
function Get-TraverseTestStatus {
Retrieves Traverse Test status based on specified criteria.

This command leverages the Traverse APIs to get the current status of a device.


    param (
        #Specify the individual serial number of the test you wish to retrieve
        #Only retrieve tests that match the specified status criteria
    ) # Param

#region JSON
    process {
        $argumentList = @{}
        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            "deviceName" {
                $argumentList.searchCriterias = @(@{
                    searchOption = "DEVICE_NAME"
                    searchTerms = $DeviceName -replace ' ','*'
            "testSerial" {
                $argumentList.searchCriterias = @(@{
                    searchOption = "TEST_SERIAL_NUMBER"
                    searchTerms = [string]$TestSerial


        if ($status) {
            $argumentlist.searchCriterias += @(@{
                searchOption = "TEST_STATUS"
                searchTerms = (Convert-TraverseStatus -status $status)


        (Invoke-TraverseCommand -API JSON "test/getStatuses" $argumentList -Verbose:($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -eq $true)).tests

#endregion JSON

#region BVEAPI
#THis section is how you would get this info with the BVE API, unfortuantely it does not as of 7.x return results in proper JSON.
#Preserving for when this gets fixed.
    process {
        $argumentList = @{}
        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            "testName" {
                            $argumentList.testName = $Name
                            $argumentList.deviceName = $DeviceName
            "deviceName" {
                            $argumentList.deviceName = $DeviceName
            "testSerial" {$argumentList.testSerial = $testSerial}
        if ($Username) {$argumentList.userName = $UserName}
        if ($status) {$argumentList.status = $status}
        (Invoke-TraverseCommand test.status $argumentList -Verbose:($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -eq $true))

#endregion BVEAPI
} #Get-TraverseDevice