
function Get-WMIBMCIPAddress {
Accesses WMI to obtain the BMC IP Address of the device
Based on script by Michael Albert (
.PARAMETER ComputerName
Name of the Windows Computer to check for a BMC

param (

Begin {
    # Some constants
    # <a title="Microsoft In Band Management" href="" target="_blank">Source</a>
    [byte]$BMCResponderAddress = 0x20
    [byte]$GetLANInfoCmd = 0x02
    [byte]$GetChannelInfoCmd = 0x42
    [byte]$SetSystemInfoCmd = 0x58
    [byte]$GetSystemInfoCmd = 0x59
    [byte]$DefaultLUN = 0x00
    [byte]$IPMBProtocolType = 0x01
    [byte]$8023LANMediumType = 0x04
    [byte]$MaxChannel = 0x0b
    [byte]$EncodingAscii = 0x00
    [byte]$MaxSysInfoDataSize = 19

Process { 
    foreach ($cn in $ComputerName) {
    write-progress "Connecting to WMI on $cn"

    #Reset Variables
    $oIPMI = $null
    $oRet = $null

    #Get IPMI Instance
        try {
        if ((gwmi -computername $cn "win32_computersystem").manufacturer -match "VMware" ) { write-warning "$cn`:This is a Virtual Machine. Skipping BMC check";continue }
        $oIPMI=Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\WMI -Class MICROSOFT_IPMI -Computername $cn -ErrorAction stop
        catch {
        if ($PSItem.Exception.Message -match "Invalid Class") { write-warning "$cn`: No BMC Found. If this server is Windows 2003, ensure the Hardware Management feature is installed" }
        if ($PSItem.Exception.Message -match "RPC Server Unavailable") {write-warning "$cn`: Could not connect to WMI on this host. Please ensure it is a windows machine and check firewalls"}

    #If for whatever reason an IPMI object is not returned, skip this system and move on
    if (!$oIPMI) {write-warning "$cn`: No IPMI Object Returned. Skipping...";continue}

    #Create Result Info
    $IPMIResult = [ordered]@{}
    $IPMIResult.ComputerName = $cn

    #Get the LAN Channel and IP address if found
    for(;$iLanChannel -le $MaxChannel;$iLanChannel++){
        try {
        $oRet=$oIPMI.PSBase.InvokeMethod("RequestResponse",$oMethodParameter,(New-Object System.Management.InvokeMethodOptions))
        catch [Exception] {
        write-warning "$CN`: Error While attempting to find LAN Channels";return
        if($oRet.ResponseData[2] -eq $8023LANMediumType){



        $oRet=$oIPMI.PSBase.InvokeMethod("RequestResponse",$oMethodParameter,(New-Object System.Management.InvokeMethodOptions))
        $IPMIResult.BMCIPAddress = (""+$oRet.ResponseData[2]+"."+$oRet.ResponseData[3]+"."+$oRet.ResponseData[4]+"."+ $oRet.ResponseData[5] )
        $oRet=$oIPMI.PSBase.InvokeMethod("RequestResponse",$oMethodParameter,(New-Object System.Management.InvokeMethodOptions))
        $IPMIResult.BMCSubnetMask = (""+$oRet.ResponseData[2]+"."+$oRet.ResponseData[3]+"."+$oRet.ResponseData[4]+"."+ $oRet.ResponseData[5] )
        $oRet=$oIPMI.PSBase.InvokeMethod("RequestResponse",$oMethodParameter,(New-Object System.Management.InvokeMethodOptions))
        # Format
        $IPMIResult.BMCMACAddress = ("{0:x2}:{1:x2}:{2:x2}:{3:x2}:{4:x2}:{5:x2}" -f $oRet.ResponseData[2], $oRet.ResponseData[3],$oRet.ResponseData[4], $oRet.ResponseData[5], $oRet.ResponseData[6], $oRet.ResponseData[7])
    } #If
    #Output the result
    new-object PSObject -Property $IPMIResult
} #Foreach
} #Process

} #Get-WMIBMCIPAddress