if ($basic) {"/webservices/CoreService2011.svc/basicHttp"} 
                                                else  { "/webservices/CoreService2011.svc/wsHttp" } };
                    $result.EndpointUrl = (@($protocol, $host, $port, $relativeUrl) -join "");
                    $result.AssemblyPath = Join-Path $clientDir 'Tridion.ContentManager.CoreService.Client.2013.dll';
                    $relativeUrl = if ($netTcp) { "/CoreService/2012/netTcp" } 
                                                else { if ($basic) {"/webservices/CoreService2012.svc/basicHttp"} 
                                                else  { "/webservices/CoreService2012.svc/wsHttp" } };
                    $result.EndpointUrl = (@($protocol, $host, $port, $relativeUrl) -join "");
                    $result.AssemblyPath = Join-Path $clientDir 'Tridion.ContentManager.CoreService.Client.2013sp1.dll';
                    $relativeUrl = if ($netTcp) { "/CoreService/2013/netTcp" } 
                                                else { if ($basic) {"/webservices/CoreService2013.svc/basicHttp"} 
                                                else  { "/webservices/CoreService2013.svc/wsHttp" } };
                    $result.EndpointUrl = (@($protocol, $host, $port, $relativeUrl) -join "");
                    $result.AssemblyPath = Join-Path $clientDir 'Tridion.ContentManager.CoreService.Client.Web_8_1.dll';
                    $relativeUrl = if ($netTcp) { "/CoreService/201501/netTcp" } 
                                                else { if ($basic) {"/webservices/CoreService201501.svc/basicHttp"} 
                                                else  { "/webservices/CoreService201501.svc/wsHttp" } };
                    $result.EndpointUrl = (@($protocol, $host, $port, $relativeUrl) -join "");
                    $result.AssemblyPath = Join-Path $clientDir 'Tridion.ContentManager.CoreService.Client.Web_8_5.dll';
                    $relativeUrl = if ($netTcp) { "/CoreService/201603/netTcp" }
                                                else { if ($basic) {"/webservices/CoreService201603.svc/basicHttp"}
                                                else { if ($federation) {"/webservices/CoreService201603.svc/wsFederationHttp"}
                                                else  { "/webservices/CoreService201603.svc/wsHttp" } } };
                    $result.EndpointUrl = (@($protocol, $host, $port, $relativeUrl) -join "");
        if ($Persist)
            _PersistSettings $result;
        $script:Settings = $result;
        if ($PassThru) 
            return $result;

Function Clear-TridionCoreServiceSettings
    Resets the Core Service settings to the default values.
    Get the latest version of this script from the following URL:

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    Process {
        $result = _GetDefaultSettings
        if ($Persist -and $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('CoreServiceSettings.xml'))
            _PersistSettings $result
        $script:Settings = $result;
        if ($PassThru) 
            return $result;

* Export statements

Export-ModuleMember Get-Tridion*, Set-Tridion*, Clear-Tridion* -Alias *